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March 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… a f t Y; it +i 3 _ I N + u . a, f I i i H 'x 0 0v s.. su- " C e t- ! s..H GL0+- c 0- 0 rt LL., - /' ': . l r f. ~ f 1, ', .J r. ' ^- .1. .. . .-. f , r' / f a-+ t..-: I i I -,f, -~ '-' , .-.y f T J ^ r ..T "' .J . .J t--. -r.,. j , , I --, _ . '!' .f .r, 'r, .i, ' ,f G . s , ,r . "r, , o y _ .. r_ ;. ;;; .. , s,,, a : R r f F'" c U - ._ 4. W a .r _ . x _ . - , , ,y 'r. Jf. _ ,r^ r .11M d"0 o -w r s 'JK- r, f r i .. J "- /; -- .r ,. ...…

March 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

….HE MICIGAN DAIL Y ... _ ,a ....'.... W G. H. WILLD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREETj Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS 0 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY., Managing Ifdior-t,icc A XVlii'xc Business AManngei-Noe~is'IAN I. x}ixj- News Editor ...,.... rcd ix Assistant ...... .. ar .u athletic Editor.X.. WaterK. Twso t Assistant ............J. I xiii I six Music and Drama....I.iarlV. Xl r Excha...…

March 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…(}:i : ii 1-11z,&IC1T A :DAIS NIAI' 1AL .:WI' ORi' RCit 1'hI iiiiJj~- We are glad to tell you D eO 'tpaa it in t i ri tili tiitloin. dp ttet.t Ii ixi till bi ust ANPil that the New Spring Mr-. i ll tat isa ileittittt'tr ibV trotes'trai tlttecorit he isor Models ot Mallory Cra- A icn a11(1hasitiue tilt a I ~ stdormal rcitrtr vanette, Derby and Softt17iritra. lie ileP.t libethu tilt itt it. Hiats have arrived and l ils 1[ehsas Ia4 ecr ( fol ;"i...…

March 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…T qEMIhIAN OAtO r CHEC K On the Bank of Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken no - a-days at his "face value." May we not show you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to which Dame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this .Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $2000 -Fashions latest whispers-- do lend an ear to them $- - JI Karl Malcolm, 118 1E. Liburt J...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUTEDAY, APRIL 4, 1911 Vol. XXI. No. 131, TRACK MEN RETURN FROM OMAHA MEET Varsity Athletes Bring Word of Relay learn's Defeat by Maroon Squad WIN SILVER M~OUNTED SHIELD 11'ttil }ni~llt 1e0d Ob it ln or10(( ing (c111 1 1(11th M ro( ou i bea,1 -~ margin, the(11 co111 es110 being runer Were(1111110 tro l 1(((11as u 1u(1 bVtheo %' 10 0 1-1 cnsrute. 1he me he1111 te1(0 r . .bet1111h a cn hre vad>1Ih1\(v rn ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…"III MICI OAN A. ILY G. H. WILD Co. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S t yIe s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET ]Base Ball Shoes $2.50 anal 55.50 (lym0ood.sadG(lfllShoesn ER. FROST, 302 S. State St. Fraternity Seals 75rc THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '"Yin livt," said 1\te.1t31,s ___ - The itay anidtnight ia'ised, ky to Managig Edior-LEE ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…'H t MICHIGAN, DAILY BE AMONG THE FIRST F. IW. GRi s3aOnSS .( S IJIG & BR~OS. lie +9 .y;.;c'tur ho i the o rld r V ( axa )fOFF ICIAL EQUIP- p1Nt sportsanaad pastimes. ~SpA~o ~ o c1tlie.Sport you u.sra : t~a. I t's sa ess astete ;ro a ie Wha's Nw'inSport 2 1W ova.Cd Ave. De~troit. Mich I hye LA-- Arbo;r Savings Bank C st, ' =>1,1100 ur las $50000 A sennari t 5pnakisg iOsinss Tranaetd E'. IL H 5(5kFPes.; W. U. C ~ri aj i, tPrs 5.: a. J. 1Frit. ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

… CATCH VP withyou wadroe Id t illtha oldsuiClok o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b brgtnnhiySna11 i(petoyaaei eustine to ay nd a-r~a) tuu ii 1 -appyapakltg olgane o Now ork tyl, 'Te Inyli thi- i a a it aateralo andwit ove tO N~ ad xcicie attrn tri 0 e to) liIt)re o, cnt a an lca talrad-oynri t,~ e-I0)0 iO) br"bl lo Ae' ; imw t o u r e a rdin e antie t l ll s o onI 1 , i i, , . . w w l h t o d s i o k o J.KARLunhnySndy MALCOLM'w. ' c oua teprcs o aea custmedt...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The_ ga Dail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.fllIUR5I)\\ , '\IX\ 4 11L1 Vol. XXI. 'N (.. 4S - . AL ASERRORS WIN l'' 7 S \ N0,11b.VRIT UICASIi __ GAM FO MIHGlANI .I i , *fcibeflii Mtlit, OPEN SEASON TODIAY nrsngs', wll egin ithis ee~t l~rsr lu at ctg oil .]tasks," the 'ttV engILIL In i n pIeer imeetig atthle i(li - - 0tol: hs lisenersfrontSeatteltoel' t 700 ocloelk for oan liours hr- Misplays by Both Teams Are I p; lii iityci tilterydy fB Band Prepares...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…______________ ____________ ~MICHIGAN ]DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G. fI WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G.H. WILD CO. 1The Leading Mserhant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEE Base Ball shoes $2.50 ad .d 6yrn Goodsitanti GolShes F. 1R.1F ~', 302 S. State St. EGRAVED Caling Cardls n alPrices Qu ~ foted to Students SCRIPT LETTERING Plate and 100 CARDS ~1.25 10...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY 1.0. A.Splflltby PermISSIOII of th o ic 'g II Daily N. 0. L ORATORS TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY Past Records of Contestants Foreshadow an Excellent Contest PROGRAM TO BEGIN AT EIGHT The twentyirlst aninalcotest sif te Northierns(Orator itltLageic sill he held ini Uniiier'sity- 1-ailtonmssrrows'night. Thi contest is hetd here hut iocceer eveni i rears. aii is the greatest exiblitisn of unidergraduiate rators scu rring' ammat- li...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…THE ICHTI N DAIL~Y S P.- i 4."' , r . .,. , , r c "i i S k # r, ". ,1 fy ~.r,, r . .s '.J ': L.~': = : ._ ..: W:, n" r' N .4+f yi ^"' y H i , jS r . t. ,: P r" I 1', j w f "' .., F'. r.M:: :. i ..{ &i... , : r: '9:i F , " ;f . , , t Su '. 1;, ',--3 ' s;i s > ;, #'. -' ., -'_ Summer Shirtings ;s In all the latest Styles and Patterns C 4 C, M A C Tinker Q Co.' Furnishers and Hatters Corrver Sousth State arnd William Streets JUST RECEIVE...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHI&GAN -PAILY Edon't give gold dollars for 00c but clothes tailored to order by FW. GROSS represent greater value than you'll or- dinarly get for THE- PRICE WE ASK A. I S1'N I DING & L3IOS. The11 pa d't ng K 1t T.-ita c _-t. k lioiiOFIIAL IQUIP- MI5NTIft 'allathletic d fpa credoe'l di 1h ptioj) Cato, t } oNt ast QsAa.Ixty ltr t ,a.G. SPA4LIDlING13 OS 254 Woodward M Ave. Detroit ' ne Cha. . 1i t Ia MlAIN AND IIURON Nit~'' Calf$50,000 S...…

May 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY via R iA~ UNIVERSITY NOTICES New W hitney iBd uti .5P.M aecrent ae tr Lir t]~g73 i&lik I el ~,Friday, May 5 Tuesday, Maohy 3 ' 9nctit1 prcea t' ris- h ldI nuggests the freshness and harmony of or junio li bsba ll prcice at 3 AS.teyteBetadla e NElW SPRING FASHIONS. Or models are uirry fild (Gaie ilh freshl liit., t iMsical Comedy Company that 4:15. lTootersout i a loly-. has erere apeaied in An Arbor deodoEadvnec o l ml mi nr...…

June 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Miciga__ Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,.SUN)A U\ ' I; I,1911 -No 17. KEIO TAKES BIG BUT VAIN BRAGE Japs Balk at Weird Umpiring in Fourth Inning of Fast 3-1 Game WEAK BASE RUNNING IS FATAL 111111shipaliertOn'51Ferry fiei ester- dast afternootn toring1the91111 lvtinue 11111l contes't of 1111 1h)11e 5l'1t5113 t I. ill 'N itillttst did tI:111Umptiir' S'te lln- son,1161, tuie lt and'"din'ifillslilt9firmlt itnd itffetiivert'Iliest agitthIli tro...…

June 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…wr . x MICHIGAN DAILY Opetingdislay of mer Woens o OVFROAT, and c c .1w ~ilcc ant ialors 31 3 ~ll TEEl 2 ca~ S >ocaoo h r'. 1~1GRAVE TilE MICHIGOAN DAILY'the disfavor of the crowd. 1Iles de cisinshr ct tl 11'11hii m cii s l)teti it~lSeplica- __________________________________ were sad, anti, stakinrg thsl ae oil r 1c ic c c it . t acil tuess tiat retuited io Mansaging Edtor-LEE A WHITE. the fact that the Asiatic is una11cC n-111Ci tfile . I...…

June 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .,_ In choosing your Str2%.w Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straws will stand showers and dampness, fog, etc. and can be sponged clean without harm F. W. GROS S 123 E. Liberty St. F xclusive Agentcy s.G S[PAI DING & BROS. Th Sadilng are thelargestmaau- faII~lcturers in the world TradeMa= k of OFFICIAL EQUIP- T.-~d.-M' k MENT,forallathletic Q plt sports and pastimes. S'AL N If ;you are interested Vlit Athletilc S...…

June 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY . _ t ., t554 II s 's t IDEAL OXFORD" Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe. fi o e (;9(i2r _ALY~iLMNDS Ladies' lir Dressing, Shampooing flaalcsring, Fsaetassage. Rain- ti> a Wate Shamps a Specialty. All toosanastowts tstseilzed beore using MRS. J. R.TRoj AN1owaEi n ' sgi110 South Titrsity Ave. a ...…

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Michi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1911. COMMENCES SECOND YEAR AS PRESIDENT. S Will Present 4rtists This on BOOKED. nice de Pas- a single pre- CASE HAS ONLY 4 VETERA] Recruits FIll Position on Team C Cleveland, 0., Oct. 3.-Four of men who fought in the 3 to 3 b of 1910 will wear the Case cc when the Cleveland school w Michigan Saturday in the foullte annual gridiron clash. The vete are Kipka, end, and Goss and R alternati...…

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Street SPLAY xclusive Styles Trousers. Street TYPE'RVlITITNG, LAW OUTLINES, TYPE- WRITER SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS, (new and second hand), for sale and rent. OVER BALTIMORrE LUNOI BELL 582-J ooks econd Hand a rta nans TILE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. Dilley ...…

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIC N DAILY A SERIOUS MATTER ,,I I f ;xv .; , "BIG MICHIGAN YEAR, Y'KNOW." Coach Yost, the man who knows otball from A to Z, says it's going to a "big Michigan year," and theser o players, "Conk" Conklin, captain the team, and "Stan" Wells, All- nerican end of 1910, are going to lp make the year a "big" one. Sat- day will see the inauguration of the ason when Michigan meets Case. TO ENTER COLLEGE Dean J. 0. Reed Tells Freshmen to G...…

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MCJIIG'ANDAY DAILY FROM S 1- i lea Sponged and Pressed for $1.00 ;aning Our Specialty ATS CAREFULLY RENOVATED Dress Suits, Vests, Neckwear, Gloves, Etc. Cleansed al Short Notice ess 709 North University Ave. call d for and delivered …

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAlN DAILY Men. you a power of good in the 1 and Winter ounfitting. gery gant rvice ag your suit, "just right" prices, we're prices and our S S ,i MID z St. 1, Procure caf Note Books Paper supplied in every ruling. Note Our Prices SIZE 6 x 3% 8/ x 6 8/ x 8 [0 x 8 Li1 x8 1 x 8% 5 x8 6I x 9 SIDE OPENING LEATHER CANVAS $.80 $ 50 1.35 .75 .51 1.65 .85 END OPENING .95 .50 1.25 .60 WHY PAY MORE? CLOTH $ .30 .3 .36 .50 .45 .30 .3...…

October 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRESHMAN SQUAD GETS INTO ACTION Candidates are Given Initial Workout Under Coach Wheaton D. Cole EARLY PRACTIC IS ELE[ENTARY. Freshman football practice com- menced Monday and the incipient Var- sity stars who this year desire to use the All-Fresh eleven as a stepping stone to gridiron fame are working out each afternoon under the guidance of Coach Wheaton D. Cole. The squad comprises many men of experience, both huskies an...…

November 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily IA Reliable Directory of Reliable BusinessI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911. 1. The Men Who Face Syracuse Will Be Picked From This Group WESTERNERS NAME GUEST IN TELEGRI Alumni of Omaha, Des Mo and Sioux City Demand Dr. Angell and Prof, Kn ton be at Banquet, KNOWLTON ACCEPTS lNVITA1 Michigan Grads Have Reserved Seats for Rooting Section For Nov. 25. "Alumni of Omaha, Des Mo Sioux City, and interm ediat...…

November 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…- T14E MICHIGAN DAILY Vild Co., 311 So. State Street EN ING DISPLAY and Winter Woolens of Exclusive Styles r Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. iILD CO., .311, So, State Street TH-E fMICIGAN DAILY Official. Newspaper at the University of Mlehigan. Published every morning except lion- day throughout the school year.. M1ANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Trowmers. S BUSINESS MANAGER AlbertiR. illey THE~ LEAING !MWAEH~AT AILORSEditoirs. News Editor .........…

November 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…F THE MICHIGA2, DAILY I town Cthi We are again receiving Mac Biarmid's DrStr CHOCOLATES Fresh every Wednlesday and Friday We also cary a full lime of Gilbert's and Johnston's ERNIER'S Hlome Made Chocolate FRESH EVERY DAY Creams Goods delivered to all parts of the city rug Store i . aD rgMa a~ St. PI-Lotik270 ANNOUNCEMENT' 64,TO "Sam"'eld & Co.'s F,)r the best Tailori ng *Set vice to be had Anywhere. In m ak inug Dre,...…

November 04, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY o Quick . MUSIC AND DRAMA A I ' iksgiving. ma! chiess reds RWARDS malcolm Block cadges Pins E. \1t SID STATIONERS s or furnish work Ave. R SIGN a Room is located on fihe place where everything i place il the city.Resides iy the week. Our speciailty "The Squaw Man" In "The Squaw Man," which comes to the New Whitney Theater Saturday, November 4, Edwin Milton Royle has written a drama in which there is much s...…

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