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September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…*A# TODAY Breezy, partly cloudy; High: 76, Low: 54. TOMORROW Mostly sunny; High: 74, Low: 54. irirnt;ai Souvenir fold-out poster of Shakey Jake. See City. A century of editorial freedom Vol. Cl, No.141 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 5, 1991TMhigan Dai9 Lawmakers oppose new Regents raise tuition rates by 7 percent Gorbachev union plan MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail Gorbachev's plan to revamp the Soviet government and transfer most po...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…*I Page 2- The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 Chinese police confront U.S. legislators BEIJING (AP) - Police tangled briefly yesterday China's most-favored nation tradestatus with human with three U.S. lawmakers who held up a banner and rights. laid flowers in Tiananmen Square in honor of the pro- Most-favored nation status entitles China to lower democracy demonstrators who died in 1989. tariffs on its exports, and losing it wou...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 3 Unions protest 'CMU president by Melissa Peerless Daily Staff Reporter When Central Michigan Univer- sity (CMU) President Edward Jakubauskas opened the university's student newspaper last Wednesday, he found a weather forecast, a story about the approaching first day of classes and an article saying that his job was in jeopardy. Thirty-three of CMU's 37 aca- demic department heads resol...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 e £rt1C jau 1Bail 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ....:.................…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 5, 1991- Page 5 S udent gains national "¢ - I as at " rY:"-- ,exposure in IPlayboy Ns J r s~n Yc .SE P ,a~ e 3 N_ 'N' 7a by Purvi Shah Daily Staff Reporter Two answering machine mes- sages stick out in Tracey Phillips' mind. The first: she had been se- lected to pose for Playboy maga- zine's Girl's of the Big Ten issue. The second: a feminist group called her roommate to discuss protests against Playboy...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Stuff Sick of Meijer? Try Property Disposition by Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporter At 3241 Baxter Road on North Campus, you can't keep a gorilla cage on hold for more than 24 hours and you can't use American Express. That is, unless your cage costs more than $100. Then Hugh Wenk, manager of University Property Disposition, will be happy to take your credit card. But it's cash or check ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 7 STATE Continued from page 1 that this was the first year in recent memory the University has had to set tuition rates without a definite state appropriation. To set its budget, the University took the-Senate's higher education proposal of 4.7 percent above last year's allocation. However, this actually amounts to a 3.7 percent net increase because of a 1 percent cut the University took ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5,1991 MSA to hold alcohol forums by John Morgan This October, the University will be holding its first ever cam- pus-wide Alcohol Awareness Week (AAW) in an effort to combat al- cohol abuse. Sponsored by the Health Issues Commission of the Michigan Student Assembly, the event will take place between Octo- ber13and 18. Scott Gast, the coordinator of AAW for MSA said in the past, campus fraterniti...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 9 Assembly slashes per term fee by Christine Kloostra Daily Staff Reporter Students may be worried about informing their parents of the new tuition increases, but they will be able to tell them the student fee for the Michigan Student Assembly has gone down by 5C cents. The University Board of Regents unanimously supported a proposal to reduce the fee - which funds the assembly, Student ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 .:.... ':.. ..irl . . 1 0' 0"00 r Lmmmoh, A 7 / «1 2 F A I M :w mmmm In The Deli In The Deli SUPER SUB WHITE CORN SANDWICHESg NACHO CHIPS Each$1 e2 Bg $3 In The Deli Crunchy In The Deli MEXICAN KANGAROO SALSA POCKET BREAD 16-Oz 995C J I Back to School CHECKLIST _lrawn Or White 6-Foot ___________ 12-Foot E Extension ......... 2 Heavy Duty L- ibman Corn roonm . ...........…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 11

…ARTS Thursday, September 5, 1991 The Michigan Daily: Thei Page 11 new Nectarine Stuff to read while y by Jen Bilik Less Space, older crowd . What will the underage people do when they wanna dance.? by Annette Petruso Gone are the rock posters of bands in bold colors, replaced with stark black and white murals with movie quotes. Gone are the two floors that hosted many a dance night and live concert, replaced with one floor of upstairs ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 Classical, folk, jazz or rock, it's all right here by Liz Patton Ann Arbor is an astonishingly rich cultural center for a city its size. Lovers of classical music never lack for entertainment. The presence of the University of Michigan is a large factor in this diversity, but the town has its own unique diversions, ranging from Shakey Jake's street- corner monochordal improv, to hot jazz ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 13 Lock your radio dial at 88.3 FM -WCBN stands for diversity by Richard Davis 41n case you haven't heard, the students at the University of Michigan have their own radio sta- tion and it's called WCBN, 88.3 FM. Even though they broadcast 24 hours a day, 365 days a year like all the other stations, the music that they play is like no other station on the dial. Exposing the audience to d...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5,1991 CINEMA Continued from the A & E insert (which you haven't reached yet)* InFocus Filmworks: The new- est of the film groups (celebrating its first birthday sometime in the fall), InFocus is also the most dif- ferent. Picking up the Co-op's origi- nal tenet, InFocus is a support group for local filmmakers and videogra- phers. Its monthly showings do not contain any commercial, or mass- prod...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 15 The Norton Book of Modern War t Edited by Paul Fussell W. W. Norton & Co./ hardback When you think about it, it's not strange at all that warfare has become ,the embodiment of ultimate suffering. Despair undermines courage, death ends the quest for honor, and pain and hatred make all victories pyrrhic. For ,those who reject Hemingway when he pleads, "Never think that war, no s matter ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 16

…01 Page 16-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5,1991 Ann Arbor 2. 0 1. 3. 4- Photos by Mary Beth Barber, Kristoffer Gillette and Heather Lowman We Carry All Books On The Official Universiy Of Michigan TextokLs ,---' ... "...Well then, let's go to Michigan Book & Supply's BOOK RUSH and get better acquainted. " I ) New and Used Textbooks Medical Books and Equipment Law Books School Supplies Art and Engineering Supplies Photogr...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 17 Art Fairs 6.- 4, Photos from left to right: 1. Kristina Thomas, of Dearborn, at the food court on Main and Liberty Sts. 2. Uncle Dave's, a popular spot for hungry art admirers. 3. Crowds along Liberty St. 4. Skating Polar Bear Sculpture by G.E. Olsen, of Jupiter, Fla. 5. An exhausted Erin Jo Deloney, of Mt. Morris, Mich., sleeps. 6. Diane and Robinson Scott, of Minneapolis, look on a...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 18

…Page 18-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Man charged for lending car MASON, Mich. (AP) - A According to police, Thelen and Lansing man was arraigned yester- Underhill went to two restaurants day in a rare case that charges him together the night of the accident, with felonies for loaning his just one day after they met, and sports car to a drunken teen-ager, then went to a party in East who died with two others in an Lansing. ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 19

…Football at Boston College Saturday, 3:30 p.m. (ABC) Alumni Stadium The Michigan Daily SPORTS Thursday, September 5, 1991 Women's Golf Lady Wolverine Invitational Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. Michigan Golf Course Page 19 Killer instinct Wolverine spikers take three offirst four matches' . t.- v "i"'+ v yr "." :v Players' benches ? ;""J.?:::,J,"::?.;.;."rrlrr.;!rr :JJi ::ri., : rr'.r:::%; ,:", r:%%:?:%-'% ...c....... :r.": t " :.": rir.", o...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 20

…Page 20- The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 5, 1991 (PHOTO) DOUBLE PRINTS 390 24i EXPOSURE ROLL C41l- PROCESS COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER - EXP. 9/15/91 -"" KODAK COLOR PRINT 71m, I VI FOUNTAIN . A INK ri a I COKE z4 I 111010 1IUF) Ik 41k ! II r IN 4 ALL FLAVORS Dec I' liI i :14,1i4if III A 0 1 I 'ill AI II lIIi' EXP. 9115191 100%~ COTTON T-SHIRTS ** U OF MV r .Yl BUY BUIY 1 2 799 ................. ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 21

…Ii~ S NM~on a' soapbox C \ Gwlettin go no You've heard how big Michigan 4... " .. *' .... ... is. Thousands of students from a va- . ., ,w ; .; i reyof different bakgoudsare ~/ . . concentrated here at the University, r., %. 2 making up as culturally diverse an , ~ environment as you'll find any-lz To assemble all the viewpoints ui.. H ~ - held by individuals on this campus m p a in a single collection would be ~ nearly impossible and would mi...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 22

…91 a ge 2-Tihe Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 Freedom: Up in smoke? T'ougher Pot Law may be sin of things to come by Daniel Poux Eighteen months ago, Ann Arbor voters stepped in fiie'with the "Jst Say No" campaign sweeping the na- tion and increased the fine for possession of small quantities of marijuana from $5 - the legendary $5 Pot Law - to $25 for first offenses. Any unlucky souls caught repeatedly wit...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 3 Read with interest, not scorn by Stephen Henderson . When I came to this campus in :the fall of 1988, I was eager to get ~my first glimpse of The Michigan Daily. I had already heard plenty about ;it from my orientation leaders who after chuckling impolitely when :I inquired about it - informed me that the Daily was possibly the ;worst publication ever to see print. ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 24


September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 25


September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 26

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 1 4 A - a flt S _n .. :. btc ..4.@ n^. n ~ T u. Sa ,3, TZ e tFLE PHOTO/Daily higan is often the site of racial tension. Here, students honor the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as part of the Civil Rights movements in the 1960s in a march staged on campus during last year's MLK Day PcTO/Daily Mas tond S These two articles, which ex- plore the climate for mi...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 27

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition --Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 7 .Minr ity Rereenato i n.. nco ig C BMC supplies needed resources by Baker-Mandela Center staff In the winter of 1987, the Michigan campus ex- ploded when Black students, supported by other pro- gressive students, organized to fight against blatant racist attacks and institutional racism at this univer- sity. Students formed the United Coalition Against Racism (UC...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 28

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 51991 PC abuses freedoms it seeks to protect 7, t t "ter by Brad Bernatek It has been three years since the University of Michigan introduced its policy on "Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment" and nearly two years since Federal Judge Avern Cohn struck it down as un- constitutional. The policy's intentions were no- ble and attempted to make the uni- versity environm...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 29

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 9. Group acts up to ease national AIDS crisis Real thought police 9 work for University by Todd Ochoa (yPattrice Maurer The President of the United States has condemned ACT UP for using an "excess of free speech." A member of the University Board of Regents considers ACT UP mem- bers to be among "the usual sus- pects" in any campus unrest. Clearly, we must be doin...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 30

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 i i r r .w r ) f l L 'rW.-d .\t 1 #S~~ l 60mmmmmomm - Modern Cam us Apartments (including Maynard}Iouse, an 11 story highrise) " Short Leases - Ideal Locations 400 Maynard Street 761-8220 or 665-4406 CARPET BARN BACK TO SCHOOL SALE 12' by 9' 12' by 12' From t JYFrom $36 to$60 p r>y $48 o$80 ALL SIZES & COLORS OF TOP BRAND NAME CARPETING OTHER REMNANTS FROM $4.99...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 31

…'a n ou x, Well, as you'll soon. find.. out, i ; > . :. th dirty looks. s S The University i a city un< .r , a itself, with its..: . . .pP.Z', r. ,., .r' . .g own buildingr ! ,) ,,, ' fr R cu sto m s,.J9' sects, .< ..<.:A ' hD% ,, Y.' an d.9 elected o fficial.. . , bk? . d \ ~ :f t ' K "~a! Like most>. . e.. cities,.. .f ,. x.the. k University al. ,ss £ :": a ,va/ h s iso whsetofprobl hem . The ,,r,^. _, .. .,a .-/ax y .. r..., .. . . ,,..). ,...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 32

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Students can find answers at cIC by Garrick Wang Daily Staff Reporter Ever wonder where the North Ingalls Building is? Or if there's a University hang gliding club? Or who played Cindy on the Brady Bunch? Have no fear, the Campus Information Center (CIC) is here. Located on the first floor of the Michigan Union, the CIC provides students and visitors with inform...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 33

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 3 The Stuff Legends Are ade Of Whether it's puma statues or Hash Bash, Michigan has a culture entirely its own by Melissa Peerless Daily Staff Reporter Every year on April Fools' Day, a cloud hangs over tJe Diag. It doesn't bring downpours or light showers. It doesn't cast shadows of gloom over students or put them in foul moods ... but it may cause a contact ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 34

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Regents' Campus deputization sparks controversy year full of protests p The people who run the University by Henry Goldblatt Daily Staff Reporter While there are tens of thou- sands of people who come together to, carry out the daily activities of the University, there are eight peo- ple who convene on* the University once a month who have supreme reign over U...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 35

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991- Pagb 5 SORORITIES, FRATERNITIES DEAL WITH PARTYbeREPUTATION \~\ Greeks long for better image t e Second-year grad student Vinod Subramaniam stretches to make a grab in a game of catch on the Diag. DICTIONARY Continued from page 3 ever's Available, with a minor in Early Croatian Literature, solely to avoid the dreaded Eight O'Clock. And don't expect any sympathy from the G...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 36

…'Page 6-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1% Don't let your dorm room hold you hostage! I 300D USED BOOK BE ~ou)N( "OR- v1N~ vch lL r HAF SINGI EREACKS )BACKS BOOKS~ o >. 0 .- 4- O) N) 7,' EL = o 1Q a SheYi1ago r7l- Drwn IIod I Trca~xv ISbop 1 4pohecary ajor prescription plans mencan Express, Discover d Sundays and holidays 663-553 FIGHT BACK! ,.,and turn. your room into a 1U- MUN-SAI 525 E. LI...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 37

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Pa Q 7 Z7 0 .. p. ,,; Showcase Plants & Flowers Family Amusement Center Tower Records & Video Afterthoughts Boutique Rainbow Yogurt plus GAZIINE S oa : Simply stated, our You will find collection of maga- the informative zines is the largest and the enter- and most interesting taining in both in the area. paperback and clothbound. If you can't find a title, we will rea...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 38

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Health is priority at by JoDee Brandon Getting sick while away from home for the first time can be a hor- rific experience. Without parents around to provide loving care, a stu- dent can be left not knowing where to turn. Luckily, University students do not have to be subject solely to the care of a sympathetic roommate. A portion of each student's tuition goes to a ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 39

…i. . Y 1' t 11 i. "i i" tt t Y, t tt i to + ' .E ( a ' . ,x - cL E"E 3 iDh x' a 'p aa\E a s e. M + t ' h , Maw E£ ' 4 , e II+ 4v a" x t 'b ac Ui °aAF. '@ ,, b i 7 kr F z . m a e"U sa r 4 c t ale s ^tFn . Se' a xaa cNiai. P! w'e;- A i a as s a x R S{., f aas is , .. a C' M a t' 'l " i Y1 r Y. $ i !'ii "i R x * 'w 1r h a :: eaL4a :a D ar Fe§ v? E, u f ma a Yt..T"i k. pia h"re afi v" ° ka 'e..Fi ih,. I '; ~ + A a}} u xF s a Mai asp t ¢,1 i/ n e< ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 40

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Your Halls offer students differen t choices by Liz Larson home away from home. It takes a good eye to spot dorm delicacies Many students think that once they decide where to attend college, all of their decisions are over. How- ever, once a pile of housing forms arrive in the mail, they realize that one of the most difficult decisions is yet to come - where to...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 41

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page1 DICTINA RYcountry," pi DICTIONARY portunityt Continued from page 5 mellows at Arena, by c the North Campus Commons (copies etest fans in available at bus routes). slang: side, you ca vomit comet - last bus to North side yo Campus on weekend nights the nation's OFFICE HOURS: noun; time set programs. aside by TA's and professors to UNION: meet with students one-on-one....…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 42

…. Page 12-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 IT'S ALL HERE AND THIS IS ALL YOU NEED -mm., ft4 f 'i " -um -----4 To purchase your TEXTBOOKS (New and Used), REFERENCE BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, MICHIGAN CLOTHING AND GIFTS, GROCERIES, GREETING CARDS, and MUCH MORE all with ENTREE PLUS! Available EXCLUSIVELY at MICHIGA N UNION BOOKSTORE Ground Floor of the Michigan Union …

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 43

…yi b4 .U ./< <F, .r < <\a i< ybe £*ihiJ a\ at , '@cY s N s5 <w a rv WhUU' J /at's s h a kin A 2? ,s 5:. "\ i\ 4 Choosingto come to Michigan ' , a ",t\ u it af!i second thugt Regarless thi a .S.d\ v >nt .x .. . . N *pcCfnc,~ nt city wil be your home for th nextC / St< a : t. ,S aA < ,5.u, few'ir yers so yo shul ge to <. .r.; 2 4 ? C4 .: . \(. \x kno it. c S 'Aa0^yti i t u c ~2/ {\ J rF y tha two ciis it is a cosmopolitan> i a' n bled o may cltu...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 44

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Opening a bank account A& WONDERING WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR CASH? Take it to the bank At... Comerica First of America Michigan National NBD ....... m . .:.:. ..": V . .. :. :: . ':::::::.. ::::::.. .. ... ...::::.:. .............. Minimum opening deposit $25 $50 $25 $50 for a savings a c count :::.,:;.; .:.:acc....u..........................................…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 45

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page,3 Jake shakes us all year long by Melissa Peerless Daily Staff Reporter * A pack of Marlboro Reds. Mashed potatoes lith gravy. A $38,000 home. ?i '.These are a few of Shakey Jake Woods' fa- vorite things. -xHe also loves the students at the Univer- ity, which could explain why Jake has been playing his guitar on the corner of State and William streets every day for as...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 46

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Changing of the guard in City Hall Brater defeats incumbent Jern igan by David Rheingold Daily Staff Reporter December 18, 1990 was an im- portant day for many people in Ann Arbor. At the University of Michi- gan, it marked the end of college life - though a new beginning - for graduating students. In the City of An Arbor, it was also an impor- tant beginning f...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 47

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page 5 - Local delis: a paradox in erms by Noah Finkel and Eric Lemont Daily Staff Reporters Editor's Note: Mr. Finkel and Mr. Lemont wrote a weekly column called Out to Lunch during the school year. While both have grad- uated, their legacy lives on. Following is a reprinted version of a story the duo did on local delis. For those hailing from the East- ern seaboard or se...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 48

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Police say crime stats don' by Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporter The numbers don't speak for themselves. While FBI reports of increasing numbers of rapes andjlarcenies in Ann Arbor might scare students into adding martial arts lessons and tear gas to their pre- college shopping lists, both Ann Arbor police and University Department of Public Safety (DPSS) officer...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 49

…The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 - Page?7 2 0 offers different elements of style, Ann Arbor clothiers take women where they're going Only an emperor can afford new men's clothes: by Melissa Peerless and Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporters As any Madonna fan knows, the true key to success lies in the ability to refashion at a moment's notice. And although AATA buses i1ake occasional jaunts to the mall, ...…

September 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 141) • Page Image 50

…01 Page 8-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991 Underaged don't have to pass all bars by Marc Beginin In addition to academics, many students are drawn to Michigan to fulfill the promise of an exciting social life. Ann Arbor's thriving bar scene has always attracted Uni- versity students and locals alike. However, when many of the most popular local bars raised the age of admittance from 19 to 21 during th...…

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