March 05, 1922

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March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…'I L'' M' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY,, MARCH 5, 1922, Mmm IN' SECOND PLA )TT SAILS FOR EUROPE IN JUNE Prof. Fred N. Scott of the rhetoric department will sail from Montreal, Canada, June 2, for Liverpool, Eng- land, on the steamship Montcalm,, op- erating on the Canadian Pacific line. On arriving in Liverpool, Professor Scott will leave at once for London, where he will remain until tl2e first STIESpart of August tq study the "Hist...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…B e use for otherwise ar" e n. teuts expressed P. lt. The co-operative house plan has succeeded at Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Kansas. Is there any good reason why it should not prove effective at Michigan? THE EGO OF THE FAMOUS In the three classifications once suggested for the listing;of great men, one was for those who "had greatness thrust upon them". Under this category might well be placed the heroes of popular acclaim, the best base...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…I- ment uni- Theaters to JLondon-The Stanhope gold medal, unsuccessful attempts, resci awarded by the Royal Humane So- low miner from a pit inN ciety for the "bravest act of the year," had accumulated. The pit is eli i Ice Cream Brick Special Each week-end we put up a specially prepared ice cream brick. This weeks special is called 'MA L L O NUT le of selected French Marshmallow Nut Maple Mousse, Call us or get it of our dealers. PHO...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…WILL SPEAK ] ATj FFECTIVE OCT. 1o, 1921 :ntral Standard Time P.M. A&PM Daily Daily Adrian ..Ar. 7.00 12:45 Tecumseh .... 6:25 12:10 . Clinton......6:05 x:so Saline ...... 5:15 11:00 Ann Arbor Lv. 445 P.M. A&PM Exclusive designs in HATS and GOWNS MRS. GRACE VAN SCHOICK PHONE 795"W 230 Nickels Arcade Harrison E. Howe, editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, will talk to the Michigan section of the American Chemical so...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…^ 2 + N " " 5:. . " : : .'1..1 ____._.__._.... _....__.._ _--..-......-- - . Conference baseball Teams .Make Ready For 1922 Diamond Season II I LXE GOOD TIMES IN Ti DARTMOUTH HARVARD DAKLEY HAS LLANCED TEAM Is Strong in Dashes, i, Pole Vault, and. igh Jump cts at Cornell this year vay brighter than pre- The Red and White is looking forward to ason with full confi- he fact that the varsity >hed over Harvard and turday, Feb. 19, in a ...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…01t F and have statged a come- as left Minnesota and Ohio . 'I Many Veterans LE Coach Evans team is composed of veterans, but the combination did not get to working smoothly until the sea- son was well advanced, hence the low- Play ly position of the Evanston cagers. Captain McKenzie, right guard ot the Purple team, is probably the most dangerous man Michigan will have to face Monday night. This stellar guard AlE is high scorer for the No...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…rroit J, L /. fly 60 per aims that saved the y the use *Detroit, Mich., March 5.--Officials of the Detroit stockyards, at the behest of the Detroit Humane society, have provided a "maternity hospital'" for aniimals at the yard. That is believed' here to be the first animal hospital of its kind in the country. A large number of cattle are taken to the institution each wek, it is an- nounced. An old shed is used for hos- pital purposes, it be...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…ociate4 Mar erica urning nd th in 0cc usty ore. of ietime nen w r Char I HN l ,AID' OFFICER HERE J. E. Bryce, of the Jackson office of the Veterans' Bureau, has been in 1 USE F OLDAnn Arbor the past week, in his posi- 1 USE OF OLD tion of coordinator between the Uni- URIENTAL versity and those students who are{ being sent through college at the ex- pense of the go'vernment. Also, during d Press) the illness of Dr. F. B. Wahr, of the ch 4.-Chi...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…T' ' AT s who work at the booth in hall are requested to meet :lock tomorrow in the Wom- .e room in Universit yhall. 1 Dames wil hold its regular t 8 o'clock Tuesday evening Lors of Barbour gymnasium. on L. Burton will give a to the members. of the Junior Girls' play rse at 4 o'clock Monday aft- .t 4:30 o'clock the scientific will rehearse, at 5 o'clock nd at 5:20 o'clock group 6. for act three will rehearse ck Monday night. The re- or Tues...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

…UL L t IIN m. Saturdays.) Number 111 . ...«.r ury to any person while actively on duty in the of Michigan, such accident must be immediately ie Secretary of the University by the.supervisor or service of the person injured. The juestion ompensatory may be settled afterward. ge of tis notice is not that of the undersigned, I regulations of the State of Michigan. SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary of the University. ulties: ld in Newberry Hall Audito...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 11

…ir~ui an rt14 SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1922 (By G. E. Sloan) manufacturing concern doinp ness of a million dollars a yea idered a successful and hig rtant cog in the world's b . The University of Michigan, ing its present building progr an annual incoine and exper of several times that. More t tarter of a million dollars is .ed every year for equipm e, and the present annual p is more than $2,700,000. It ta e t...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 12

…" a ". ce """ ls empl-yeesprotect the weaklings and so breed Running U PJ " ".is ften able to do contracting jobs DOUBT-SOME DONT other weaklings, * *resulting in savings of thousands "The Bible? Except for its chrono- (CntnedorfPae ) dollars for the UniversitymAintomn Cotinuterom Pageu One) , 0logy and for its literary value, it is (Continued from Page 1) resuctedolachecko ig nfrsavsdotoUivsitamaintained'teo huanscr-Aabout(Ctinudtherei frouPa...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 13

…The Double Dealer's Poetry By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) to say, and her versification is weak. Mr. Davidson's work is full of music, displays a cynical sympathy for firus- rithin the year there has appeared "Sun Ballet" is freely rimed, and and notably lacking in visual appeal. tration. The group of verses, "In Te Drapid in movement. It is thin stuff The lack of picture increases the de- Black and White," by William Alex- The Double Dealer"' ar...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 14

…The Student Who Earns His "Keep" --and the U. of M. Employment System (By Virginia Tryon) Below his name is a printed list of to the Employment Bureau. The art- have taken up the odd jobs, such "I care not for my neighhor's brth, occupations, and he puts crosses be- greater number who come for help as housecleaning, mowing, shoveling Or kehowhesmakes ayhsprayer, b side those in which he is most skilled, are freshmen, for they are. new here sno...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 15

…Benavente--and "Los Intereses Creados" (By G. D. E.) ,with a high hand. They conduct lists, and' there is nearly always a to a rich young lady and all turns out Several weeks ago I discussed, in a tiemseves like nobles and have half sardonic man, however shabby or des- well. The roguery is forgiven and paragraph or two, Jacinto Benavente, of the city kowtowing to them before titute, who speaks the truth, who general pollyannahs are exchanged a...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 16

…JENS PETER JACOBSEN translated for the first time into Dan- (A Review by R. D. S.) is While he was carrying n his scien- From the Scandinavian. countries tiflic work he still retained his love there has come, especially within the for literature. Consequently, when "THE STORY OF MANKIND" Some of his touches are excellent; past few years, a great deal of ex- tuberculosis forced him to give up Botany, he at once turned to writing. By Hendrik Van...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 17

…the faint sharp scratch of a dry leaf being drawn along the floor in the folds of a lady's dress. He does not, however, sacrifice the narrative to the descriptive element, for these stories are both profound character portray- als and sound -psychological studies. In "Mogens" the author has his character say: "I can take joy in every leaf, every twig, every beam of light# every sha- dow. There isn't a hill so barren, nor a turf-pit so square, ...…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 18

…Ht MICHIGAN LiAILY MWRAALINE S U NDA, MARC H15, o o Announcing our Spring display of the Newest Millinery Modes as interpreted by the country's foremost designers in co-operation with our own Millinery workroom- You are most cordially invited to see the array---choosing only when you find a model that meets with your absolute approval. Emma B. Fogerty's Speeialty Hat Shop 117 E. Liberty St. …

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