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March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…OR ,.; {0 Xiiir.. XIII. ANN' AOM ICt I.Tt-'S2'AY, IAIsC1-III21, 1103 No. I5 A GREAT MEET Rocky Mountain Club Baqut Oulr Showinig AganstO Conell w1a11111 loo iaii ; l ctn,11 ' ril Rvelation- Oudoor Work Be- t ie, ~,In eades'vtl ginls Tody-lIos1Pocts for 110 ls isi ll to de1 2 11 to1 th Western Conference Wet ltit+rit 211hhil 11fae 111111' ii' till 111111mvkirv1111' ii ili:11111i - - ,1 111111ed w ihliclt im 11111 ail thl' ldiii micerntiinti t, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…111I=; 'li~tn;ITY 0lt'\MICIGAN DAILY. THE U. OF 1MI1DAILY ftwe, two: et'hoe1: hateln iiug iIIAN ()atIII e.1'IOe t) t n l i H e h hi t 1 P blis d iaIly 1oa. JS txt( nt' tn it tt( n--i-t--ti- {11 ]=1 ]11,o ius '. iSt'tANACI, 't tn ~ i'tt RO CE 13 I t1:ST N, '4-f, 'ttj nsIt I Ittt II it I I t it j pllt' 11,1i nit iii t I 'tlii ings ~,Ietiorw o 11 ut 108 E. Wash. St. liliNERlAL N}:W5S 7'hin JUA I; tni'Jt.Uli 3..3. I. titi") i Louts A. Rortii)7,'A....…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THRU YNIVERSITY OF 'MICIIAN 1DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed ' men will wear this sea- 0l N son ask to see VETS ~/ Stein= FgASmart lathes ii [i1 y !t ~Ape We arya cmipleteline or Standard Apparatus for ( l~llt ivCA lld 1 1 I itltic Uri r II E BE B1 Cli & SON IM'U FThSAI If12 'a;in t nd 342 5 State St. PALACE AND PARISTIl 0, LA '1 AR WEt.6013 i L~ll1~ir~ It~ ii"SOUTHEF N T oll uuK Ni'tI CK E 1MC KE}(i et I l -ttl-(Ii t't o o k, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…!CfUE NVI 'FRITV OF .tlCt(. N 0DAILY. dt ua:a....w..~un 'a...a_.s...e.. r.f _ ..aa. - .~....a. .a,.a. x ._ .wws. a, . .. ,.nu... .,..>a..-taj A w. y, ,.+<. J' xx- ASl-K To SEEJ OUR NLW SiI1.\PL5 URI1NI t0[ 0.4II.&M0N JR I CALENDA I lstxid s i toaik l ii i'iii i Ju ii R NSCHLERxiix t ~, (ARTix i.I IAlS'T'IC FR A tIsts aW nd(oraPhotog-i CorIix'xxx.'la i i and IHuro iiSts. rPhoners'9,u3 lins.Ca ins Chr-S te SI Btaleremns ATiIimlt'iiir At out xl J...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…r' 'Y3 a.r ...d tea G I'Z CL _ ( +" :f Cy V ' M - a .., r" 72 C. CD 7. t-4 rt fi . ;; ^ = Q .f arts :L " i'i n vI, rf -" 7s C e t 7 " , ' r- 7, 71 7.1 N Y.r 'l 're .-r f f . C L J ~ y j C'n ti C. r' t ' --r j v -r f tY r " _ r- _ u Q 7' " - _ if; / - _. ! - x' ti~ M _. - y .. f j ' " ... . ..._ .... _. _.. _.. .._. { r I .. ,. ' -_ _ - ... ;r .., ' . -- f a: - m : ,... - . - : = : . _ y y .J. ,- .r - a , = . .,. f r r. .- ti.- a .. ,f J !. }' ...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpringTGIE U. OF M. DAILY LEt r, la tttt ) i-l to t Siattro Spring!Jg r MAAIGEDITOR, P~i i igel4t iid moltt EARLE I. IOL;STOIN. '03. (0illEti i' illeit o BUSINESS IIANAtSCR ItOSCOEB. HIUSTON, EDITORS Athletic (CiNRL 1NEWS j It ,tts withi ta.t adI1)10 111 sitisfIvit I,,~ that Miehiga it studts .,Idteat f'ant Ann 'tricor 't'ttTennis Rackets he Iu c If itic tie neat it l'11aThese Rackhets are in ate by Irk-?I~f n...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…7. THN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. yFURN ESSIA: ITHE RIGHT THINGS AND .: II ENOUGH OF THEM 5 i*Iwha t 1keeps this store ill cloelj 11u iver i t u r -Itii. iiihi t tl rSuisOvercoats, Hats, aps, and a!I the Exclsiv Patern i~ newest Men's Furnishirg I nt is and linter tiiin gand l adras, Cheviot, ~ ~ i ie li Linen a3nd -rrcale. thlt ietnet h ttar .lu10 111t0lip's to 1r 1wll 1 1;ed RAC T BRAND .;j at eit rtt col f t giw hee XVa nr Co. 'rAt the s...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN D.AILY. FOR MUN A>D \' 0. a New "iigh Bal" Last he :aest. New Souvenir of fltchigan ii ENTii 'ILLRAlIlsIcNI tIa tllU Q A A J Uniiversity Vi'ws and PIIOTOCRIIIIEII AT tLNINCOIILL FU. MATN.R. L k sCr. Main andlHuaon Sts. Pone 3, 3 rigs. TU R .( Inquire at tiYNIia a i j:a allciia 'llla l I lr,1! i, l Ii *i * ' o a ii itt111iir leIi Sli lrg It t XlcaIic'Iit lll, Iii V i g ' (,r" ui iiii i i m g I a i iiei ka l~ ix ;,.,...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1903. No. 29 U. oFr 1'. 'ilMETI TODAY. HIGH SCHOOL OAks -TODAY. ALL-FRESH VS. '06 ENG. Chanmpionship of West Will Be Settled PTe AllFccest IttP )01 tea t will, In te ittioscltol-trc cotet. lfothli -M01ichigan Teams In Perfect Co- tictssitl 11u tSdgnttl' io tpli p t itotnittg wit it illi- dition-No Stock Taken In six Itats-,retiait ttilsati I Toey aro giltori snIf-rry c...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Th ]I hsanDaily. Vol,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATUJRDAY, OCTOBER 8 1. 1908. No. 30 "ICHIOAN 6 TAG The Wolverines And60ohers Struggle ror Three Hours And The Re- sult Is it Tie.sOreatest Otm In Western rFootbatli History. litaiwH Nlin 1~atit The weai ttheris f pie h 00hn and ft lc,. ita e im s ira 'mo. L1iine-p, i 1(1( i: tI I I'>. Olt Westr,1 . T;1'a'IL.(. S a er ,C, .'out , 1 (. ha I t, l'.;o Hilt1 at ilt)a, 'titt i itt'' 'D"' viseL- t...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllounoemelt. 'The Loegbest and Most Comtpete t fe of WOOLENS in Annt At-or wilfl be found atiG. IH. Widt. C(ts, 185 East XWashingtot t. (eat paitns ate beeittakn it the selecftiontof all l ot tt52. tttr feitgs . oxftfotitfg- forthfist-easont G. II. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. ILatest Books I f 1.08 Edch Ih l ie Forest4 Itr ear'-t of Rone, Little Shepherd of Kingdom A Come, tl i toltt ' Judith of the Plains, *t a Mal i...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annloulncemnent . ! The Largest and Most Coipeteino miof in An Arbo' will be found at (1.' U. Wild dc lo, ill8 least. Washington St.. Grat hais have beitn taken i tle iSelection of all sul gs. forothist, ton G. H.. WILD CO. 108 E Wash. St. *eeoeoeew~r~a SLatest Books i $1.08 lachach *The Magic Forest,2 IThe Beat of Rome, s Little Shepherdof Kingdom Come, B ui o eiJuditlh of the Plains, f ]Iv Marie.Mnd, T he Proud Prin...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AICHII6AN CELNA1 "77weNiMara Falls Route" TFI ESHIORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with tireit cnectionls a t(Chicag, ore St Lasts. EKansas City. St. 1Ful and the (Vest. For informt Iindthri tleogh tikets cl no write to W. W. CASE. Aget. Ann Art ti. GEORGE BISCHOFF, PLOkL5IT. CHOICCI CUT FLOWERS~ & PLANTS Clapin St. Ibeten ronsSt. td MiIer Ae. 15mw' 86l1. New Brunlswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARL...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…TTT M ICIGAN DAILY. t b b t# +> _4 y 4.4.4 6 w 4"s :. . 4 ' ' . A'4?ook for+ tbe I ##f#P . S. r e o.-. dbeI - .a - 'co . ii i ® r/b y ' Dov d +Y iae;s s s, : . ; ;ri' .irs t bt , 3 t Itto+'01ad* yklR [A I #^ # ++ r~i ~ tb + r+* #*tr.3+ 0 .* Pv:ja~s .,0 Jl 1 URO NCI 110111hat 111(1 c lA th. t1( 1 0ld (1 (d 1(1 t $12.00ts 'ndOv$e .0reoltaerts,'oton i rt tttt tOfthe'tt 1 dfoo tH t a hqaetiat Itt0,.d (y X1(1 I i7 SOTH MAN ST ETd-. Phoogrphs .#r 4 ...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FOR MEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new Fall Styles and you will look no f urther NONE B1ETTER AT ANY PRICE 1 1 1 S. 1ain St. Z PENNYCOOK. : The Confectioner. 310 South State St.4 Fine Confections. Lunches, d e 1, b y , c o n f ole o n s a n d 1 m v 11 t tl } 174lI[O 1 loooooo 1. t1 stile0illo l ol ml Sce Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, 31011Souoth lo '01 ot(roo ( =MONEY LOANED ON ,I, Wath;, )t f Glea,0 .11eIely,ands al...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THDE MICHIGAN DAILY. ~OUR TAILORIN G t DEPT"A RTIMENT.... + is gaining in jpopularity, Com niad seccitscibc +$ for p~lacing (liyou r lcrde.4+ ;$ PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. 1 Best kiniuioif workncci-nslcip gusraniccil. X3 GManager. Cufig, ever Co., .w Pictllres al Fraries COACH G in inTrky Pretedin ypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOGUL(,.cSMiOKEc MAKE. YTANSOL Scceic5 nsc. ZACHMANN & PETRIE FRESH AND SALT MEATS. 607 1"'. illiie, s,c. "occiii c...…

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