June 06, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 178) • Page Image 1
…Games as re P ration is ie under- con tinuous tduing the the e ncharige of the cam- )ade states that it ill ant of 'unusual interest. Griffins, Druids,~ Sphiin,, ,geBarris~ters, and an clu~b will pass1befoe stai~n liiraeri.-stic~ Acroplano IFlights. feature will bje the a'er-~ of the country are be-~ a.semble with their va- and Ferry field will be. Tueday, June 25.--10 a, m.;rLitide- Tappan Oak. .1O00 a.m.;Eng. Cls Day exercie.: 1:.0 p. ...…