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March 30, 2022 (vol. 131, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…CAMPUS LIFE GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail and let us know. INDEX Vol. CXXXI, No. 70 ©2022 The Michigan Daily NEWS............................ 3 A R T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 M I C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 O P I N I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 S P O R T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 For more stories and coverage...…

March 30, 2020 (vol. 129, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The University of Michigan’s transition to online classes has presented unique obstacles for fine arts students, who have had their recitals impacted, face issues obtaining necessary materials and experience difficulty practicing their disciplines remotely. The University announced plans to move to online classes on March 11 amid an outbreak of coronavirus in the state. As students transition to attending lectures,...…

March 30, 2018 (vol. 127, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, March 30, 2018 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM ALEXIS RANKIN/Daily The University of Michigan Board of Regents voted to remove the name of the C.C. Little Science Building Thursday afternoon. RESEARCH Board votes unanimously to change names of C.C. Little, West Quad’s Winchell Hall The Lecturers’ Employee Organization filled the room of The University of Michiga...…

March 30, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…This year’s Central Student Government elections saw significantly lower numbers of voter participation in comparison to recent years. According to an email interview from Public Policy senior Jacob Pearlman, the CSG election director, a total of 7,989 students, or 17.9 percent of the student body, voted in this year’s presidential and vice-presidential election. In 2016, voter turnout came in at 19.1 pe...…

March 30, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 2016 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM INDEX Vol. CXXV, No. 99 ©2016 The Michigan Daily NEWS......................... 2A OPINION.....................4A SPORTS ......................7A SUDOKU..................... 2A CL ASSIFIEDS...............6A S T A T E M E N T . . . . . . . . . . . 1 B NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM Thirty-four seconds change...…

March 30, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, March 30, 2015 CELEBRATING OUR ONE-HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM Michigan took two of three games in its weekend series » INSIDE Best two out of three Make Michigan wins CSG executive seats by closest margin in a decade By EMILIE PLESSET Daily News Editor According to unofficial results released Friday evening, Make Michigan’s Cooper Charlton, an LSA junior, ...…

March 30, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…" PAGE8 ONE- ILT°; "--Nl} Ii) I \\ N VyI \() iU\S O F ) '(}1L I1 I1II1,LI)0\1 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, March 30, 2012 michigandailycom DIVERSITY ON CAMPUS 'U' celebrates * OAIVJ's 25th anniversary Organization tively advocate for minority students at the University. honors its efforts "The sense of vibrancy to me reflects ongoing commitment to aid minority from a lot of people who have been involved in this for a long students time," ...…

March 30, 2011 (vol. 121, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…SOFTBALL PREVIEW 2011: The unsung heroes have helped seniors Jordan Taylor and Dorian Shaw get Michigan off to a hot start. 9 PAGE7A A selection of our favorite Michigan Daily pictures from the past S FT Eyear. US OFTHE Y AR] THE STATEMENT, INSIDE. (;be £idii~tan~ai1!j * Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, March 30, 2011 CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION East Quad to close for renovations next spring TODD NEEDLE/Daily Business School senio...…

March 30, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…Now that junior guard Manny Harris announced he's leaving Michigan for the NBA, is the men's hoops team doomed? PAGE 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, March 30, 2010 FABRICATING FUTURE FUEL How the 'U' landed Pres. Obama for graduation In recruitment effort, Seedocumentsforthis ANNA SCHULTE/Daily am ece aboutthis Engineering freshman Chris Parmer works on a project for his Engineering 100 class. The class focuses on creat...…

March 30, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…be 1idiganBail NE-F NDIREiD-NINEITEELN Y1011)EARS1FDI LAL FREEDOM Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, March 30, 2009 ONE AND DONE TRAVELING TO ISRAEL Birthright cuts back on availability Officials: Decline is result of high admissions num- bers the past two years - a time the result of more when Israel was celebrating its 60th birthday - not international acceptances in past financial troubles or fallout from Bernie Madoff's Po...…

March 30, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…JAMES DICKSON: WHY NICE IS OVERRATED OPINION, PAGE 4 HENSICK SNUBBEDCHEADLE CARRIES 'REIGN OVER ME' ° ~ COLVIN: TJ. DESERVED HOBEY BAKER SPOT SPORTS, PAGE 8 ARTS, PAGE 5 tce idt an aIVy (.NE.-*[-UI.?NDR ED->,,'.'.)SEVEINT FN CE R FE IORA R EO Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, March 30, 2007 A VIEW FROM THE BELLS ACADEMIC ETHICS Engin school confronts cheating BENJI DELL/Daily University alum Steven Ball plays the carill...…

March 30, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…Thursday, March 30, 2006 News 2A Abramoff sentenced to 6 years in prison tUI1,l A~STYLE J,:. K -N FAE I , V]CE ®..'T E STATEMENT1 LI~t43IT~UI Opinion 4A Aaron Kaplan thinks you're moving back home Arts 8A Buddha Machine makes beautiful music One-hundred-siteen years of editord freedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 102 ©2006 The Michigan Daily Dems gear up for state rep primary NOAH KOR N/Daily LSA freshman Syd...…

March 30, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Wednesday, March 30, 2005 Opinion 4 Sports 8 Jordan Schrader examines GEO's arguments Looking to extend winning streak, softball stays focused c ..1 N11 -; ti Weather LOWl47 TOMORROW: 59/32 One-hundredfourteen years ofeditoralfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 108 @2005 The Michigan Daily GSIs, 'U' Doctor shortage foretold reach some agreements EIf progress continues, GSIs says they may not need to author...…

March 30, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday, March 30, 2004 News 3 New campus web- site offers e Bay- style service Michigan faces Oregon tonight in the NIT semifinals ... Sports, Page 8 4r1Mr4au Weather Opinion 4 Aubrey Henretty takes on censors Arts 5 The Daily flags a Death Cab for Cutie . H. 53 TOMORROW: 4(I31 ©2004 The Michigan Daily Oehudredihtmyerir' fedonri~eedom ' Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 123 . Alleged rape under investigation...…

March 30, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…It il One hundred ten years ofed toriadfredom tl. NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Friday March 30, 2001 4 __ c ,q. r . r ; P , "b e ... 'a ' V School ruling thrusts Snto natinal potlight Jackson hundreds By Mob Sprow Dally Staff Reporter ABBY ROSENBAUM/Daily Tommy Amaker, Michigan's new basketball coach, formally accepted his position at a press conference at Crisler Arena yesterday. New'M' hoops coach Amak...…

March 30, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…One hundred nine years ofeditonfreedom Irnt NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Thursday March 30, 2000 i 1 ?4' ,'w' r' I AD confirms Ellerbe will 0 return for M' By Mark Francescutti Daily Sports Editor After a season that saw the Michigan basket- ball program deal with on- and off-the-court adversity once again, Brian Ellerbe will return as head coach of the Wolverines next season. Michigan interim Athletic...…

March 30, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…itL 'Today: Sunny. High 62. Low 30. Tomorrow: Sunny. High 65. Low 41. One hundred eight years ofedtonW freedom Tuesday March 30, 1999 ,,. A rstrikes hit Serb police sation PRISTINA, Yugoslavia - A pall of black smoke poured from police head- quarters in Kosovo's capital yesterday, and ethnic Albanians saw it as a sign to hide indoors or get out of town. They knew that by striking at the heart of the police operation that has tu ed much o...…

March 30, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 7640554 It r One hundred seven years of editorlafreedom tti Monday March 30, 1998 M'hockey psets North akota, 4-3 Sharat Raju Sports Editor After Saturday's on-ice celebration was over and most of e players, coaches and media had left, Michigan forward ill Muckalt leaned down and kissed the painted 'M' in the enter of Yost Ice Arena. In that one gesture, Muckalt illustrated what all the olverines must have been f...…

March 30, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…WEq lw ar7M tttz qMPPv7 Weather Tonight: Chance of flurries, low 27. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high in the lower 40s. One hundred four years of editorial freedom Thursday March 30, 1995 - .0VA 4 ""~O'~W~."' ~~AL~"' - .~ -, 4.4. 4- *'U' distributes state funds unevenly across schools By Ronnie Glassberg Daily Staff Reporter The University has used state funding to sustain its more expensive schools - with the School of Dentistry receiving ...…

March 30, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…WE *rni One hundred three years of editorial freedom S10601994Daily MSA drops Junding for. tenants' union By RONNIE GLASSBERG DAILY STAFF REPORTER The Michigan Party has fulfilled a campaign promise to change the way the Michigan Student Assembly funds the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU). But on the way to completing this pledge, the assembly may face a lawsuit for the cuts. At last night's meeting, lame-duck President Craig Greenberg said ...…

March 30, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Ann Arbor City Council elections are next Monday, and if students want a say in city government, they need to get out and vote. Director John Russell Brown's "Andromache" is opening at the Trueblood Theater this week. Laura Alantas previews the performance. The Michigan basketball team is in the midst of preparing for its biggest game of the season when the Wolverines play Kentucky Saturday in New Orleans. Today Partly cloudy; High 48, Low ...…

March 30, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…Today is MSA election day, and students have a lot to decide. Aside from choosing a candidate, there are referenda on the deputization oversight committee and on speech codes. Vote. University graduate and Chicago Symphony Orchestra violinist Max Raimi talks about the orchestra's new conductor, Daniel Barenboim, as the CSO plays Hill Auditorium tonight. Reality check: we're in the final four. Not just basketball, but hockey too. The cagers s...…

March 30, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…r r - ..cif 0.:,'.L 4. f _ .. . .. , >. :: k+ Ann Arbor still smokin' after 18 years 4 ARTS Get into the Gear 8 SPORTS 'M' baseball takes the field 11 Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 30, 1990 CrpyrightZ 1990 The Michigan Daily 11credit efforts under fire RHA says CC's Campaign promises ideas seriously flawed misleading, RHA says Members of the Residence Halls Association a...…

March 30, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…1989 Tennis supplement, page 10 Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. I C, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 30, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily Hoffman, Davis nab early Oscars 'U' hosts LOS ANGELES (AP) - Dustin book," Dav Hoffman, who drew raves for his prize of the meticulously detailed portrayal of an the novel o autistic man in Rain Man, won the Oscar the winning for Best Actor last night at the 61st Davis'...…

March 30, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…1988 Baseball Supplement, pp. 9- 10 Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 30, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily House removes marital rape law By the Associated Press LANSING - The House voted 102-0 yesterday to remove an ex- emption in Michigan law that al- lows men to rape their wives and escape prosecution. Currently, Michigan prosecutors can not bring rape charges a...…

March 30, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom VOLUME XCVII -NO. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY BAM Ill By WENDY LEWIS and MARTHA SEVETSON Black Action Movement III, a descendant of two earlier movements, has translated the current concern over racist attitudes into an opportunity to repeat the demands of those movements. The group recently picketed the Michigan Union and staged a sit-in at the Fle...…

March 30, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom I E Sit 43U i IUtlQ Baseball Cloudy and cool with 60 percent chance of rain, or even wet snow. The high will be near 40. Vol. XCV, No. 142 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 30, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages State House considers more ed. increases By KERY MURAKAMI Leaders of the State House of Repr- sentatives Subcommittee On Higher Education may recommend up ...…

March 30, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…Step into spring fashion See Weekend Magazine Nnet y f o Mre aeostly cloudy with temps around Editorial Freedom 40. Vol. XCI V-No. 143 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 30, 1984 Fifteen Cents Twelve pages, 'Assassins' stalk students Officials fear effects of playing 'killer' game By CAREY ZEISER Imagine walking into a dormitory and being met by a stranger with a gun. What would you do? Possibly the...…

March 30, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-Three Years of Editorial Freedom C I tr LIE 43U 43atlu Pointed Increasing cloudiness today with a high in the mid 40s. Vol. XCIII, No. 141 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 30, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages Financial aid ties to draft registration loosened By BARBARA MISLE New rules for enforcing the law which would deny student financial aid to men who fail to register for the draft will be re...…

March 30, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Tar Heels take NCAA title See Page 10 ________HIGHER Clouds will move in today Ninety-Two Years with a good chance of of showers and thunder- __11ka showers. Clouds will Editorial Freedom diminish toward evening. The high temperature will be in the mid to upper 50s. Vol. XCII, No. 141 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Dily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 30, 1982TeCntTnPas SSalvador coalitions form after .elections SAN SALVADOR, El Salva...…

March 30, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…INTER EST See editorial page iga 1i aiI SAME See Today for details Niney Yers of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 30, 1980 Ten Cents t. I Air i Annual By NICK KATSARELAS See Jane sublet to Dick. See Jane leave town. See Dick destroy the apartment. See Dick not pay rent. See landlord sue Jane. See Jane's summer ruined ... Subletting your apartment or house can be an onerous task, although it doesn't...…

March 30, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…DESEGREGATION See editorial page L3IE Wan ~aiIg DECEPTIVE High-720 Low-450 See Today for details Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIX, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 30, 1979 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages ,plus Supplement SAFA expects divestment guidelines delay By HOWARD WIT T place two students o ecommittee. to impose any deadlines on themselves, the March demonstrations. heard some say that students on SAC- SACFA wil...…

March 30, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…NEW FIRE FOR MSA See Editorial Page E t t i Ui1Q ETHEREAL High-53 Low-40 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 30, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages APPLICANT DENIED NEWBERRY RD POST: Sex is the By RICHARD BERKE Maybe it was a boring life at Bursley that gave Richard Khederian the idea of surroun- ding himself with women. Whatever the reason, the junior journalism major applied in January for the Res...…

March 30, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…RHODES, SUCCESSOR See Editorial Page LY L 3k1 itgan !!iatitii HALF & HALF High - 660 Low -- 380 See Today for details /' Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 30, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages 1F MU SEE N6S HAPPMN CALZ Ali Backward glance Ah, nostalgia. Bob Honigman, a Class of '58 business student, was back in town this week armed with a report he wrote nineteen years ago on housing in...…

March 30, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…FBI BREAK.-INS 00001, Silr A Da11 IFFY yigh-75d Low-30° See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 146 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 30, 1976 10 Cents Indiana halts Cinderella title hopes, Ten Pages and 2 Supplements 86-68 IF-CU SEE NEWS HAPPEN CALLDAIY Closing the books David's Books will be closing soon after two- and-a-half years in Ann Arbor. David Kozubei, >wner of the store, was not sure of ...…

March 30, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside a A6F IddL IRFOVIW N Itl :431wlwtt y CHRISTMASY High-33 Low-13 See Today for details Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXV, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 30, 1975 Ten Cents E r r ight Pages High aspirations Lt. Gov. James Damman, recently cleared by the state attorney general of criminal involvement in land speculation while serving as a Troy city official, has announced his aspirations...…

March 30, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…'HE RIGHTS OF T HE HUNGRY :Y itW &tit VAPID Hligh--42 Low--2S See Today for details See Editorial Page Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 30, 1974 Ten Cents Ten Pages d. T FYCUEE N EHAPPECAU. ) Y Candidates' page Today is Saturday, and that leaves only two more days before Monday's city elections. As an aid to voters in deciding their choices in the five City Council ra...…

March 30, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…KAIMOWITZ FOR MAYOR See Editorial Page Y SiU &r4A1 4 AlliV WET High-S Low-38 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIII, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 30, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Elections By CINDY HIIL "Massive fraud" has been found Ma in this year's all-campus election,~ according to Election Director Ken .. .Newbury, possibly invalidating the "I have positi whole election. one has broken A full investigation will be hel...…

March 30, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Fleming halts pall y; blames pot By TONY SCHWARTZ President Robben Fleming an- nounced last night that Friends of the Rainbow People's Party, a stu- dent organization, would not be permitted to rent Hill Auditorium for a planned non-profit, "Get Out' the Vote" concert, Saturday night. * Fleming said in a written state- ment that the decision was in re- sponse to "massive violations of the law, particularly. with regard to the use of marij...…

March 30, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Voting to begin today in campus-wide elec tions ELECTION RECOMMENDATIONS See Editorial Page A& A6P tlt4tgan A6F 4br 741att SUNNY High--46 Low--24 Warmer, clear '1o1. LXXXI, No. 145 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 30, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages Thei for cited false Jury Lt.( Me1 convicts alley of testimon By PAUL TRAVIS and ART LERNER Student Government Council presidential candidate Bill Thee was found guilty Sunday of falsl...…

March 30, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

….,- q EXTRA S AiF 40P ERii4 EXTRA Vo . LXXX-No. 146A Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 30, 1970 FREE ISSUE Four Pages I PROFESSOR TO FILE CHARGES OF DISRUPTION By RICK PERLOFF Charges will be filed today with the disciplinary boards in the literary college and the graduate school against several stu- dents who allegedly disrupted a computer science class last Thursday to promote the lass strike supporting the demands of the Black Ac...…

March 30, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…Crisis nears in By LANIE LIPPINCOTT The Model Cities Program for North Central Ann Arbor is only in its pre- natal stages. But already it has spark- ed a controversy which is polarizing the community. Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Model Cities is a six-year program aimed at solving the social and en- vironmental problems of urban areas. In Ann Arbor the target of the pro- gram is the North Central area, be-...…

March 30, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…MACE AND POLICE: DANGEROUS DUO See editorial page Y L Sr tiBan ~Iait1 COOLER High-6 Low-35 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Vol. LXXVIII, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, March 30, 1968 Seven Cents Ten Pages UN To Meet STUDENT LOBBY On Crisis Legislat In Mid-East On Security CouncilBI AppT jor~afl isrel allBy JIM FORSYTH In Border Clashes Student Government Council's campaign to make an effective UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A")- student...…

March 30, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…SGC AND JJC: RESPONSIBLE PATH See editorial page P Sit i!3zu :431'atl-y WARMER Iigh-84 Low-34 Partially cloudy with 10-20 mile per hour winds Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES 1200 Students Eligible To Vote in City Elections By STEPHEN SPITZ First of a Two-Part Series Student registration comprised final jurisdiction over voter reg- almo...…

March 30, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…AEC ACCELERATOR: APATHY AND DELAY See Editorial Page AF4a" A6F A341, att .9 CLOUDY High--44 Low-22 Chance of showers, turning to snow Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Second Ward Candidates Differ on Basic SIX PAGES Polic By NEAL BRUSS Daily News Analysis Voters in An Arbor's second ward will chose between two cor- porate executives with vastly dif- fe...…

March 30, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…STUDENTS AND POLICY-MAKING See Editorial Page Y Sirn Iit PARTLY SUNNY, COOL High-40 Low-27 Winds from the northwest, 8 to 15 Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 30 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES FEW DIFFICULTIES: Berkeley Award Program Expands Elections U0. S Embassy In Saigon 3 I f By SHIRLEY ROSICK award recipients have dropped outI Despite the fact that the first of the...…

March 30, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…Survey S oi By RONALD WILTON Discipline policies in colleges and universities seem to be fairly uniform all across the country. This was the result of a survey of discipline policies conducted by Glenn W. Stillion, a counselor in the office of the Dean of Students of the Michigan College of Mining and Technology. Director of Student Organizations and Activities John Bingley noted that the survey was part of an attempt to determine discipline p...…

March 30, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…THE NEWEST 'OPERATION lAl zr~ :4Iat I4 LIGHT RAIN High-47 Low-38 Variable cloudiness, turning cooler tonight. See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII; No. 130 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAG enate Tax. Geerlings Prepares For New Showdown Porter Cancels Education Hearings As Beadle, Conlin Plan Income Levy By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To'The Daily LANSING-The University's-state appropr...…

March 30, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…MSU GOES MADISON -AVENUE See Page 4 Svt Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t t SCATTERED CLOU] High-47 Low-35 Fair and mild throughout the day with low west winds .1 LXXI,'No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX ONGO SETTLEMENT POSSIBLE: Mobutu Talks to Rebels- LEOPOLDVILLE )--Gen. Jo- seph Mobutu said yesterday a team of his officers has opened negotiations with the rebel Stan- leyville regime's...…

March 30, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…EDUCATION QUALITY AND ANN ARBOR VOTERS See Page 4 43~U ii Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom PARTLY CLOUDY,MI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 FIVE CENTS SE [. LXVIII, No. 131 IvI 11 ebels Give Arms To Havana Citizens President To Declare Martial Law As Fear of General Strike Spreads HAVANA, Cuba (P)-Fidel Castro's rebels passed out arms among civilians in Havana and elsewhere in Cuba yesterday and said "the hour is...…

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