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February 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…Si 9. UNiIVEIZ sITY OF 1IIUIIAN1, I)SA X 111 XII1U1l' i, iii ( Nitr ruIt; Sergius Stepniak. U. of M. Oratorical Association. Waetulak the Russiani N iliilis, AtaX l eeting of the executive lc ill lecture Iahivrt II t' ! oiiifittee of the U. of ?Ml.( ratori- lerua = , is a antuo(f mithan ca11 iiAssoi ationl, held Wednesday,Ie ilirI Iint i. t Some:ti le cIMC). 4thit wais decided: lilrs 'nio Stepiatk was broutig I i. (htrations for tim' prcl i ii...…

February 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…C.of $aif). thetCollieeea~etr, r THE U ic M. INUEENENT ASOIATION.I tevn i g i t ('lookt. All (e" .'onnty " left lt te ffc ed e cet the 01et i". -eit AntetAhbr.ditoch 10 . "tit ttthey' are t gci ' h :ncra Address till '92, ee i ee'id t for e'elwt'e t th V'. tti'gEdtr'. Alltbusine'. tnt nlt- te toeh itlt'ol I ttoi ~snesMn THE. Uttot tesDAI'Y, resj~AtnIArbortMcit H.tM. liuilt' sssttI Ml1 111 Erl111r E. l. ' Ar ,. K It . 19 11119 lt il'l.t. gi s ....…

February 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY fJ\IR, i a D Jt t \ THEY ARE GREAT Of Old U. of M. should hiave a If University of Michigan Guitars Priices lowest, Quality highest. Guiaranteed every inch of the road. V'iolin aindI Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Sitrings, eta. Erery slng in proportion. z.31I.S lent,. ALLEITPK £IL NO L -IUNCO. THE TWO SAE II-1BLITZ. tII arlbor s1oailib lla rY, V OORHEIS & ETS EEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS,0 CORK CALL...…

February 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…DIiGADLNC-"H ROOM, $2.9mm AT $2.98. m$2.96 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. -__A=__ First ceboaird, t$2. 50)per sweek. Luniclies at tall hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, C('ioare. etc. NEW BOOK STORES, IINl ERI 45 11, 110 )1'. s 5.r'=O N 1 ,i 1U r All lc lienii(illiityI>' Schools. StudeiiItsNote 1kook5s andl fas. Draftl- ('suiilslee'Line of' Spoti ng(foodees, ing Ilistrti nieli s. La<rge Steelk ef FoueiiainiPlee. A WXarraiited I'...…

February 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…do AMAR Vor.. II.-No. (m). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIID)AY, FEBIRUARY >, 1892. THE MICHIGAN LAW JOURNAL.. adopted in \Michigman1) tiit \lieer discsi Sionlof tielega~iilpoints in Ielectorl lawovof selecting ~preslient-lollved in tiie recet prinlted leiturte Will Make Its First Appearance i( ?j Next Wednesday. il eltctotils by distris. NIir( Cutch-i' conitir0otier s illittiract un11 ivesal () eo0n iias given tis quetitonll ciiisid-in terest...…

February 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r"11. Dar school from which it is issued. The , JJ ~journal is the only one of the many aslalished tDnily (Sundays excepted) during the Collenve yeat, ab' THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Suscription price X2.50 per year, in satubly ;advalwe dinecopia--a3 cents. On sale at nfeenan's'anadPsatOficessnes stand at l12 o'clock, aoon.Subscriptions may bes lefts at heofcecof the DAit,tOpera us clek, at Shrettass, its Stttlet...…

February 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NO WAR WITH CHILI! 00 lBut waron the prie f Clothing, has, Cps, Udrtewer, Glutves, Mfittes, Hosiery, RPI NKiS. VALISES, Dine Shits, Collars, Cufs, Overalls uand Jackets. In We are ging t let te lpublic lose aog tlirty-eigttosntcd dollars (38,o cu0) wortuotit rhaof cr orte entcdasnhichwil feteltwettarl5 . fflayredpiwhich haewillpikeeou tille g FelDOBLttTOuy!ds nd a tkutte to wntueteffe _ _ _3._ E 1EVARICIl NT F111111. Tl NT ...…

February 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…THE LI. OF H. DAILY.__ WEARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. NewNN\Vlieroolns, (Corner of .h lai ad liborto 'ote. I gill 'Op1,en the Ball" by placing a ine stock of Guitarsa, BanInoset(. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.1 Find ni vlmc TmnTs So c 2n South Fourth Avenue, City. T7EN FOR ONE-- ,() for 1 (Overcoat. (Garmeants wxortlh $1l2.01 to i'$06I.00). ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Pure Fresh Clear ESTABLISHEDi)1851. COLTHSE, one year. Three ful...…

February 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…of , 1. ail. VOL. IV.-No. 91. VOL. -No 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 84 RCTu~~CNS PRICE, Tiim ,, CENTS. THE CLOSING ADDRESS. ' trail was southwest througlh town to ORATORS FOR THE CONTEST. To Gii/'rtetolgtthneiie a~ Prof. Herron Speaks on "A Vision a point na h olgttec More Than Thirty to Cempete for of Life."--The Institute Suc- across countryfor half a mile, enter- the Honor of Representing t cessfully Concluded.thUnv...…

February 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. t 3« plan is give in another column. B The average age of the students~ 1 + te iplan as annsounced Tue !-DAILN at IHarvardl is 22.7 years. has charge of one of thre formal dis-! The Athletic association at Penn- i'tbiished DOaily Ihasosays excepted)l aurisi. cussions. Our turn, however, (lots sylvaia will lay out shoot $75,000 t~r,.- oitere aru1' not ronie for some time and we will on the sew athletic field. THE U. OF M. I...…

February 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 160. NOORORAEO 886WHEN YOU WISH YOUR THE CH EQUAM1EGON ORCHESTRA. INSPECT THE SPRING STYLES 5180o. it r. IDirectoroadtiae l caer In STIIFF tid l DI)U X 1 1. 1rStow in'at 06; E~cILIOI'tLAUNDRY I A W2TXJZ at) EA'tIitON S itErl'. T . AT - ,=: S Gfood WorktGuartnteedl Gonal. 'tilled fir, Store 1lornseii 'OL(opied yT A)'iO tA'0iS. andarlivenred. A. F. c.OVERT, Prop. ". a fDonie, acallitant loualey, and oa l will be 22 wa...…

February 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…_________________ HE U. OF NT. DAILY. ______ BETTEiR STILL \Her a a . All Our TanSh s. , LOWNE.Y'S 'SUPERFINE" L tl)L .GLOVESb and DMiTS, ONF IOlRIJ HOFF. CHOiQC b.AI MKD LINEI)D 10GLOVS nilMITTS, (iiil 1( l "l1110-iH . , IThe Best Rubbers in town fori he IPrici.. 'kt 7C er1) -~l n \ X I U F 2EI Call-ins' Pharmacy *. BOWEDI 8Z& 1.ATWE"r:SO T_ LVJOQE & -] WF~rOE jBJ: NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _______________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER ...…

February 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…Ic U. of. fit Wa iu. VoL. V. No. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. TIDE SENATE PRIZES 'Princeton's Training Criticised. A TRIP THROUGH EUROPE. NO GOOD STUDENT A1Pinetnmagazi ne reentlv eni TO BE COMPETED FOR THIS A VERY INTERESTINC TALK BY SPRING. woeited very unfavorably upon the MR. JOHN S H E E H A N . Tries to learn without books. methoes of training which Ire in force Some people though try to...…

February 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…TrHE u. OF M. DAILY., ~I.a Published alte tiidy rexeptd)i during the Vollegs'ar, by THE N, Of M NEEDET ASSOCAION, 4orer!~tf Times building N:. Main 4t., ppste post tfie. EDITORS. It 11 0oMnA, Lit. '17, Maaging Edititr. G. IB. HAISONi, Law 'li, Assistnt. A. W. SrT, Lit. Se., Asistn. 0. I. FbRSnnem, Lit. '18, Assitnt. J. A. LnoY, Lit. 96, Athetie Editor. J.1 S. PsAnL Law '15, Buines Manager. R. . Lv, Law '6, Asistnt. Asociate Editors. S1. 5. Sh...…

February 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. At the'Grand Opera House, and in Course 9 Mondays and Wedues- SPRING WOOLENS. ,~hJHT&G N days.. Mr. Johnston's work t;ill be as Mtr. A. E.Ihose representing flt- Time Table (Revised) Nose.1, 1854. "The Nw Ol 01so1.' whith-ill~ follows: Couise, 3, History of Eng- Golden Eagle, 90 Woodward ave., De- FAST.WEST. bz! seein at the Grand Opera liouse land down, to 1688, Monday-s, Wednes- trolt, will be at the Cook house, 'nes- Ma...…

February 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…i ' U. OF M. DA"I'Ll'. BANK RUPT CLO THING SA LE No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast SUJITS, OY[BCDAIS,- MAICKIN1OSHE S, SWN[AJERS1 ODD PANIS AND FVANISIIIN gGOODS! Less than half price This is a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at unusually low prices. See the stock and get prices. Solid Back THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Mich. 5apitalStock, $M0,000. All Bristle Organized under the General Banking Lawes -- ------ -...…

February 05, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…AIL I AO AML tot r i i DAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1897. Four, PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. NO. N. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI] o ( 3I L , '97 FOOTBALL CAPTAIN. Changes in Football Rules. PHILOSOPHICAL. SOCIETY. @ 7T'%I J,.]D @Athorities thiroughount th1e ceantr e L adin 'Tailor Johnnie oiac her Elected Cap- tire, liegen the discussion otfisnaiig- Will Be Addressed Next Month tain for Next Year. ieg the football l.lies far next year. by Prof. F. G Peabody. ...…

February 05, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. * students. Room C can be dosubtleso P . of aI tu* oolly ;seeured for tis jos-ie and if the mseetiago are mlade informal, oni Published Daily (Sundays excepted)i during thle plan of "smokers," for inistitoce. ______________________________________ the Collens year, a there will he no lark of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'The remedy is certainly worth atrial' U E' t A (I rvica, Times builing, 79 S....…

February 05, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAN DAILY. Toe~beie cd)Sp I ee T'S NOT FASHION ONLY, BUTA EAST .PM.WEST QUALITY THAT COUNTS a Mail and Ex--- 3 47 N.Y. Special ---7 3II-s NY. Special---4 t8 mail.----.---8 434 * OLRS R Easters Ex----10 17 N.S. Limited.- 9 2.5 *«_____'____1%___ Atlantic Ex----73 Pacific Ex---- 12 15 D.N.Express --1540 Wstern Fx----1 -ih*i- GL R. Express ---11 C5 Chs. Nt. Ex----9 50 wi GW. P. sT.A~t, Chicago. Agt.HAnero 7 i~ ~ seo T Bk J ...…

February 05, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…'jiI E UNIV ;IZSITY OF INtCIGAN DAILY. R Ews ® ® s~ ~ a v n aS T 'o a a a T h is is t h e W e e k t o A D L N TWL8O Buy.............. PRIESTEL I ON E FU L A Mandolin at ---- -------$ 1.98 , A Wasliborn Mandolin at ........15.00 when you are tired fromn : A Good .Mandolin at ---8.67 walking about town, to OTHERS IN PROPORTION. stop and take one of our 0 See T le "1LU" manolin o hot drinks. Beef tea.,__ confee, chocolate, malted ANN AFEOIF.M\/I...…

February 05, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…~Ije RDAY, FEBRUARY i5, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. VoL. VIII. No. 93. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATUI WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings' NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every 'week. Only in packages- 60e a pound. Lowny's if you prefer. PALMERS' 'PH ARMACY PIPE SALE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received as fresh ssspiv eof Allegretti, and Williams an...…

February 05, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVEH61TY'.'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNLVEII~1TY' OF MICHI(*AN DAILY lit ~ ~ in different parts ief the country. Sam- ~I,, ~ 'I~II~. iseville and Lady 'Margaret the (Ox- ford women's colleges, Newnhti and Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring Girton, Cambridge and the Holloway the College year, at College were to be the contttuet THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, inenibeis. Of these, Holloway alone OrrionE: Times bultding, ai9 S Main St...…

February 05, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILIt. 3' Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters.* ins al the Combinations of Shirts... Colors. The, best from '53.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Wool, a ne. sutta Cotton and 4-plyj smootb garment void of Linen Bosom 0'Oc The Underwear best shirt in the mnark~et to- any scratching material... d...…

February 05, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…9 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store :LAD IES I Who contemplate having Party Glowns made will find it to their advantage to call on MISS ,O'LEARY, At MACK~ & COMPANY'S, 2nd floor. SHOE Department!1 $2.70 11we adjoining cuts represent 2 of our imany styles of LADIES' WELT SIIOES '1 i t we are offering this wee'k at $2.70 These shoes are all of this Eteason's Last and Paterns and were foramerly gold at $3.50 aind $3.00 We have got mor...…

February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 1


February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…T ICHIGAN DAILY '. irljtgan ttilg OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ublished every morning except Monday during the Univer- ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ed in this paper and the local news published therein. ntered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, ...…

February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI ..-. y ... " 4 .,. p i "r 1 ,, . " . . " i . y t ' ' O ® 1 t " / iC aky SS V nA nA ;; /, F L i " Q C70W MICHIGAN FAIS Varsity Out After Revenge for T Defeats from M. A. C. Last Year GILKEY IS SCORING STAR OF QUINTET FROM LANSI Revenge will be sought by t Michigan basketball team at 7: o'clock tonight for the two defe which the Michigan Aggie quin handed the Wolverines last year. Af two clean victories over Confe...…

February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, __ v i Mrs.T. L. Stoddard Hair Shop Rainwater Shampoos Marinello and E. Burnham's Cosmetics J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SU EY 35 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Qi.ang Tung La 615 Iberty St E. Jlusic And ...…

February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…'I r XHA £1 Jt, IE THEATERS TODAY Screen Majestic - "Love, Honor, and Obey," with a cast of stars you all know. Pathe News, Para- mount Magazine Cartoons, and Burton Holmes Travelogue. Arcade-Wallace Reid in "The Charm School." Also "The Race of the Age," featuring Man o' War. Wuertlh - Douglas Fairbanks starring in his latest produc- tion, "The Mark of Zorro.' Hallroom Boys comedy and Universal News. Orpheum - Your favorite, Con- stan...…

February 05, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL' 4 '._ West Lecture Room, Physics Building Mr. May's Sections. Mr. Ross' Section. Mr. Taggart's Section. F. M, TAYLOR. JAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1921. Number 93,1 it I- otice to Members of the University: The last issue of The Michigan Daily for this semester will appear on unday, Feb. 6. Publication will not be resumed until Feb. 23. Conse- uently the Daily Official Bulletin will not be print...…

February 05, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… t4O#u 'N 2t igarn 4~tt Weather VOL. LAV No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 5, 1944 A 'E 'N a PRICE FIVE CENTS Allied Armada Lands in Ialian Harbor Yanks, Tommies Within Sight of Rome Radio Masts; Pacific Forces Find No Opposition in Marshalls This vast Allied Armada (top) stretches over th e harbor inrthe Anzio-Nettuno, Italy, area after land- ing troops of the British-American Fifth Army behinmd the German "Gustav Line."...…

February 05, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…) FIIHF, NiIC "1C A N tl A tt V CtA Y1X M.Nlrln r 4nmA .___x______________LTK____J__. u RI. .R AFE111 i -~jJ x - - - - - - --_____________..____ 4TURDAYFED-5, 1944 ~1m' ~titiuDail11 Fifty.Fourih Year I i PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUNDj ., i _ __ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University...…

February 05, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, FED. 5, 19,14 THE MCINDAIL.Y PAGE TBREE BrURPAY, FEP. 5, 1944PAQE ~ . Cagers Swamp Indiana, 65-49, for Second Big Ten Victory a I TAKING IT EASY By ED ZALENSKI Daily Sports Editor Open Letter to Coach Claude Reeck - . YOU CAN fool some of the people some of the time, Mr. Reeck, but you're bound to get it in the end. And don't look so surprised, because I am referring to our little chat during the wrestling match last Sat...…

February 05, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…----"R" " if Rovy V. e sk ff# Harp Ensemble To Accompany Campus Play Lynnii Paiieir Pian Music for Production Of 'Comedy of Errors' For the first time in the history of campus dramatics a harp ensemble will provide the accompanying music for a presentation by Play Production of the speech department. "The Comedy of Errors," which will be given at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 9 through 12, and at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 12, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will ha...…

February 05, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…CONSTITUTION TEX df & w a :43 a i1jj CLODY, WARMER VOL LVI, No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Student Officers; Chosen by Union, Sphinx, League Kelly Asks ' ppropriations Cut; Students Propose New Constitution Group To Return To Pre-war BasisI Bob Callihan was elected secretary of Sphinx, junior men's honorary society, and Dick Roeder was elected treasurer at the first formal meet- ing of the ...…

February 05, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THlE fMdTCIAN 1DAILY TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1940 AA A" lwl, A A A .,. *e. ...w.v.w. ! +w M. e.. a a v .. v R WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Truman Firm on Steel Decision porothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Lnger Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Busineas Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwis...…

February 05, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…YrERAR , 1946r THEMICHIGAN fDAILY rAGE THREE' S-PORTS NEWS+ VIEWS+COMMENT By DILL MULLENDORE, Sports Editor (This column was written by es owarth, Daily sorts night editor) SATUDAY was just another of those nights in Minneapolis. Coach Vic Heyliger's sextet just didn't play the hockey that it has played previously this season, and Minnesota came through with its best game to date. Those things happen. A good team gets upset by an ordinarily ...…

February 05, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t DR. BARON INTERVIEWED: Cites Immigratioia Probl iii and an affidavit as to character from a friend in Milwaukee. "The situation would be somewhat alleviated if Congress were to extend the unused balance of the 1945-1946 quota, combining it with the 1946- 1947 quota. The anti-alien move- ment in this country, however, is strong enough to prevent any liberal- ization of our immigration laws or to allow the combining of ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 1

…PREVIEW EDITION Stirr Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom tt1 PREVIEW EDITION PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 x / - Offers Land )r Theatre Site egents Uncommitted to Financial Ronsorship of Group's Activities Regents offered University land as a site for a new pro- theatre here at their Jan. 22 meeting. resolution expressing their approval of the national reportory iroposed by producers Tyrone Guthrie and Oliver ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 2

…/ THE MICHIGAN DAILY + +. .v+ss vcRas Yf1 iiJi ' y t/ e am't te ta at Number I Campus Location SERVING BETTER DINNERS FOR LESS Serving Dinner: 5:00-7:15 Daily PROGRAM NOTES: Minneapolis Symphony To Perform Closed Sunday On State Street Advertising want me p ractical e: S. ..The Mic * provides prac in advertising Thhik abou Watch for of tryout mee s 3/ ': MENO.I~ a firms m with xperience .06 :higan Daily tical experience it joining...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 3

… n Arbor Citizens Ask nstitution t Petition Meeting t Year, BRAZER VIEWS SITUATION: Little Change In Michigan T S! I-r- Both Parties' Heads Give Endorsement By PIULIP SHERMAN ann Arborites were the first higan citizens to join the "con-: "chorus line. unior Chamber of Commerce sident Herbert O. Werth re- ted the first copy of the peti- 2 which would start the wheels a 1960 constitutional conven- iwas circulated here this week. 'he peti...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 4

…"Well, Those are Outside the Country" l. Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT THE STATE: Captivating Crime Foundation of Gazel hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. ...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 5

…Blt AsY 5,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i I I BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c;.. military, supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. WI BUSINESS PERSONAL WEATHER FORECASTS. Automatic weather on tapes 24 hrs, daily, up- state snow depth, ski resort weather, FREE. NO 5-861 . aWeather Dial! FF97 BIKES and SCOOTERS MOTORSCOOTER - with windshield. Italian made, in excellent running condition. $200. NO 5-7314. Z29 M...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRII (ERINE TRACK NOTES: elay Teams To Fly to California Thinclads Impressive In Annual AAU Rela By TOM WITECKI ack Coach Don Canham an- iced during the semester break Michigan will enter both a and a two mile relay team in Los Angeles Times Charity k Meet on February 12.' he six Wolverines who will e up the two teams are: Cap- Earl peardorff, Marsh Dick- n, Bryan Gibson, Ergas Leps, , Martin and Toy Seth, ps, Seth, Dic...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY liglbilities Hit, Wolverine Athletic Squads ckey Team Hurt Most file Swimmers Gain IM' Gymnasts Travel to OSU In Search of Conference Win By HAL APPLEBAUM The gain and loss of academic gibility at the completion of the it semester has brought several w faces into Michigan athletic nts and at the same time forced 7ers to the sideline for the ing term. The hockey team was the hard- hit, losing four players al- ugh addin...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY U -~ nney Refuses Any Candidacy in '60 ing state politics in meeting the current problems.I The economic interest groups are beginning to assess their own roles in the political fabric, he amplified. Gov. G. Mennen Williams ap- proved the Junior Ciamber of Commerce-League of Women Vot- ers constitutional convention-pe- tition plan over the opposition of the Michigan AFL-CIO organiza- tion. "Williams showed a degree of ind...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 9

…"'iI /'?T i'i-uP 717i@rF I '_~V tTI)JrAVlJ~1 flt2WT$J- Ia U i Succulent Barbecued Chicken Featured at 7h VIA GINMN 4 HOME OF BARBEQUED FOODS m I . p WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE AN OUTSTANDING MODERN RUSSIAN MOTION PICTURE? I I I If you have an ear for Good Music youwill tune in 1290!F [TIE " II UI …

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 10

…_ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY ZENS FOR ,t-IHIGAN: Group Aims at Strong Citizen Force .,Used Se George Romney listed the three- Iaims of Citizens for Michigan his Ann Arbor speech: 1) To establish principles and focus attention on current state roblems.. x2) Tocreate a citizen organiza- 3) "To make a citizen force ronger than those economic in- rest groups excessively dominat- g the major parties. Romney said that the first two ials were being achie...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ollectors Club Show LOST STUDENTS: Orientation Helps 400 U' Regents Accept Fund Donations 11 All Types of POTIONS For Your Prescription Notions Modern Mexican Paintings, Drawings, Prints OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FORSYTHE GALLERY Nickels Arcade Over the Post Office Soft linesa ... I walt Magicale b Be s young in this win with its p touches of and embroi A no-iron 1 batiste of E polyester f cotton and White with blue 'em...…

February 05, 1960 • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A'ELCOME STUDENTS We have six expert barbers in our air-conditioned shop to keep your hair neat and we!I-groomed. U. of M. BARBERS 715 North University SPECIAL PROGRAMS: IC Welcomes New Foreign Students By BEATRICE TEODORO About 100 entering foreign stu- dents are expected by the Inter- national Center staff, said Robert B. Klinger, IC Program Director. Studeits from abroad are ad- mitted if they fulfill the academic requ...…

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