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December 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…i y i \ ' E ; 1 r 4f VoTi. VII. No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER -1, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i 7 TN IL1.W DY @ tiII[CAGO CONFERENCE. Leading Tailor Rllles Prop)osedl for the Recru1a-j fln f ollo... 5 :1 h-2~ c AND IMYPORTER. BULL OWES SUITS A SPECIALTY. NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, ~Rob Roy Lstcs.We hae i i lk # oes ' s t50 cents o c.01'' We hav o m plete line of pel'] ooeo made by Solon Palbe of New York. 0 PAL...…

December 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ff.f c itl Communications. EdolitorttI .of A1. L.illy: Published Dmlly (Susdaysexetped) during the College vear, at 1li0'"i 111n11.iltitii13(1(.'11' Ve 1 1111il + THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. XCAiIthe11001 ittt ive 10so iwcocly erased 1th'it 111,111v of the li t' Iii t'ic litt Cemeet r:Timesobuildietg, 111 S. IlloleS. be- tweeenLibterty ted Ivilliotrtoi t. ,iof tie' tloe' 110 11110tito t o t Ill tit, j ligh hc...…

December 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…TUIE UNIVERSITY O01? MCICIA-N DAILY. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black uUnderwear, Ypsilanti Union S- uits for Men AN--TD YPILAN-'T FI CELEB.RTED RWAF E.. Ours is Ehe best stock of Underwear in Ann Aibor. Call and examne befocre buying. 28 and 30 South MaIn st7o E'ASTC . E., '147 ,N.y6 AN pes . i. lr G.5R. 7Ex res.__11 (5 010..Nt.E"---91 0.67.Ucoo. ss,- 1 0(is . G. P. &T. Agt5. (J it~s'is. AI1 A.. 1 6 t l^ -- - V RAIl FA ,risaa r a1w,e r. 1 . 3 5...…

December 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. The Best $5.00 Christmas$I Present 0 is s'a Pocket Kodak. It takes r g ood pictures and is easy to0 0 work. JiFol instructions e0 come with it. If you have a, friend wsho don't waot one, 0 it'shecause he hasn't seen it. 1 CALKINS' PHARMAOY$ a Yogre Right n Footwear. ' T~wr' lts o triks i the trade and a 0 0 r t t ti I! tell t t I I ' I 7 I I I i I I i I i ; i I W AE HAVE HLE' ~6 ALO JO .~ JWELR that are h...…

November 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. VII. NO. 30. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 189. FouRs PAGES-3 CENTS. @ (D JLID q MINNEAPOLIS IS CLEVER. iyl ha had for several eaosons: Fl-n UNIVERSITY CHESS CLUB. ton, ceter; Iinlayson 0a(d Hrding. Leadin Tailor Mcia' tof ons Fortifying Her Team Against gad;SihadPryo ign Prospects of an Intercollegiate Mihi'a' SrogPont. Senrett. eds; RXXoOdiwurtit. qarter; Tournament. *AND IMPORTER. 1'1 rl la eeaea ~mai ooiis and Bale. hif...…

November 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIG AN DAiILY. 1 f { fetiesurageinent that its supporters can Western Athletics, Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring- the College year, at The athiletic' silsiotir 1. 'in the 'West, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ethiicolly speakinig, is a naturnlol il- OFICEn: Timos building, 79 S. Maia St. be- colle' of the croiiditiiiil'i wvhich 11avf tweea Liberty and William Sts. c'si's'alotig with thie detelopiiidnt ot' itern-ff...…

November 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF .MICHIGAN DAILY. ®THREE INCHES TALL AN[ The Geo. S. Parker Fountain Pen is not the oldest pen on thec , LA ST E E$E market, and yet nearly 200,000 have been sold. Why? Because each * OF EVENING DRESS pen sold helps to sell others. People who use them recoimmendl them HPS The following letters from gentlemen well known throughout the country in their respective professions are to the point: r "My Parker Fountaiu Pen is simply ...…

November 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE UNWVERSITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY. s aaaas~a'a E CHANT -T IL RN 40, 0 $25.00 Suit for $1500 SBA GAINt ( Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. - Ye ihaye ioe 2 Kodakjust like 0D . A TIINIK ER & SO INI, S a-neaasyou would py 25050 If you bounglt it new frnm annoe nt 0 IHatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailor ihe fc tory, that we can soil at 0 YZoninan's Hlats, Rulop 1-lts and Waterhouse Neckwear. 117.50 without enad. I isi a...…

June 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VL. No. 180. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY JUNE 4, 1896. Fout PAGES-3 CENTS. r - FACULTY APPOINTMENTS. 110i professor of blaw N. F Johnson READY FOR THE 13IG GAME. s-Os i mae assistant professor of law ____ We 115t Move sd seret ry of the low tfaclly.:1 Th tr w nwocuy ha Members Appointed by the Rse- ' -vy hma 1' n is n Fourth Championship GamnelWith bees sold. We must -seet new 51 quarters. gents for Next Year. Wlaler D.Smiiihliwere reap...…

June 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1(. of fit. aii . ____ O UICCc~l-s A FEW LEADERSW IN FINE FOOTWEAR FURDAY, VUNE 6-7T _ Schedule of Faculty ad Giad- Published Daily (Snday excepted) dring _ ae P n the Colege ear, atatePrgam.. THE (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIE: ime buldig N Man s., ppoite This evening the latFaculty tCon- pri oTm stldnc. lus lcpate rt for this yar will le given, It ts o be hopd that a) large aitience will EDITORISie lpresl...…

June 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GEmAJEL Your Graduation Suit Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. ________________________________ Malad it---35 Mail --S-----A38 e ould.lik to make for you. We have the Goos' N. Y. Special___ 5 00 N. Y. Special---- 7 30 Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. Liuited.--- 9 25 can give you perfect fit and correct s! yle. Besides We Atlantic Na-___7 0 Pacific Ex---12 15 cinalal will save yoou money. What more do yon w...…

June 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…TtIE UNIVERSTY o MICHIGAN DAILY. Why Not Use the Best? VICTOR TENNIS GOODS are endorsed by all athletes who appre- ciate fine points of construction: ICTiTOF TBNNIS BALLS (Best in the World.) $4.00 per dozen, cash with order. OfcsOVERMAN WHEEL CO. Offices and Factory at Chicopee Falls, Mass. New York. Boston. Detroit. Denver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore. Designer and maker of fine foot wear. Best place for repairing. JOH WOTZKE,...…

May 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…e . a i. VOL. VI. No. 154. ANN ARBOR, MICIGA, MODA, AY .-1% Fouit PACLO-2 CENToS. f;}; _= g Mm ROWD rT0 GU FFING AIIA.11 hefro 7is of0A1 1IqiOll 1)' 1 l 1 t I I 1RO R E W I i II I 'GERI. 'Oieiemw nw ei Wac~ inner of the Lea'(ue cContest Re- W1. fit'. Wediteoi. '4)1 tilt ".) sy-> 14a.i1) s am pi heen sold. Weinut 0011 101 lle Mt Xh. ole i-vi'o1- (Oto-41it .l-i iti, wO. ' 0111CCXOSal V'IU. thoft 1hoe reateot benltit of theo' v liiy 'i t-rY ...…

May 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAtN DAILY. - heCul~nd its towork fiost a iversity 'lt i UPSILON CONVENTION. - ATTENTION JtICYCLISTS. ilimioti.________If your bicycle neests cleaning or, - '1 repi"ring Tucker & Co., 14, N. Fourth taealNts O Ile Ie~cI\\ til the 1liiihaperave., is the lplae to gt odwr u lished IDaily (Sun day exceptted) durinBaseballtNoes.od.naore the College vearat soi oufo tteCirit-f Thursday and Friday. (tone attd at p1rices+ that wil...…

May 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIRG AN DAILY. ILGHIGANGENT R L ELGANT DAYS THESE, NT T TimeoTa ble (Revised March 1 196.Theedys of walligof Soes o '. na. pe tin of cns i to cooeltis FAT. or re sre,t0on00ocrooks", tipped stitiibeautiful d s i ., 111 ")1id -isle isThe rpS/ PtM. A. M fsios, ltet fancy, andlthereoae othet s,.c t ,o 50 . s lpice-todeel MaltandtEx--3 50 Mailt-_-.-.._8 N ca ssand clubs. N. Y. Special_-. 5 00 N. Y. Spcal- 7 0 O & OdP NY Eastern ...…

May 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…TITZE NV ReSITY OF I~ilIGA>, l)AILY, FOR A WELL MADE T Alfred Benjamin &, Co.'s Crash Trousers, Linen Diuck A NO FASHIONABLY 811T SUIT Troesris, Crash and Linen Dock Golf Ctps. Belt=.-Afro also cetrry a fall line of White Dolct,: rousers, Suit Caises, CALL ON Traveling Baazs and Trunks, lliah Grade Straw flais, MOORE& SETORE 6 S..WMain and S. State St.. Corner of W hlam. Insie yor attnlion to their line of Jos. . ollauf, Merchant Taior, (l...…

April 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. NO. 186. ANN ARI)ORI? MICA., rujRIAY, AP~RIL 4, 1696. Fouiz PA( r- I CNTiS. SAT ;r~DOINGCT XCELII.EN' l' WORK. 1i? BIC CLE Musical Clubs \orking hI-ard in +l We desireto nv.tic e o'that we 'i 1)00 i vcIt 01 nsthse Loon, We1 P reparation for SprinG Trip. '1 hav secrethet agency for' tohe______ 14 ht w httl5.,nude price $100. NWi Idp1 l (xe tO 11 t ' i° wet l''l 111)is b t itt retain the agency for the 1§ A~ thatt 'xctilent twheel,...…

April 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +gja4 i Graduate Club Meeting. Colle-3 Professors Meet. 197 DAILY BOPARD. ~- 4f 0 fIhet rasahymetn tth h iumlaslia tth ad he animal imeetig of tis LU. of 11. r 4A Te legu~ld"111011:111 Il~ein'''Of ti" Tht n~l13t11G lllfei ~Ilideofthet-ottent IAssond it tion, then, ptiblpblis- Pubilished Delly (Sunday excepetd) during Gi-adnai ( lab Was held '- Tiuslty C('entiat A +Jatis a t C leOf salld, eras of thle U.oa 1. t...…

April 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MIGHIGANG ENTPAL + + + THE STOP.E . + + + Time Table (Revised) Mlarch 1, 1896. YOU ARE PRETTY sueobe pleasedrnihotrine f It ipialgs. Sonatndry e EAST. WEST. Jh ll 1Ajrstir leIe is is ,popnlarmontLN 106 I ilnpeae ouatevr P. M. A. M point, even the price. Oilher wheelsfocm S0b hr $90. aladE _--35 al___-__ N. Y. Special---. 5050 N. Y. Special.... 7 30& OO P Y Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. LimIted.... 9 25 A. M. P. M. 5...…

April 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTEND 'Great Hat and Sock Sale d losin Out TO GET A(I Suit or Pair of Pants FOR Ea3TER? Jos. W . ollauf,Manh . a n I All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98.. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hlat for Easter and before going home for vacation. HATTERS AND FENE FURNISHERS, No. 9 S. Main St., i I We have left a fair stock of all sorts...…

February 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 18 6. FouR PAGE-3 CENTS. i i- ONE GUITAR Ni Is enough for one person to!+ S play on at one time. One N S guitar is not enough, how- if S ever, to suppiy 3,000 stu- I dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several + dozens of guitars of various i S makes and prices. t jBETTER LOOK AT OUR I t U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO., 11 N S. MAIN SIT. ...…

February 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY g, i4.tLWaitn+ Published Daily (Snday excepted) dring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Oreen: Times building N. Main st., opposite post offce. EDITORS C. D. CARY, Gr. L. Xw. . TnEes,'91 L.. S. E NArres,' l. IG. R. Peso".'l. W.X. liuc'oees, 'I, E. L.. louEr, '98La . IIAwS. '8. EDITOR-N-IIEF . B. iAs~soor, 'lilL 1t \NAGING EDITOR J. F. TooAs, '. BsUSINEISS IMANAGER L. C. XAKEne, '6. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Prat...…

February 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHGANGENT it SKATES, KNIVES AND RAZORS Ti me Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Havlag purchased the fall lene ofsa sine rstates, knivs andI razors from Henry EAST. WEST. Scars & bon at a discount of 50 percent, teeao offer them at the same discount, Mlaland Ex-__3 50 Mail-______ 88 Arjm I . 7 . F ® F N. Y. Special---. S.001 N. Y. Special.---. 7 300J U S T O N E.-H A. 1 L P O P Eastern Es-S- SI1 N. S. Limited.--. 9 21 A. M. P....…

February 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TELATEST ?IOVELTY IN GENTS' SUiTINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN'96. Spring Style Hats '96 ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN STIFF HATS. ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN FEDORAS. You can buy all this week our $1.50 FEDORAS AT 980. D. A TINKER & SON, No. 9 South Main Street. Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. RANDALL photographer 15 Washington Block. SPALDING'S EducaAional ( Souvenirs of TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A com...…

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