October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 1
…The ichigan Dily VOL. XVIII. No. 10. ANN ARB3OR, ,VICHI(IAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBERI 4, 1907. tfIP ED VARSITY Weto .ct he 01offIIU ic i a s,kilp A LLST LWILL WILL OPPOSE CASE seectd t a"1 . read n;;11c 11i' the COACH BASEBALL Four. Regulars lWill Be Missing in First Glame-Signal Practice Was Sluggish. A stiff signal practice yeseray prac tcalty endedllth varitys prepartio for the Case game. Wor nraot by tie grtelintg game with the srbls plaed ...…