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December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…i'i1 jt Al DAY ANN,,ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. PRICE~ . ,, x '.. _ .. den Strongly Favors College rama tics and Camopus Theater er is to be the biggest the lives of the Ameri- the future,"' said Walter ~is dressing room Frida3 )ally reporter. "Every- feeling growing toward expression. rallies of the' country this movement as they 7all others. The campus tainly the first great im- in this direction. Even fidence in...…

December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…the Univer- onls. CAT: to the use for or not otherwise :d therein. igan, as second I- L iL. V1\k..-1rJ a certain substantial idea of what is genuine worth, that is practical everywhere. It shows the thou- sand paths, but it also aids in making the choice. A college background will assert itself constantly at times of indecision, helping to make the choice a wise one. Right now, even though the college man may appear to himself to . be "chas...…

December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…II * etion !ichigan?. I i. vvrr vs i 'i "The old traditional hammer and tongs football,. in which Yale's name was paramount on the gridiron for generations of Eli players, has gone by the boards, not to return. Open play, represented by the forward pass, is the new order of things on the football field and Yale must ac- cept the change, however difficult it is for her mentors who have been brought up on the old system. Yale has learned thi...…

December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…rest to University Women Faculty Ien Laud Art Of Hampden eChrist w, character who secred .. i HER to an Eng- wish to be oiking mem- ot as a cur-I ciples for which she stood. had used s"what they called my witty responses." She appeals to the newspapers to give her a reputation which will be "helpful to a woman in a position of great responsibility." If you aren't satisfied, we can't be. We make "?ortraits that Please" you at Derr Studio...…

December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…th~e special musical number at the Upper Room Bible Class this en fling. The hour of meeting Is 7 o'clock. All UniversAty students cord- ially invited.-Adv. J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER For Reliability 113 S. Main New Fancy Shirts with collars to . The Stage THE WHITNEY Tom'Wise and his entire New York cast will appear in Oliver Morosco's production, "Cappy Ricks," a dramat- ization of Peter B. Kyne's well known stories, tonight at the Whitney. Thos...…

December 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…t n the University. Thursday he as a spectator in Waterman gym- siuin. Yestei day morning he visit- the Medical building, and its lab- atonies and seemed much impressed d interested in what he saw. Try the iUpper Room Bible Class is evening. We 'are sure you will id a. welcome, we think you will d an inspiration, there. From 7 to o'clock, at 444 South State St.-Adv. )ur subscriptions at Wahrs .-Adv. cur Dollars Has) .test I4uying P~wer. thes...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATI SNOW AND COY TODAY LDER Ar ASSOCIATED PRESS DAYi AND NIGHT WIRE SERTICE I ......... XXIX No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. DICHRGE PPR FAIL TO9ARRIVE fOM O DOCTORS VACCINATE STUDENTS FOR TYPHOID AND SMALLPOX PHYSICIANS EXAMINE 500 SOLDIERS EACH D AY Final Payroll Contains Names of All Enlisted Here; to Receive Fare to Induction Point Nearly 300 men from section B were given their physical examina- tions...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…i41 4'.s FRII rRI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday in rgthe university year by the Board in attr ol of Student Publications. EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is .exclusiv$y entitled the use for republication of all news dis- tces credited to Lt 6r not otnerwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- hed herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ichi...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…N. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TI __ 4. ' / _SL iT BASKETBILL DEPENDSI ON BIGTEN MITCHELL'S CALL FOR CANDI- DATES BRINGS MANY NEW MEN Basketball at the University of Michigan will not start formally un- til the conference decides definitely upon the course it will pursue this year, according to an announcement made by Coach Mitchell, of the flive man team, yesterday. His ifitial call for tryouts for the squad, should one be formed, was giv- ...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBE M y i Doctors Still in Great Demand", 'here is plenty of room for good tors, although peace 'has come," i Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, who ar- d from Washington at noon Thurs- According to his o'pinion, doc- 3 cannot be made too quickly to fill needs for them. Before the war re were between 26,000 and 27,000 students in the medical schools. i there are only about one-third t number. esides the needs in this c...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…I!HIt MI(J lltAN )I'4 I - -. ... - ' - - .. al Tank Aids Ship Design There are but two naval tanks in the the United States, one is at Washing- ton, D. C., and the other is here at Michigan and has been doing valuable work both before the war and during the past years. The tank here is three hundred feet long and fourteen feet deep, the reason for this being that wat- er for even a model must be as deep as for the original in, order that th...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, TO DEMOBILIZE IAiNS, UNDER WAY IE MEN MOST NEEDED ARE TO BE DISCHARGED FIRST Winnipeg, Canada, Dec. 5.-Plans r the demobilization of Canada's 6,304 overseas troops under a sys- m intended to meet economic and dustrial conditions have been com- eted and will be put into operation hen withdrawal of the forces is con- nted to by the high command. After consiaering available shipping cilities and rolling stock i...…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…AI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917. 1 surgical y Jan 1, FRESHMENMEETI TO PLAN FOR RUSH William L..Kammerer, '18L, Warns Small Turnout of Need For Loyalty STUDENT COUNCIL REFUSES CLASS CHOICE OF LEADER Committee Rules He Is Sophomore and Ineligible To Compete For Class of '21 s allot- 11 house 1 begin Chicago 4r 1 ti ca t .s. ss offic( certai n. ° Only 200 freshmen turned out for the meeting to raise enthusiasm and n o...…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…AY I I 4 Women I tJ 1V 1 T s not in rnment to have Plays Must be in by Saturday Night; Interesting Dialogue and Sit- nations Requisite All scenarios for the junior play are to be turned in to Emily ell, '19, at Newberry residence o'clock, Saturday, Dec..8. girls' Pow- by 7 Greeting ound and patriotic opin- ly given, of Mayor-elect s him honor. If trans- m, as there is no reason it will be after his in- ifice, the disloyal teach- Yor...…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…ce i er Ias able to feet. - the 'e of All-Ai Teams anr AThlete HOW THEY'LL LINEUP Emma Goldman ............ R.E. Scott- Nearing..............R.T. Red Flag Berkman . .. . ... . .. R.G. Windy (City) Coach Stagg.. C. Dynamite T. Mooney ....... . L.( . 0Dr. Tom Lovell ............. L.T. Mrs. Rena :Mooney........... L.E. George Randolph hearst ..... Q.B. fayor Thompson ...........R.H. Tammany Hall ............1..I. I Won't Work Haywood.........…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…*= and" * 9. * * >toplay "Little * * 'gery Wilson in Also Triangle d Weekly. n Martin in "The * Also Keystone * rooked. Carrier." * m Farnum in * " Also Christie t a Cabaret." * ~~~ ' na in "The Girl * 14th Patria. * * * * * * * * p' Ne/vs t'six companies of wi'll exercise under 's direction at 4:10 >on. have voluntary ex- rig; ~company IH, high jump; comn- ,r and relay; com..- and voluntary ex- higb1 jump and hor- upany M, relay and Uniform...…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…11 1 1 1 e V1IJW 1V p CELEB6ATED BY 'Gen. ' Darnall And Staff Seek Girls for Dance I' u put on to keep "'Ui I mind a picture of er garment that a; UCH and S-STERN ty-five Dollars. itt, Apfel Co. Rlly no I r SPECIAL DECEMBER NUMBER CONTAINS ARTICLES IN KEEPING Michigan's oldest publication will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary to- morrow, when the December number of the Michigan Technic appears on. the campus. Five articles besid...…

December 06, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…M lII i rI IIUU HIU UI AUSTRIANf CITIZENS UNDER SUS- PICION TO BE ARREST- El) Washington, Dec. 5.-Several hund- red suspected subjects of Austria- Hungary will be arrested as a result of the declaration of war against that country. Many of these have been un- der the surveillance of government of- ficials for some time, but have not been taken into custody because of the lack of definite evidence. There are nearly 1,000,000 Austrian subjects i...…

December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 1


December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…Teat YourselfT 0 A Nelv Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- day and select the cloth from our as- sortment of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- able. G.L. Wild Company Leading .Merchant Tailor State S a, You will always get a PERFECT SHAVE if you use one of our guaranteed Old Style Razors H L. SWITZER...…

December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 3


December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

… Lnglish Officer Leads Hard .Life. Forced to Deal With Alien Enemy Women, Who Cause Him Much Worry By HAL O'FLAHERTY (United Press Staff Correspondent) London, Dec. 5.-(Special.)-There s a police officer attached to the reg- stration bureau of the Albany street >olice station here today who has at- ained a pinnacle in the field of diplo- macy. His daily work is to deal with nemy aliens, mostly German and Aus- rian women, who have not been in- ...…

December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…I1i II Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores if DON'T FORGET e mens stores' in the 324 So. State and 1123 So.University Ave. To Get Your city, drop in and see the I SUITS - OVERCOATS - HATS CAPS and FURNISIINGS. Imported Perfumes and Toilet Watersi Powders and Rouge. Sheep Lined Coat And Patricks Mackinaw At The WORLD'S CHAMPIONI-IFE SAlER RECENTLY FOUND WAR CONTROLS TRADE FOR NEXT FEW YEARS Wadhams & Co. G. F. Gracey, Formerly of A...…

December 06, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…LYNDON 719 N. University I ST MAS Christmas hvill soon be here THE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students F ES GYM SUPLIES Be prepared. You are better able to reflect the Spirit of the Season if you are becomingly dressed. A hand-tailored suit, made from one of the hundreds of ill-wool fabrics we are showing, cut and fitted to your ndividual measure, will en...…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…1 'lie g H I I $. I- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1814. - . a. s Lette, of auditori- . of the is' for IN" GYGMVE3N RISLFSsJH L. TODAY Drcoso1M Cu'n ebr DnigNibr ttatEtnieIre4,ixnen at C14 0.H .Wernicke speaks at Michigan Board in Control of Athletics Atnina eera fForced to F Un ion, 3:008o'clock. AttAittinentiaRe arsa of t James Schermerhorn at the "Y" meet-ofCreomnS ing, Majestic theater, 6:30 o'clock. ___ Dr. A....…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r >n to nt rop- that be y-six suec- uni- rder and good e St. Stat rsonal as Cards YOUR ORDER NOW the Best Selection Christmas Cards is the largest in City h an's Bookstore ED LINES I We are better prepared TABLE Cars for Detroit-7:1 6:ro p. In., also 8:1o -5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. in., Sto 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. p. in., and 10:45 P. in. x:IS p. in.,. 12:15 p. n., mn. kson-7:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. in. -5:12 a. m., 6: 5 a...…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…I A ESTIC Phone 1701 MATINEE 3 P. M. Tues. Wed. AVDEVILLE SHOW OF TrHE SEASON Mon.. Tues. Wed. Nights December 7, 8, 9, at 7:30 and 9:00 P. M. I. Tues. and Wed. Matinee, Dec. 8, 9, at 3:00 P. M. December 10th is i LAST Day All unpaid subscriptions not paid by that day will be charged for at $3.00. PAY NOW AND SAVE 50 CENT MICHIGAN DAILY Press Bldg. Maynard St. JULUS OTTO SCHILOTTERBECK Lucas & Field Socicty--Singers---Singing---Sass...…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - S p in Theatrical Circles lIWA TO RE SOON will be high class and entertaining throughout. * Individually and collectively, it would be hard to find a cleverer or more delightful aggregation, and they come with the highest recommenda- tions, and will be a positive delight for local theatre goers. Mr. Powell has gathered a company of distinguished players for his latest comedy success, which includes such talented a...…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…THE .MICHIGAN DAILY '1YYYY *.i4 YYY -r 'h $25 Suits and Overcoats are the BEST Made-Ready in the World at that Price N ASK ANY COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL MAN WHO MEASURES UP TO HIS IDEAL IN STYLES THE ANSWER WILLL INVARIABLY BE L ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES -Plain statement of a plain fact. Has been so'through three generations. Will stay so. -Why best? Because they do not stop (as does the usual $25 suit) at good fabrics and good style; they co...…

December 06, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…T MICHIGAN DAILY _ . I< 1 i i; >t wear Going Like Hot Cakes The 100 Kodaks at from Y3 to 3 off (and a 20% credit, good for developing) are going fast-but there are some big snaps left. Think of buying a $12.00 Brownie (good as new) for $7.75 and $1.55 worth of developing Free of Charge, Don't miss this opportunity to by a kodak for a mere trifle. HAND PRESSING LADIES WORK A SPEOIALTY / ER I C. I. KIDD - - - Sophomore I 1630-J 1...…

December 06, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…A~z;I e - Dal y I OF ALL t Ill MANV] son" - _ ., as. .. .. PRICE FIVE No. 59. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, )ECE M BE R 6, 1913. I f SHOW ;AN AS E OF BESTI ritage of Fiuture for West Will Be 1"ound i" Slate Uinivers M hges.n chigan flatly For Michigan Readers of The Michigan Daily, who have noticed, in this column, during the past few weeks, a series cf articles dealing with the history of the univer- sity, the scope of its wo...…

December 06, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…_.. _ _ !ILU qAU. ,EADING 4T TAILORS ,r to you the d suit possible suitable price. hip the best. built to fit. of woolens of -rL- i i ieciaI This Week THE MICHIGAN Official newspaper at the Univ igan. Published every morning day during the university year. l-ntered at the postoffice a Michigan +ander Act of Congres Offices Ann Arbor Press P scription price: by carrier, $S $3.oo. Want Ad. Stations: P Qurarry's Pharmacy; Univ-ersity If. ...…

December 06, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIUAN DAILY i R Uf Have You Tried. 11 u looked at our twear and our tment of house We have rub= heels wide e= fit the full i Our New Chocolate at the Fountain? The powder costs us twice as much per pound as any other kind and ours is the only fountain where you can get it, hot or cold. We are willing to pay the price for the sake of having the best. Calkins' Pha r m a cy 324 South State Street Remem.ber This little fellow can...…

December 06, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…I A M LYNDON "At the Sign of The Kodak" Finishing Flashlights and Groups MAI '1 M3 J l Kodak Films DID IT. WHAT? AT LAST The only Genuine Version of BuAwer Lyttons LAST DAYS OF Telephone 458-L of woolens on an average Of tAenty five 1 the leading jobbers tell us. That will about eighty seven cents (in the amount of suit. Not Inuch, is it?'' No, of course not'" advantage of a special price offend s by rice far less than the differe...…

December 06, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…r1 The $2.50 Mi higan Daily Local $2.00 Mlail $2.50 ONION XIII, No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1912. PRICE ITVE C _. e 1 , NTS MAY i THE WEATHER MAN | A L' GET SUFFRAGE DILLPASSED empt Will be Made to Have Teas- lire Introduced in State Leg. islature During Coin- ing Winter. PRESENTATIVE MURPHY TO GIVE SUPPORT TO FRAMING. inittee for Drafting Will Meet Saturday; Kemp and Mac- Kaye Appointed. gitation fo...…

December 06, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY or Winter Suit from the y line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty ..H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 811 South State Street Scrap Books higan Scrap B~ook is the best on the Market for the money. er our books before you purchase. We also have extra leaves u have it filled. If you have not had a scrap book before start nd get one at Sheehan & Co.o T HE MICHIIGAN DAILYA Official newspaper at the University o...…

December 06, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…Polonia to Hold Celebration Soon. HIGAN DAILYX FIB RENT CHRISTMW 5 -CALENDARS- 1" swing LOCH SMART CLOTHES to make them -of course they fit in that comfortable way f58 years of knowing how to tailor good noney too, and you will appreciate this better. try on. Colle in to-day or to-morrow. vs on hand $6.50 to $10.00 in price mitt, Apfel &O C- Plans for the coming celebration of the Polonia are nearing completion. The affair will be ...…

December 06, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…QUESTIO.N WILL 'ED BY ENGINEERS, DEBA What promises to be a warmly con- tested debate has been scheduled by the engineering society debating sec- tion for its weekly meeting tomorrow night, when the question "Resolved! that Michigan should return to they Conference," will be argued. J. H. Roper will speak on "Current Events," and a business meeting will conclude the evening. The meeting is schedul- ed for 7:00 o'clock in the engineering soci...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ivucnigan vauy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. CALL NEW PLAY CHOSEN MOEHLMAN RESIGNS ear W iill be'__ . -...__. _..,.. . r the Varsity BY COMEDY CLUB HIS MANAGERSHIP a. meeting of this evening On e, termancho'mistres," by Sir ecent Illness Compels him to Athletic as- Arthur Pinero will be Give up Interscholastic words to theia n r f AND THEN THE HAT CAME BACK. Tom's Helmet, Missing for Three Weeks, Now in Proper Pae ...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ligan Daily 3IGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. OF CIXRS', "THE PIPER" PROVES Pu11 BY . At caidy raffles are held to as ever by Prosecuting At- ge Burke. A cigar store vas given his choice yes- ing of appearing in court the raffle. ie gave it up. air to the regular candy ermit these raffles to be ed the prosecutor. "It notj >wn the legitimate candy ; forces people who don't . raffles to engage in the order to hold their trade.j as ove...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…11 Soiled, indescribably except Mon- hool year. .. e at Ann Ar- Act 'of Con- 879. t bert 1L. Dilley Editors. Editor ........Harry Z. Fohr .t......Frank Pennel ctEditor........KarlkMatthew: nt ............G. C. Eldredg( and Drama .... Earl V. Moor( llegiate News Harold G. McGef ................Emmett Taylor Editorials. B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Shaw Maurice Myers Edward G. Kemp. Night Editors. Toulme Mack Ryan Robert Gillett C. Harol...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…Trum MICilIciNDAL N DAILT St, IlHE flICHIAN DAILY Oifficlal Newspaper ait the Uni'versUt3 of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, ?Michigan, under A0t of Con- gress of March 3, 1871.. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter R. Toivcrs. BUSINESS MANAGERL Albert IR. Dilley Editors. Newvs Editor ........ Harry Z. Fol Assistant........... Frank Pennel Athletic Editor....... ...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…AND DRAMA V -ulty Concert.* ncert by members of the* School of Music will be w night. This concert* ticular importance, first Samuel P. Lockwood, ;ad of the violin depart- ear in three violin duets* k~wood, and Albert and ckwood will play Prof. _ in E major, for violin j CLAISSIFIED IADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the ho...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…r rnids .ATES MUSIC AND DRAMA , "The (GirlI From Rector's.,' At the New W'hitney theater on th evening of Thursday,. December 7~ wI' be presented "The Girl From Rector's, In the Southern California Press it ha received many encomiums of prais from the press. The audiences ther were enthusiastic in praise of the pe; formnance. The company that is prE senting the piece is assured us by th managemenit to be one of the best i: ability and reputa...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…EARS A TODAY. 11 Lna IT IL rtment Contests Will be In- rated to Keel) up Ath- letic Interest. WILL BE HELD FRIDAY. A smoker and "Dutch lunch" was held in the Armory on the invitation of the Anti-Knocker Club. Professors Knowlton and McLaughlin spoke. Prof. Anderson 'Takes Business Trip. Prof. H. C. Anderson of the mechan- ical engineering department left yes- terday morning for Jackson on busi- ness. He will be back today. FACULTY MEN F...…

December 06, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…11 Practice Announced'to Be- gin Before Coach Rick- ey's Arrival. [NGTON CATCHER TO COACH. all "M" men am was held "gym" last IMPROVES ROUTE TO DETROIT Detroit United Railways Company Makes Short Cuts. The Detroit United Railways is elim- inating all the curves on its line be- tween Ann Arbor and Detroit. Addi- tional land has also been purchased1 by the conpany and right of way se- cured in order to make short cuts. At present these improve...…

December 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… r ,; T '_T I c :, E6-4 Con I 1 i i I I C) L o C~ -o - c o 0 O0 to y 0 a a. w w w +.' f .. .., + ...+ i, ,. - f e r; , = c .;; ,,; J .,. . i- J r rl; A-+ .. J _ .T ...+ d Y . .-. f, f ,, '' A Q O w 2 h x w a O 4) 4) r *41 {r\ V t) 4e f J P L14 (-), ii y k l e O0 0n t7 0 (12 0 0 c/) 7 7 0s H O h d :;0 .r0 _.0 0 0 'a 0 i Q0 4)Q4Q s 00 AnUV Ep LLLJ 0 0 0 0 LO 0 a 0o-- 0. …

December 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…PU I' I t'IIIUAN l)AIUY i t Page 1 ? i'+. ,i .. ?t om . 3) Ne ' I '.; . ... _.. __. ._. _..N _ -N _ .. NzIN BU WAHIR'S University Bookstore -w ,lwr oil howl, play hil li.ird or react tIIc l)al) °i '. tiou ti ill find plenty- of liwlIi mod: ,it ci l- st()res, day Or mgrill. 3 HUSTON BROS. Now N4 NI ] IN N K N o N I.' N' \ i a tx ti t llr k( Ntid Ili Both hoel15 .Main fBettor Than Ever TIhebho ad and exclusive livetof F-ANCY ST'IjNOS we a...…

December 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…Ctl'f. 1I 11i11 4 ii c ' C - .._... .. \_.,-mo , " Y1 4 r'z~ I s1?ili: ( P r+t, I' "dc i t i 11i 1 s L t ri1 4'ciirtci dl ill t'YcItC\ ~ ~ 711'1ii i }'ittl C: I t the jr Ii i. ri't~r tl ) , F" iltl l 1rit' i t i1i 'f CSIRED ADVERTISING I I'A X iI . L "h with z , ; _n I 0 r o- i'r. ,. 6F _ __ NO . o call yourg chaps otstyle nishfigs1 7ym. Suits wr Sits, and L12s man Caps Try us 441 St 1041 dia -- i!A,1 cl 1, T ursday 1)4 lmiii 3 1 l...…

December 06, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…T I C H 1A N V OUR FLII.L)DRESS ANI) TUXE[)( $3 ulp 11 AS IBETY UNIVERSITY NOTrICEs \611 h + 1C'~t41{ l 'k ?=1. i._.( 111\e Cotllcl1 of 11 1 ] l -11C;( k 1 n t 0111 i. 1 11 SI 1111' it me t t c 1 11h11.11 -IN fT NEW iAr M a=Y , f ° mss, IESIE; ... 7 0111 Will ns bagel-khals I .ers a er Co. FA-esents S ST'-: Y't _ "!°. '"- r.. . ._ . - , __ 7!^sr Y. . = -_. =11 '.^... a.- -. _ ., "j-'f7i c:° - 1-77W,77: 4 .. 'd: 4 ALL. ti ar,"r'* T ,. _ ,;:...…

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