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December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Mic 14 higanDail"y' .\N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S- XI RI)_11V. IDRaCEMRRR 4F 9% VOL. XX. N0. 0. REGENTS DO NOT SELECT PRESIDENT Museum Officials to Search the 'tropics-Rare Coins Received -New Professor ired. Uninerity tffhcials ill tpeetrate the triesnext tsummte il searct of pei- tetti for the museumin. Ihis wa te- ided at the me-eing of the koari of Regent-i which itas-h1e1d1yeterdayinafter lryant Walker, a Miiiciigait attmi t- liinig ittl...…

November 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…e ; he M ic higa a -l ANNARBOR, :MICHIGA N, TI-11I kRSDA , \ N :IIl lkBa, iotx). NO. 7. WOULD '17'FEAT TEACHER Longmn iPredic-toVictory for Notre Dame Saturda. Plit"I lc reli I t i << j l:tin Icy tll<itll , 1, \]tc1. tlt tii. Tllt Ljowls may "\"ill 1111(1 :I ? 1' _ ' . 1 e <l 1' R e ti Tewstn i111t,.1rt his lip Minge. tiiii.'c'1-Sltics ),t l t)"wbc 1 wun usal 1 my wher :11. > )Sl hat 14)s. +,f his I I errllstc k H ieil(1111l :tt ietn...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D.lI \\\ \10,1()k,\1III1 l I , rN RIII)1Y, t. NE 1900) NO, [78. VOL. XIX. SEASON ENDS WITH <<1o FRI ' NF 101 'A !GAY LEY SPEAKS YTn mT1" T% 7 ,:r, ,v T ,rrin NO1TIRI DAME GiAMES~ With One Victory Each, Both Varsity and Catholics Promise, [lard Fight to Win Series. oragrnI kxind-up~j of a1 vorious'000 lee Notre l 1)w 11 tho~~i :afternoo Ilwll \ool am rIin th tebt victrie " ein by 01 1011111 11oesan as11 a 01 re 11ult h 1ot1h ...…

May 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…fie MC'hl a n I I Vol. AIX. .1XN\ kRB(I, Ill. '11(11'L 'II 'L I)\ 't'. 'i P .~ 909,ti VARSITY PREPARES. FOR AGGIE GAIME Farmers Are Anxious to ['reserve Reputation .- ulI's Proteges Train for Eastern Meet. T i Iwi, P i.\ < i ]Ia c Il a :( lit' llio '" tr ' ;l\ tlt I( r cr c < ,I ltti r rl 0f t '. li Still,.:1 . Ii 1 1 2 fi)) I ('I*"_'~ it ()111i11'1 - llarlti n t r the astcrn cI- s rill: I t. "t fall the cr >ss )"lilt I-% c M1.11Ihe-r ...…

April 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DaI \-NN ARBOR..MTICHJC2I\, SLNDNY, kRII4, 19cx).N.15 \ui .. XTX. :\ o. 135. FANS BEGIN WORK ON THE DIAMOND Regulars Put Seven Coats of Whitewash on Scrubs; Sonme (food Material IDeveloping. I'ei c , ii iteltit the regualit teita t- wa,0itt e lii 11 aprpiaec re iti s ingi till, I tltsh tlitc- lti i e an-g iig Ni ii rn c'~i i _11 liii11 k s hut sit Ill c uil iig h iiida hc alos te i id tas ii .isle id lie f al( plv i-, n a lark...…

March 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…77- .yy '". ('D r:" -. j .-,- ..r C: , ' , ,,, r'; ~ , t , ." J t; .J .- n l; ^ (" ; , 77, rz, v3 ! e--f ry "S ! gip' 7 ... t , . .._. /"i 'r~^ (^ n r^ J" J: l"; ,. :Y.. ' ' '1 ; -f-' r:. ='' .r' '; ,-. , . ! D :-5 . -.- Q :. rj " , _. r~ r; "" C" f ~ ^ r: y~ r; r , 'r: r' .: . v , .- (; y r> J: n n r> r- rte. C - r :,; ... ,- ^ w v fem .; "- ..'. li r ! l .-. .- u fV :, j ! :! f ~ ,. ("' 1. !, r'.1 -= "/ M -.- "^ _ ^ ' -^+ ' 7;, r'. r 'l r. (...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Im Air i + I'he Nitchig n Dall-y NN Ak BO R, M ICHICAN, FRIDAY, IPRCI:M B.rR 4, 1008. No. 56. \%O1.. XIX. ATHLETIC REFORMS AGAIN PROMISED Year-Old Constitution Committee s About to Report Revision- Iocument Strayed From City. Tllhl the nett olis ita ii i of11 ilc;M St ir tit t ii SIthe ottitio iniontuof L -. cln, ',,ch im n 'ftec mit ch sallo t o pl tdtt, ii' -, of learnf; hr lrl, t,,( 77- itt ol, ti tt'l to ipiec, ildhulin Il a i Ion, 1111...…

November 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michgan DAily Vol- XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VETDNESDikY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. NO. -32. VARSITY WEAK; SCRUBS TRIUMPH Reserves Score Six Times in Ten Minutes From Twenty Yard Line-General Seat Sale Today lThat Coaccieltciteail nt beni dl inceclast h is ccrwd1 of reserescmtctfor ti-rtlailc -slangltec at the 1hands( ofithe vaiity as mest ieatiiullillutrtdl ini ee-lerdlayf - criiiitiage tiactice After thte hal- ttttitatitcvatsit ad mtae a t...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…r z r 'r s =1 K zrW.s. P j{' , tom, The, M* \,or . XtX. ANN ARBOR, MhI (11I(G.XN Ll) Y, ul)l( )17107 , jytii8.No No. 6. VARSITY CONQU ERS stcond Bond failedlio tt anything 1AR1TALE NTi CASE ELEVEN l and oiathethird (dowI'd TRTAE TO Iunn u CAS TCHELEENlie.heeipie tt ilcildattill- APPEAR IN U. HALL tIlni e XX t uitd fell oitheiicball- lcrltgtisti'hecn n Buckeyes Score Touchdown, But ia itItitl illte it ttttil The Choral Union Promises Five M...…

April 04, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Th ihigaDily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. VOL. XVIII. NO-.z-40. FRESWD I. S. MET Of>J1RS TONIWSf Ptep Team~ Arrives TPhis-Noon- Torrey anad Crg Will 'Not Cpee--encgv*s -'iked. Detrot:Utoierity shool pretend to bentvr:hpf~l-eadn~oigtsmeet, and perhap they haven't mntch reason to. e so, b at ty rate they will pt p 'a good fight for the big end of the score. With Craig and Torrey out of the, mneet, the .-freshmen will e ma- t...…

March 04, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VY,,z wt ANN ARIdH? a V[ I AN, WEDXRSDAY, MARCH 4, 590& N. i UtkENGINERS DEFEAT FRESh LITS They Win Place in Finals by a Scr of 31 to 16 in Most Excit- ing Dame of Series. The junior'engineers hung another anchor on the basketball championship title last night when they defeated the fresh lits in the first of the semi-finals. Until the middle of the second half of the game honors were even and either team rhight have been pi...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…_The Mc .."il VOL. XVIII. ANN . R , MIii fIG '\\. \VFI')\I'"S):\Y. I)I;CI'VMIIhJLR 4, zSf07. .ss o. . CAMPAIGN BEGUN VS. ATHLETIC EVILS Several Students Thing That the Graduate Director Should Not Vote for Treasurer. An organized catopaign agaist al- leged evils io te Athletic association lots resuttedi fronm the dleadlock in te election for thte office of treasurer. The thsree msemhers of tihe boarti of direcors whott suipptortetd George Ke...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dily VOL. XVIII. No. 10. ANN ARB3OR, ,VICHI(IAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBERI 4, 1907. tfIP ED VARSITY Weto .ct he 01offIIU ic i a s,kilp A LLST LWILL WILL OPPOSE CASE seectd t a"1 . read n;;11c 11i' the COACH BASEBALL Four. Regulars lWill Be Missing in First Glame-Signal Practice Was Sluggish. A stiff signal practice yeseray prac tcalty endedllth varitys prepartio for the Case game. Wor nraot by tie grtelintg game with the srbls plaed ...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…({'rgall VoT,. XVII. TEAM WAS TREATED RIGHT IN THE EAST Michigan Men Were Better Ta- ken Care of Than the Eastern Teanms-Rowe Is New Captain. lx iie(. c ' ii i ee}Ii itro to l IId pict i oi l i lt, i Ii Iii 11111'11 g iii1 rcl11 tril I i l h ~ ~ tlI me-oi fit, 11)(111 r1 hu ll i t i h t iii ii (111 'h(iii ti lo" tI-vt 111) ilt l- cati odl l ,tl t lw i tcaL, it h ll(1 rle riealc. ()m-dr ii l oil~lil ti oc it iiby ia p p I lil ili I idilw v 111...…

May 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN AK1, R,10. NI I lOAN .SA I) 1 lY, NIAXY 1. 1907. VOL. XVII. No. 154. D. AftC WILL MAKE VARSITY HUSTLE All-Star Team Will Meet Lowe's Men Today on Ferry Field- Sullivan and Ovitz Eligible. I vX 14141111' I X Xiii X\' ii. XII Xiii>' III> IXIXYIKII LEMONSW AIDflGYM ItM 191 11108II2Q' I IUI1" MaXim loll i 1 XIX XXXrtiuitXXX.'XXXXX i rli ; tc, :tllc'(1ilc \\it l7 I -' ci cc t t"~~ l lt; m c h 1),i i1 ih L1)v. . ;it A...…

April 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…0hThe Michia Dily ANN .XRJillk \LCIC \ 111I \\N, l4, 1907 vol'.XVIT. No. 137. VARSITY WINS OPENER FROM THE INELIGIBLES Twirlers Do Effective Work and the Yannigans Hiave No Chance to Win (lame In the -i 1n( 0 n I i i ll i tIttr-t ailtti il~tS itiil 1)v ra<-'-c s I'iltils' by l~~th az~rcait> iiln -the l l ii I lhl i tit lIltila\i nti l il iii -l liti - 1; i cl trills Tit---ib Itl il f te I cit l l 11111- makshi tlas- ut-iptaii twenin a tc)1...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBOR, '\l II. l , 1 'l _ 1SD \'111 ii \f d Sol VOL.. XVII tN>. 3d . CONFERENCE CHANGES REFORMED RULES Star Athletes Allowed to Compete ,During Their Last Year-Michigan May Regain Lost Prestige. aol Satuariay the Wesrtern Caier- laerlxdtoo a slightclt xtt tite rtles tti lch l aale tite liclig'anll ootitall teany a lpigi tock101111 in'e Ps t alh (iloki rro'sjsisi tgl'r brightier tioe nttxt i'ear. 'ii gotiniti It , ia a...…

May 04, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily tTOL. XVI. \NoRR)R, MICllIlAN, 1]i1 D A, \f\1Y , 1o01. NO.,I1 2. I0 MINS Everything in Readi cessful Performa Parade and Placi iations. futll dre~strehearse (I tod ot the first Tile111 1111a0'(-" I al-sl ileeltet o 1 a 10,1,thesow uoni-tittk T0h111111sthirds0 ti+ 1 rwith tdashand. slnwee ostts (if thtl ;tires of therethea1111 . pat S awthigte tfare 6 11tt)1 - tlc ijigt. 1 U~~~T I ~ erty-, tiownItLilerty 11o Matit alog ...…

April 04, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ('Of. XVI. FIRST GAME VICTORY FOR THE YAINNIGANS Conglomerate Aggregation Defeats Regulars 5 to 4-Weak lit- ting in [lame. tor the first tme this season the ar- It sealles were di ideul into tio sota tstrtay andiaot game resnted. tolyRolin ed titeYnttiigais, whoi --"4at"la" Sgr, cltnpionshit- ill)g liuiciltblia score of - to 4 after sie nings of tlasy. Cch McAlister us t bik fromt Buffalo btttte squati Slolaenlarsof b Ctin ...…

March 04, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

… I ! % (., r f' J, r, v Jam. '! u ."'" 'IG ' ' ._. 77- " ~ r. r . . 'J I J 77 r 1 " r r; ~ ZT- or: -t V. E v ' -'. v ...,.. Qom' .. . .". r, ~ C" 1 : !. ; ~ , y .. ~. ~1 . O r /V f. -_ ;: (/ ) .. / Jv VI rn, J= r^.. ..! ' ' ! o rn . o rn rn _ .f = - . rn f J r "J "' %, V ". r-; r .f r J ... PAO Pohl 1 r n, "rr '"! l,. -: vy ii r r M r... ^ <^" rf " !" ..-+ .~ ' ' ,y r r s 1^ z Z: n n .r, i h i :/ I r1 . "I i i r i ' I GIC, r f ! .. p -s...…

November 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

… The McignDIly A \R1,10R, I[1C 11CA 10 s I) K)A \C)\ ;I I;I I 95 I.3 Vol- XVI. N(). 3 JIICHIIGAN TEAM IS AT DANVI LLE, ILL. FOOTBALL TODAY. SENIOR COUNCIL Reports From Illinois Field Will Be Received in University Hall This Afternoon-High School vs. M. M. A. at Fair Girounds. ELECTIONS UNDER WAY Will Go Into Champaign This Morn- ing-Yost Confident- Elaborate Preparations Made at Champaign. ilicltif'ttttatt li(iS Ct'0 lIIVNI)IKI) LINIf...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily %oc.. XVI. RUSH POSTERS ( CAPS FO Threatening Proclamations to Freshies Distributed by Sec- ond-Year men--'08 to Wear Special Headgear. HiLACK FRIDAY! Ocoe 1905. lear y! Her ye! Her ye Wh lereas: 'iYe most v erant gec andi iunspeaae 1offsourcig of the ie testable' genii' Ire shma a v ie i the past teeas beectwihed ill the bal anecie d feund riceveouscli'w iatng l' ricer elecs re cembelered'! Oec inrsocasein.e hav eopenl inc...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan gDa ily VOL. XV DISAPPOINTING FINISH. Baseball Team Wound Up the Sea- son With Defeat-Final Score 7 to 5. Perhaps thelessisaid out ester- dil',;baebal late iwith (hcago. the better. Certainely tone of the fans isho witneissedl that hert-retditgispetaei Will care to lute it rcalldi to their uietituriesby lie todetild acunitt. foihjliga's ntctwtidinulp tthe sa sontit the desredelaileef glor. Te le hat Witstrereettig the varst ati tl...…

May 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, M'AY 4, 1905. NO. 151 VARSITY WON HARD GAME MYSTERIES OF THE NILE ' BY TRUSTEES. CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN Michigan Defeated D. A. C. . ;ter- Celebrated Esgyptian Mus'eumn las Corresponding Secretary and Treas- (Styms W ere Taken pos'sessio of by day in Close (lame Score j Ben procured for the urer of S. L. A. to be Chosen-- an Army of Workmen Last Was o to 4. County l~air, Change in Electio...…

April 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.N~ CAPTAIN BIRDI DESIGNS. 4Ptain of Varsity Baseball leamz Resignis to NlaN, with Buffalo Teain Iasehall Pros.. pests Oloolli1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TPUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1905. l ir . Ii i io 11" 'ct n ar t at Il N 'ri te il Io l ff'reii ; S tl ti llI i t o (.c v1 t , ac 'Il hr l ll ,, tauill e 10 l On11111 Ii i I}r 111111 i 111 l Ilka task1 Bard 11 I mI ,':1 1i t c' t'2 < 1' 'i 1 1, t+ j t1 )i' ! ti «21i t} i FRA K 1 S. kil '...…

March 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…c o! vim* I i I i F.. ^: L. :+" ^.i J .,-.. ^~ ,^ I' r; ".' "'.' : r. +-' a ,.i 1. ^ Y^. C "' G '.' -. w M 6J ,Il-.. °. _. i-. " - ^' «. -' f . : .-. ... .. i... ^' ~. U ' r J : :. ' ;1.. "" ("r ! "' ,.' r ..'-. r 4-+ +-' ^ ''"=" 3 r~' .-+ '"°' "l + a .M.... "Ii t"j C? r, !/. ""-" " ~, .^ L^ '^J '-e. .^-.. ~ :, !-.y , .'1-. z"' 5'.. C, v .,5,' '-. .J l-. ., :: r ^ .'' i+ f :.+ ^" r. ~ ,., ' ' f tom' f. ... ^ " '^. "° w"' ; ' n :-+ rf . i-. , f...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR. IH, STNAlEAMIJR 94 No. t}3 HONORS FOR MICHIGAN. A CHANGE OF PLANS. HOME IN A SPECIAL. { THE RHOD.ES SCHOLARSHIP Maddockkl'evolutionizes Football in [he Woma n's League Entertain _Ke'yst oe lob Chartersa Train to President Ang~ell Calls Attention to Utah and Now the Mormons Swear, ment ke-organizedt tpon an l~it Pittsburg for tlheClhristmas Vaca the Time of Examination-changes by Michigan.! tirely New Bfas...…

November 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…ThyIiiC11g cnDal VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1904. No. 34 HARD) PRACTICEZ Yost Makes Men Work Hard for Two Hours and a Half-End Position Still Open-Regular Backfield Oat of Scrimmage. Yesterdlayte football squladi hadl One Of thr halrdest, practiceofth seaslii orto houarnd1a hall h 111a1icaed1 1On the oharging nia- c1hi00 andlin111101 sp111e1,1 ran1r1 las riced roll 111111 0rind1 goal1kin :; l enoiing with signal placice noa...…

October 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga _a VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1904. No.7 UNONSGN1TOE WO"E[NS R[C[PTION.! TWO DO[[AR -RATE. CHANGES IN LAW CLASSES. The 'teeutive cmiathtee tor a -i ain liheat few yaraseveral of I lI~rsct yOf Michigan Unitont com- I Manager Baird Arranges For Cheap theicsbjects ithle ILaw Departmenet plaints to te Daly (liat the cartds Annual Reception to the Women Ecrint oubs pca tttttt irtrytetdi c Ilacedl lby tiscommtrtitteet...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. No. 177r GREAT DAY AT CHICAGO. Western Athletes Gatser at Marshall Field for Conference Meet-Mich- igan will Have to Work for Victory. Today Michigan's track athletes wilt compete against the best men in the West at the Conference meet at Mar- shall Field, Chicago, the greatest event tf the season in college tracts athletics. On the face of things i looks as though it ...…

May 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1904. No. 151 N[WS [ROPI CI1IICAGiO S[NIOR SWING OUT [AWS ON T[AR PRACTIC[ GAiEfl New Law Building Opened to Stu- Successful Swing Out Took Place on Take Off on Lit. Swing Out. Two High School Defeated in Six Inning dents Recently. One of the Fin- Campus Yesterday Afternoon. Hundred Lawn Parade the Cam- Ga'Vart- Turner -dlureic Tried et Buildings in the Coon- Aout Four Hundre...…

March 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1904. No. 108 ENTRIES ALL IN. I Goodwin., A POISON MIENU. BIRD CLUB. _____M. A I-all. _____T- lteirest aroused lby lh- Bird For the Big 'Varsity Meet Next Satur- GsuI i Springfield, Ohio, Newspaper Publish- i1lth in thrstdy o te Spring nmi- Lewis.grtoofbrsialed bein day-Many Star Men Entered- Barlett. es Facetious Article-Interesting raitinnhe of bi s areadykering Big Crowd in Prospect-List Graham,...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The MichgnDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. No, 55 MU1ISICAL CLUBS. MrICHIGAN 1ONOR[D. YOST AT YAE. Will Give Concerts in Three Statesl James F. Halliday is Chosen One of Michigan's Coach Confers With Yale During the Christmas Vacation- Four Orators For Final Hamilton Authorities-Nothing Definite Con Program For Glee Club-Me m. Club Contest. luded-Yale Captain Will bers Will Be Well Entertained. j Decide. _____I T...…

November 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1903. No. 33 0. S. U. CO"IES NEXT. STONE WILL SPEAK HERE. ALUMPNI INTERESTED. "ICHIGIAN EVERYWHERE. Strong Buckeye Aggregation Comes Senator From Mississipi Has Been Graduates Will Be in Evidence At the Her Alumni Are Easily Found in the Next Saturday-Organized Root- Engaged By the Students' Lecture Wisconsin Game-New System of West-An Interesting Letter From ing of Ohio Sup...…

October 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Th ichiga s VOL,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1903. No0 WINS [IRST VICTORY. Michigan Defeats Case 31 to 0-Vis- itors Foil to Cross Wolverine's Goal Line-'Yost Has Teem of Promise. t~nder a burning, uandaiblefove the critical (yes1)1of v or twoV) ilhiiiaiii loiyal rooters~, thr Mlhiiiai football pubilirapariliainceand soundly troun- cdtheic ain Iromu Cace .Srientifir srcool b he se n'ncr of <11 to 0 \Vlile Hie c idlllilaWihi h...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…THE us of l DAILY. 'VOL. XI1T. ANN~ ARBOR. Id.. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1903 No. 181 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Bakeslee Suspended. _ THIS YEAR'S "M' MEN. eA-gain Hossard hiesie has comei if L Bitot ondAim-SeiorsNow iender the lani othe aculty' and beenSMcia e o t opt nAh Its Ht~oryand mulaedioByNow upendeel for a year. Air. IBlakesee etic nio t t D eti th Eligible-Being Euae y i tin year correspendelt of the lDe- ltcUina eri-Would Other Colleges. tiit...…

April 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…1 , A' h f .:i. 1 ,: s_$ ' i+ S e:3 4 i , :c t F 7 r "t gar. XIII. NN l~l, ICI. S tI -i y Al) 1. 1 2 No. I THE POWERS LECTURE Cyne 02, for Conres - -- '111, ii ci i1 c(i o :1r t ALarge Audience Were Well Plfer-e o t' inst 'i '11 t tamed by Leland T. Pwers Last 1Ii iiiii ndilni'i to411 in ii I~rss Evening in University Hall i111:11 'iLong i of th iil ivini ursinltii - - distict i f Mr ILow-iiwas jtupersun I t nt iin th ia iill hi s liiiiil ii 1...…

March 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…Till! us. Or ,+Y y i IL VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, M&RCII 4, 1903 No. 112 WORK FOR 'VARSITY MEET Xow Going on at Lively Pace-Quar- ter Mle Event Arousing Much Interest With the annual 'Varsity indoor Sleet only three days off,. the large squads of track -team candidates pt in an earnet days work yesterday. The sprinters were busy all afternoon ~.cept during the rief periods that the floor was occupied y classes, and the buncrhes o...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…L.' AtE JFKl C H. Crya K l 'ii1 . i . i , ~jONEYGJ F r Mt"1 IlII). JIiJ ('l a'Mic>. 1 I 1 1" 422 a l . l I t l t . 2 f b , i l l , and, v 1,'1(i f ol 1litlt 4,I *'41I l i s .1 T ;' 1~ 1 1 i it "f iwp'1(rt;n ~lf}¢ 4'?lit1 , it *1',l t t1 t k " 1 S i: ? 1 !.' 111 - <:12 E*1 12 nil,!2II1i1 f i ) tI r 1 1' :., !! 1 I l l lii o. d, . 1 . 1 ]' 11 44444I r( 4' sltI l tl I I ; ! ] K h ' 4 44444 111 d11 I };I t111 AI Ii .41: 11 44 111i 1 t I't iII 1lm...…

November 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…____ UNIVERStITY OF M lHGAN. tii .. . _ ii .. .. "1 I _ 9 0 . 1)iI~. N 5! I U I r i j Ii l : 1 it it ::ti i ,1 1 ;'!' , - tl t lc l3 i i+1 .i tit il ,,,tl i i 3 , 1 .ai.i cat . 'sli l, 1 i "i ,1 I it 6 Ii in lt. , i()Ik F1 ,it in Ii '- 7 3 t ;7 i f lip ' i l, ti s i +al 11 i ; f A ll) t;i. t;i jtl il~n i Cj I; IPI WW I 04-011 1 11\ y 44 to yI ttti t Unix, IaOt. <,i i'il1- " Ohl 1"" A1j II .., _:I its tI and ,,lliit'i v t f ilt 'Gti omt>1"Ii I ...…

October 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…UN'IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Sv NI) YF iR N(. I RUS POLITICAL MIX-UP Y f S j'ttNI I il I) Iltr l':2 itl il "1 I' I t1~ 1. 11, ()t'ii:'a"T . O w lli'i" 3+hull t)II,' l ri ~'k h km 111!, ri'i' -n- II ll( iii . 111,1 i iw u l( Ii - t 1 ,E'I I\t i;i? jw iid ll ( d ,1 (",ili " ill h Ill kill. As ho sl:ll'lml to m id 1}111 llI'taO W n 1 1 ,Ki d liilil nOl mw 10 i"jq, 1P \'w it 1. i 14 Ilii as 'i 1'1W c il)l' IlI 11iia , \\"A- 1lI1',Illil. 11 " N w HA; l...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…,.t V 1 ' AWt I)A I ANN AItBk,')11, AlICH.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1002 IRIST YIR WEEKS ELECTED CAI No,. Zi' PTAIN liio-a10 1 .Cornell at 'lol(-t The p00 a,]bo ltio 1ra ~0111 ~ l 1, k Yr OsMon to "1 ' ' 7) ' DR, BARROWS IS DEAD AitY Xt PpWi i }yit Pr,f esslonal Reception Assured 7 ~ ''a+ i 1I~lv cclm , 1 1 ,r 111 ii7 < ic H s 1l'ti " 1 ' I 'I 1 ) 1 (, lIIll' ' : " 1 1 1 ' l : l . 1 ' 1 4, I i ' ' 1 : 1 t 1:1 1 t 1 ((t' 1 i 1' l a 1 1 I 1 1 f ;1 1,...…

May 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…r . <tA' DA L-1 ANARBOR~il, MICEi., x'l'NiAY.NIiA'i 1, '11)- No " . lti MICHIGAN DEFEATS INDIANA Firo Prof. TIruebloodi "v;1 a. lrte Sx( (ddtiat'Iliitn Few Bri (- ant Ieatures 1)~ altls lle;t( t Irr xxt:tl~ t~tI i ' xx xi x l)lil i t- tfi lt tI'l1 xlx I~r tI "t: i' lt. 'fait 1, xllil-x1i x xi',r sxxlt'xixIrk I'ii)I11 'I'Titi i', : i'lix ' x tlI' it~it tl i ]l.' xii ll. 1tH x' 'x lid xx:11x (Ili 1i'x"ill.xx ll1xix i I lli'lxix lixit.ix'1ixi xii...…

April 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…AN Al lBOU, MI 11., FRIDAY, APRIL 41,1102. 'IR~S- : No. 131 THE COUNTY FAIR THE DEBATING TEAM PROF, TRUEBLOOD A10 oo i e t COACH SEXTON 1 13". a iit !:1 ii:! +; t i';i t l . t" 3b1 I ' 't i~ll tl4 1!<! Ii~d : I~l'll 1i1l. :iI'+ 2 i t" t ': I;?t! stii i . >' Ii : # f i.t r ,ti i 3}I y.. {ir{iti{ t' .t" ' iit" Ilii 1tSli', 111{^ii 11 tt! .l .i ili. ; ! Tits! 1;IiM;lrji ;{1t(r{I1 ; i i1'll F!t t f , r '1 1 .:.' i ++ICf111 r1 t ' , . if 1 - v i i ...…

March 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…BASEB ALL - The Squad Has Beer. :,to on and the Men Are Shtis~g Uppvienet. Cach se'Ptpn il ~l Arive Aparil 1tP, "u ~ ti orci icillp i; 11;p fP 'I P I;u l" Iiipi-l1i Pp o liii nl.1 I'(ll lliS 7)u 1N~s" ll( 3Pr: .. P-pp.~ tll l, - 1e1 1r :U~ WAl l rl t1 l -p-pp l.'111'tlr11 II. , h lip pp ti p.' p r lpp1' l il 1t 1 11u X P uip 1:~"i" t 111~ ,Il li - Ppolui. I 't'teh rs - Il ':t111 r ;:i . I t 1 1 . \ 110 li p ,11' PP ~v~ 1 ! l } 1 i I ti +I C117...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'~1TYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 1901. No. 57 CAPTAIN WHITE. THE INLANDER. THE '501-0" BARBECUE. '4THE CHARITY BALL." ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speech...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…DAILY8W FiIST YEA,. PRACTICE FAST BUT LOOSE. ,ANN ARBJOiR, MICII. FillDAY. OCTOBERII-1ti. MAX O'RELL Polar Temepeature Ginneisn no the Wittiest of Frenchmen to be beard 'Varsity Bet Cold Fitners Cause Here Soon. Fumibling-Y ot Givies the 'Varsity -stood Natured \\c1tIi1 '4;Y(:11 Ion o Latonii . ;'n I11 t s .t x 11'1,4 11.i tti'i ie 'I iitttiit wi trrv'12:,lttf1 l ir1 til Sif.i1.jrr) tint1 11, l l iliiillt.u ut~ w lti'tle i'" li i i ;t t' - i i...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Oar Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING: has arrved and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as sortmnent in the cit}-, _ of D Ir 4 ANN ARBOR MICli., TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1901 MICHIGAN'S VICTORIES FOR THE YEAR 4:) Wona limit 'vwitlli vii iv t' ivof iivav Ivij-o i "3 WaII isliti' vIttI,'vIi'I 'oncst' (i vnivei. i- Wo Woisvtorii' vii iviv I 'tr"le-:t' ix' iii' u l llol C W o n x I . v' v v t. i vi g...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…beoom.J i m , . it , VOL. XI. ANN ARlBOR, MICH.. SATURD)AY, MAY 4. 1901. No. 159 ...Our Special Line of.... A fIT I F Tl (II~~T~ Foreign and Domestic ISN'I 11 ABOUTUIII'IL II)LLLDRb1IF FA B R IC45 (ARROL D. STOR[Y, MI(MUAN'S R[PRfiSfNIATIY[ DfffATS THEl (RA(K ORATORS FOR SPRING Of SIX OTlHER LARM UNIERSIIES--E I S THREE [ iRSIS IN DIELIMEY has airrived and issiat- Mhio Wn itOtotEeeMterOrtraLeue(tss-Te ranged for inspectti. Ii d IdWofihO...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…" o r " TW/ 'VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1901. No. 160 ..Our Special Line of.... A DECISIVE DEFEAT Allen, If. . 0 2 1 0 0 Hu_ lrley, rf . 0 1 3 0 0' Foreign and DomesticSaem1, 2b ....0 0 1 20 5 to 1 the Score in Yesterday: Game Freemnu, p ....0 0 0 0 0 A ~ ~~-Touhill Makes Star Play-BLu~so -4 FABRICS Were a Feature of the Totls . .1ft24N3. FO P I GGame R. H. P0. A. L. They cause, they saw. lbnt they were Snaw, If .....1 ...…

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