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March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…rINO trp. 4kv xASSOC DA1Y ANDr le ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918. PRICE . .. LAN APITAL ny to n as -~~c ) RESIDENTS LOAN' 20 WELLS TO CITY About 20 people in Ann Arbor have volunteered their wells for public use until pure water can be procured otherwise. Other persons are ex- pected to follow in this movement; although the present amount is al- ready sufficient to take care of the im- mediate demands of the public. Th...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…DESERTES REWARD Iti stered by arkened w is in- lws .. Following the performance of the 'e West Point captain who showed re- et markable bravery in No Man's Land as recently, and captured a few Germans single handed, it has been rumored - that the Germans themselves are look- ou ing for the persons wh'o spread rum- the ors about kaiserland that "those st Yankees couldn't fight." the- mch The Germans have perhaps sub- itor dued Russia. They'...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

….. * IN "Professional athletes aren't wanted in the trenches," says the Scotch med- icine man. Just speaking off hand we'd say that even after the lounge lizards had been scattered around to stop the bullets there would be plenty of room and occupation for the braw- .ny ones. The professional baseball hurler with his overhand swing ought to be right sensational- tossing back the grenades. Why wouldn't the pig- skin passer be handy in detecti...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…Foster's See Goldman Bros.' Wednesday Cleaning Special, Page six. -Adv. Nights:Orc RR IC Pop.-a-s- EalanceHouse and Sat. 25c 25c to $100 DETROITK $1.00 Elizabeth Marbury and Lee Shubert present LOVE 0' MIKE With GFORGE HAaSELL ARCADE Shows at 3. 7 and 8:30 Eastern Time x5c Unless Otherwise Specified. Tues-Wed-5-6-Alice Brady in "H er Sil- ent Sacrifice" and (Tue.) Pathe News, (Wed.) Mutt & Jeff Cartoon "What Shall We Name It?" Thurs- ri-7-8-M...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…L~ 1. 000 STUDENTS SERE COUNTRY iN FRANCE UNIVERSITY UNION BRINGS COLLEGE IN-. EUROPE MEN IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIP N HATS z are Here Paris, March 6.- (Correspondence, of the Associated Press)-More than 5,000 graduates and undergraduates of American universities and actually serving their country in France in some capacity. Some are engaged in Red Cross work, others are officials of the Young Men's Christian Assoc- iation \but the majority o...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…CHIGAN DAILY i t i .. . t i I Your Suit Really Cleaned JD IT TO THE - 4 0 i caeanm~ )any I1 III .of nerine", in the world which gets the leaves the suit same results-it ODORLESS! $1.25 JRTH AVE. PHONE 2508 GET YOUR Books Supplies m the "Store with the College Spirit"' Ann Arbor Excels In Sale Of Stamps Ann Arbor may well boast of the success in all her undertakings of bringing the war to a successful term- ination. The Thrift...…

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