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March 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…r' The Michigan Daily VOLii. XV fl. ANN Al'R I'( W, MI (.\.N '1 F-li 1h V, Mi\ARCHN No.itT l. ANNUAL VARSITY MEET lil, O\\ FN Wl, DICUS "RELIGION IS LIFE," COMES NEXT SATURD~AY THEIAtc{ NIA\N CY li-;if SAYS HUGH BLACK All Athletes Fligible to Compete- Team Probably Will Not Meet Illinois. whc tk ° ltic Stnti t lii liiti'arei 1, rtt rc iiil - or titmet Ae tt, i t t virit teami iishuh ick ititt 11ks t ihctiarti to htick a vrtilt t r atrc...…

March 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…_ .. _ _ . _ New Sprillg Woolells 1907 6. U. Wild co. 311 South State Street A Neck Jersey of tlue or gray worsted you xvill findt to ideal ga rminet f01 srig aiiits i mn ine r wear. The collar fits snugly, and does not draws or wrinkle Ihell beI I glad to stow th tlyu i 0 if voi I dr op inito SHEEHAN & CO'S Th tluenit tstBookstore. Balluers aild Pillows S40ff at DJARLING & MALLEAUX 224-216 s State St THlE MICHI JAN DAILY. Nt tiagTi ....…

March 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…We Wouldn't Spend our good money advertising Collegie Brand Clothes if w~e weren't pretty sure of them. There's reputation, organization and great skill back of them. They're guaranteed in price. They wvill suit your taste, your body and your purse. STAEBLER ( Q WUERTH WALK-OVEIR OXFORDS $3.50 FOR MEFN AND WOMEN $4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JIUST ARRIVED F { fs over r' Sortie very pretty de- sighs for mein anld Nomen in drl li kids acid calfskiris...…

March 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…M ICH IGA XN DI LY I Be your own Beauty Doctor ''Il ;RE is but one method of acquiring and retaining a beauttiful, clear, delicately tinted coplxio~h n. lihe pores of the skin mus11t first be rid of all im- purities and the circulation genily stimunnlated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells aiid tissues. 4 * Pomipeian Massage Cream builds up and rounds out the coiitotirof the face and form by cleans1ing, exercising, and feeding thec sk...…

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