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October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr t 43 W 4a ti4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 'i!tr utx P a& f'1 XT.X n 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 y _- t FOUR TA LKS PLANNED NIGHTRADIOPROGRAMl FIRST OF SERIES WILL GO ON AIR OVER STATION WJR- WCX TONIGHT VARSITY BAND WILL PLAY Smith, Yost, Brown, and Pollock ' Slated for Speeches On Student Topics. "Michigan Night" on the .radio will again be heard when thedfirst of the series to be held this...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…I H E Mid:I--iIG,..N' DAILY T'. .r L'.I SLi1 .Y,. Mae West Arrested VACHEL LINDSAY TO APPEAR UNDER State Street Is NoTs Again As New York AUSPICES OF INLANDER MAGAZINE Longer A ere RoadWod Is WaitiRemeer Saturday, et. r The Inlander magazine announc- States. His latest volume of inter- E np our n; O its presentation of Vachel Lind- pretive poems, "Candle In the Ca- By Lele ye the say, America's troubadour poet, as bin" is filled with nu...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…, OCTOBER 4, 1928 T HE M IC H IGA N D AIL Y p .,.. . GERMAN AIRSHIP S TRIAL FLIGHT, Returns To Berlin After Flying For' 36 Hours Over English And German Terxitory Tfi VISIT UNITED STATES BERLIN, Oct. 3-After paying a friendly visit to England, Graf Zep- pelin, the new German dirigible reached Berlin at 9 o'clock this morning soaring over the city while thousands crowded the streets and cheered. Tihe huge airship in pass-1 ing over the ci...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

… J ... .. .. a v . a v ts i i r- a t ..LJ7 G9LLJL Y3"t U'.~il. a.HcI N fli y 1 Music And Drama 'I Flowing Pen of That Old Narrator, Tap Who's that comin' down theystreet? Who's that lookin' so deplete? Why, boys, that's an agent! Why should he look so run down? Why is he just leavin' town? Why, boys, he's an agent! What's the heinous crime he's done? Why does he shrink so from the' sun? to AND NOW, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF DRAMA AT MICHI...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…4, 1928 TH MICH AN 1 .AILY w..,, ..... .. 4, 1928 iTHE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 \.e 0 i&'iuS RGR&DUATE FUND' World Fellowshi Committee Brings Foreign And American Women Together I TTEE CONVENES Five Women Appointed to Carry Numerous Activities For Coming Year On $50,000 OBE PLEDGED To plan the work for the coming year, the Undergraduate Campaign Fund committee met yesterday af- ternoon. Jean Hathway, '29, chair- man of the committee...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…:1HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER ?DINALS FACE YANKEES Il SERIES OPENER TODA Louis rAVORTES yt and Sherdel Likelyt ach Other on Mound Contest at Yankee St io Oppose in First adium IPILOTS CARDS I .. I WOLVERINE TEAMS WILL QPPOSE TWO VETERAN OUTFITS SA TURDAY COMBS ON INJURED LIST NEW YORK, Oct. 4.-With the opening game of the World Series scheduled for 1:30 o'clock this aft- ernoon in the Yankee stadium, and with the Yankee ...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAI LV4___._ 'H"ARRIS R$ LJEV ED 00|U|LM|OF PILOT'S POST NEW PLAY~) ~ . ALL BSIG T E N GRIDIRON T EAMS KEEN'S ANDp COURTWRIGHT'S TE AMS CL A SS I F I E WILL SEE ACTION THIS WEEK HOLD REGULAR PRACTICE SESSIONS ADVERTISIN- St Perfection of JN .UP MAY _ CHANGiED (By Associated Press) EAST LANSING, Oct. 3-Another polishing up on new plays to be used ggainst Albion college Satur- day, faces the M1fichigan State foot- ball team...…

October 04, 1928 (vol. 29, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…c' 'H I HI AI' THURSDAY, O THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, ( ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- ntil 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) matches off by Saturday night. Doubles matches are to be started at once also and first matches completed as far as possible Monday night. Results matches are to be reported to the T~fsavv I s Wnl - -.,....…

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