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April 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… A-A Ulf> ,( r . Air, r ® t VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, ThOU.. THURSOAY, APRIL 4, 1901 Nt-. 142 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 41 1901 :\ 1 4 2 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING, has arived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sorinient in the city, 6. H. WILD CO. io8 E. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day.. . WI LDEiR'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A ...…

April 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' DAILY. .._. - ~, it~ ~Senior "Swing-Ot" onII lly Y l.bI Entye ; _7l at tnt_:t i en i flayi2,, W atch This Space for Pi :ii'.t'ti tearotat 1l"iet.obe n=of 1c 2.,t MjE UNIVSIIY OF kMiC[IIGAfNii tt ofl''tiiotitl. Fit MAIN't Flii tilt l lii (1111it i ll liii t h ite "oit il eve till I t i ii Arg., il Ittie 21 St. 36 EL t i. o S" callilts ti i ' ~thi t l , l Veto 1 Linde nschmitt Q( 4 A pfel's .,'Xl'L wh...…

April 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…TIEOUNIVERSITY OI IICiGAN DAILY,, % ~In wearing a Klnox, 'Varsity or Hawes $3 hat youV can feel assured you are correct. You can get the ordinary hat styles at any store, but we go a step further with these hats. We not only show you all the regular styles, but also all the variations and exclusive styles. That is the difference between 0 our store and the ordinary store. You're as welcome looping, as buying. (G OODSPEID'S 0 117 IAnN :STRIEET ...…

April 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…w THRE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW 0~S A lune .. tan i, by Drl)oood. Uncle Terry, a Story ortiteMail Coastl, by Charles 'locke M11n11. That ittainvarillg (air.i. by A. Mayn- ard IBarbour. 1Fhe Visits of L lizabeth., by Elinor Gilyn. Like Another 1 Cohn1, by Gleorge Dorton. The ;story of Sarah. by Louise torso- len1d. 'When Btlades Are (Oet4111Loes Atid. by Brady. Thle rone Letters o)f the King! by Le IGallienne. The Love Letterso (f Vic...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…beoom.J i m , . it , VOL. XI. ANN ARlBOR, MICH.. SATURD)AY, MAY 4. 1901. No. 159 ...Our Special Line of.... A fIT I F Tl (II~~T~ Foreign and Domestic ISN'I 11 ABOUTUIII'IL II)LLLDRb1IF FA B R IC45 (ARROL D. STOR[Y, MI(MUAN'S R[PRfiSfNIATIY[ DfffATS THEl (RA(K ORATORS FOR SPRING Of SIX OTlHER LARM UNIERSIIES--E I S THREE [ iRSIS IN DIELIMEY has airrived and issiat- Mhio Wn itOtotEeeMterOrtraLeue(tss-Te ranged for inspectti. Ii d IdWofihO...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…" o r " TW/ 'VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1901. No. 160 ..Our Special Line of.... A DECISIVE DEFEAT Allen, If. . 0 2 1 0 0 Hu_ lrley, rf . 0 1 3 0 0' Foreign and DomesticSaem1, 2b ....0 0 1 20 5 to 1 the Score in Yesterday: Game Freemnu, p ....0 0 0 0 0 A ~ ~~-Touhill Makes Star Play-BLu~so -4 FABRICS Were a Feature of the Totls . .1ft24N3. FO P I GGame R. H. P0. A. L. They cause, they saw. lbnt they were Snaw, If .....1 ...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIYERSITY 01! MICHIGAN DAILY._ U. o .fdtj ou ght to 7o by the oard it the T I AIN OR ________________________weater is goo. It Ho. high ttti H II1 NE( Putbished Daily (Modat excepteddrig oit-siiir. .0 inaoio Arinttoig i I The 110o' $3.01) Shoe is the shoe Coleere ser at Is ,asite sill ermiut,)ill try to raioe to wear weh s the weather is ucer £ THE UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN Altrosectordl of ti ft. h it an X Ittie rais doesn't hurt it MottoD...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, ... Published Daily (Modys rceptedduid o College ver. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OcICE BANCH OGerten Agll Bldg Mto St. 336 S. Stte Street. Both 'Phoe 13. Ne'Stte 'Photo 12. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. lHANS '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. E:.eLHoARD, 'O L EDITORS: ATHLETIC EDITOR: - CoAS. DvoooAY A .H.MoDoUGAI.L,'0lE. G. D. Henoev, 'Sl MIoS , K. SoAtooF'03 W. A. KIoIH,'O L K.H. WooROow,'04 w. P. CHAoC,'l L W. A. ...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THEE UNIVESITY OF AIM FIOAN DAILY .55- _ _ _ _ 55n mo vtb db ode oD'o oGi+ o (io oQo od'o tiQ oA 000' BAT WING It's a long time since partment." We malk gain that will be re patterns, colors, vari S 25c e you heard from our "Necliwear De- le up for lost time with a neclitie bar-° membered. Unlimited assortment of iety. They won't be long going at 25c. GOODSPEEDPS G 117 MAIN STREET Vt Vt t Vt c 4 0 ttti tid'o 00'0 00'0 00'0 0? Oro 0f a L...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…'11117: I7NVFrciTY 017OF ( 1H]GA1a IlAI1 :tE E:E : E :E= r. rE£ : :tFe : e- . : e: : irr E rrs fr.$:E 'rra: E: -------------------------- It's Just as Easy W iM iii To cut to fit as to cut haphazard, if the cutter knows his business. One of thet principals of our tailoring is th t tth... cutter knows his businiess, and the makers know their business. "liappy=go=lucky" work will not do in -ny case. Of course, such workmen command the highest...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01'MICHIOAN DAILY NEW BOOKS 1 A. King's Pawn, by Drummond. Uncle Terry, a Story of the Main Coast, by Charlea Clarke Munn. That Mainwaring Affair, by A. 'Mayn- ard Barbour. The Visits of Elizabetht, by Elinor Glyn. TVke Another Helen, by George Morton. Tbe Story of Sarah, by Lonise F'orss- lund. Wben Blades Are Ont and Love's Afield, by Brady. 'The Love Letters of the King, by Le Gallienne. Thbe Love Letters of Victor Hugo. All...…

May 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERASI'TY01 IMICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS &. vioi awnu, by tDrummond. nes eyaStory of the Main ( tby Charles Clarke' Munn. tcflatinicrring- Affair, -by A. Mayn- itarbour. h'dtisofo Elizabetb, by IElinor Like- Another Heien, by George Et3ozton. rLne',dtocoy of Sarah, by Louise Forss- W ew holades Are Out and Love's Alleld. to Brady. VLove (Letters of the King, by .L C ailboenue. Tist ove Letters of Victor Hugo. All he above at a discount fr...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Oar Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING: has arrved and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as sortmnent in the cit}-, _ of D Ir 4 ANN ARBOR MICli., TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1901 MICHIGAN'S VICTORIES FOR THE YEAR 4:) Wona limit 'vwitlli vii iv t' ivof iivav Ivij-o i "3 WaII isliti' vIttI,'vIi'I 'oncst' (i vnivei. i- Wo Woisvtorii' vii iviv I 'tr"le-:t' ix' iii' u l llol C W o n x I . v' v v t. i vi g...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IiE UNIVER"SIIY OF MI!CHIGAN Track Men Get Stripes tte nd 1)1iV tt'g itork, (thel l ('f that top man has madet Vhe ' \'r'Vt O,-"V us V1duV Boh'Pi RUN ' Sit LV iie l i ''-1. New( stTc (ihV\OI GNU QitlOR, R Sp,,&*V MANAGER, i l' ISA. 'A'. . t(. Iltt''( t ... (tt'f ((tt' t llIj( Take aChances WHEN BU1Y 1M7'CLOTHES READY-TO-W There iis0111y 0ne sort tliat will never disapl a you in the excellence of te f...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 3

…IFE L -TvT FFQjT1 of ATIR IGAN PAILY,. 3 Our Special Case is 24 inches long, is strong and well made, " II II I ' ! 'IdllilI and covered with the best heavy selected sole leather stccl. Color russet and tan, with steel frame, heavy bolts, :solid brass lochs and catches. Full linen lined,with special art- mne nt in lid for s hirts .io t V.4 17® 47®,p 17. , gp' I'I i .' IIi cap II ii' lxIli 11 M IN ST IlIYVT , IAAPA F;,L!S ROUE i IE IlIltI lI...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERISITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys c nal id lNO0T ICE Aet et We Itays' ~We have our mosts, xcellent line 1of seasonabile 0 tdnswsttdt vs combination of coors, also soakj WOOLENS, SE RGES, WORSTEDS doring vacation for the -A. A. thern to ootdertts tctass teamts in a d C .V OT tpoe' aot, otis e any colors seteetedi, with niuoet- an H E'I? Im rvd gslielilp. bly als, letters otrsflit ttrnt at cluth on the tabtle waiting your inspection...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…DAILY8W FiIST YEA,. PRACTICE FAST BUT LOOSE. ,ANN ARBJOiR, MICII. FillDAY. OCTOBERII-1ti. MAX O'RELL Polar Temepeature Ginneisn no the Wittiest of Frenchmen to be beard 'Varsity Bet Cold Fitners Cause Here Soon. Fumibling-Y ot Givies the 'Varsity -stood Natured \\c1tIi1 '4;Y(:11 Ion o Latonii . ;'n I11 t s .t x 11'1,4 11.i tti'i ie 'I iitttiit wi trrv'12:,lttf1 l ir1 til Sif.i1.jrr) tint1 11, l l iliiillt.u ut~ w lti'tle i'" li i i ;t t' - i i...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN D AILY-N EWS W"ILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ThIL0R~ OUR FALL LINE ; is the best wve have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, atnd a eery fine liue of 'thelil U. m ndt It.' lit lnilt i, TheU.o At-ItLYtt, ...,.,., , .,.,,,.._..,,_,.,_.,.-..,,,...-... sy ;1 \ E., tii] 'i1 1lI iis :1 :1 1: :1 111 't "t 121 ;: 2 ;' , . li ' IIIt't'1 lli_ ' iS;t .1'111;! !1 tt l t 111i1111t . 11;; 1 , I c' ti 1 t';: 1 llI)k , It '1;1 1 ii...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…* iTHlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS j ~l" i zoW ti III 2 1< }1.' InS -irll z}1 - z r( I II t i n l :, , EillEc + L /IKft NLOKwi!Fall Suits and Overcoats Isi (et Ci K O 1 >>. .c tll i ftns tI14'ig n aiti IL .Te # + 4.RS RA EUL ++ ++ + + + + + 4 .!++t ++t + + +++++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ "+ 1 "++ + + + + i + + +.. ~ t ++++ ++ + + + + . ++ ~JOHN J. SOHANZ CHAS. 1.i,,.\1 51TAILORS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET Good Government Club First Number £' CP. AO + + y ~4....…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE ICI IIHAN DAILY-NEWS NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES !N NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & CO. =ix : ,,{,,1 HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South ?lain Street IT MAY BE To your interest to let us quote prices on ANY LAW BOOK you desire... . CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, l .awIPubiliei, Chicago.) \1N'\ xii81 IR R N( it 44do STATE s2, )p0sie Lawxoullig THE RED SIGN. Visit... Rntschlc, tbe Fulde's ' NEW 'STORE 119 S. MAIN ST.< Tailor for Ladies aund Gentle...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'~1TYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 1901. No. 57 CAPTAIN WHITE. THE INLANDER. THE '501-0" BARBECUE. '4THE CHARITY BALL." ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speech...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf1IL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best wve have ever showni, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Eancy Suitings and Trousering.s in the latest pa tterns and color- ings. T he larg'est assortnment in the state. ioM HE. Washington St. ITARSOAPS PACKER'S = 20C SPANISH ROOT i c exellenit fostanisoos Grandpa's Wonder 1 I1ioCuLband Gyom 5 and lac , QUARRY'S Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches A...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN -DAILY-NEWS +++.++++++++++++++++++++4 a .L.f..S...L.LJ..S.L.L.L.L:L.L~L.®.3. . s..l..1a,.L.1:..L.. ., L.*.,....L.$ S T...B J__L.!!_sL t__t__t__LfJ__t_.f _f__t. _t__tJ__!_ I The Most GonvinGinu IhingI that we could do that would tend to induce you to boy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…__. "' THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS IS HE0AD)QUARTEfRS FOOR NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAG N ER & CO. SOLE AGEoNT o t HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South Hain Street AA I 1( PiGKWiGK Billiard rarlors and Howling BETTER T /N E E 707 N )1-ttFI UNIVE RSIT'Y AV\ENUE The SCHLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDER THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I}1[.;III ;Onsogl Aooof0 }cf na tibst oytiiing 'otVl R 11 00 0 NT and tOOAIO1ttl). of pape. Foper l TOLE...…

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