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January 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \AN ARBOR, NIC.Ilk \ I \-IGA\N X\. \ 0,li.1I)07. Vinin XVII. AMATEURISM DISCUSSED BY PROFESSOR LLOYD -Academic Pause in Life' is Its Efs- sence -Application (lade to College Journalism. ]rtso Lly fi ill,, ph ilso tillde- pn-tnn cnniin p n.tna&i;mire entin1i -. i-i , al, t iitc i itt i n t fthttute irne ns.t Ast t i lt, i e phass ofcollge ativiies t idrti is iirltidif tisiitfill[ Soeime tago i ittsteakig on an oc-iii ia e ...…

January 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN IAt Fallcy Vestifig anld Trouserinllg Windol Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right We guar- antee perfect satisfaction G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. The Shamrock Hockey Stick Made of finest Can- dian rock eln. Each one carefully selected for perfect grain be ore being s tai n ed and polished. Price 750 Each 230, $0c n ,d 60c Eah. S...…

January 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…f THE MICHIGAN DAILY ti. Samf Burchfields Fiue Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET r U. OF M. CAPS AND GOWNS FOR i; RENT OR SALE The Bachelors, Masters and Doctors Gowns in an}, f+matt rial desired, with the Lluiversity or Class Colors. The hest Service and Hest Attention Here. Prices (luaranleed. MACK & CO. THE FARMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURION ST'REE'TS Capital, $50,000, Surplus a...…

January 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…rjH~' MICHIGAN DAILY I. GRABS Al IOAG' S Th is is your chance to get the tositomerchanise for 25 that ),ont ever have had Fve huitniledboxes filledl withligood, cleat, desirable o<od fromo all departiments. D~ry Goods, htiatteany Ar- tickesJewvelry, Stationiery, Musical Ii itrutiietits. Inithe lot are io Zithiers worth tip to $2.50 each. If not satisifiexd you tmay have your msottey hack. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Ll Butter Cup Candy Whi...…

March 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \RiB(OR.\Ti. 11ff IN 'S- \TI M MRI)\ CI I(H icy, 1907. VOL. XVII. N . 1- LAST INDOOR MEET GtHMu'IANNUALIiND)OOR TAKES PLACE TONIGHT MEiETi (CCUCRS TODAY Over igti- ientrat' is, representing oll Special Features will be Chamipion- foutr classs, asure iclose ight for te ship Class Relay Race and Jap Carrow etnCU3illtits g-irls' itttti itidoor Fencing Bout. tmee- t i aroutigymnatsittmttthis ater- ( ltoot lttyer thefrsih...…

March 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…New IV oolellS 6.e II.Wild Co. 3111 Stag tSreet Ne G o lf B a lls )a tr l c z h l1 plrt B;1, i o ' ( 1 1 1 111 111 1' SHFEHAN & CO'S THE:, MICH i AN IDAILY. Xl 1. II Nl~tr C.Poun1 ti . ... ... .. . A .I I F. Olevei.>on :1tl~ " Ro~ert11, Canc F. Iit{)r.... I 3o1s 0. nVlrli tI:; A, Osborn011 J. FEarl Ogle, Jr. Harold C.0Sm1ith (WilliamttA. Muilhern lFllyl IJones 1.F iO] l l 1' il111 I.1 (rtt1 1 t' llc 1,-1slier (George 11. Hobart 1 1 t 1...…

March 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…TItif.itC1tdAN 1 PAIT.V What Style Clothes Will t ~You Wear Easter Sunday?) yT IS none too early to diecide and get what von want I now. Shall it be a snmart sack suit? What style overcoat will you wear? Of course yon will want garments that are fashionably correct in every detail, perfect in it, and that took as if toiloreil to your special order. S'vo natter what you fancy, we can give you pi ecisely what vok ouswant in style, materials, wok...…

March 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…,VIIL Nt % CT5 N AIL V 'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALAW'1ICLOCKS HACK AN!) AHHIAGE HIRE The Summer QarterI1907 CnpflnsJcdI tr St rv tan 2041 South State street S Ir Ittl I{ 1 ; I t N IV IP51II N O'IILS i ct* 55 91W 5 Is t catIs ? I' t h r i 10 }N FOWNES T] li'V Wl' Al i" > { I';i r ARROW CLI-PECO SHRUNK UARi ER SIZE COLLAR r'=4 :v ii= i nE Att f76Y & ft7. 4, f f r. Pon S 1 I , ' D., Y., A. A. ft J. RLAILWAY S ! - - i5 , i3, 3 i a l t1 ...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily .V I ............ , ,. XVFI. No 1 io, ATHLETES TELL OFt PHILADELPHIA TRIP ,en Return With More Watches -Pennsy Treated Them Roy- ally---How It All Happened. i-t cfoiur i}-carp h icrnerd tic gold ?".\'St tl -cu l iiiic. I-i retu nd illtn Cii S o th ii -itri R mei c~tt jlt, ofiiiei YirkiCitN. 'Jihly. i ar lii-n iiion ily cried a -W ,sl h t i is iiiiiiiii i but r- Inn liii isllad b " in" Patter The trp as n li)Valc in liith...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

… r-) 0 0O 0 0 O 0 00O 0 00O 0 e , O O O_ O 0O It O 0 IdtJ O0 71 L f-r con7 zI -a- - uj M' w d d ..r+I 44 oo IIId~ Q a T-! M f u U z: zl j ' y' " it f -^ H z H z 0 F 0 H U _ 'J :' L. ..1 t s I 1 C,, O-l3 U, C = 0 cam LL Q v } - U- v ChEU Um bt a r... '- rte T r a t -C u . - 7 0 __ " 0 .. f …

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…TTVF ITC Hf AN' TDAILY 1'i 3 r a E . 1 s 7' .. 1 " i r . - " F Y----- ', , '.; , A College Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hlats and Furnishings WALK-OVER OXF...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…TTI! IT MICTTIGtAN DI) L Y _® UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1 ALAR1 CLOCI(SHACK AND CNIRIAGE HIREa The Summerp Quarter, 1907 ItTtrsr SCnapman's Jewelry Stovco 206 SOUTHii MAIN si'iti:Li ' k 11 x<9it'I T1Ji5 - we lesa1' TH HVRIYi~' 204 South State Street PP .11. ' S < i'" t GLUOAVES nin right lt e, so byhayfIineiind asse troubile PttI<1 ;c c 11ic 1i;411 (';tfc1 r 1 P1I:: n. lut= 3 t -1 ( Wt r A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat From Wood It takes o...…

May 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dail y AN N 1'\'II( II I( HiI \, I'II(I kS1)1I) \\ 3",I1\O(')j . Voi. XVII. _ _ _ M, A. C. SHUT OUT BY VARSITY, 2-0 Whipple Pitches One-Hit (Game ---Mellon Gets Three Hits--- Will Play 0. S. U. Today, Michl-an tiitt il 1l it: C. °r ia,2t i- oiii i lI-lt"1 t he fourt~t~ th ititi ctr t e L n inll tau >1ti ll-it itt lcn t icr l llt ir i'i c t cltt~ tim , MS, 11 fo r l t i 'f h- tIll \4't aclell, ~tI-t ot ill city i; tillcd with -...…

May 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

….._ V CA) CA 0 r't'1 , . .. I I I 1110 IYYY A pgl Y 1 Imp r IllAl I A cr: r. 0 n r tI1 .. r. m r. s c r- r r. . . r, r J. ,-, r cr. 0 0 I U, 70. m - - ,--' ooo 44 -L r m 0I -75-- yv r- ° ~ f . s {x, i y. _ ^.'. ; t '" ; ±-", , 1 .-, "' r-r . . ..-_ ' .,. - ' ; . ?" -- y. ' ' ,.. '. - -" -, _ , rip CDCD r r rf: " ; 1. f. t: DD . MC( - CD\ t ' ' . : , a v = a 0 1 = " :. u :: des ., =' O' ,--, . a ,,,,, , rj ...., _ -rte a ro :...…

May 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…C-,D C H a, __ 0 I"a a 0 C ... K e 'A c n C- a . i ,,,, . . , , ; ^ =s _ . " J V .,f V . ' v J ! r* : V s _ ':' v ! ' f " x w <' .. v ® f v rf .".. ,^. r° V "S fk . , 0 0 i n nrrun nrrr i enr r n rn. i w i i m r CA cn -o G n ~. M _A w CA C 0 . x - (JDMr O- - 0} = a" n , ,:, n r , . Z fi m ' r fi ! -t "' y,, 'J: r, ( (L .. ..' ''; :T: V ;.) '-% I . -' ' i w 1,,,+~ t__.± ,.; tC I -' ' .--r " ;. -"; ,', U :t: ti :. _. ,, A r x M w - q...…

May 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIF*AN DAILY UIESTOFCCAOAARFI CLOCK'S NOTICE 'The :S u) asner- Quart er, 1907 '1uicl~l We, the undersigned livery-; 1Cnapman's Jewelry Store men, Will accept no more credit. Terms strictly cash from nlow I 2116 'o11 10 iAl STI I I I 1., on, and all bills must he paid by ROIISON & Co3. 1 ANC Sl~lli AlA. BI. WALKFER. 181 U2N0S~ 4 ,South State Street W. H. SFARK. .. C'AI,FNI) 51 it's r w qr I, IN'OW NE tIi, 11 'fc , 1 ',oe used. Eac...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The, MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. \VEDNESDAY, ()C"1'O(.,R. 30, 1907. NO. 32. VOL. XVIII. SEM-FNAS BGI -CITY To BEDECORAT~E oRz IN fl.,ACC R1R f 111 ULJl)IUVU1JlEk)I junior and Senior Lits Play a Scoreless (lame-Senior Laws Defeat Dents, 10-0. Anotier scorees gamt e a playesinl the iterclass series yesterday b tie junior and senior lits. The dent fell before the fast end work of ie eio aws. its this atter game. whiciet was maedi by ...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…MICRItAlf DAILY G. He. Wild Companly The Larget Stock in the City Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS~ For Geltlemen's Wear Everything requireeu for Suits, Overcoats, any Vestings, an(d Trouserings, and of high Class fabrics and special style. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. 1. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street Our Stock of Basket Ball and Indoor Base Ball Goods is the mot complete one you'll fiid in town and it wilt surely pay you to look it ove...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICJK1AN DAILY Sam Burchfield's- Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The . Goods Sam Burchfiel 106 & CO. EAST HURON ST. Do you wv b- 0 wortho f r$ .1Call at ouv r Ri ,, car a ilete particulars of the Sanitol ,-enrascal Company's great introductory offecr, the greatest offer c c!' ro..- in toilet preparations. Temp articles fort h - irce of 120 F. 1L1baa-ty St. ALARFICLOCKS $1..00 $1.50 $1.75 All the lbetimakes aif ul r i itceso MICHIGIAN PIN...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…AL E R ECM EEUNIVERSITY NOTICES HENRY Q CO. But the young man gets an T IORLS Hgls S extra squeeze of the hand. 9) ttt t1rF R HE SigCls nIIT lie's punctilious, knows what goday. HATTERS SI M C n Popular Prices he wants, won't take one iota Seingttf ttthtits 'Turday at L s tlsRglShe-e 'a 5Bo olock, [ZottttC.iHorer, Pes aetSye-ea he-e u sSo Sless. irsh lit football itamti will mefr o We delighted in tailoring gar- Iprattieat "fair grond tlitoay,...…

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