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January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… _ ._. .'._. . ' ^J @ f, ': .- x --- 4 , ., L ,{ +._...r Co r CL K Q W t I- 0l co z- Co '12 z :_ Q- W .-. J 'H C) w L- J F-, Z MC i t t a tV 'y .. ,/> ~- ... FF-7 ' r w .. _ 8f....-. v cA ,;= p is N GJ "= ~" ' :J .:-ice '- i .-" -:-+ " ""r , y " i :' ; v ! ^. _ _ I ;-+ :r ti :' 'l. . _ ~ «- .-, ;,J 1, f. a ( '_' J 1. ~ /1 "J ...r ..r 1. -+ r:.., f-' . ' ""i _ r-. ~ ~ v - ~'J er . ./ _ Fr ~ v _ Y " N J w I r-+. Y _ J C-D 1 r-' j N h I ...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERIuTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Clif) tnioiiicommiisoi ieetm isigRAIN)1RCSHIN U4, Of 1. Jfoi psepeLor allinatioiielities nd e5~ 41I R ~ ltI~ altidre sodlifent.trihge the "00" $300 Shoe is the shoe Publisheid Daiiy (Mnday s ceptesidi n O Cr 0 hetctoS d wear when the weather is uncer (ii ii.ttlevct'ind 0, ritor of the Pigim\ fan A little rain doesnt hurt it THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN chrsiiisid to hi' tue gretet inti whie it affods plenty ...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE UIMERS1T'Y OF MICUIIGAN DAILY 11! ' ai W tre ichgnCeta NIGRAFLS OT CICR AGSOUE BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct Connections at Chictago tor St Loui, assCity, St.Paul and the west. Eoloftormation and thtroogh tickets tall o or wartte to II. A NHAYESAgent, Ann At-oat ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE TakingEffet, Suonday, M1ay 21, 159. Trains leaioe Aon Arorttby Ceotral Staod SOUTHl NORITH 'No. 6.- 7:25A Ml'No. 1.- 8:5 A. A. No. .-11:3...…

January 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…?'. UN '"L: ITY C1 '.:t E - -tGAILY J\IICBIGAiNSUBSCRIPTION EXCHANGE AYor)itch Geneat orsA 'P ST R BO DWnP00Ki AGENCY GASOLINE LAMPS Bricngcn our odones'andlet uscoakecoo an ofter. SIZE StayEnpoie1 The Superior M'f'g Co, 30edy X 40~en 3290S.Macn St.,neactV.Wilams 3 X 40Headqucar tees f r Shadle, Mantles an AGENTS WANTED Chimcnneys. 'OUR COLORS For FneryetIc Red Gra TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Greenr Black IITHlE WABASH RIAILROAD) MOD e and wome...…

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