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February 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…1 all JRDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. NO. 1N. I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATE Wi. Ili.JDI ) @ 11TE xONOR SYSTEMN'. ispeaking for, others against the adop- Comedy Club News, tio ofth plnlle ti' t'ils of "The P''riate Se'r('- ailorte obetosof the toryi''o allrii~011 lRoIidb h Le dig Tai 'rTh Sophiomore Mledical Class pryetiln opsost Roil tobllue b h iigii (1 0110S an110 slid~ tll tlp W C he(oniedy lob on the' eveintg of Ma...…

February 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THEJ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. %soft tbe Court, anti shall be signed by tbe 3 , E PEI 0 person preferring tberm, and by at. latoeadditional -witness.lesoe Section III. eNamieo of all w itocoos 0I the tiollen e e, at conrt at tile tunse of preferring cbarge. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ARTICLE Vt.'4 1e tlrr( n. Times budlding, 79 S. Alain St. be- Sectiot.I7. In case of it convrictiotn tween Liberty and William Sts. tbe ctatrlit of tite cou...…

February 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M.dHIGANG c Time Table (Revised) Sept 2, 8, MallandFx - 1 47 N. YSpecia .. 4i N. Y. Sp ci el -_- 47e 41Sat .8 43 _________ Etantol Ex -__117 N .S Lw ed_ 9 25,,y ak a r _ Atlantic Ex -.. 3.i Pac c Fe I 25 -r l, wg 0.N. Nores....5 4(1 Weter tx---115 eka/5 G. ItR. Exprees-__11(5 Chi. t Fe __ 9 10 - + yC°ttl ¢ i um w Ow . Ruao F, H. X.HAY . - G. P. &1, At,.Chicago. Agt.4nn hror I-d A ns > ~i c fThe Oni Sleein ar L...…

February 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IWE WANT TO MAKE IT HOT FOR YOU, 0 Hot Coffee, Chocolate. Beef 0 T'ea, Malted Milk, Oyster 0 Juice, Clam Juice, Lemon- 0 ade-In fact, we try to s make all our hot drinks 0 just right. 5 and 10 Oentsessisms ICALKINS'-;-PHARMACY. aaaaansmaaaaaaoaaa4 Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. There's late af tricks in the tradIe um they're practiced aoe than you think but ntAthere. This storret shkes yea sure you're ri-h...…

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