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October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SrC0N I) A.:I AND NoW FOR WISCONSIN Tam Leaves ThsM ri n.- cj Gil cano -All Caskn etur _r 10 0 Practi'e w1*I0; 1 CONQUEST OF CANAAN T!a , 100: [T No. v. Aunt al Mctic> of' PI~y icallla 110501 Societ ........... -- .1:13" :r? :I slll:i<I sii'it"i'i1I Ilion) wi ll 1 :tiStl ?+iSStll' l Itr jit try t' I I, IIIII :t t" krr t l'. ;E i tlll;: ;I1 t.Ilt' t t ;ls'lft!_ lr' 1,1 i. is'\t° fI I1" . \l' 11I ;;fr :i ttll: Iil0 t= il}...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…TH-E MIChiIGAN D)AILY-NEWF + -. ,,, I. E . 11111i ; ?1 I!1 t'11;1(14Iylt III 'I '+. r i' i ati1 H orriei ~lcl~i T tr'VA r T NIS G 1;~ui ~t~,I ' 110'1 ;3 011 I ?i' i 1 1 l i3i l' lob a t 'iH o me vtI fl otrc lb . lk~~ a v e j uT htU ,r efer v1 M A A G IN G E ITO R'', lo i ltioi tt buIoiistiititci'mll: sto1r hing ed a new lineldof 1lUSINErS1 114r lR ~ l 1 it(!It 101)lilt, I ote lmp n IW s o t i a t f:0 0 1 o71 1 r 'llu th tll ' 1 Oli 1 01 011 'i...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIGAN DAILY--NEWS 'FR ESA Extract from the Laws of the THE RI GHT THINGS AND *FURN SS A; Srate of New York: r. "~~Any person, firm, corporation or aso E O UHci-HE - ation that makes or sells or oilers to sell or dispose of or hao is his, her, or its posoes- sian with intent to sell or dispose of, any Is wha t keep. this store in close/ collars or colfs marked, stamsped or brand- tounch with the younig ment of the ed with the words "linen...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ADETERMtINATfION sSALE.h We call it a Determination Sale because we are determined not to move anything that cut prices will sell. Don't think about this sale too long, we can keep it going but a short time. Alfred" s B~enjamin &~ Co's high grade custom made suits and overcoats.; CUTTINl 4G, KREYE ,C. CLVES CENED IiENT1'CHI.E . i 7IISTI('1'RAMIiNG i'0, MMARTIN14c. AT P1IJUIiAI11Ri AT I ENTSCHIL RI'S. FUNERAL Lovel' sCor...…

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