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October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…ti . f 4 }.: t , 4 'IciS'' k ~ 'npr7.L T i UAILY": '.'..iU' .hI7 r Y d 1 a INIW (W HE WLD I yJcd YVV( \Tr pF r 4 ice:"+T.e 1-y+a'< ,{I ,.; t r.. i - } T J ; 4 , .. ' ''' ,s s ~ z ,.. r 01 g. ss '" I . 17:. .. .1 . -"U . : .. + Fy i, s i a s , , , R.; r t r; . k ' off. ' ' . i S: :. Y Y - ' $; s a t " S . , 1 F b ', a V C z. w X . 'w Al l : a er'Posv U F ; II HF - f a ah kde' iA C li~ oa i, ~ i e A IO ; z r1 ~~ ~ O( ~ j~ be ~ ? J L~...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I I Les for the College Man nds most of his time inside-a suit of medium will be found best for comfort and health he Fall and Winter. 4Our variety of patterns ant this season in uiftigs of all weights. WILD COMPANY :: 311 S. State St. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS ' J NEW AND SECOND-HAND EAX T BDOeOpK Se A'2 Departments THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ofhcial ne sp,;apecr at the 1.niv crsity of M\ichigan. Publishied every morning ...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…- : i I C N ,. v ,., y .. TheLaresta-, d NLYMoern Fuily-Equippe' CleaingandP. ssig Etabishment in Ann Arbo i 0 U 151 e l*tIg 1 ywt l i1 q a "7.p t a a w y ems'. r i.k: ! 5' F r S 3 r x ". _ , . Save 250 from these Main Office 220 S. State Street 'hones 189041891 II -. ~rrtR OS-.v ''I 9? . r tTH't. , a va ie "t- . flww ntsA... . .C W r/y , * AT THIE "THEATERS "Sari," like the "Merry Widow," an- other of Henry W. Savage's grea...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. UNIVERSITY AVENUE "THE STUDENTS' HOUSE" Bsgger and BeWtrEThmn Ever UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT S OM E I MP O RTA NT C HA NGOiS >w SIMPSON SOLAR SCREEN. The niost perfect screen made. OOTTON REXOLUX, changing alternating to direct current-thus giving a light 300 per centst ronger. W BALCONY'-almost completed, ready soon to be installed over night, giving a much largerf seating capacily. BEST OF ALL is the MAGNIFICENT PICTURE SER...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Al- ; rITC VQ NDAILI1, - ~* - - ~ ~ - - - ------ LET Yx' ; i tx f Y ._ . : j P ' ., " , -. c tip : r s ' r r .F ftr = 1 s y1 tt a d7 iH' A. I 1Tl - .a . S .G t. ?:" you 0 EY h heTo ~ ~tnwro: come in and look over our new fall ~ ~ ~ ~ . faris. e by helaes a d1est Lgoods, and guarantee to make a suit th'Iat wll v t ou pe f' yiVe youte best uo of satisfaction. Po iv4 o ~ 'Rie r highest possible qws . d f4 4ta-cl ass workman ship. I1LORS ...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…. . :_ I Ml _ . .11 .: 2 .Y LlD _iL --- - - ON L_1ID!C isiit~~u,11 rt~f L y r ADPLN ENVC ,f kIIS ~r,!\L. n, c..:i ralr, < .1X 11"6'n i '.. (1 4 O I('1.i Natura 't,'s 6 l I_ - ,7g @? ,ime tP'tl''rson(k ias i9"nfi't Masons and c Sac'- ' a ax - Wih i ,e te .,- J t r . # g ihgn n iO n fll '~ A X ~ J R U J on no__. ta .. hk_, i w eh B o en hi. __ 1 a C "(7, . .-' { .. a'rw 9 li oas :urt3 vdu JP Op*7 Duria2 lteiai4d flWMa rtaus oe iuv seyst;: i...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ,f lESS maign and Varsity Featured in E COPIES Notes, a 32-page uni- a founded during the ar, has just been put e than 30,000 strong, .mni and former stu- tin is marked by the ampaign now underĀ± s of general interest pathizers. bout a dozen articles * of the Union build- booklet contains a on the "Yost Men," L cut of Captain Wil- '16P. Other pictures sd Union home, the headquarters in the the alumni advisory camp...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1AIGN OF N S VAT REPUTI for Clubhouse Campaining I in Newspapers of Ma- rity of Great Amer- ilan Cities , OUTLOOK, COLLIER'S, HCE ARTICLES RECENTLY Emphasize Democracy an; Debt to President- Emeritus Angell for ublicity for the Michigan Union ding campaign has been floated ing the past few months on the At magnificent scale of any previ- university endeavor. Mr. C. hes, of Detroit, general publicity rman, assisted by E....…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY. nts ready to show you the best Gla Yu'r Bck We hope that you will make this store your drugstore. We shall do our best to serve you. CALKIN'S PHARMACY 324'S. State Street olumbia DOUBLE DISC Records c of .s Suits, Overcoats ats, Hats, Caps, and Furn- at reasonable prices. C Will fit your machine DHAMS & C00'S CORNER 201-203 S. Main St. G TRIG" ETHIC~ ROWI LLAR' I CRAVAT KNOT '. 2for25c DY A CO.. IKC., MAKERS...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' I Are You One of the Few Mena in town that has not seen our wonderful display of fabrics for Autumn and 'Winter? We've sent many a satisfied customer out of our store wearing one of our Made to Measure Suits and there's no reason why we can't do- the same for you if you'll just give us the opportunity. Our prices ate within Reason. Established 1905 LYNDO0N Commercial Photographer to Michigan Students Growing Every ...…

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