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June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 21-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 6, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Carter, Kenned meet From The Associated Press Sen. Edward Kennedy's private meeting with President Carter yester- - day did not change his mind about challenging Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination. "I have every intention of continuing in this cam- paign," Kennedy said after the meeting. from t A similar meeting between former ...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily Afghanrebels and Red Army units l ked in bloody struggle ILSAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Fierce fighting between Soviet paratroopers and Afghan rebels has taken scores of lives ina river valley in eastern Afghanistan where Red Army airborne units were dropped two weeks ago, a rebel group reported yesterday. The Soviet newspaper Pravda said, meanwhile, the insurgent forces were using the growing spring...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Doily-Friday, June 6, 1984-Page 3 yx . "} :}'4'r ?a , :5: ? >. ". {?" "::, .; .f :: .:I.":.' ":;}t. ...4."...; ......?r ...t. '' ,'a:F:. " ,:{ ,::h,":": ,{<:: u: , F. -0}:: .+}",. , **.":..55 . . }" G{:$%:: ''}{ '": .f. ..Y. \ .. i' : , t, :.. +": t:} :<" $v'',"t,. '": '{. v: v}.:} , i' \..G:w.vt "}: }::.h. .. ti{ { " ." .+ :' :'v. > ': . r"+"""" (?"v " } .: f. . "+Y:4}{..hv."'4v'}}Y'{;:; " r{.}}t'{4 Jv.',::Y', " " J\" ::'i: 4Y; :...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…Page4-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily WWI Feiffer OP InHola GgHO t' or40 W C FI5- 2 I J-OF Ninety Years of Editoridl Freedom Edited andoianaged by students ~ II at the University of Michigan0'rW1- q fIfAM-" R Deprogramming: Some questions 4 TATE REPRESENTATIVE Thomas Scott (D- S Flint) introduced an unusual bill Wednesday. He wants to make illegal the pradtice of paying money to persons to have them deprogram someone under the infl...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6, 1980-PageS5 Democratic comiittee will fight to keep Anderson off ballot WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Democratic National Committee said yesterday it is prepared to spend large amounts of money to keep independent presidential candidate John Anderson off as many state ballots as possible. Anderson, the maverick Illinois congressman who gave up his Republican primary campaign to take the independent route to the pr...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily WILL BE PLACED ON NOVEMBER BALLOT 4 s t 1 Senate OKs Miliken's tax plan LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William SEN. ED PIERCE (D-Ann Arbor) Robert Tisch. on the state's $1,500 personal income Milliken's $800 million tax relief plan supported the measure. "THIS ALLOWS citizens to take out tax deduction. slipped through the Senate yesterday The plan to give homeowners an their pad and pencil and make up the...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 7

…Arkansas tourist bus crashes, 20 killed JASPER, Ark. (UPI)-A chartered bus carrying elderly vacationers on a tour of the Ozark Mountains went out of con- trol on a treacherous highway yesterday and hurtled through trees down a steep slope, killing 20 persons and injuring 13 others. The bus was believed to be exceeding the suggested speed limit on a two-mile downgrade. Most of the victims were women. "THERE WAS DEBRIS all over the highway. Sui...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 8

…Crimes of U.S. panel-fails to adopt stance on RAMSEY CLARK, a former U.S. attorney general, waves to thousands of Iranians gathered in Khomeini Square in Isfahan, Iran yesterday. Clark is one of ten American delegates attending an international conference on U.S. intervention in Iran. oo TwO CaV Jine for$5.99 at PoflderOsa bIV tru June NOW - s hostage issue By The Associated Press Philadelphia, said A "Crimes of America" conference in del...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6,1980-Page 9 ..r .f..f .r .r.: .. .. ..r.r ............................... ?...r ............. ... r :........:::.....:.......: ........................................,..........::::::: "::.::;::: ..;:.. ":a}}:n:}:x:r r:....4 .v .. .. ...r . .. ... "$, f.::.t . ............... ........... r........ ..............v..................n.r.......:..n.......v..........v, ............ ,} , ' } ..... .... .. r....…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, June 6,1980-The Michigan Daily Gas tax veto overridden 4 From AP and UPI. WASHINGTON - President Carter cast his promised veto yesterday of a bill disapproving hishdime-a-gallon gasoline fee but two hours later the House of Representatives voted to override it by a bruising 18 to 1 margin. The vote was 335-to-34, far in exces§ of the two-thirds needed to override the veto. THE SENATE is expected to take a similar vote today a...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6, 1980-Page 11 Cuban sealift nearing last days; final boats could carry convicts KEY WEST, Fla. (UPI) - The Cuban sealift that has brought more than 100,000 refugees to American shores appeared to be nearing an end yester- day, and officials said many of those coming in on the last wave appeared to be criminals. A Customs official, who asked not to be identified, said the late arriving boats carried many refug...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 i i .' .'ii ii LOST AND FOUND F E PUPPY LOST-White female, N. State Street area. KEEP COOL. Rent a room air conditioner. Also Reward.PleasecallAlex,663-6639. 73A606 rentals of TV's & Stereos. HiFi Studio, 215 S. FOUND-Blue, ten-speed Schwinn Continental at Ashley, Ann Arbor, 48108,769-0342. cCtc Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. If you can identify it SUMMER STORAGE-Clean, private units from with...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 13

…Computer triggers alet The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6, 1980-Page 13 that might have ignited a war with the Neither President Carter nor Defense From AP and UPi Soviet Union, Ross told reporters. Secretary Harold Brown was notified, WASHINGTON-For the aecond As a precaution, the Pentagon said the Pentagon said. But the White House time in seven months, a computer at alert bombers were manned and their Situation Room, which deals with la- th...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily U.N. Bits Israel for two bomb attacks (Continued from Page 1) the Philippines, Mexico and Jamaica. THE MEASURE "condemns the assassination attempts on the lives of the mayors" and "expresses deep con- cern" that Israel failed to protect adequately civilians in the occupied Arab territories. It also calls on all countries to deny Israel aid for use in conection with Jewish settlements in those te...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Doily-Friday, June 6, 1980-Page 15 Sports i ~~~~~~. . . . . . .;r '~vr .. : :r >.( ~ rr":." .;;:) ";"' 'THAT'S NOT PART OF THE GAME' 'Headhunters'irk Gibson DETROIT (UPI)-Kirk Gibson has a message for pitchers who throw at his head: "Don't." Two out- of three games with the Seattle Mariners earlier this week saw pitches headed perilously close to the rookie Detroit Tiger center fielder's head, in Gibson's opinion. 'I CAN'T STAN...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Friday, June 6, 1980--The Michigan Doily m mi m u h ..a .:r...r.r.. .. :,-x:}r ::i::::: .: >x }{2.:} y{::}::n?. a u u,:..wr..i::.;;;..;;?:..,.},.r ,.s."},.:;:r,3":, "?} :"{t {'.;".:31.} }."i: v. ~'v.' ,":.3,r:{}v : :...",i{ .v...4:,, ..:., :i::"-:" ft: v.rC. :' ..?....."."s ,v :. .: :xw t. . D E T . . :?}. .'r ?rFO I r..;ti... :r H I .:.........a{..3 :t":fn}vR E S {. ..:..:x..:.:::," ..l: ..:.:.. U: :.: ..$?..n5 T H C O A C H IN ls.::,...…

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