December 04, 1903

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December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The MichgnDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. No, 55 MU1ISICAL CLUBS. MrICHIGAN 1ONOR[D. YOST AT YAE. Will Give Concerts in Three Statesl James F. Halliday is Chosen One of Michigan's Coach Confers With Yale During the Christmas Vacation- Four Orators For Final Hamilton Authorities-Nothing Definite Con Program For Glee Club-Me m. Club Contest. luded-Yale Captain Will bers Will Be Well Entertained. j Decide. _____I T...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered assoecod- so c5 ier at the Ann Arbor .ird ee Annlouncemfent..1; Plilshed da:ily (Mnday excepted) during the college year, at 11: E. Washington:street, (baemencsteaor, side entrance) Phoner802-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. I ttY TIY ltIMA.SON I BUSINESS MANAGER: tlOSC'tt1'. B. tlTON EDITORS: The Larget and Most Compsilete' Line of::: Aihietiir". - - - RlOBtERIs. WALTON Naas, - - - - - .....…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Just Received ANOTHER LOT of the Famous H. g ___S.___&___H.,__ 54 inches long, .4 i Black, Hand-Tailored #They are Swell Garments Te~~t Prices ReasonableCltir 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET b RANDALL, THEI H uTOGRAPHER 1r2- E. Washington St.J f l*44 44i5~a ma~osa ma vI SlPeciaIOfferinq& in j ren's [urnishings 3 $6.00 All Wool, Fancy Bat/h Irobes, iricel at $3.9$ 3 $1,50 Adler's Street and Dress Gloves, - $ 1.00 ± $4.50 Men's Fin...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 3. + 'I- Gloing Out"f ofBsiness it Great IBargains Offered., t*1 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD' AND STEAMSHIP LINES. I TraitooleeAnnArbor by Central Standard Effete orOctobert 26.1002. SOUTH11 NORTH ~No. 01 7:20 A. M. No. 1- 900 A. Al. No. 2-11:33 A. At. I No. 5--1:30 Fr . No. 4-8:25 F. A. INo. 3-4:53 P.M. Trusns No.5 and 6 rot betwseon Ann Arbor andO Toleo onsly. ,rrator. . 23 4, 5,and 6, d ily except Sunday Froehair carso...…

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