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June 06, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…FT he M cht 11 Vol. L'XXIX, No. 25-S ic iga D aily daYJun, 1979 Twelve Page Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Democratic Site Committee By TIM YAGLE Eastern Michigan University's facilities, the commit- F TIM YeAE Ntee briefly visited Holiday Inn-East on their way to Ann Five members of the Democratic National Commit- Arbor and arrived at the Bell Tower Hotel on the north tee and the Democratic Site Selection Committee gave side of central campus...…

June 06, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 24-S - ~iiiChigafl E)A A b gT Sixteen Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan 9 Ten Cents UNIVERSITY GRANTS MA TCHED Federal student aid By R. J.SMIT With'wire reportH maximum amount awardable to a followed by Texas and Illinois with over More than 250,000 college students student at $1,500. In Michigan however, $3 million each. Michigan is one of 15 will share $64 million of federal funds a state statute fixes the figure at $1,200. stat...…

June 06, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol, LXXXV, No. 22-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 6, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Sadat reopens Suez Canal in step to peace ABOARD AL HORIYA, Suez Canal WP) - Leading a convoy of Egyptian ships dwarfed by a big American cruiser, President Anwar Sadat reopened the Suez Canal yesterday after eight years of war and uneasy peace. Smiling broadly and dressed in the white uniform of an admiral, Sadat lead the ceremonial convoy...…

June 06, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…THE Michigan Daily Vol, LXXXIV, No. 21 -S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 6, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Millage proposal defeat would mean reduction of city services By GORDON ATCHESON Daily News Analysis If Ann Arbor voters turn down a pro- posed local property tax increase in next Monday's election, they will have to put up with a reduction in the scope and quality of services provided by the city. The city is requesting a one-time "eme...…

June 06, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…THE Vol. LXXXI II, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 6, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Claims Liddy made death threat I bow Ehr1 chman: It chel bugging WASHINGTON (T) - Former presidential the Waterg adviser John Ehrlichman has testified that transcript fo Jeb Stuart Magruder told him that former Highlighti Atty. Gen. John Mitchell approved the legation tha Watergate wiretapping. Gordon Lid Ehrlichman said Mitchell refused to dis-...…

June 06, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…Record voter turnout expected in Calif. By ROBERT BARKIN special To The Dally LOS ANGELES - A record 75 per cent of California's reg- istered voters is' expected to turn out in today's election. Several high interest referenda are also on the ballot in addi- tion to the presidential primary. Sen. George McGovern (D- SD) is favored to win the 271 Democratic convention dele- gates. While only a one vote plurality is necessary to take them all, ...…

June 06, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…ARTHUR ROSS: IN MEMORIUM See Editorial Page L Si r igani ~~Rait OKAY High-77 Low--45 Fair, warming up later in the day. Vol. LXXX, No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 6, 1970 Ten Cents Four Pages ice yesident Ross dies at 54 Mercury found in Huron R. The Huron River contains the highest level of mercury contami- nation of any inland river in M i c h i g a n, according to John Hesse of the state water resources commissi...…

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