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November 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The MNichigan Dail y A\NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. VOL. XVIII. NO. 37. NINE HUNDRED TO ENTER GYM CLASSES Increase in Freshman Host Ne- cessitates Addition Sessions- New Assistant Appointed. P'hysical exatmer.1Dr. Maty states that 8o sttents are aretty enrollel for gym work, and tiis ntumtber Will probably e iterast(i to g00 hefore te close of the term. tNute ros, changes are een nade atltse grm. IDespite teittreaseti f00...…

November 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… Q C bA 40 U 0 ^ C L h~) 2, -.+ t t N-A .,. . ^' 4. S...T _ .J -7 7Z: t t iv 'J} h ."--+-. °" . r~ :-s J1 h "°' ,-: ,^i v ,, ,,, J:' !: J r. .' t - .. w. r. J }^ ! y ^ vjc r }^yW. nl -zv J 7z 7Z: . ^ l ^ of ^~ . -' r ^, .-+ ' ' " A r ': 4 ' ; i - -- -, . _ -° tlry; : k. - ~( c rL 75 r. ": i "~ r j . lf; ^G J - r -te U r t. T G J r T .r' .. :z a2 2- U O2 z U Je . Fem. :.. .c ..-. , > F . . '. Hi 0 N fX - J - x -r Ov 7b 0 V .u a...…

November 05, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The ihiga \NN 'SllOK SMICHIG AN, FIDAY.i n\ O' I 'SBER ;ussc \. Of. XX. NO LET UP IN AST ORi STUDNTS UST HOLD STAG MASS MEETING RR RRIRALTlH I RR No Women Allowed in University HONORARY SOCIETY TWO NEW COURSES ELECTS MEMBERS,1 IN CURRICULUM 113.% 113.1PLl/ I itlult I Yost Keeps Men Hustling in Senate Committee Recommends Preparation for Saturday's Rules for Prevention of Infec- Game. tious Diseases. 'Michignot %sill ntave' ''tit opos i...…

November 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO)L. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMi'BER 5, 1904. No. 35 frlCfl,14AN VS. DRAKE RGEtNTS ANSWR Wolvrines Will Clash With Hawk. Pcsition of Regents in Regard to eyes This Afternoon-Coach Yos i Criticism of Medical Societiss and Heston Will See the Chi.-Aswer to Question cago-Texas Game. * When First Raised. The husky lais frotslDrak~e ui-c The rectcitiricismi of viie'board' vlrsi19sill arr ie- in Anvi Arbor at rs-Islei ...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ri N A.1IBXl't, I~IJ l. AX I IrNI -I AYNO\ h'AlBEI},140-> RDAY Ist u t JO 1W MENa t O ~ _ it 1! + , . i .: . [I I I .. ! ll .I '. ! _ j ~II1 LIGHT WORK YESTE the Xi> OtSt v l Mti h . . ,. _ io .Ua lit 1!+ l D elJa t ChV" , I, sc oil ,zi n r wI o tlt WW " n W -54" 4 Ir m , ip, iI A"I igte Diam InI ect{d ll II i ....... {I'i~ lite I tI" ti t" ; l't;1'f . i l 1 ' l+t t' t311 I11 ;tip' lt tI11't f' I Illltt tt'I' ;Ilft Elt ...…

November 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…FIeeT YEAt. ANN ARB3OR, MICI., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5 1901. No. 37 LIGHT PRACTICE. Theodore Thomas' Chicago Orchestra. Lockwood Historical Lecture-Recitals. . S. U. GAME. --- U ivvniity Hal Iss wel illed last Te-Univsty.siiv Il al society hs______ FotalTeani Goes Trough Signal ight whets Prof. Thomas an(1 his ('hi- Jutaot uncedtss a Series of historical Special Train Over Ann Arbor and Pra~if e w1I n ad Reden ago' rheortra gave the first of hetic...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dally VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. No. 34 VARSITY YS. ALL-FRRI I~. SENIOR CLASS MEEI1TINGi. Scrimmage This Afternoon Will be In. teresing-Four Regulars Out of Line-up Yesterday-Fullback Change is Promising. The promised scrimmage work did not materialize at last night's prac- tice, ht the rooers aitracel y the open gates of erry Field were rec- ompensed by the sight of faol signal work through whirl...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…Th.e ichigan ,DIly NNARBOR,-MIC HIGAN, TWTRSDAY, NO\E-MBER 5 , i190 VOL.- XIX. PENNSY TICKETS SELL WITH RUSH Six Thousand Sold Yesterday- Block M to be Displayed-Var- sity Downs Doughty Reserves. 'ticxkets fox the. Peix 11SO arxia gamoe ven wx xih ax rush afxxx the (1ors of 11il athticx assciatio ofic opened atxxxci 8 xa. m.iyesterday morig. B xighxx sic (0 thosan of the best scatsi hadx been beenx al xiressionx lthat it xxcxouldi lbx im- p...…

November 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…..Mt ...W A-2-.---~-..--:.: 1 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i G. H. Wild Compally Te Largest Stock tn the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fany Vestigs, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics aod special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I Wild Comfpaly 3t1 South State Street A Few Passe Partout Pictures comprising prnts- Christy and Gibson Drawings some hand colored sketc...…

November 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…i a M M1 Vy a f -«, f ' ' I s4 x+ ? I" I a Ia r " x , o H n N N SI St. 04 r1- pP t4 f n + , a Pu _ I 0~-. ~w+ n 0o a u o a \ r u tO e- a 0s n u a u n a t0 n n 0 0 (ml ~~f'a<0 ~~F o 77 , , ,:: .; ziz r r 0 z (p H 0 a z! (/0 A0a0R n C~ U? tCl) ,- C: i ' { ; : r : " m - r. " _ . _ , -. - - 'r. _ _ yc, ;, - C. ! .. ^ - ! F V _ f U i , - - 1 - . - _ ,. --- M;, - _- .: :; , : - , o :0. ; m Q fi }I J . i_ -.004 L, r , .,-, . …

November 05, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…1HE MIo oil I ( xAN 'DAILY G. HI Wild Comfpanly M4ERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- ir~gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dross suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the Nw ttore G. H. Wild Comfpaly A perfect fitting collar and a favorite with critical dressers. TRADE . tN.. AF.N ; "ARK(X-LINEN / COLLARS & CUFFS. FOR FO ELKHORN FRONT 21 IN. BACK i T...…

November 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY " /N f THE MI1CH-IGAN DAILY.1 everyone wishes it to tie, some real ---- _ live rooting will be needed.Wit ~ AE WOULD HAVE Entered as second oIlasiattrait ithe Ann is a football game without rooting? C IA * TV OU T KNO Site tiouti We want lots of it, spirit and nta A Publishiedldaily (Muuday e( ed during the 'liasm at fever neat from the moment [ 9 l ay~~~t, ~cellegyear. at li-,iE. wioingmon 'ireet. the referee's whistle blow...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE A CIIA NDA[IL -N t, w . I The VAR'I-ts IIv I lechanti T a ilo r s .... >ti_+-i<tttttJ':,111. 11',.I ! ; itsti! zGymnasiumI at-UoeI have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The l a r gest assort- inent in she city AT 1O0813. WashiIltIlS "Our (oosdlcne P!,kAs Us" i.{( ftli~ I E'I I t{)' I . )i "Why" 'Si I no, s ei, w t lf) 111 ther SHEEHAN & CO University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. U U MANAIiNG VEDITOR, BUS>INES...…

November 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…TIHE Mlt;l1R(AN DAILY-NEWS l'DDAILY. EAWS ~tI1I LEAD!ING MERCHANT ,)i ii si i ' :1111(v1 v I h (lis riti The LJif M I ALY, 1i11 Yea. s vii ot Itiki 1 il iitIlyi The VARSITV NEWS ", ist Yv~iv. 1111iilv ts'- iii ' ((t OUR FALL LINE t ho tdl her 11111 tdvi 1 ' xxwhic idn' is the best we have ever shw ii, Ill,"I1c4o1r v lt°I1 i~o~t t s4d containingof ici'.1 ALL THE MICHIGAN JAIlS SIMS PIIIJAIN CA NY1' i il :1i. i 1 it ,nce Stly Is, New subscribers...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anlnouncement.. The Largest aniMst Comnplete ine o WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. I. Wild R Co's18 Eat Washingon St. Gra pains hiave len taken in the seletion of all sil ings, fronseinge & oveteatiniis for this season. 0. II. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books I$1.08 Each The iagic Forest, l3ybtusi tEar rd l'ie~ollll: 4The Heart of Rome, jiy . Maion ei C awf l Little Shepherd of Kingdom 0 Judith of the P...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6. H. Wild Comlpally Eulelagst Stok in the Cit of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear e^rgthing iequired foi Suits Overctoats, Fany Vstngs and Tr'ousrins and of high clas fahric(s and spciaSisl (. FullI Dress Suits a Specialty 6. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street STU[DENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits ii 'dll indis of Athletic and Spotting Goiiis Tennis Golf Baseball Sweate...…

November 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…SEE POSTAtL(CARD Of [001 BAtL T[AM 15 for 25 cents History of eatchYman on card QUARRY'S Corner States5ti. and N.I Univ. Xs Money Loaned On Watches, Diamionds. Laotelootzs, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamaonds Office at residence 131 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours : Sto 11:30 a. in., 11to#1:0 andi tot 11p.m JOSEPH C. WATTS B afilers ail Pillows AT DARLINGJ & MAL.LEAUX 224-226 5. Siate St. t~...…

November 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…Call Orx iii le~gs~xJFist Tailoring Trade of the City _ .b, _ nST ",URON STRECET 2i_ __ _ __ _ MIONEY [OANED lnbWtc hhes, Diamons, elt J y0 anod all 1I1-1)Class Cliattel andCollateralsecurty. W. J. LOVRIM 104 4th Ave. OppositetCotIHose Twodoorsothtof tew V. D. C.A. 0ftti ools: 10 to 11:30: 1 to 5 7I tot3-:) Business Stritctly Conftidential Student Room ecoratins A Fine Collection of SteIrks, Stnokit~g Sets, V. of M. Souzvenirs irx Pyro- grre...…

November 05, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewr ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully lGuaranteed Watcsh Rep ok irres aSpecalcty THEF[ARtMERS AND MECHU~ANICS BANK MAIN AND "URtON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profts $100.000t General Hanking Buinsless. 3 per entel paid on rTane and Satsinsg1)eposits. Safty Ie- uosln Buxes to...…

November 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THR MICHIGAN DAILY Do You Know the Game? +I Y +I The go)od clothes game is a very easy one to learn, and every+ titan canl excel in, it-if lie plays it right. Drop into our store. We'll tell von alt aboueitit-ptit you next, as it were; get von on 4. the iiside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there ; is to it, except tie 1ibetl-sttall thting to took for, hig thing to finid. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. Ste onr natty tI I$ R...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THfE MICH3IGAN LAILY--NEWb -°Extract from the Laws of the TI ER IGHT H T T H I N(O AND FU R N ESS IA: Srate of New York. 5001 s or101 E O OH O F THEM t ct irlit ctit s II o of astts II r( vil ctoill sohli 1,"11111I nt ii u."iu0rt ii t oxh l i il iI f II or lctelorIl l I,,it.)ii, I iIlliI b t cal''(tn iwtrl~p rinilco1Sits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the f- u liii's," 'Iin r " o a newest M~en's Funishingp s u lits clii t'So(-iilo \M l h...…

November 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…TUIE IC11IGAN DAILY-NEWS TAKE A LUOK s('1ctod truck of New Fall Suits and Overcoats ie teen I)e4ti xlt, oil Tl TfKL LO K si (,olinpl 1oMex.'s Frn-ishings and ]Hats in thL, iy j Sili 1(510 i \miAr e ii t~ ~D11i"S, RYfAN & REUL ~ 00-.202 S. Main Street. JOHN J_ SCHANZ OCHA6. DIc.TAS EX(ELSIOR LiNNbRTI ToR WIKMR I MLT A JiDWORr 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET 11.3 WEST IIU110N ST., Ph11n(i~t T"his space belongs to Good Government Club. A -i P. . PAUL, S...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICIC(AN DAILY. gAIoHI6 N CEngAi, "'The Nagara Fans Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cottnectiotns ai Chicago for St. Loots, Kansas City. St.tPaul aod threIWest. For informationt ted thrcoghticktstcall on or write to W. . CASE, Ageot. Ane Arbor. GEORGE BISCIIOFF, rLOR15T. CHOICE CUT FLOWES5 & PLANTS Chapin St,betweenfo t.n d teM'icler Ave. Ph oe 09. +4144-40- tsrisr trfsrt r tH1Hr r rf...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…'t1lE MIC I.IGAN _:1AlLY. _ ,_ DidVII 'IA I 1i1*' tl!:l lltccltiN Icr ig- t l -I111cic ine.i f it desei i le , it l hieu aa eC llg See Thnt11 lcen c1oseDelt eed (rga iticall 1 '0ll an ttider lluli'Snd' I ad t Sl in i t "cii ii iii tte ttil,-1(1'iii ii tilt tin liiia e k n gro away, vetity Ila . it t I o~ i citl-- c tdii th-w llfi ilo e i c tinth AT j aitt a o raitia sieiot biliiei* iti Q rryeg 5tre~sacn~ tilt ieii ho -_lin<IIocledb h<aj tn i...…

November 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…i i? $ J.Vt.Z f L1 ....._. . w. ..e _:.. ... .._.. : ... ..A .., f . L'YV,.; wY Special Offer Ten full size In uwing, Sanitole t ~coupons cut .from For Only $1.00kid W"hIs I he Assortment. magazines,7inl Sanitol Tooth Power .29c Saital Face Creame .25c S: ital Tooth Pate 25c Sansitol Toilet Power 25c fr dlvrn SntlLiquid Antiseptic 25c ak fo eivrn Saintal Bath Power .25c Sanitol Tooth Brusth .35c Sanital FaePaoer 3c Regular retail price .$ thr...…

November 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…'5TtEIMtCIA N DAILY Bii i' Yoiz 1.ItiA MiE 1141i 1 DEFItfhS ART STORE. Only the Best French tilas.3 is Used. 223 S. Man St. IOriental Rug-* Sale 339 SOUTH MAIN STRLET gi. Th ilti hl ircltis ili ihice'speugins 1 h''ii iggs offeredi for saleiar i my tursuciurfur hromipt reaitioofiui grl fte -i tl hm ries willthes uchi is shiuildt appeal1 tou illionelit all fiim with pocl of he caracer o liee. GILER.T ILEWIS, Prop. s'Li11~ti II The distinctio...…

November 05, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…Without Wool Nothing is Worse Clothes to keep their shape, to wear, must he made of pure wool. A few clothes-lahels are sewied honestly into pure wool clothes, not many. STIN- BaocH's lahel is, and each piece of cloth is tested for it. STAsIN-BTIRCH offers you what no other makers can: A it that i8 right, a style that is warld-wride, lin- inqs and the hidden parts thatlarle the hest that inaneyp cnn ty. We are proud to he identified with these...…

November 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE MIL h IAN DAILY - i 4 e 1 } 4 4 i 1 i 1 4 i 1 } 1 1 AI $ ,3 or M1en and Women $4.00 Formerly sodi un ro nder Puritan label 1r [or the rainy season get into a Iair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, t double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. WALK-OV[ER I1O[ COPIPANY, nE[AVY WINTER OX[ORDS. I 1 I South Mlain Street. GOODYEAR RUJBERS. T Study with a Good Light There is no betterlght than >; THE WELSBACH ...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS A DETERMINATION S)ALE We call it a Determination Sale because we are determined not to move anything that cut prices will sell. Don't think about this sale too long, we can keep it going but a short time. AlfredBejmn&C'hihraecsomdeutsndvrot. Benjamin 4 & oshg ga e c so m d ut nd o ec as IIENSCII1.11 .1'TI I'ICFRAM \( IVES CLEANED ILPVIIAXXI 1. lM .M ATN2 PityI IP 1.5 IIL. AlFUNERAL Lovell's Cornfer Store, 'I. Main nIX...…

November 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…T HlE NRIC H IG A N D A ILY -N EW S + 1 4 " + ICvcttar Iuthymal Tooth Paste - g--- 20c, C c t isLWP CEackers's7tar Soap -la 2c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets - - 85c Today 1atn 3 Perunar - - 80 CALKINS' PHARMACY32 SO. STATE ST] MILLERI'S ABIRIDGRIENT COMPILED LAWS MICHIGAN Beinzg a 'eecti(WIOf the lt ost important statutes arranged and A, N NOTATED for the use of Students. ONE VOLUME, - - - $3.00 CALLAG-HAN & COMPANY, <1 aw Putblishers, Chicago. )...…

November 05, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f FOR MIEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new [all Styles and you will look no further NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE 1 1 N S. M'ain St. PENNYOOK.OHIO CENTRAL LINES PheCnfcinYC 30 oOK taS. : 3 liRENTSCHLER For anything in the line of The onfctiner 31 loth tat St 8' Maker of Photographs Framing, Cati on Rentschler, a tDirert Line btweent'Toledo, ('olutt Fine Confections. Lunches, ', hn 8-r Cre anadIttnSres cbits, Athens, lailipo...…

November 05, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…11HE MICHIGAN DA ILY I-fE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THUL LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. 00r specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papcr-hanging Paiint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsornining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods IDelivered to all...…

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