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February 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…IjcttI. of VOL. V. No. 9)0. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN I, . a I rMONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1895. IPmci;o-TH-REE CENTS. itili Asl y:fialraf notl. PRKELIMINARY DEBATE, ma ' t i l '~ ou t~tan 1(11o11e1 is PIONEER HOME MISIONS. NO GOOD STUDENT INTER-SOCIETY CONTEST WILL ol.hinliga b. ietiigani" REV. E. ADAMS' ADDRESS AT )Tries to 1cLarn without books. BE HELD MARCH 8. 'Piicktcommaitteie on arranlgL1111ts :it NEWBERRY HALL YESTERDAY. Somepol tog ryt s Lit...…

February 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…PILE U. OF M. DAILY. p tfrom 111llte of thiagytmnasilnl 1DI SON MUSIC. I'TI LL FE . " f for social iiii'tios. 1 itue r 11V sofee 3. col,101.after r e sitri ii 11t ii 1by S idA. L SAL latbilided IOily (Sunday yret el duinlg., noeas,1115otfi i'1 'i L v o g ,' the ('dlrge yea, by tej11) lta 113sott ei ~1 oeSnsp ILU0 NEHIASU ttltly jtiotiiitrt (an a1iTliltit'1x1le10oGENT'S %FINE %SHOES iiif U. f M. INEPENDEN ASthat effecnt.E.Itoted. ripatio ,iof S...…

February 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…TE U. OF M. ')AILY. IG IA E T i - NOTICES. page, type palgs- to bt littl by seve-i BUSINESS l'ocal'S. ___________ ies, and designs for huioros ca ts[Notices Inserted is this column at thi-it lIIST()t1 e, cents per ine. Spcia rates Ca irlgri rime Table (Rietsed) is ov. 18, 4 li1S- llXilstrating legal terms. Meitbers of.tisae atitiexta liars furnished by aplyut EAS. ws i .Dotsletistrs Iat 110 . iti tesenior lar tass miytoentribite at the D~smx s...…

February 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…fL%. V OF A]. DAIL 3. " 1507")THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BN Y SUITS. PhII s e PtF~ of niecly terfumesdtoiletsoup for Ann Arbor, Milclo Capital Stock, $A0,0 GY M Organized under tihe General Banking Laws ________ ____________-of this State. Receives deposits, buyosod FomelywitllsGeorge Xatihr,19 United Sates. iDrafts casihed uo roe ti s eeve1asepeln E. Washington st. Headquarters for. COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, identification. Safety depoeit be...…

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