May 30, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 179) • Page Image 1
…T h e Nlich ig ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, IAY 30, 108 VOL. XVIII. No. 1 79. MICHIGAN LOSES CHANCE FOR FIRST Coe in Poor Condition- -Bohnsack Boxed by Cornell and Pennsy Runners. lASlEBALL GAME T()DAY MtICtHIGAN %s. SYACUSE. Gaine calledl at :30. UNION EL ECTION AND iIEETlING COME TODAY Thie sanutlomeeting of the Union will be hld this morning at i i(iclock, i 1-oolni CUniviersotyHfll. The election of oficers iiiimedliately preceites ti...…