October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 1
…The, MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. \VEDNESDAY, ()C"1'O(.,R. 30, 1907. NO. 32. VOL. XVIII. SEM-FNAS BGI -CITY To BEDECORAT~E oRz IN fl.,ACC R1R f 111 ULJl)IUVU1JlEk)I junior and Senior Lits Play a Scoreless (lame-Senior Laws Defeat Dents, 10-0. Anotier scorees gamt e a playesinl the iterclass series yesterday b tie junior and senior lits. The dent fell before the fast end work of ie eio aws. its this atter game. whiciet was maedi by ...…