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October 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… z I E 0 O b4@ LW7 tip tr, ';,j :^+ 33 'C3 J Y. l.+ ,n , 1 - r ' . s ' . J c , . . r, . f " vG ,_ . f ^f J J, -- e-+ ^ . n try yd iw " i" r G C r UN _ r i r V / t4 ti, J _ r V; r ! 'l; *Vo- x 0 n4 wH _ I /l .r r( " y :J .. Yr 'T J +-- /, 'f, .. va _ cm! 'J. j i. C ,r J y l 0 J " r. ,r ,= .r . % r _ .. , r. .f ~ !. . f . , u ; . _ _ _ : C v. _ J - I. .' . . u - r J V ..+ ... f f y _ r. 1 I ... . /. ~ / . .j u . f f f. i :. ...…

October 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ( THE MIC IIIAN IDAILY We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, 0v -,rcoats and Trou- sers, Fic Vestirigs for 1909 ajwt 1910 We make 7rIXDress SeAT' is lS]"J"alty 311 SO. STATE STREET 0.1 H."WildCompany A Pertet;.' 'tting collar and a favorite w itrlicai dressers. RADE .tlciiigiiigldiiii C -l F uii E.cia I-i ccit C\liiH. 0.FiDAMi .Addrss: \hcm.,i. iiivtrcv tBide. Fici iard Street. t!ccHour-s: FManagin g E...…

October 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASS F1IE-D ADVERTISING Use a good Hair Brush ,lrl~ Illllr.Cil11O tl'c'l ii LS . I 11 and Good Hair will stay good. Poor Hair will it I 1111 get better. 11>i']lst . til.1.l ~ <t At QUARRY'S f'- !I ltiw la i1. 1c Drug Store 411k 1< ' ll i' -lt jts ' 1, S M one y ote itt l l' ilt 1) t 1 1" Vl~ji -.- ,-. '..'l l1.1 l i't', t'I' t ill 1 1<r !O t '\ 'i llc 1 " 1 1 ti( li 1W, 1'll t' 'l5 it ,i 011N~I lle5 O tilldL tHks. it1' li...…

October 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…:. } ; .-{ .. 1tr L.. -: kls. Our t. with laJ It nlot asnip C exhibi 'Lii fr° N ter arc _._", They' liver featuill;in 1( , ennu~ri ol I, ergcet- r J.'% K . Ak GR Vi c' r rehi!ofhmi orkahi ca oehaetio e NOW t~e'n rasneaheaidgthe. UNIVERSITY NOFICES 4 e hte heatre r..SATURDAY, OCT. 30tMNAOV I ;:? ,Ic r"The Cohan and Harris Comedians in >> r1 L n1i11 1 ii ii 1 r 1 :)I- The Famous Musical Novelty I *USpedes clri ii i '1THE1 i *Success Mr I1Ow ...…

October 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal..,y. VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR,. MIICH IGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBEFR 30, I908. SCRUBS TORN BY VARSITY ATTACK Yost's Men Roll Up Big Score Against Husky Reserves; In- terclass Football Results. Terngtroughilitesrttb, for tol 1 tchios', tofetld goals- ad ia safey th ast giniota-ras-dfits offe- sivtaility inthetibelst scrimtmtages-befotre th Vandeirbtil t gme.tti' t olts'oi thir of fense of tielest tatt odefeitte the rgulas shwed uc ls ta...…

October 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I ITHE MICHIGAN DAIL .I G. H. Wild Companly The farget Sok i the Ciy' of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Pverythino' required for Sits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Troserings, and of high class fabrics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits and all kinds of Athletic and Sporting ...…

October 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…TH-E MICHIGAN 'DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl & C.EAST HURON ST. 4JOLLY'S r 3 .50 '.'TAT T Great Pipe Sale Your Choice Meerschiaum or Briars....- $ v0 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT liarlinig & Malleaux V. af M. BARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKB, Prop. BATH' ).S I 1 5('O LA IN '15555 10)T AND 0(01,1) "21(105 12 T11,1li 322 S. State St.AnAroil. WAI KINGLtOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ChineseFanyishe. Am...…

October 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…TH4EMICH-IGAN DAILY Steer Straight when ordering your Autumn garb or you'll go astray in style or lit. We've guided scores of men aright. Your reputation as a man of good taste and sound judgment is safe ini our hands. Our fabrics comprise those new and indescrible shades endorsed by New York's sumart set. Mixtures, stripes, plads and checks in bewitch __________________ ing variety. 'The models we sponsor are Fashion's latest iletates. We'il...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The, MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. \VEDNESDAY, ()C"1'O(.,R. 30, 1907. NO. 32. VOL. XVIII. SEM-FNAS BGI -CITY To BEDECORAT~E oRz IN fl.,ACC R1R f 111 ULJl)IUVU1JlEk)I junior and Senior Lits Play a Scoreless (lame-Senior Laws Defeat Dents, 10-0. Anotier scorees gamt e a playesinl the iterclass series yesterday b tie junior and senior lits. The dent fell before the fast end work of ie eio aws. its this atter game. whiciet was maedi by ...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…MICRItAlf DAILY G. He. Wild Companly The Larget Stock in the City Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS~ For Geltlemen's Wear Everything requireeu for Suits, Overcoats, any Vestings, an(d Trouserings, and of high Class fabrics and special style. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. 1. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street Our Stock of Basket Ball and Indoor Base Ball Goods is the mot complete one you'll fiid in town and it wilt surely pay you to look it ove...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICJK1AN DAILY Sam Burchfield's- Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The . Goods Sam Burchfiel 106 & CO. EAST HURON ST. Do you wv b- 0 wortho f r$ .1Call at ouv r Ri ,, car a ilete particulars of the Sanitol ,-enrascal Company's great introductory offecr, the greatest offer c c!' ro..- in toilet preparations. Temp articles fort h - irce of 120 F. 1L1baa-ty St. ALARFICLOCKS $1..00 $1.50 $1.75 All the lbetimakes aif ul r i itceso MICHIGIAN PIN...…

October 30, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…AL E R ECM EEUNIVERSITY NOTICES HENRY Q CO. But the young man gets an T IORLS Hgls S extra squeeze of the hand. 9) ttt t1rF R HE SigCls nIIT lie's punctilious, knows what goday. HATTERS SI M C n Popular Prices he wants, won't take one iota Seingttf ttthtits 'Turday at L s tlsRglShe-e 'a 5Bo olock, [ZottttC.iHorer, Pes aetSye-ea he-e u sSo Sless. irsh lit football itamti will mefr o We delighted in tailoring gar- Iprattieat "fair grond tlitoay,...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \N \ RhCYR M IC lii I 1iiI C (lii ,i . )o ( V ot.- XVII. No. 1 . VANDERBILT HAS HIGH inc i vi marehed tnncciieid ars HOill1ES OF VICTORY I ili. 1"ealisil i-apoIniplanl i Yost Has Counted Saturday's Con. the nan 11a1nltoilan alevel wit h test the Biggest Horne (lame-- stanlt la(I f is I1Uce (h--in-ndivls' Hammond's Warning. O f corse. Rice didn't seeotilt iois :laic. b t It's ind n\ i 1 rhi1e 111ui is'ben- n Ca np-oa lit ...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall 1Tailoringq XX]to iko ou Ii R t t-aprirwr it dlom - que- titli to bi t , Ii t our dlob jrit in akino 'ittistLo it-i oi I soua'ettnot ai a a t tilt'of mlaingi iii t' 'alSi t.t', a aiO te tlf iour aalIit I t litandt There's Nothing Beyond Us [in (Garment Making. tt 'itt ,. i,'t: ', a seesifoutl tt i'huli ad 1)mutt ,ra t itti V\'' (ater. it tILD o.h> 311 5. wfet,}St npae-t Sw urepcatnery ih hIe nttr ii l o ti ii rr liii....…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…QIOTIKCRAFT THlE MICHIGAN DAILY When Duyinlq Your [all clothesCLEE "AK O ES hook Deeper than the Surface FOR MEN ANID wOMEN Make a care'tnl inspectioni of tihe "iniiide- miaterialst aiid Just arriveit omie tory nice wor kmanship. If ycu will comle her nid do that w ith Medium WIeight Boots just thei'thin' or l-a stylish the Autumn and Winter miodets in snits and oveorcoat, sretbotydptpln yon wvill find that we have thiefasliionahte " French- ...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY H7OAG'S (Ctr. Main and Wstgo FOR 10 CENTS Pictures, Pipes Lcather 0 namcnts a and Stationery 25 Cts fotr . A 1 if' n c11111 j1olt A fN '4 4:iA ,c , 4)I3Ill ll tI ' (M e 1)vi })' II t}3 t 1 1 ItI R.AHI1RA1, WIHI I R : E JOi_'n L'L Y S; ' t. , S . . .l 't I ' , Is; A , INI ,ll ,£ blt D.tY.lA. . A MWOAYI I ou 1 tI'tI t )',0 l .t 111111 A FINE: Li7NC(ESW J 'IhenaghIcain11Itl tilt fine h,,Iet lt Wes3t ANN ll I ARBR AILROA La ess...…

October 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…The Mihigan Di0 VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER t30, 1904 No. 30 Woverines Batter Down the Sturd9yIladgers-- D oebts Ilad Only. One Clumnce to Score---Capt. Ileston, Nor- cross, and lomn Hammond the 'tars- -Wisconsin Could Not Gain Against Stone-Wall Defense. BY C. L. DEW Longmsan smashed through the line sie and landed on the gan's35-yard line. Jons tried o In winning trom Wisconsin yesler fns nod gains, carrying the a...…

October 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

….._ THE MICHIGAN DAIL' E WOULD HAVE IWYOU TO KNOWt That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311I South State Street 1 That our New Woolens for , the coiaing fall trade are That we make superb gar- into for gentlemien. ZThat we appreciate yonr trade 1 and respectfully solicit a coiitinuncie of the same. t G. H. WILD CO. 311 South State Street. f OEToeof or noeds wouhlveur notlbeen ouripatos weoi olcr- dia dilly nvite to come NOW. FOUNTAIN PE...…

October 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY +{oags Home Supply Str{ Corner Main and Washington Streets Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks,4 Purses aud Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pidfures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and Pipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place. x E. G. HOAG. } c5~~i,4of 4 A' f-i-, L O O r a 1- Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats F9 rmthe wihoiesale tailorin'haus...…

October 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Keep It on: Your Table ~ YOU50wil liret < T PETER'S MILK CHOCOLATE fir tioo hur a 5 issli c' not cireite i rst. In sist upon PETER'S 'Phiiitation"-ae tis- appoittingB fs**4=i* P IMPERIAL GUARANTE IN EVERY HAT. TheCoorandWear oftlids liatlare x Absolutely lGuaranteed. Toar dealer istsAuthorized Io replateT'recof Cliar e asny fi hichsis Not Satisfactor. CUTTING, REYER & Co. Sole Agents. Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Fur- nish...…

October 30, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1903. No. 28 NORCROSS OR GRAV[R. S. L. A. R[CITAL. [RESH IT [[[CION. IN "EnfrOIAM. Yost Says That His Choice For Quar-, Madame Gielow Gives Second Number Friedman Elected President-Corn- Extract From the Minutes of the terback Has Narrowed Down to 00 Association's Corse-Charm- pete Victory For Independent Meeting of the Senate of the Uni- Two Men-Players Are in Per. ing Reader E...…

October 30, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllolllcement. The Largest and Most Compete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be fond at C. 1. Wild & Co's, 108 E+ast Wahington St. Great pains have been taken in the seletion of all suiting, ti ousrings \& ovetints for this season G. II. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. Cht'eapest Place in I± the city for all B Kinds of SText- BooksI Agents for Keuffel & Esser's Drawing In- struments Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Try (1...…

October 30, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. You athletic youong fellows swio are loobing for good a itii lothes asowell as of good moe-Yoo're just the fellows~~ er J fo the kind of clothes made by Hurt, OSb-altoer & Alars-- +,. ~Yu'll fid ,your = heSlotesio tbesy . because tbe clotbes will. New [ine of Th Cohir :: RAIN COATSI-TeCotir Jut4in 5 3fr .5. J~+*+r r .r~.r .H*~.***H+ tiirJi ~. f. . ~~jJ r r i ~~rrt4 *t4J i r sri ~~r +i .t *t*t+.t ' r+. r 4 i rlt'er*Ir*1 iff...…

October 30, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. _ tV r+ H+ { ++ 4*+r ++++s ++" + ~t*+ * +t>4~f++++x M i ie'*+ -a + m, ef ' ° t:t sr tf ot. . gs E.x nia ia sS_ nas .OUR TAILORING SDEPARTMENT....r is gaining in popularity, Conte and see its be- fore placintg your order., PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. Best kind of workmanship guaranteed.$ . JManager. c t1 ,W yr" Co., It 10-Iahli nS. mas." ' i -+ i Zr~tir~r tD~+ r *r~r*t~r.1~t + '' t. r*r*r+ra+ r~r rte *+* 4r+ igsr.r., r s...…

October 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…_ _ . t. ~ UNIVE ERSITY OF MIdCHIGAN. 81"com) Yl o. JACK M'LEAN H'-ERE Old Grads Au r ii N Do , the 11 ArrIived ' EhUS ASTIC EENC Mi In . Wv Nil. D Jilt \I ic"131 ,i ! 1 1.1 wt 31, i"t lwt'ci , rl liittl tltt: i "1; ti11 1 1 ;r.! 's"I11 ill i It' l t'cailt +' f R 't II10!11!It rt i tt' 2 111 i ll: : I 113 1}t'(I" s I11( 11. 311 2't';;:i I'tl " fill :l 111 111 1 Ili(t111''ili ."i t(Ill It' fit) HolN o 1iciIIr l it, 1 ill I ,, tiEt ill a 4l ill ...…

October 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…T11 l [CCG .N 1UAI) .1 EkWS 1 . RW L i 'ie ,o AlL:7A[_" lerchnt Tailors.,... atH [iorne have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The la rge st assort-, ment in .he city 10S IF. Washington St I "ur (Onsdiee PrikS Us" NIANAliINGi EDIT Oil, AlI(;(E B. 11- t N.'0 :1)1 101-0 .A, . I ll t , 1! 'il! i' vi 1'lli' t 1l" ; I+ ; i th N,) . 1 W Ii% iI N. ' jo-iilv ( 11 - ~ri 1 1I\ i 1 H)l 4400. W iill .tSillt re,:+ c° t r ri t ; , u...…

October 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…[HE MlCHLIGAiNDAILY--NEWS If you want to know what smartly dressed ' men will wear this sea- son ask to see VESTSStein= Smart Clothes ____________________ iindMeNs[nit& Apfel This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION If you take a Laboratory Course in BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY W~e canccsave yo money oncall Instruments & Supplies ccscd cn theselaboratories- EBERBACII & SON, IMORTES AcND Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN Lan...…

October 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS NDWMEN 'IA ITA SH E; N WFORN MEN $35 INJOTHIN1G BETTE R A.NY PRICET. If you are particular and hard to fit com to u IRubber Goods, "Gym Shoes," f~S ANSRI~i t in Shoe Repairing. _ Hlair Brush You will be surprised at the low prices on really good brushes at our store. Comec and see CALKINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State St. Bailey & E~dmunds FISH NETS, FOR lDECORATINGi. 121 East Liberty St. PORTLAND C AFE! OPEN lDAY ANiv NIGHT....…

October 30, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…4 7 L r E)A I FIR$T Y FIni. GAME PROBABLY A GO. The 0. S. L'. Need the mony-Prac- tice Yesterday Sluggwish. .511Ami n.5 -- I : 1o LIi i4 iiip-. tnii - 1l liii I ti i i i tkit tt -in J t l t Ill !:t. i iv ' l l i l i l ll t i fi I : it il l. 1" it' ti Ilt~t u 1 il :l Itii ii i i 'tU i t t ,--t u i I ili --llt i tii I li Ilt i ,l t I i l i .I{ 1 I: I t ' '~I ' t i ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER :K), 190: 1'HG S. L. A. Iii;ll (w(lor of his'...…

October 30, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE TMIC 1iGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60.: LEADING MERCHANT 1111L0RS OUR FALL LINE is the best wve have ever shoe' ii, containingi ALL THE -Black and Blue: Styles, and a vcry fine line of Fan-cy Suitings and Trouseri rigs in the latest a tterns anid color- ings The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. Tutti Frutti One of o~urI famouis Fountain ceverage,c served in origtin- al styleat QUARRY'SY CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches \re Better ...…

October 30, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…'IHE SI CII3 :.' N D ALY- NEWS8 4 I I I .5. + 4, '1. + + 4. +4.+.4.++4~++4+4.+++++4.4+++++++++.++ ! 1+4!+.I *i 1.+ 1 *++++++++++++++4+4++4++++4+4++++11 14-14.+1 11 le.4i ++., The Most Gonvio~inu Ihinu that we tould! do that would tens! to induce yosutso hi'I STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES wools! be to introduce you to a man whto has worn theres. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers ttach their label...…

October 30, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIiGA2N DAILY-yNEWS TAILORS eelashing sason. if yo ae, cosidering any- 123 South Main Street thtig foriiiili'- ussr, let tl.ksiii i oer'withsui. MILLERS A H RI G I)( EN T BETTE R THARN EVER COMPILED LAWS The SORLEEDE i TEMPORARY BINDER MICHIGAN , 1} +fa.Atot.t ONE VO0L U4E, - - - $3.00 F .SCHIEED CA L L A GH A N &COMPAN~Y, f j'-it Puoroddti tteWt { .)w1tIillScr lt '1 , ( . }! k Bila d d isa d Bo ln ANN .R5 ()i :t'iAN'CII 40 STATE Si., (...…

October 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…be AL.A E o ^ i o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIGH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1900. No. {E2. FOOTBALL IN THE WEST. Announcement Michigan Is Conceded to be the Strong- est Teans~in the West at Present Our special line __Her Proopects Bright For 'p of foreign and Winning the Pennant. domestic fabrics ,t 1,-;t tie ci-titttittr aeteilltthie For the Fall and V+ inter of 5900 has mtidle wed'taa eta-gao aharrow dwinart t tcti itrb atofpaaihitities. arrived a...…

October 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OFf MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 i E THE[ UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN MATHiOFatCtt Bttsss.0rttc Ahus Bdi,Miss S. 33 S WSe Sret Hth 'Pones13. ete State 'Phn, e13. MANAGING EDITOR, D. H. HA\S, '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, Th sst:tcaAtt,'01 L EDITORS ATHLETICS, . G. . HUDesuts', 'H E. A. H. HcDsiiALL, '1 1'. .. A. Krtttt, °0H L.. Ms L, K. SAIt: *03 Ctt. DvstAK TIl H ite. tbtsiptistt eisAt.iuP.t OAts .p2.55 (Tihe subsiion rie f heDALYio:S. btelire noonia...…

October 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 WJJTI!EIWLY BAT 1NGTItES Made from the Celebrated Baratheas Silk, In all the latest colors and designs, 50 1% G ODSOCU ' ~117 MAIN ST. S. ° MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes'Alarfll ocks SI. The Niagara Falls Route.' -- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. Fills 50c toI $1.00. Fine 'Taking ef0ect'SetmThe Melba oStreet .ens ilrWatch Repairing a Specialty. eftoi f...…

October 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY Ol MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can, get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S :38'.Soth StateiSt BARGAINS $50 Orient $34 sou Sterling 29 $3 Fowler 24 Aiid many others. (all and see then). M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMiPORIUM, 119 W. WASHINGTON ST. Jin the clnsoesin clanzing at ANY TI1M-E Praben i cth i irsiesii cicii..iiiAcadem o iy a rden t. Burchfield's Fine Tail...…

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