April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 1
…: v r r> ............. .......-......... Vol-± X. SDring, ANN ARBOR, I11CR., FRIDlAY, AP'fL 6± 0,900. ORATORICAL TROUB3LES. l±±aess, oat in tyre long run it 10 per- oeeieei cO, ind±±try, a11a1torcee 01 011r- ; ioe wjii sceeds. it 10stOUl/P Annoi G. H. F ~ Lits Meet and Appoint Committee to i neement Didft Resolutos to Propose 14 14Probablcj iiot be Coni IL C* 1~Narly a huoiodred literary tmes ii 0±c edesday ftiiieroonn leifair.1 N hair...…