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January 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… 3.40f 9444Pa2 VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR, IIICII., WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 31, 1900. U- EX-SENATOR PATTON. are guided by dark-hued Egyptian I II ____lads. One toilsome day we were pro- STo Delioer Washington's Birthdail reeding slowly along our way, thQ tad Address-Former Speahers. urgin the donklsyo with vigorcous No. 93. Diploma Freshmen From Michigan. The rattle below gives the number ot Michoigano freshmten enterisng tram at- credited diplomat ...…

January 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…Thy. Ul GN L1h .x 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Amonq the Colleges- ; fIAbout thirty- ren are la-ying faa- ',h, Puaiinhed Daily (Sundays exa-et,6 larig tha a clags veea, at1 uHS U Iv GIty OF I ' 0 OFFICE: The IllanalPre., Heasia lilock.1 Bothalh Ii an,.I;, NI I-AGI NO IEITORl. F. Ehasss~Aaaa,'51 L. I BUSINESS IATAAGED.II ct. 11. TAN,. W L. ItHalii rd laing° ha ba al at P-'nayi- { itl a 'anad lliaar tis> aillai. A toa: ealila at ift al,nla-i <,a- miinut...…

January 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. . PRCE -to cloeoremrainder fGtok-on the et line of strctl custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choiceiREUE 1 l adecsvanthylohveaftueogsuhtndhtyo can get nowhere else. At the price one forty- nine-they will he snapped ip riic. Ike mistake i styles hee (3O DSPEEMDS 11 li TRE ICHIGAN (eENTPAL The NiaaraFalls Route" lReuitschlev, the lhotorapher. T E ESTMAKS O si eSADR iMEa, Mdno is 111111 ...…

January 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. lWc. 1 OCR AYe have bought the re- -mander of the editljee of the 10000o In Your Inside Pocket Iscwhat yucan sae ntsut or ovecoat had toyurorerby us. W guree a perect fit or nosale. Call andsee, no obligaton to huy. Our imense assortmetotf sver 3,000 samoplee wilpleaseyou.All Wl lSaits and Ovco ats froma $12.00 up. Goodrich, W ler& Murphj, FotRo vr Ntoa D. fR TINKER & 0SON HATTERIS AND FURNISHERS Hea...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…She U f oV S* VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900. No. 139. TRUSTS. j Trusts should e brought under the END OF THE COURSE. Sprigy _same regulations as railroads, banks, inurance companies, etc. A\nnouncement The Good Government Club. lg to save wast. This waste should Speaks Tonight. Last evening in University hall, Pro- tion is a step forward. We must learn Hon. Champ Clark is a charming f.~.~. essor Jeremiah W. Jenks, head pro...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY ® pictures are not interesting to all LOOK TO US ~t. t ~ ~Id)43 pupils, some are interesting to some an nt ntretig o thrsand some FOR,,T7 Pabiaes siy issse eeciptcfdaeg hehave a spontaneous ioterest. A num- Coliege yearDiyCleexepe)a igt h er of pictures are adopted, hut not THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tabioo composition. The meaning of OFFICE: The Island Press, Henning Boet...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. OODe5PEFl'- I [lave You Seern Our New Dorcais Sboes? Q 1 SOUTH MAIN ST.y MICHIGAN CENTRAL The NiagaraFalls Route."'lentschlet, the CENTRAL STAANTDARO 'lIME.L T'li'ekIssg ett ' NsraesnT~ ' 19, 1899.7 Detroit NighExpres.......... S lIRT5WAISTS. Btrand Rapids E'xpreso .........1o0 ! H NaladEpes............4r.M Faa~atcr .........9 3 W sire s ft roa i t teiladies a MB ostoFN .tto'nd Cahteasato o...o.........gttt8...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR BOO KS ~A CUT PRICE s To Have and to Hold, David Harnin, Red Pottage, + Via Ornolis...... No. 5 John Street, Janice Meredith, Richard Carvel, Stalkey & Co...... King's Mirror, When Knighthood Was in Flower...... . $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.00 1.00 65 1.00 1.00 S U VLP1I5D. f TINKER &SO ___ Headquarters for remnenher that we can supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MN'SFURNISNS Fountain Pea, the ...…

May 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…be 'of, $uf> VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. No. 181. Spring Announcement 14 19 J4C G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of 'Top Cats, Si- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. Wffe i...…

May 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVE118ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY M1 A r Prof. Krause, of Lripsir. Germany, aod LOOK TO US 411 s expecs to ooneunoder his tfficient to- 3 W tilage for two or threre'-ears more. Prof. Pubilsbed Daily fSundays excepted) during the Krause has bseome murio attaced to Cottege yer, at him and thinkoverry highly of his talrnto THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIG AN had ability, soying, that he rxprrts him GrpecE: The Inland Press, Henning Btock. to berrome o...…

May 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 SUIT CASES---A.LL STYLES STELESCO SPES Hv o seen the indestructible ase ? 11 ° MAIN STREEUT MICHIGAN C;ENTRAL 4, The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takinag Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresso...........5 55 A. a. Atlantis Express ........7 45" Gran~d Eapide Espress .........11 105 Mail and Espress ....a..........3 a7 . N4"Y. Bostss Special ............4 58" Fast Eastern..............…

May 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 181) • Page Image 4


October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…be i ss ot r 0 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, lIC1L, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1900. No. 33. HARD PRACTICE ON AGAIN. New Michigan Yell and Songs For the; STRAUSS' ORCHESTRA. Anno ncem nt ;Rooters. An o n e e t All the Men Except Boggs in Good, Will Open the S. L. A. Course With a Shape---A Regular Game Between Pres-ident. erdiei of the Athlletic As-j Grand Concert on Saturday. ur Our special line the Yarsity and Scrubs on 'ott ati~tiio ths lapointedi the...…

October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY g t Daring Hld-U~p on the Campus.Sh e gig - -- _____________ lIst nighit while lmere were iiaiy Pubished alj (Mmoda se eno unit iuogih estidlit la sinig through the camusii at a Sacriice C~ie e.tino lO Q111mii hold-up oeeuuiire t h e C, IB ia ths nni ihedE UNIVERSITY OF MbICIIG4N Yiii 101 ioe aei viiiti I u The way our shoes ae going will AI l B 1C O r 11I.reItli\1e l/ell d Just tf 1i thlirsr' Isurprise you, ...…

October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…THE UNI'VERSIT'Y OF MICHIGAN .DAILY. . 3 4" K LristYtstsrrr c es K"K"es"eca-"as"es-cs"s 6et"a-" ."es"ss ez"6"s" "a" s".g. "a" " "a cc-ct ".s"a.a, o. wr'w CD N fa . EAR~ HOL C ZiL & WrILS.ON -MPS & I DE )LLRWM. BARKER WILBUR G OODSPEED'SOV 117 MAIN ST. S.° OS: .::. .5; MICHIGAN CENTRAL PIANOS TO RENT ",The Niagara Falls Route." O N~ R$ AkT T1I CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. +NoonteIora Taking effect September zo, ugoo NowaebnrtheusicoStore 709 ...…

October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY 4l MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 338 Sooth State St. ~ZBIYCLE BAIRGAINS iS50 Orient $34 $40iSterling 29 $3,5 Fowler 24 And many others. Call and see them. MI. STAELEUR'S CYCLE EMPORIUMI, 119 W. WASHIINGTON ST. Joittettierclasses in diancitng at ANY TlIM-E 'Teret g wt yo ur f irtlessn. Grtnnets Acatdemy OilMt....…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…be i r ,rs , NAIL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH.,Ti G He WNILD & CO. WEARS AN "M" SWEATER Co-edo Are Under Another Reign of Terror - Alico Manwaring '01 Hold Up-Other Cases Ro- Have your full I ported dress suits for _A111ell "r. un rarte 'wcoltl ur- the .juior 1' Hop bll()' i. 1iiagain tii cind iier l i 11t01ro. Since flue 11yterioils mi adle atI t l: C i:' hugger' ( qu i is iitc'ratiuil ill hii icrllieastccii iii iil i e city. clc' iilciitt1...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…2 'TI-E UNILVERSITY 01 MICHICIAN DAILYi. tt f + Ij Changas in Anu)est (2nd Sem- lhC NEXT NUMBER Pablished Daily (Madaya laanpted)daiag NEWA TESTAMENT AND GREEK. IN THE. Cllge scar. a Ronn, I and It Corithans, wthhiO-L . t O I R E TEUNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN t0r<"11in]troductionsO. Open to allA MsANOFICE BANCH FFICE Tt. Thuirs. :i 10oiloik-Raiomi B Agus Bldg, Maa St. 336 S. sae Street.WILB Bth 'Phanes 13. ess Sate 'Phae 182. T'1'. OId K 11 IIIATI...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE UNJIVERSITY OF MCHIGAN DA1LY 3 * SFor Evening' Dress y Full-Dress Shirts Collars, White Ties, Gloves, Dress Protectors, Waistcoats and all die other necessaries. .. ..... CO H~ IJtIGIXI Alt5i tAft 117 1\AINSTREEI? t!v+ aIt fl~I Just as They Are in Naturl l 1AIli-H n ~ II M ichiganI Centlral -1 I';u tot \\oodistongofi tithe ~i . ane, i igerof T AlarmniClocks $ NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' oillioIll t.the rr'loo -og ment 0f Ibirs illlit( (1 Sliu i t...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… FOSTER BOARwfD Burchfield'sFine T'ailoringTrade.. . SiZE 30x 4) Red 0- reoen it VLO RS Gray Black O)mtsartor;it .i,;' 1 kitallII) Ithe ottin te shale of \lichipai n,ioPCETiNtt NONE, AIRTI5TKILLT 10 FCHAI~CALLT XV'e w it 0 lad lto proveC it lio 1I Tiruiy "onrs S. EURGHFIELD' 106 E. Huron E cr C1 1~zr a'iihpf cooTIIL For that hungry feeling 3-20 S. STATE STREET. Co ktil You can qeta a lTeutscblcr, the jlbotograpber. HOT LU NCLH ~ _.. c ....…

March 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Our Special. Lin of... Foreign and Domestic~ FABRICS FOR SPRING his aIlI1l is l i a I I'aIlud odrbii iiliUil>Iii We lhave thc 11114'Ut1- Soitlnit ill the tit - ANN ARBORI, ICH., SUN D VY, MAR191 1 i, 1901. No. 139 S OFFICERS ELECTED Sch )olicasteis and Scientists Choosc Their Officers-No Fall Session -lel eaftoi. 1t: ll ~l , i t " l ii ll l lcii il Sil I ii !1 a i l 1 w i ;<i l i~lt'at S11no111i' Session of Law D-partinit Th U i...…

March 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. i, Final Debate Next Friday Night; RAIN OR 45H-lINE F _______ _____________ i s tiiI s i s il'lle The'0 ' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe PublishedlDaiiy (NIons i55e'ssstedllsisg loi Ies's is will ihe held hI i( lii i1-. to wear when the weather is uncer- liie seo ' \ 50 '~ ~' 5'~''PHii ' SH tale, A little rain doesn't hurt it v RiE NIERIT O lit~lIIAN li lii lii i i liil lii ii m while it affords plenty of comfort ...…

March 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…o I-hTG JL -,q Z5 N ti(1C THlE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGAN DAILY a a a-aa a a a -N1 1 d Tl A ---:A 3. Blue, cuffsththe attpahed forndtached .bl .d, an ]lecufatahdodeahd®. v CHEVIOTS-in the New nobby stripes, cuffs attached a 4PA BEDFORD CORD-in plain white and colors, cuffs attached. Made from best imported and domestic materials-$l.O0 to $2.50 ® ®.7.6 117 M'CP'\STREET ! ,., .;,:. m i c h iz a n C e n t r a l r© + oC o + O + O + O O + O + ...…

March 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVttISIT g Ol MICHIGAN DAILY !SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY ine....d Efmplaymn -- - - MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION Agntiget BOOK AGENCY gns ~Il 100 students wanted to canvass during vacation, fur te ''A. A. Imiproved" gasoline lnips. Sells AGENTS WANTED (Q) Sjeht. SUPERIOR MFG. COM'PANY 329 S. Main St. i ritiegPaper ;y ti11' pittttiat 2 5 Atae itr art('ream Wa"". Etiattias rt match t10c ptr picitact, iC puakagts 25c PO1TER BOARD, PHOTO MOUNT...…

May 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…i im Lim 0 o> A A O+ CD Y.. i, H ' 1 ! t e - r . ro C V G C a z d rn 't (~ J i H , - G C w ~~ 1 i / et) 1I C-o 01 vrT C L it 6; > L M... n NOMA rt Q 0 w p - . '= h Ocj V 0 0 - m m I . U!! ' 1 I_ I J i Y , i s " J '. . ' r V~ .., .. r-, ti , f " .- !I ./y!I y'rl ~ ^. r.... f _ ._ _r f,. I w -. "" .i- ,J1 -- tow .... _ .a : f_ r~ - ._ f _. -,. " ' I .. j is r -J r "J < '_" _ -- - -- ._ % J. ' ~ f I' _ "l ;.- ' =_ ._ H iJ H...…

May 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…x ~THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1,l. I111111 "4total. RAIlN OR SHINE - T iurn. Icllr, noA: scric~ehit, i The ''o '' $3.O00 Shoe is the shoe Ii u iokto M ih insiris( hiul ri t51i11{l4 \115t ( )td45, p vies to wear when the weather is uncer- P o 110 i li i 0 0'ill~i 'an11Kti l out. I undgroein 1 by - luy tan, A littie rain doesn't hurt it ' the 1heart 1 11 of 111every1110 y~eia Ip l 't Iv ,l~t n als y I ind-'ou (iby while it affo s plenty o...…

May 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…11E IN VEIS y OF l1t(}H AiN J)AIL 3 ABang U GOOD SUIT CASE 'ooll ''For Two Fifteen. Ta~e one iil~fW s. I l h u:Ihome with you iP 40 -'o ;w ' :gp CoI n tra , S111ORT , I PIGIPRAIN aea= She~reMscSoe ANNARBR O + ried ndarereay or nsecton 114XV.AIbeySTREET 0nAro CiCAO§ DntlGl Iteivc a K tO'Premi m at te1Pari2xto1 a1 AA rrt{iiS AiSIon,' 1 . .. .2 1 900. IZ ~ 1 ANN ARBOR Oried da re i r eadyl j f or ipeci on 1 14W ...... 1Ant RrGS RAI LRUAD r3 .2...…

May 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 181) • Page Image 4

…1 ~TB E UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys We have them oo all kinds of cotmbination of colors,' isoznake ,hem to order for clams teams in any colors selected, with eaumer- als, letters or monogram at club ratea. We also mtake claws Cops to order with any monogram desigin suh- mnitted. ^aechan & O. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLt -R,: fHIGH ART Fi' r CORRECT TAILORING Fl F r A TAILORING AT PRIICES withint the roach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Yo...…

October 31, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…i f ' 6~ O t ,- 0~ z E- 118 05, 5 ;5 :2 4e o . J :.f, N y fi r: " EAR % . ..., I r .f "1 _ ! r A j v. Y. j t w a i i 1 I r .r Y _ - t r. _ ' i. - !. ; .., I.i . ,, .. :: X v v ti+ = !" . f. -- , - i. r r . E _ " _ .G G ._. _ / a- -C t Vi.-y IL rt N N ^ - .> --E 77- 4.4 ti,4 - 4 L t .:+! "" 0 , . 'ftt - c o- -vt X1 ,',1 w COO. f , J 1 .- .> ! r7 7 v - " +" s- G r- - O C?, C?, F- QC, C? c sly a: d Y- Y-++ …

October 31, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIIIta&N DAILY-NEWS - JI WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT, Jf 1IL0R OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever showrn, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 600 i08 IE. Washington St. Tutti Frutti One of our fanmous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG] STORE, R. E. JOLLY'S L...…

October 31, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…,THE .MICHIGAN DAILY-SEWS ~ iii~i--uz I -I~ :~ t iui:III313!3 I4'++4+44444"144'l11l+4-4+t 1 fl/ fl II\f III 0111 windiows and then take a1 look inside the store and ioi will see lbthre 1 o ad 1)est + TAKE A ' LOO1UI\ ;lectedl tooek of New Fall Suits and Overcoats between Detroit, and Chiea..,o 11The most, comiplete line of Men's Furnishings and Hats in the, city. The +*1. soile .gt9(ii1 in Atin \rlbir for the crolebraieil YPSgILANTIV1NDELIWEAR...…

October 31, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS . Oysteir IhalIuihynsal Tooth Paste r oc 4C c t i sPackers's Tar Soap - - Zo *Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets - - 85 +Today 1 Peruna - - - i *CALKINS' PHABRMACY 324 50. STATE ST. MILLERS ABRIDGMENT II E A E COMPILED LAWSLIE PA R MI1CHIG1AiN let us suhow you the (laalit}' we sell at 15, 20 and 2a 1a1)....... Ic01ing;afl ( t tin i e on nst itol~ssitant statutes arraigns1 asand A NNO)1ATEI) for the use of Students. Our Playing...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SrC0N I) A.:I AND NoW FOR WISCONSIN Tam Leaves ThsM ri n.- cj Gil cano -All Caskn etur _r 10 0 Practi'e w1*I0; 1 CONQUEST OF CANAAN T!a , 100: [T No. v. Aunt al Mctic> of' PI~y icallla 110501 Societ ........... -- .1:13" :r? :I slll:i<I sii'it"i'i1I Ilion) wi ll 1 :tiStl ?+iSStll' l Itr jit try t' I I, IIIII :t t" krr t l'. ;E i tlll;: ;I1 t.Ilt' t t ;ls'lft!_ lr' 1,1 i. is'\t° fI I1" . \l' 11I ;;fr :i ttll: Iil0 t= il}...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…TH-E MIChiIGAN D)AILY-NEWF + -. ,,, I. E . 11111i ; ?1 I!1 t'11;1(14Iylt III 'I '+. r i' i ati1 H orriei ~lcl~i T tr'VA r T NIS G 1;~ui ~t~,I ' 110'1 ;3 011 I ?i' i 1 1 l i3i l' lob a t 'iH o me vtI fl otrc lb . lk~~ a v e j uT htU ,r efer v1 M A A G IN G E ITO R'', lo i ltioi tt buIoiistiititci'mll: sto1r hing ed a new lineldof 1lUSINErS1 114r lR ~ l 1 it(!It 101)lilt, I ote lmp n IW s o t i a t f:0 0 1 o71 1 r 'llu th tll ' 1 Oli 1 01 011 'i...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIGAN DAILY--NEWS 'FR ESA Extract from the Laws of the THE RI GHT THINGS AND *FURN SS A; Srate of New York: r. "~~Any person, firm, corporation or aso E O UHci-HE - ation that makes or sells or oilers to sell or dispose of or hao is his, her, or its posoes- sian with intent to sell or dispose of, any Is wha t keep. this store in close/ collars or colfs marked, stamsped or brand- tounch with the younig ment of the ed with the words "linen...…

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ADETERMtINATfION sSALE.h We call it a Determination Sale because we are determined not to move anything that cut prices will sell. Don't think about this sale too long, we can keep it going but a short time. Alfred" s B~enjamin &~ Co's high grade custom made suits and overcoats.; CUTTINl 4G, KREYE ,C. CLVES CENED IiENT1'CHI.E . i 7IISTI('1'RAMIiNG i'0, MMARTIN14c. AT P1IJUIiAI11Ri AT I ENTSCHIL RI'S. FUNERAL Lovel' sCor...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…OR ,.; {0 Xiiir.. XIII. ANN' AOM ICt I.Tt-'S2'AY, IAIsC1-III21, 1103 No. I5 A GREAT MEET Rocky Mountain Club Baqut Oulr Showinig AganstO Conell w1a11111 loo iaii ; l ctn,11 ' ril Rvelation- Oudoor Work Be- t ie, ~,In eades'vtl ginls Tody-lIos1Pocts for 110 ls isi ll to de1 2 11 to1 th Western Conference Wet ltit+rit 211hhil 11fae 111111' ii' till 111111mvkirv1111' ii ili:11111i - - ,1 111111ed w ihliclt im 11111 ail thl' ldiii micerntiinti t, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…111I=; 'li~tn;ITY 0lt'\MICIGAN DAILY. THE U. OF 1MI1DAILY ftwe, two: et'hoe1: hateln iiug iIIAN ()atIII e.1'IOe t) t n l i H e h hi t 1 P blis d iaIly 1oa. JS txt( nt' tn it tt( n--i-t--ti- {11 ]=1 ]11,o ius '. iSt'tANACI, 't tn ~ i'tt RO CE 13 I t1:ST N, '4-f, 'ttj nsIt I Ittt II it I I t it j pllt' 11,1i nit iii t I 'tlii ings ~,Ietiorw o 11 ut 108 E. Wash. St. liliNERlAL N}:W5S 7'hin JUA I; tni'Jt.Uli 3..3. I. titi") i Louts A. Rortii)7,'A....…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THRU YNIVERSITY OF 'MICIIAN 1DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed ' men will wear this sea- 0l N son ask to see VETS ~/ Stein= FgASmart lathes ii [i1 y !t ~Ape We arya cmipleteline or Standard Apparatus for ( l~llt ivCA lld 1 1 I itltic Uri r II E BE B1 Cli & SON IM'U FThSAI If12 'a;in t nd 342 5 State St. PALACE AND PARISTIl 0, LA '1 AR WEt.6013 i L~ll1~ir~ It~ ii"SOUTHEF N T oll uuK Ni'tI CK E 1MC KE}(i et I l -ttl-(Ii t't o o k, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…!CfUE NVI 'FRITV OF .tlCt(. N 0DAILY. dt ua:a....w..~un 'a...a_.s...e.. r.f _ ..aa. - .~....a. .a,.a. x ._ .wws. a, . .. ,.nu... .,..>a..-taj A w. y, ,.+<. J' xx- ASl-K To SEEJ OUR NLW SiI1.\PL5 URI1NI t0[ 0.4II.&M0N JR I CALENDA I lstxid s i toaik l ii i'iii i Ju ii R NSCHLERxiix t ~, (ARTix i.I IAlS'T'IC FR A tIsts aW nd(oraPhotog-i CorIix'xxx.'la i i and IHuro iiSts. rPhoners'9,u3 lins.Ca ins Chr-S te SI Btaleremns ATiIimlt'iiir At out xl J...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…r' 'Y3 a.r ...d tea G I'Z CL _ ( +" :f Cy V ' M - a .., r" 72 C. CD 7. t-4 rt fi . ;; ^ = Q .f arts :L " i'i n vI, rf -" 7s C e t 7 " , ' r- 7, 71 7.1 N Y.r 'l 're .-r f f . C L J ~ y j C'n ti C. r' t ' --r j v -r f tY r " _ r- _ u Q 7' " - _ if; / - _. ! - x' ti~ M _. - y .. f j ' " ... . ..._ .... _. _.. _.. .._. { r I .. ,. ' -_ _ - ... ;r .., ' . -- f a: - m : ,... - . - : = : . _ y y .J. ,- .r - a , = . .,. f r r. .- ti.- a .. ,f J !. }' ...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpringTGIE U. OF M. DAILY LEt r, la tttt ) i-l to t Siattro Spring!Jg r MAAIGEDITOR, P~i i igel4t iid moltt EARLE I. IOL;STOIN. '03. (0illEti i' illeit o BUSINESS IIANAtSCR ItOSCOEB. HIUSTON, EDITORS Athletic (CiNRL 1NEWS j It ,tts withi ta.t adI1)10 111 sitisfIvit I,,~ that Miehiga it studts .,Idteat f'ant Ann 'tricor 't'ttTennis Rackets he Iu c If itic tie neat it l'11aThese Rackhets are in ate by Irk-?I~f n...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…7. THN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. yFURN ESSIA: ITHE RIGHT THINGS AND .: II ENOUGH OF THEM 5 i*Iwha t 1keeps this store ill cloelj 11u iver i t u r -Itii. iiihi t tl rSuisOvercoats, Hats, aps, and a!I the Exclsiv Patern i~ newest Men's Furnishirg I nt is and linter tiiin gand l adras, Cheviot, ~ ~ i ie li Linen a3nd -rrcale. thlt ietnet h ttar .lu10 111t0lip's to 1r 1wll 1 1;ed RAC T BRAND .;j at eit rtt col f t giw hee XVa nr Co. 'rAt the s...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN D.AILY. FOR MUN A>D \' 0. a New "iigh Bal" Last he :aest. New Souvenir of fltchigan ii ENTii 'ILLRAlIlsIcNI tIa tllU Q A A J Uniiversity Vi'ws and PIIOTOCRIIIIEII AT tLNINCOIILL FU. MATN.R. L k sCr. Main andlHuaon Sts. Pone 3, 3 rigs. TU R .( Inquire at tiYNIia a i j:a allciia 'llla l I lr,1! i, l Ii *i * ' o a ii itt111iir leIi Sli lrg It t XlcaIic'Iit lll, Iii V i g ' (,r" ui iiii i i m g I a i iiei ka l~ ix ;,.,...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1903. No. 29 U. oFr 1'. 'ilMETI TODAY. HIGH SCHOOL OAks -TODAY. ALL-FRESH VS. '06 ENG. Chanmpionship of West Will Be Settled PTe AllFccest IttP )01 tea t will, In te ittioscltol-trc cotet. lfothli -M01ichigan Teams In Perfect Co- tictssitl 11u tSdgnttl' io tpli p t itotnittg wit it illi- dition-No Stock Taken In six Itats-,retiait ttilsati I Toey aro giltori snIf-rry c...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Th ]I hsanDaily. Vol,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATUJRDAY, OCTOBER 8 1. 1908. No. 30 "ICHIOAN 6 TAG The Wolverines And60ohers Struggle ror Three Hours And The Re- sult Is it Tie.sOreatest Otm In Western rFootbatli History. litaiwH Nlin 1~atit The weai ttheris f pie h 00hn and ft lc,. ita e im s ira 'mo. L1iine-p, i 1(1( i: tI I I'>. Olt Westr,1 . T;1'a'IL.(. S a er ,C, .'out , 1 (. ha I t, l'.;o Hilt1 at ilt)a, 'titt i itt'' 'D"' viseL- t...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllounoemelt. 'The Loegbest and Most Comtpete t fe of WOOLENS in Annt At-or wilfl be found atiG. IH. Widt. C(ts, 185 East XWashingtot t. (eat paitns ate beeittakn it the selecftiontof all l ot tt52. tttr feitgs . oxftfotitfg- forthfist-easont G. II. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. ILatest Books I f 1.08 Edch Ih l ie Forest4 Itr ear'-t of Rone, Little Shepherd of Kingdom A Come, tl i toltt ' Judith of the Plains, *t a Mal i...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annloulncemnent . ! The Largest and Most Coipeteino miof in An Arbo' will be found at (1.' U. Wild dc lo, ill8 least. Washington St.. Grat hais have beitn taken i tle iSelection of all sul gs. forothist, ton G. H.. WILD CO. 108 E Wash. St. *eeoeoeew~r~a SLatest Books i $1.08 lachach *The Magic Forest,2 IThe Beat of Rome, s Little Shepherdof Kingdom Come, B ui o eiJuditlh of the Plains, f ]Iv Marie.Mnd, T he Proud Prin...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AICHII6AN CELNA1 "77weNiMara Falls Route" TFI ESHIORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with tireit cnectionls a t(Chicag, ore St Lasts. EKansas City. St. 1Ful and the (Vest. For informt Iindthri tleogh tikets cl no write to W. W. CASE. Aget. Ann Art ti. GEORGE BISCHOFF, PLOkL5IT. CHOICCI CUT FLOWERS~ & PLANTS Clapin St. Ibeten ronsSt. td MiIer Ae. 15mw' 86l1. New Brunlswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARL...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…TTT M ICIGAN DAILY. t b b t# +> _4 y 4.4.4 6 w 4"s :. . 4 ' ' . A'4?ook for+ tbe I ##f#P . S. r e o.-. dbeI - .a - 'co . ii i ® r/b y ' Dov d +Y iae;s s s, : . ; ;ri' .irs t bt , 3 t Itto+'01ad* yklR [A I #^ # ++ r~i ~ tb + r+* #*tr.3+ 0 .* Pv:ja~s .,0 Jl 1 URO NCI 110111hat 111(1 c lA th. t1( 1 0ld (1 (d 1(1 t $12.00ts 'ndOv$e .0reoltaerts,'oton i rt tttt tOfthe'tt 1 dfoo tH t a hqaetiat Itt0,.d (y X1(1 I i7 SOTH MAN ST ETd-. Phoogrphs .#r 4 ...…

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