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October 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…be Of fa pF VOL. XI. ANIN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBEh 4, 1900. No. 10. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to th -syles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H. WILD CO., so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR TH...…

October 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…-~THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published0Daily(Mondayseeptedduringite College year, at THlE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN 'MAIN OFCEo BRANCH OFFItCE A rgus Bldg, 3Main St. 336 S. Stale Street. Both 'Phontes 13. Newt State 'Phonie 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HAsS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F'. ENGitEHARD, '0i1 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. BlUDNttivr '1 A.BH. McDouGAI.'01lI. W. A . KNtIGHT, '01 L. Miss L. K. SAtItats'53 CHtso. DvoRiAK '01 H. H; WsOi...…

October 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MZICHIGGAN DAILY. -SHIRTS is We want you to know what good Shirts are. Not the kind that are run through the mill by the thousand--but those made by custom shirt makers that take the time to look after small details that makes perfection in Shirts They, ilcs o omr hntecm o ideswee- and think of the satisfaction you get with them. Costs nothing to see. NEW GOWASPENGTOsTE IDEAS.. 11 A 1I G O T .MICHIGAN C ENTRAL . T he M ost R ...…

October 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…I . THE UNIVERSITY OI MICHIGAN DAILY 4 ,THE UNIVERSITY O]~ MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF .GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET, You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 338 Sooth State St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL 01?r DAN CIN GE "Cflasses now otpen tar the rottoption of pup~is Oitdhee at Granger's Academy. Cicutars at bRtesic stores or mailed, Bolt telephone 200 M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM U6QTC.LES, V1C...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…DAILY8W FiIST YEA,. PRACTICE FAST BUT LOOSE. ,ANN ARBJOiR, MICII. FillDAY. OCTOBERII-1ti. MAX O'RELL Polar Temepeature Ginneisn no the Wittiest of Frenchmen to be beard 'Varsity Bet Cold Fitners Cause Here Soon. Fumibling-Y ot Givies the 'Varsity -stood Natured \\c1tIi1 '4;Y(:11 Ion o Latonii . ;'n I11 t s .t x 11'1,4 11.i tti'i ie 'I iitttiit wi trrv'12:,lttf1 l ir1 til Sif.i1.jrr) tint1 11, l l iliiillt.u ut~ w lti'tle i'" li i i ;t t' - i i...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN D AILY-N EWS W"ILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ThIL0R~ OUR FALL LINE ; is the best wve have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, atnd a eery fine liue of 'thelil U. m ndt It.' lit lnilt i, TheU.o At-ItLYtt, ...,.,., , .,.,,,.._..,,_,.,_.,.-..,,,...-... sy ;1 \ E., tii] 'i1 1lI iis :1 :1 1: :1 111 't "t 121 ;: 2 ;' , . li ' IIIt't'1 lli_ ' iS;t .1'111;! !1 tt l t 111i1111t . 11;; 1 , I c' ti 1 t';: 1 llI)k , It '1;1 1 ii...…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…* iTHlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS j ~l" i zoW ti III 2 1< }1.' InS -irll z}1 - z r( I II t i n l :, , EillEc + L /IKft NLOKwi!Fall Suits and Overcoats Isi (et Ci K O 1 >>. .c tll i ftns tI14'ig n aiti IL .Te # + 4.RS RA EUL ++ ++ + + + + + 4 .!++t ++t + + +++++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ "+ 1 "++ + + + + i + + +.. ~ t ++++ ++ + + + + . ++ ~JOHN J. SOHANZ CHAS. 1.i,,.\1 51TAILORS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET Good Government Club First Number £' CP. AO + + y ~4....…

October 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE ICI IIHAN DAILY-NEWS NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES !N NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & CO. =ix : ,,{,,1 HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South ?lain Street IT MAY BE To your interest to let us quote prices on ANY LAW BOOK you desire... . CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, l .awIPubiliei, Chicago.) \1N'\ xii81 IR R N( it 44do STATE s2, )p0sie Lawxoullig THE RED SIGN. Visit... Rntschlc, tbe Fulde's ' NEW 'STORE 119 S. MAIN ST.< Tailor for Ladies aund Gentle...…

October 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…UN'IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Sv NI) YF iR N(. I RUS POLITICAL MIX-UP Y f S j'ttNI I il I) Iltr l':2 itl il "1 I' I t1~ 1. 11, ()t'ii:'a"T . O w lli'i" 3+hull t)II,' l ri ~'k h km 111!, ri'i' -n- II ll( iii . 111,1 i iw u l( Ii - t 1 ,E'I I\t i;i? jw iid ll ( d ,1 (",ili " ill h Ill kill. As ho sl:ll'lml to m id 1}111 llI'taO W n 1 1 ,Ki d liilil nOl mw 10 i"jq, 1P \'w it 1. i 14 Ilii as 'i 1'1W c il)l' IlI 11iia , \\"A- 1lI1',Illil. 11 " N w HA; l...…

October 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…fi I Ii. 111J(AN INAILI NENNTS K iijlrer-t 8 have just receiv-4 ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The le1',S I . DA IL , c11tIIAtNAtoI IN ITOR10, BIUSINEiSS 1ANAFII, lilislijE 1R. HUSITiN, '01E. EDIlTORtS, UitiEsAL NETS lit lip . X nl i s -i ii'* °. ilil1 i I w i l ri llr .l r f ,i I I' i't Ili il)I', lii Iiii a 90 cards arid plate sript, 1 25 1 ct yrds and i)'tei Oh nfflis 23 to $3.0 la g s sment in I Ccity, Iolo~1 Hooks New and ...…

October 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…[TIE AICilIGAi'WA1LY--NEWS UT U N APPAREL This is worthy YU ATTENTION FOR II it tae a Laboatrx Coix i EN !FA S IrOOG orPAHOOG W tt e Ii I II, , i"g e tta Ik f x ii I t i , I o i-Av i r :lI O 1O 1t o l i~( L Yri lv,.III II &,IIf( 111t1 i i'xI It x t i l hi l xi xixi , so n 1 1 l~ speiaxii l fe lin, l 1 lxi l xxii il ict ll a ditxil txiii l } to xi STEIN BLOCH COMPANY EBERBACII & SON, IAPORTRAND LINDENSCHMITT & APFUl_, Branch Store on State St. ...…

October 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…Tilh IICIiUAN ,ILY-.NN r 2 " I J FORIVIBA NDWO; fleav y x fxO Iods int -ne coal! in ishi leathecrs are i ,Nxell thlis 1a-11. Our stock of heavy Shoes is iow conip,;tte. W c-L~irv ubbe'r go ds ", n1 .~jH1tS. AIINS SAP a Apr- k- ;R ..m-. r ., y .... .rn. .. : -r, .4, n.r .R r+rt--a :T. F M' TWc^7i".a'" °^*G'q ! °" + i k ti + .t } \ iwb5 x r r c I t: ' ' 'II1 E " 1I"' "'t "1,%11 ; ( IiI I l'4'~ 1.111I:ii Fine Pictures sod \riiots i-jet ore irorsi...…

October 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Th ichiga s VOL,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1903. No0 WINS [IRST VICTORY. Michigan Defeats Case 31 to 0-Vis- itors Foil to Cross Wolverine's Goal Line-'Yost Has Teem of Promise. t~nder a burning, uandaiblefove the critical (yes1)1of v or twoV) ilhiiiaiii loiyal rooters~, thr Mlhiiiai football pubilirapariliainceand soundly troun- cdtheic ain Iromu Cace .Srientifir srcool b he se n'ncr of <11 to 0 \Vlile Hie c idlllilaWihi h...…

October 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…- ~ "'~' THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall .AnnlounIcellent. tPhe Largest and Most CompltiIe Lin of WOOLENS in Ann Arbor twill be found at Gt. IT. W\ild &VCco', i108 Il anlt si aglon St. Cg'eat pas have beeni talont in tin iseleet ion of all tail iniyt. It'ottttt'ttgs ' oveereoatings for Go fIL WILD CO. * 108 E. Wash. St. iSHE-EHAN'S! Cheapest lit iit Ag;ents for = Keuffel & 'ssers Drawing In- astrumnents a Waterman's IdealFonanPs =? n Do...…

October 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…- -THlE MICHIGAN DAILY., letter ' frats" get into the t house oi good tobacco. Gs Application blanks at the £ cgar store. "Te oiga a lsRs Ters15cla TeW T~al Piiti PlUin and rk 'Jip. ANN ARBOR to 3 HveTheiltm. CHICAGOtllsyssslCleltse BUFFALO 4. rsh'fssslssxlssNpr tssChickenI sgw 4 NEW YORK lir: l ,tI'l ohse si dwils Nic AND BOSTON 4.nssaslysered fortssssre. Io i S ssss," , s C t S Ri l ,ndI' 51 thesl l s t Z, sI The only strictly F trst Class ...…

October 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 NEW FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. The famous HART, SCHAFIFNER & MARx and I other well known and reliable makes included. 217 South Main JACOBet.TZ State Savings Bank. 01110 CENTRAL LINES W.J Booth DIrcC 'lt. JnoV. Sheehan DIRECT LINE tam.Anl Dr. V.C. Vaughan TOEO O lUi(S J .H. Wado E.P. Milts i . Kyer John iloorer TLD OCLMU .1110 Koch Prof. Ii. 5. (abohrt 02~.,nk P.Glazier Christian...…

October 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga _a VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1904. No.7 UNONSGN1TOE WO"E[NS R[C[PTION.! TWO DO[[AR -RATE. CHANGES IN LAW CLASSES. The 'teeutive cmiathtee tor a -i ain liheat few yaraseveral of I lI~rsct yOf Michigan Unitont com- I Manager Baird Arranges For Cheap theicsbjects ithle ILaw Departmenet plaints to te Daly (liat the cartds Annual Reception to the Women Ecrint oubs pca tttttt irtrytetdi c Ilacedl lby tiscommtrtitteet...…

October 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY W E EWOULD HAVE l ttiti;, s .., i ,l r(tr:Otti,, ,n + YOU TO KNOW " lat we are dolomg l)Obusies, at Managing Editor, J. SANLY ALEY. Buiness Maager, CLAUDE~ A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE H:1iJC~ roe L 311 South State Street New -' --- ARTHUsolot UND' A. M. (o, llatr I. Adrewsi - 1)1 'ytold- 1. ttsilt' Jaye (4 0,0e .5 5otrs I. 1' loKar SThat or New Woolens for Sit A. unIt tttgg A. n, 0) eotyr * te coinng fall trade are 7A ',: . t...…

October 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BEFORE YOU SPEND A DOLLAR For Clothing, Hats or Furnishings Find Lutz's Store. 21, Sooth Main street.aa{ns fr h e h famoun HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX+ 4. Line of Soits, Overcsats, Rain Coats and Odd Trousers. LUTZ1, the Clothier.f MACK &O' s Bdoners da d iot s I o".cf D1. L a ll Fratfa i (11,1V (' > ilLa t l. 77 z f l SPECIA[L PRICEZS TIS WEEIK V kisit onrBasemntnland 1)1 111111 1)1 I eli IL ora 1 1 1110 10n111f11 OR ROO" lDEICO...…

October 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 7) • Page Image 4


October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily %oc.. XVI. RUSH POSTERS ( CAPS FO Threatening Proclamations to Freshies Distributed by Sec- ond-Year men--'08 to Wear Special Headgear. HiLACK FRIDAY! Ocoe 1905. lear y! Her ye! Her ye Wh lereas: 'iYe most v erant gec andi iunspeaae 1offsourcig of the ie testable' genii' Ire shma a v ie i the past teeas beectwihed ill the bal anecie d feund riceveouscli'w iatng l' ricer elecs re cembelered'! Oec inrsocasein.e hav eopenl inc...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THlE IMICIAN DAILY 2G. H. WILD Ladng MERCHANT TAILORS Thoegs sock ir he City of exclusive styes nWoolens5 for hirgt-class fabrics and sp~lecl style for st- ft dents G GH. WILD &CO. kA 311 S. Stae S. G a0A IN S IBOOKS .f ots riO o m~ettoney by itouri bookst'at the Students' Bookstore 321) State St. Books tfotoe it is iar t ets or toe THOUSANDS OF~ SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Books Engneering Books Lain; Greek, French...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f or Art and Skill in Tailoring MONEY LOANED Decorations for Students' Roooms... nWaches. Diamonod.Jewelry FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPES, DRAPRIES, STEMNS, SMOKING and Coi ateral security SETS, POSTERS, U. OF~ M. SOUVENIRS. SAM URC FI E D & CO E W. . LO RIMBanners in Splendid Assortment SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 044th Ave. Oppsite Court House .ThS ESNBECS The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City ortcx O RDS; 4s0 o:WIlto 4:30; 1...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY BING OUR 01IUNRAME IITItI?rue 0 DEFRiIES AiT STOR wihr (ot. Molings Only the Best French Gas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. Lab Suppies Botany Path Biology and Dissecting Instruments at QUARRY'S Ohio CetrIlines DIRECT LINE - TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains Hockillg Valley Ry. TL INEVICE You w11 ill e Four 'l rains Daly From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson ay rain Seeping Cars on Night Trains 11100 Dpots 10 Toledo an...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dily VOL. XVIII. No. 10. ANN ARB3OR, ,VICHI(IAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBERI 4, 1907. tfIP ED VARSITY Weto .ct he 01offIIU ic i a s,kilp A LLST LWILL WILL OPPOSE CASE seectd t a"1 . read n;;11c 11i' the COACH BASEBALL Four. Regulars lWill Be Missing in First Glame-Signal Practice Was Sluggish. A stiff signal practice yeseray prac tcalty endedllth varitys prepartio for the Case game. Wor nraot by tie grtelintg game with the srbls plaed ...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…fife Mt fl4ttA~t 1~AttO~ -~ ----- G. H. Wild Companly The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS- For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suit,, Overcoats Fancy Vetings, and 'reouserings, and of fithlsIs i-- fabrics andi speciat styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 3f1 South Stafe Street School oneefdga you inslistsi AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores SPADIN'S - OFICIAL FOOTBALL GUID[ Containing the...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…Mro C I ttAN -DAILY Sam Burchifidd's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Good Sam Burchfid T 106 &X Co. EAST HURON ST. The best FOUNTAIN PEN ill the City FOR ONE DOLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 Ef, Liberty St. ALARfICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the hist make- and flto taa-t~e MICHI(GAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH RE2PAIRINGi *.A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector- for the Ann Ar-bort Rairoad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN Sr. Branc~h:304 S...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE, MICHIGAN AL Suits and Overcoats to Measure UIEST OIE HENRY ( COO __________________TAkLOR.S High Class IlTe exeutttve boatd of tie Taft club FURNISHERS Nl oua~erchaudie $1300io h0.0sitlihlda meeting at 12 today. HATTERS T ~ oua Prices Miss Harris will speak to University W ~E expect to gain many new and firm friends girls tt 6:30, Sndsay, Newberry Hall. Latst Styles-Regal SKde-fee Or $5 Boot - -Bean Jordlan will give a reception for with ...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…r z r 'r s =1 K zrW.s. P j{' , tom, The, M* \,or . XtX. ANN ARBOR, MhI (11I(G.XN Ll) Y, ul)l( )17107 , jytii8.No No. 6. VARSITY CONQU ERS stcond Bond failedlio tt anything 1AR1TALE NTi CASE ELEVEN l and oiathethird (dowI'd TRTAE TO Iunn u CAS TCHELEENlie.heeipie tt ilcildattill- APPEAR IN U. HALL tIlni e XX t uitd fell oitheiicball- lcrltgtisti'hecn n Buckeyes Score Touchdown, But ia itItitl illte it ttttil The Choral Union Promises Five M...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…'Uff M1C 1I AN DAILV G. Ii. Wild Comfpanly The Largest Stock i clae City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear H-ry thing required for Suits, Oveircoats, Fancy Vsting, and Tline incgs, and of high cass calics cnd special Sty le. Full Dress Suits a Spcialty G. H. Wild Comlpanly 311 Suth State Street BOOKS] Save half your money and buy Second-hand Books at Cbe !5tntcnts' ootore University Text-Books for all tepartments. Drawing Ins...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…- I H CA A~r1 _______________________________________ Sam Burelfid 's FineTailoring Canl Deiver The Goods Sam Burcitfieki &X Co." EAST HURON ST. B ,r :1SS BB-BRIrir and S oth Africanf Calabash Imparted and btomestic Cigars .Cigarettes and lTbaccos PILWS and I BA 'N R VARSITY CONQUERS liee... book.....R..CSBT I:V i ...kP. BIoEr - , X tnow I IQ' R..........Regs ((ontilnlo'd fnav patg .) 1Douglas...... P.l.. ...: iliam P'tlmn d . . .t. . ..Zieg...…

October 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…I k tiCifiIdAN fDAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sudden( Fall ____ in temperatnre will leave you shivering in a snmnmer snit. It's time now to choose an Autumin fabric that will raise you in the esteem of yoor friends. We bit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garments breathe the priceless a.r of refined exclnsiveness. -ou need it in yonr business as well as yonr social life. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pat...…

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