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August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…[The Michg n 11 Vol. XXXIX, No. 59"S 2 1 1Y atSaturday, August 4, 1979 Twelve Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Murray to eave A2 position City administrator to take similar job in Cincinnati By JOHN GOYER Ann Arbor City Administrator Sylvester Murray announced yesterday, morning he will leave the city to take the city manager's position in Cincin- nati, the nation's seventh largest city. Murray, 38, said he was offered the job over the pho...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday, August 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily Murray to leave A2 position (Continued from Page D- But, he emphasized, his career came first, and thus he could not turn down the city manager's job in Cincinnati. His new salary in Cincinnati had not been finally negotiated, he said, but the city had offered him "in excess of $60,000." His present salary is $47,000 a year. CINCINNATI COUNCIL Member and Vice-Mayor David Mann explained yester...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily--Saturday, August 3, 1979-Page 3 Chrysler asks UJAW for wage freeze From UPI and AP DETROIT - In a dramatic display of his com- pany's determination to solve its financial problems, Chrysler Corp. President Lee Iacocca yesterday asked the United Auto Workers (UAW) for a two-year freeze on wages and benefits. The appeal was delivered in an unprecedented head-to-head meeting between Iacocca and the UAW's international bargain...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…Page4-Saturday, August 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily Michigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editoriol Freedom 420 Movnard S A0 noArbor, M 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 59-S News Phone 764 Edied and monoged by students ot the University of Mirhiqon Education Dept.: Dubious benefits THE PROPOSED Department of Education is an expensive, cumbersome federal experi- ment: No one is sure exactly what it will do. But in the right hands, greased with caution, the p...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 4, 1979-Page 5 Gas lines An August consumption rise could spur their return NEW YORK (AP) - Gasoline sup- plies are improving, but a sudden in- crease in consumption could put Americans back on the gas lines this fall, analysts said yesterday. A sharp rise in demand could also imperil the oil industry's attempt to meet the government request that stocks of heating oil be built up in, preparation for the win...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, August 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily Senate OKs anti-recession aid From AP and UPI In its first effort to ease effects of the latest recession, the Senate yesterday voted $1 billion worth of aid to help states, cities, and counties retain essen- tial services during hard times. On a 69-23 vote, senators passed a bill to reactivate one type of standby anti-recession aid to state and local governments and to create a new program f...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 4, 1979-Page 7 'ROCKY H' The sequel steals By CHRISTOPHER POTTER Second of Two Parts At first glance, Sylvester Stallone would seem almost the antithesis of The In-Laws' Arthur Hiller: The creative outsider, champion of the small budget and enemy of cinematic bloat, the anti- establishment independent under no one's thumb but his own. Stallone, for all his well-advertised ego, appeared the embodiment of w...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Saturday, August 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily DAILY CLASSIFIEDS O AND FOUND FOUND-Female tortoise-shell kitten with white throat patch. Approximately 4-6 months old. Found on CentralCampus.Call769-3734 dA804 FOR SA LE AIR CONDITIONER. Room-sized. CallU662-, days. Bestoffer. 29B804 CRT Terminal and Accoustic Coupler. Excellent condition. $900, or best offer 663-4382. persistently. 36B809 DINNERWARE SET, nice, even though few pieces missin...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 4, 1979-Page 9 Paraquat effects can be irreversible-gov't WASHINGTON (AP)-Smoking marijuana that is contaminated with the herbicide paraquat cancause serious, sometime irreversible lung damage when inhaled in sufficient quantities, the government said yesterday. In one of his final acts as secretary of health, educati9n, and welfare (HEW), Joseph Califano Jr. announced the results of a study by HEW agencies...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Saturday, August 4; 1979-The Michigan Doily City Hail'did its homewoirk' under Murray By JULIE ENGEBRECHT have been resolved, not to the satisfac- City Planning Director Martin cern for our programs. The people who work for City Administrator Sylvester Murray characterize him as a demanding boss, a business executive, and something of a workaholic who expects the same from his subordinate city executives. He is also described being a...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 11

…CRENSHAW LEADS PGA: The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 4, 1979-Page 11 Gentle Ben is living up to his rep By BOB EMORY Australian David Graham. Open at Lytham St. Annes for instance, was able to capitalize. "I didn't play as spalto the Daily SO AGAIN Crenshaw is in strong con- Crenshaw had the lead at one point well today as I did yesterday but I put- BIRMINGHAM-There is something tention to win his first major champion- during the final nine...…

August 04, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Saturday, August 4, 1979--The Michigan Daily MUNSON MOURNED Kemp shines as Tigers lose 5-3 By TOM STEPHENS Special isaThe Daily DETROIT - The Kansas City Royals used four pitchers to limit the Detroit Tigers to four hits and got home runs from Darrell Porter and Hal McRae to hand the Bengals their third straight loss last night in the opener of a twi- night double header, 5-3. Royal starter Steve Busby, now 5-6, was credited with the ...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 58-S1 :m ichigan DAIL Friday, August 4, 1978 Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents .Sixteen Pages Two t with PBI the last Wednesd PBB - a toxic] cidental livestock WHEN ownersT animals, ts per bi allowed however lowered PBB-t By MITCH CANTOR With Wire Services housand sheep contaminated B entered into the food chain in two years, it was discovered lay. - polybrominated biphenyl - is fire retardant which was ac- ly mixed with Michi...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, August 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily CONGRESS TO RECEIVE FORMER AMBASSADOR'S STATEMENT Flynt OKs Korean's testimony WASHINGTON (AP) - House and fluerice-buying in Congress, said in an perjured himself he can be charged," Senate investigators accepted yester- earlier discussion with The Associated Jaworski told the AP. day a South Korean offer to supply a Press that Kim's testimony would He had predicted that his stepping out former...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4, 1978-Page 3 Milliken nixes budget, defends abortion aid LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William Milliken yesterday vetoed a section of the 1978-79 state welfare budget that would have cut off funds for Medicaid abortions. In order to do so, however, Milliken had to axe funding for all Medicaid ser- vices-totaling $520.8 million. That means the legislature will have to rewrite the Medicaid budget. THE LEGISLATURE, in ...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, August 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily I michigan DAILY LETTERS TO THE DAILY: McCollough Act undemocratic Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml. 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 58-S News Phone: 764-0552 Friday, August 4, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan S. Africa i*s issue URING AN INTERVIEW two days ago, President Fleming, just back from a two week visit to South Africa,...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

…Variety By KAREN BORNSTEIN To collect the most recent works of seven different artists is exciting, fulfilling, and quite a lot of fun. But to take these creations, as unique as the artists themselves, and organize and present them in such a manner that ea work shimmers, and your eye can flow smoothly from one captivating piece to the other rather than confusedly dart back and forth amongst a hodgepodge of wonder, is something terribly dif- fi...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--Friday, August 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily Battered parents take their share of abuse NEW YORK (AP)-One morning, a the son asked. "You've still got me to Pennsylvania woman who divorced her hit you." husband because he beat her weekly An 81-year-old Chicago man was was punched in the mouth by their 17- chained to a radiator by his 19-year-old year-old son. "Aren't you happy now?" daughter. She stole $2,300 from him The Ann Arbor Film C...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4, 1978-Page 7 $2,500 TEAMSTERS CONTRIBUTION QUESTIONED Patterson's funds investigated PONTIAC (UPI) - Oakland County Prosecutor L. Brooks Patterson, a Republican Senate candidate, is under investigation for allegedly failing to report a 1972 campaign contribution from Teamsters leader James Hoffa, the Oakland Press reported yesterday. The newspaper said Police Chief William Hanger confirmed the in- vestigati...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4, 1978-Page 9 back the clock Now hear this," a tunic-clad gentleman announces to the crowd, "there have been s that fools are roving the festival grounds and randomly beating people up." Just as gpletes the warning, six 'fools' run out of the audience and procede to tackle the eval Master of Ceremonies. "Let's stand him on his head!" one of them suggests. They t they neglect to hold him up. "He's no fun," th...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, August 4, 1978--The Michigan Doily rn r:. r n .r ww is i irx aoar "'_, "Co. 42i H M" s w{fT Y ++{ t S -WZ.A Oft A CALL 764-0557 MOVING SALE-Double bed, couch, chatf bookcases, turndable, plants, radial snosw SR 13i. (15 (113. SUZU'KI1977 TS1ooB. 700 miles. Perfectt COUCHII$25, 1wo hairs- $5. colteetalel$10. rack $15, toaster $3, dishes, lump. typessri black bag. 994-5487. MOVING-Modern DunBeige studis bed-c( goo ondition, ...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August4, 1978-Page 11 ih:l1y1 1 Uncontratted Classified Rates Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 010 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4,.55 5.30 .75 11.15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 2630 2.15 4.30 5.65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31.35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1 .50 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11 .90 1 .65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 1.80 4...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, August 4, 1978--The Michigan Daily Hopefuls seek Bursley's seat By MICHAEL ARKUSH This summer's race for the 18th district State Senate seat features seven candidates who sport completely- different campaign styles. Some of the hopefuls have waged flashy and expensive advertising schemes while others have kept a low profile, relying on wide name recognition to garner support at the polls. THE REPUBLICAN and Democratic primarie...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 13

…D will ligh the emi yest A syst rele conr D aut ecoi The Michigan Daily--Friday, August 4, 1978-Page 13 Ford must recall 1,475,000 ears ETROIT (AP) - Ford Motor Co. year. Ford has sold about 2,270,000 cars Kogyo Co. Ltd. vehicle's fuel evaporative emission recall the first 1,475,000 cars and in the United States this model year. Ford estimated that only 200,000 of control system. t trucks it built in North America in Trucks and Canadian sales...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, August 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily PROVIDES UP TO $500 TUITION AID Senate Finance OK s tax credit WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate Finance Committee approved a trim- med-down plan yesterday designed to give millions of Ameicans a break on their income tax to help offset the ex- pense of colleges and private schools. The measure, which eventually would cost the government billions of dollars a year, would allow tax credits of up to $5...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 15

…THE SPORTING VIEWS Lion potential... .. can Clark tap it? By ALAN FANGER Thank goodness for thick-skinned people. Monte Clark has seen it all during the Detroit Lions training camp. Athletes knocked down and all around, walkouts, holdouts, and other more common training camp occurrences. That's some burden on a man taking the helm of a ball club which for seven years has fathomed the depths of mediocrity. Clark seems to be rolling with the pun...…

August 04, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 58) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Friday, August 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily Buckeye-vision COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-Ohio State ticket," Kleinman said. University will receive 40 percent of the WOSU-TV, Ohio State's educational gross receipts from the experimental station, will co-produce the telecasts, live cable television coverage of five Kleinman said. The station already football games this fall, officials said televises OSU games on a delayed basis yesterday. to a stat...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVII, No. 58-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August4, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Natural gas price controls retained WASHINGTON ()In a major victory for President Carter's energy plan, the House yester- KISissiner day defeated a move to remove Federal price controls on natural gs. By a 227 to 199 vote, the C-tr- call e ter energy package survived what is likely to be its toughest test in the House. Other major battl...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdovy August 4 17 e1 , , I Vance offers Lebanon aid .._ . BEIRUT, Lebanon OP) - U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance paid a four-hour visit to this war-torn capital yesterday and offered $143 million to help re- build Lebanon. Vance told reporters after a luncheon meeting with President Elias Sarkis that the funds, which must be approved by Con- gress, would comprise $100 mil- lion in soft loans to rebuil...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…Thursday, August 4, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, August 4, 977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Terrorists kill 1 in NYC NEW YOIRK {' ' thousands of p e r s evacuated from the W Center, the Empire S ing and a third Man- scraper yesterday af ist bombs exploded in buildings, killing one1 injuring seven others. The Puerto Rican group FALN claimec bility for the blasts a Oil Co. headquarter and a building wher Defense Department...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…Cleaver spurns blacks for relgion By REGINALD MAJOR tures the urgency which I feel. I seem to hear the Lord say- "We are invrslved in spiritual ing to me, 'Against these evils, warfare between God and the thou shalt crusade.' " Devil,' declared Eldridge Cleav- Thus far the chief evils against er, explaining the missionary which the former Black Panther zeal behind his newly launched Minister of Information directs "Eldridge Cleaver Crusades."...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, August 4, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sha w en thralls Page Five By SUSAN BARRYn THERE IS only one more chance to catch the Michigan Rep's produc- tion of Shaw's Man and Superman, this Saturday night, and if you miss it don't say I never told you so. The production is a thoroughly njoyable, highly prolific comedy in which the energy of the dia- logue and the freshness of the irony out- shine any technical flaws. George Ber- nard Shaw l...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…Paoe Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 4, 1977 .5. eases auto fume curbs FOrm Wire Service Reports DETROIT - A congressional conference agreement yester- day on a major change in tail- pipe pollution standards should end threats of massive auto plant shutdowns by next week, the industry indicated. The compromise set a formu- la that will ease federal re- quirements on auto emission standards for new American cars beginning in 1980. THE ...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, August , 1977 THE MlCHIGAN DA"1.Y Poge Seven House keeps natural gas price controls (ContifnUed from Page 1) the new Department of Energy that will carry out his broad energy policies. THE NEW department re- ceived final congressional appro- val Tuesday, but Carter has not yet signed the reorganization bill. Rep. Clarence Brown (R- Ohio), a principal leader of the deregulation effort, attributed the defeat to a compromise adopted...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAV1NG~ 7HEiY'RE ALL FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM SPACIOUS furnish- ed apartment for 1-2. Near Campus. Parking. First of September. 761- 0210. 97C810 QUIET RESPONSIBLE PERSON-To share 3-bedrsnm apartment with two grad students. Own room, near cam- pus. Grads preferred. Available now, $110. 769-1218. 98C805 OWN ROOM in Irge 3-bedroom apt., posi. 5-108. O1C810 ROOMS AVAILABLE in cooperative house. Very cloise to campus. ...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 9

…Ihursday, August 4, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage N nr wrI AaS ar ~ n.o.p ae~aa~ wdae _Tfh., d. hewoe rko ri. Frukin and GaI ni . a& Ike to sign t e work you do? Would you be willing to tell the world, "I did this?" After all, you're pretty good at what you do. Probably proud of it, too. Well, most of us will never get to sign our work. And maybe that's a shame. Because as good as we are, it might make us better. And we can afford to be. Whethe...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten Ticket office plans lottery tsuned :oo, l's 'rt it has caused problems in the * Tuesday. September 13, 8 past. a.m. to 4 p.m for sophomores But Chris Bachelder, a Michi- who should have U2F, on their gan Student Assembly repre- ID cards. sentative said the lottery sys- * Wednesday, September 14, ten was not representative of for freshpersons who should the student's desires. , have E on their It) cards. In the fall of 1976, students ...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 11

…srsday, August 4, 1977 LONE CINCI BRIGHT SPOT THE MIC HIGAN QA fIY Pope Eleven THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Foster's power CINCINNATI (AP - Take.: it man two all-time Cincinnati eds sluggers-Ted Kluszewski nd Johnny Bench-the power- ,l bat of George Foster is flirt- t with some revered records. FOSTER'S 35 HOME runs, in- :uding it in .the last 20 games, " one behind Hack Wilson's scord race in 1930, when the foot-6 bantam belter cracked...…

August 04, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 58) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 4, 1977 Fieder: capable character By KATHY liENNEGHAN To Bill Frieder, coaching is more than a joh. It's an obses- sion. The Michigan assistant thinks basketball 24 hours a day, summer and winter. This week, for example, he's out on the West Coast watching AAU games, with an eye out for po- tential recruits. FRIEDER IS AN unlikely- looking haskethall coach. A small, slight man, he never played t...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI, No. 60-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 4, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages p sEsch wins GP spot Republican pleased by birthday win By JIM TOBIN Special To The Daily SOUTHFIELD - Congress- man Marvin Esch of Ann Arbor last night coasted to victoryin the Republican Senate race, on a tide of support from party regulars and the apparent ap- peal of his moderate record during ten years in Congress. Defeatin...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…Pae ~ Two THE *MICHIGAN DAILY rye ,tt4v:i I %&vVr " n W I IF IWO- ITIRINWT IfNal NON 6.1 r 114- 9 .. cur rca gar y r s-Nuli at -rf [ aF s gar Flood death toll could reach 200 LOVELAND, Colo. (AP) - The death toll in the Big Thomtp- son River flood climbed past 0 yesterday and Larimer County Sheriff Robert Watson predicted it would eventually reach 200. Survivors were airlifted to safety under bright blue skies after three days of chilly ra...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 4, 1976 THE MWCHIGAN DAILY Page I hret Postill, Minick lock up sheriff slots By LANI JORDAN Although the heavily publi- cized Washtenaw County sher- iff's race took several surprising turns last evening, with 76 per cent of the vote tallied lemo- cratic incumbent Fred Postill and Republica Tons Minick have emerged the victors. In the days prior to yester- day's election, Postill received a large arnount of publicity stemm...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…One night at the donut shoppe... By KEN PARSIGIAN cream." she said, tight-lipped. "'Gainst rules," and JEFFREY SELBST We all offered Rich a look of sympathy as Phil K ..e. I the TUUE3 went with the palate-tickler. Then we hit upon the WE'D FINISE)D WORK for the night on the perfect idea. An absolute winner! paper and were sitting about trying to decide "MISS," SAID Rich, can you please give me a what to do next. We'd played all the games we SA...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 4, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Five Flood death toll could reach 200 (Oontinued from Page 2) AT A VACAN canyon with temperatures about ped to serve a 40 degrees. body count sto Searchers transported evacu- day, but worke ees to two makeshift landing Kibbey Funera pads for eight helicopters and received the b continued the gruesome task of were told to e hunting for bodies of flood vic- more. tims. A third helicopter land...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Six THE MfCHIGA~'4 DAILY JURY DELIBERATES FOURTH DAY: Harris trial judge assailed Wednesday, August 4, 1976 Oil millionaire charged in family shooting rampage LOS ANGELES (M-A jury completed a fourth day of delib- erations yesterday in the Wil- liam and Emily Harris trial as two women assailed by the trial judge in a controversial riling comolained of their treatment by the court. The seven-woman, five-ma...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, August 4, 197!6 TH IHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednsda, Auust4, 976 HE ICHIAN AIL Weird Martian soil activity Strange illness still unidentified probably not PASADENA, Calif. (P)-Viking biologists believe there is "al- most zero" chance that strange soil activity being detected by the robot lander is due to Mar- tian life, a scientist said yes- terday. Most Viking biologists are now convinced that a chemical pro- cess triggered by...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 4, 1976 __ -- . - - -now 777 jyjtoo OV A/ poff'AA I JF I i 2AIN i Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 0-101 15 9301)305 3.80 4.55 5 30 .75 1 1 15 1 40 2890 3.70 4.60 550 640 .90 $ 16 20 1,65 3 30 435 540 6 45 750 1.05 ' 21-25 1 90 3 80 5 00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1 20 26 30 2 15 4 30 5 65 710 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2 40 4 80 6 30 7 80 9.30 10 80 1.50 36.40 2 65 ',30 6 95 8.60 1025 11....…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, August 4' 9"76 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine W y s9et the Jobo ine CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily isI not responsible for more than) one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicabl...…

August 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 60) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHiCAN DA~iY Wednesday, August 4, 1976 Page Ten TI-fE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 4, 1 97& Esch carries Republicans (Cotmeoed rrm Pate- t Esch arrised at 10:30 p.m., after spending the day in Wash- ington and the evening at the home of some friends. Today is Esch's birthday, and his staff greeted him with a large red, white, and hle laver cake with the frosted inscription "Happy Birthday Senator Esch." T I 0 U C H co-s...…

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