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December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…Weather Rain and somewhat colder. LY 51r iAau 4:3att Editorial Soviet Bombing Can't Be Justified . VOL. L. No. 60 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1939 t 1 PRICE FIVE CENTS Rackham Building To Cost $1,500,000 Planned In Detroit Senior Ball, Frosh Frolic Petitions Due Candidates For School Senior Also Asked To Business Offices Register a Philanthropist's Memorial Is For Use Of Extension And Engineering Groups Construction...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN . Ti A TT.V s 1_1__.._11_1_411_l1_t3'1\ L lL L I UN"A , Olu 3, 1939 3= i ;,, it At Iternational I Center To d a ByJNE MKEE In inviting all to "Join the Choir" at 9 a.m. today, the radio class in 'Oriental Music' Is Topic hymn singing will offer dramatiza- tdr4 I lT L tion in which Louis Quail, '41, ,Of sychology Teacher; Charles Bowen, '41, Muriel Fishman, Records To Be Played '40, Jane Elspass, '40, and Ruth Pol- lock, '40...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, 'DEC. 3, 1939 TE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGS: __ . _ . __-: Ann Arbor Here Is Today's In Summary News Members of the 125th regiment of the National Guard will complete a program of outdoor training here to- day . . and the high spot of the program wil be a mock "war battle" in° the vicinity of Barton Hills. More than 350 guardsmen will partici- pate in the maneuvers. Washtenaw County's new Social Over the arrot -338 S6. State Staeb"er...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…PAGEFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Evolution Of Equitable Society Is Only Hope For Solution To Problems Of Minority Qroups ~1 iI S Irs4 c ,or. .-.W.,, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclus...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAIYT. Wolvervine Hockey Team Loses Opener To London A. . 3-1 S i IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG_ I, ii (Editor's Note: Today's column is written by Herb Lev, senior assistant on the sports staff.) Ugly Duckling,. .. F YOU want a lesson in how the game of basketball shouldn't be played, keep your eyes on a tall red- headed youth named Bill Cartmill next Saturday night. He'll probably be starting at...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THIE MIHIGAN AItA PrNV !AY- DrC. 3, 1930 Assembly 'Come Across' To Be Called 'Capricorn C apers' ----.." Hobby House' Needs Decorators Did you ever have the desire to putter around with paints, to slap a bit here and there- Didn't you ever wish that you had some retreat where you could go to participate in your interest-be it knitting, sculp- ture, or fasion designing-without ridicule or interruption? To accomplish thisdream t...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, DEC. -3, 1939 IT wThere will be double cuts for anyone. SDAILY OFFabsent unexcused. Graduate Outing Club will meet _ this afternoon in the Rackham Building at 2:3.0. Mr. A. E. Staebler (Continued from Page 4) of the Museum will take the group on a bird hike. Those wishing to go ice Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Land- skating at the University Rink may scape Architecture, Massachusetts from a group for that purpose. State College, will g...…

December 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

…PAGErauiG T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1939 Flint Strike Results In Traffic Jam FLINT, Mich., Dec. 2.--(P)--Mi-I chigan's third largest city, without mass transportation because of a) strike by employes of the Flint Trol- ley Coach, Inc., today experienced a downtown traffic jam described by police as 'the worst in the eity's history." Christmas shoppers, taking advan- tage of the Saturday holiday, used family cars to full capacity....…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Aki Iaiti Editorial Student Senate- KDeep It Representative . PRICE FIVE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1939 PRICE FIVE Un p.m. A box will be open from 12 noon u until. p.m. in Hutchins Hall for Lawa students.h Instruotions Listeda The following instructions were is- sued by the directors to all voters: "Put the number 1 in the, square in h front of the name of the candidate who is your FIRST CHOICE for Stu-n Iebt~ Senator. "Put...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Conilin Begins Gihb Defense Gib-eesTwoTestify Accounts Given By Rempp And Crittenden Reveal DiscrepancyOf $5,525 Attorney John W. Conlin opened his defense of Emmett M. Gibb, for- mer county clerk charged with em- bezzlement, yesterday by calling up two witnesses to explain his charge Athat instead of a shortage of $5,547 in relief funds, there actually was a discrepancy of $5,525.93 in Gibb's favor. The two men-County Trea...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…TH E MCHI GAN DAILY Ann al Parley Of Accountants To Be Nov. -1 Round Table Discussions And Lectures Highlight Conference Program The 15th annual Michigan Ac- counting Conference, sponsored by the Michigan Association of Certi- fled Public Accountants, will be held here Friday, Nov. 10, Prof. R. P. Syiggs, of the economics department and the School of Business Adminis- tration, announced yesterday. president Ruthven will deliver an address of ...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Interfraternity Ball Will Be Held At 9 P.M. Today At' FRIDAY, 1NOV. 3,1939 Union Ball Co-Head And Jacksonville Guest Student Opinion To Decide Fate Of Spring Ball Past Money Losses Cause Art Council's Decision On OnlyCostume Ball Student opinion will decide wheth- er the annual Architects' Ball will take place next spring. Art Council, the organization un- der the auspices of which the Ball is held, has decided not to hol...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY leer Sale To Play For Engineers On Ball Tickets BeginsToday Limited Crowd To Hear Clyde Lucas' Orchestra In Ballroom Of Union Tickets for the Engineers' Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in the Union Ballroom are to go on sale today at booths in both the East and West Engineering Buildings. Announcement of the ticket sale was made by Cruzan Alexander, '40E, chairman of the ticket committee. Members of ...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…____ 9A TUL~MCIUIA AL 'Y -9 A 1 , . 7r." Y It y"AIN DI)LY Reader Disagrees With Englishman ..,... ..,., ., .. e .n _. n:. .xr-x «-..w aw .: .-w n .. ..+..-,.t. vw..:.ewm a«.4.x...t.=+..,.rvFm w.. ro,.+a -.wr.:.«e wa,..,..v w.m .. .. ., _.. _.,. _ y1 On 'Virtuosity' Of France And Britain II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…FeDAY, NOV.3,1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Squad Of 36 Leaves For Champaign; Kromer Out Of FAGaE VE Gam i . IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG Replaces Kromer Uri.- -t Injuries Prevent Kromer, Renda, Christy AI Kohl Frorm lThking Trip A confident squad of 36 Michigan football players, with backs Paul Kro- mer, Hercules Renda, Harry Kohl and Ed Christy notable, absentees, left by train at 8:27 this' morning for Champaign, Ill., where: Coach Fritz ...…

November 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…'11-H E -M T C: 14 T CA 1'1T-.- gal A 'TI V. : 7c+tw ern ,a v n:.7 Tntr _ i . Ti allM Z FRIDAYANC ov. 3, 193; r N r l J I .Th4e Administration's neutralIity bill;'passed by the' Senate after a four weeks' debate, was sent to a House of Represenitatives whose leaders were hopeful of a final vote before, the end of 'the week. Shown studying tho measure befoare a meeting of the Rules Committee are, .left to right: Rep. Patrick Boland, Dem...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…Sirign ~aI~j. Room For Both .. . . .. ... Z-322 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN TUESDAY. OCT. 3. 1939 PucEFVm i American Republics Pla: Safe Zone For Navigatioi Germany Still Seeks Peac Senators Pittman And Borah Begin Neutrality Discussion By MAk BOYD WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-(AP)-A history-making Senate debate to de- termine whether this country;should lift its ban upon arms sales to bellig- erents began today with Senator Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) declaring...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…turope's War School Books Arena Shown Of Early Day In Map Exhibit Are Displayc Clements Library Display An exhibit entitled "Early Sc Shows Army Positions Books," but containing articles cluding early nineteenth cer ol 17th Century Charts samplers and a Chinese abacu now on display in the front cor 'Plus ca change, plu c'est le meme of the Main Library. chose"-the more things are changed, The samplers, cloth squares the more they. remain the s...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN sler's Scouts Report Michigan State Played Under INTRAMURAL SPORTS NC _., ,. }_ l :I IN THIS CORNER By Mel Fineberg rngs We Knew .. . he postman rang twice today and us this: sear Corner, see by the papers that you as yet e not gone to work on the world es, same of which will be played Wednesday and continuing for d ays. There is only one way in Bch I can interpret this apparent of Iinterest in what has been re- ed to as th...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young Gulliver Gulliver awoke yesterday morning feeling extremely fraught; and if you've never felt fraught, you've missed something. The immedi- ate cause was a nightmare in which Gulliver had been locked in the stacks of the Library and told to find a book which contained the word whisper unprefixed by the word sibilant. Which turned out to be hard, very hard-the leading character in each of 2,363 nove...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

… They really should have stayed home and studied. They should have prepared their next week's assignments. They should have had their eight hours sleep. They should have written that letter home telling about school and asking for money, instead of wiring for it at the last minute with none of the preferred build-up. But did they? NO! So here we are, pounding away, tliinking up trite sayings, quips of all kinds-and why? Because they went to th...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7LASSIFIED ADVERTISING' E MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED LDVERTISING RATES re as of February 14, 1939 er reading line (on basis of rage words to line) for one insertions. er reading line for three or asertions. num of 3 lines per inser- e low rates are on the basis payment before the ad is I. If it is inconvenient for call at our offices to make it, a messenger will be sent up your ad at a slight extra of loc. further informati...…

August 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…ler <L ulwr a ..Ok my a. sower afternoon. in weZA Official Publication Of The Summer Session Iai j Editorial Let's Show Them The Inside . I. No. 33 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS U mberlain Nazis Boast Preparedness, Denouncing Encirclement' I.. Revolt )mmons; Session ti-Appeasement' Tories acked Liberals, Labor or One -Day Meeting vernment Ready, rime Minister Says, Aug. 2. -(R)-- Prime...…

August 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIG~AN DAILY THURSDAY, AUG. 3, ' .- ;a;L 1PA 14 y; iV.C11.\ L to ii/i ' I YYYWYIYIIWYWIYiY iY1Ylq. r - TAN DAILY They Brought Buddhism To Masses Dr. Sakarishi Describes Life And Works Of Honen Shonin And His Disciple, Shinran Shonin 1 I' - l FI IL ed and managed by students of the University of an under the authority of the Board in Control of at Publications. ished every morning except Uona y during the sity year and Summ x S...…

August 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…3, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Four Recitals Planned Today And Tomorrow Ernst Krenek, guest professor of composition in the Music School, will give a lecture recital of his own com- positions in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building at 4:15 p.m. today. He will be assisted by Nellie Bos- well Hahnel, mezzo-soprano; Helen Titus, pianist; and a string quartet composed of Adelbert Purga and Frances Ayres, violinists, Romine Hamilton, violist; a...…

August 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUJRSDAY, $: r_ t fety Classes, Lo Be Offered For Teachers o One -Week Courses o Follow Immediately fter Summer Session. (Continued from Page 1) s in a dual control driver train- ar. Standard skill tests will be nstrated. A number of devices esting the fitness of drivers will sed in connection with the class. ecial ,practice area has been laid inear theathletic field for the instruction. me of the subjects covered in t...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…Weather Showers and thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Y Air igan Iait Editorial The Problem Of Old Age Security VOL. XLIX. No. 178 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS 14 Students Win Business Aid Plan Outlined In Congress Hits Labor Spies Hopwoo Totalin Iola Goodspeed Receives Largest Fiction Grant For Novel 'Loon Totem' Van Dorn Discusses Franklin In Lecture Fourteen University students won' a total of...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…Robert S. Lynd. (Continued from Page 4 of The Daily) n forced upon him by the of his and, for that matter, all The feelings of the characters do not seem to be motivated by the immediate patterns of their own lives. There seems to be some transcendent formlessness into which all patterns submerge and from which all motivation seems to emerge. How much of this is Eliot's own and how much of it is forced upon him by the Greek mythology from wh...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…0 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1939< a a rtHE i. V-ii i ANL1 BYATTYL ..ATURDw~A sy a JUNE 3 .. 19394/ Uniform Revision Of Highway Markers Is Started By State More Informative Signs Will Simplify Traffic Problems In Michigan By KARL KESSLER Plans to revise and unify highway traffic signs . throughout the state recently inaugurated by the highway department were termed a trend toward improvement and simplifica- tion of our pre...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

… tain skyline at sunset (you know, Fat, I betcha there's still Indians in them Catskills, sure there, are), discovering the library, Andrew Carnegie erected 1910 by the people of Hagersville, refus- ing to play ball for the Methodists, pants taken off, smashing the window in the church basement, the preacher stiff-lipped but forcing a smile in his neatly arranged odorless study, Mother's face grey against the pure white satin of the lining of ...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAG~i TRER -- Immommom IN T HIS CORNE R By MEL FINEBERU Of MiceAnd Men ... This is the story of an athlete named Irvin who managed to overcome it. Twenty and some odd years ago, Irvin Lisagor was hustled into this world in a town he claims was in the South. The name of the city eludes us at the moment but it is unimportant. A few years later, this Irvin fellow gave hints of the iconoclasm that was to mark him in his youn...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

… ONE WAY PASSAGE NEW BOOKS (Cotninued from Page 3) MEDIAEVAL PAGEANT by John ing display of narrative to please his bolt upright in the back seat, twisting her fingers and swivelling her head. around to see where the music was com- ing from. "It is merely the radio, Maman. My heavens, Violette, by this time you should surely know that automobiles are equipped with radios," the old man said calmly. "The old lady doesn't keep up with things," ...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THE MlICHlGAN ,AI1LY ,,.SATJR DAY,.JIUn. I THE MI[CHIGAN DAILY Attack On Wagner Act Analyzed; Radio Priest Opposes Alterations DAiLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Oniversity year and Sumn .r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively enti...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…RE VEI TION'FROM / 1% ;. ELALU by Richarn x 40B lithe evening lightly laden with its fallen day. while mortal breath is wheeled in white by a woman in white down a slim cool corridor. seeing numbered lights seeing men veiled in gauze hearing whisperings hearing hurried preparations smelling starched cleanness smelling galling gases feeling cold contoured ungiving metal on warm unbending cheeks breathing ballooning breathing seeping waf...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 5

…4 A, JUNE 3, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAC FAINFV _ Union Engages Bill Sawyer's 12-Piece Band To Lead Union Band - s .ti. __M 6ngagement DAZE . . by Davy o; s1 c S c S e To Succeed Bob Steinle; Girl Vocalist Will Sing As Part Of Orchestra Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play for the regular Friday and Saturday night dances at the Unionnext year -Stanley G. Waltz, general manager of the Union, has announced. The band is a twelve-piece or...…

June 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 178) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1939 THE MCHIGA DAL SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1939 I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE-Women's sport saddle oxfords $1.98. Women's bathing sandals 98c and up. Cool vacation house slippers-largest selection in town. Linen sandals 79c. Men's crepe sole oxfords, all combinations $2.98. Men's cool ventilated shoes, LOST-Brown wallet, probably at Field House. Contents valuable to owner only. Reward. Phone 6293. ...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…Weather Fair, continued cool today; tomorrow warmer. :Y I6 ~~at Editorial Freedom ?Pavilion.. VOL. XLIX. No. 152 Z-323. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Polish-German Danzig Dispute May Be Settled Without Force London Officials Believe Concessions And War Threats WillStop Hitler New Press Drive Directed At Poles LONDON, May 2.-(JP)-The im- pression grew in both official and diplomatic quarters tonight that th...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1939 THE MICHIGAN BATTY I a WEDNESDAY, MAY 3. 1939 Rackham Building Acclaimed As Natton's Most Beautiul .as.r . .. ."}k(%7}Bu::dn,"f ne saysJt+%% wed gust ....wa ddcaed"stsume ndfist!endfo teval emstr . n s u a ,g s ,s n er n r mr,. . .tis f r e r h d r adu "T BY, MORT LUNDER Acclaimed as the most beautiful college building in the country, the Building has rapidly assumed its place ...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…WED-NESDAY, bUkY '3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U AC=E THREE MA7 3, 19:39 P.C~E~ THRI2 -,-, - - - A , Jack Barry Limits Western State To Four Hits In 7-0 in _. Sofiak Leads Batting Attack For Michigani Pitching Ace Fans Six, Walks One; Four Rums In Third Clinch Game (Continued from Page 1) but with one out in the third, Pink started hefty Harry on the way to tlkt showers by beating out a perfect bunt down the first base line. Charley th...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…77- PAPE FMM1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1939 __ THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre: 10 Years Of Cultural Achievement Building For The Future Of The American National Theatre Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Oniversity year and Sumni r Session. Member of the Associated ...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MAY -3, 1939 THE MI C H'I GAN DA LY Lantern Night To Honor Senior 'Nw _. 7omen May 22 Ruth L. Wendt Describes Adventurous Life In Far Easiy Committeemen Of Annual Affair Are Announced Harriet Sharkey, W.A.A. President Is Chairman; Sing To Follow March Lantern Night, traditional affair in honor of the senior women will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 22. Harriet Sharkey, '40, is general chairman of the annual affair. Jane...…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY M ... 9 Head Of CAA To Be Speaker At AiW Dinner Committees Ann oun ce d For Aviation Festival To Be HeldMay 20 Robert H. Hinckley, chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, will be the principle speaker at the an- nual banquet of the Institute of Aero- nautical Sciences to be held here May 20 in conjunction with the Aviation On Parade air carnival May 21. Don Grudin, '40E, publicity chairman, an- nounced yesterday. Ca...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Weather Cloudy today; tomorrow snow and colder. . 990mosommor I I6E ir wMilYi.\ ' y"If YVT1T VOL. XLIX. No. 108 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 __ _ _ _ _ _--__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. Congress Considers Arms Bill Senator Johnson Charges 'Insidious Propagandists' Leading U.S. Into War Says U. S. Wants No Entanglements WASHINGTON, March 2.-('P)- Senator Johnson (Rep., Calif.) lev- eled a forefinger at ...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F1 Mayor Kelley Wins Reno mination In Chicago Primary Michigan Birthday Party Plans Made By 75 Alumni Chapters Cheers, handshakes and smiles greeted Mayor Edward J. Kelly of Chicago as he arrived at his campaign headquarters after winning a decisive victory in his fight for renomination on the Democratic ticket. Kelly (center) defeated state's attorney Thomas J. Courtney, who had conducted a vigorous campaign to "smash th...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'rack Meet Cancelled Due To Flu Epidemic Illness Places Many Ohioans On The Shelf Busy Week Faces Squad In View Of Oncoming Conference Meet The final home appearance of the indoor season for the Michigan track team, scheduled for -tonight at Yost Field House, was erased from the books yesterday when Coach Larry Snyder of Ohio State arranged for cancellation of the dual meet between the Buckeyes and Wolverines. Snyder c...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY .: i- 7 13 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of $tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumni r Session. Member of the associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the. use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or. not otherwise credited in t...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHI . _DA.I.L.Y 0 a .l W J 4DAL Assembl Buffet Supper Tq Be Served y Bal Tr I cUtrmano OfAssembl 0 Present Blue Barron Tonight At Leagu A nnual Odonto Ball W ill Be larch 24 At Unioi Before Dance Seniors To Sell Flowers; Third Floor Of League To Be Open To uest More than 300 couples will dance to the music of Blue Barron and his orchestra at the annual Assembly Ball, to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today In the main ballro...…

March 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY laun Will Talk. t Testimonial For Dr. Heller illel To Honor Retiring Head At Farewell Fete; Ruthven Will Speak I , ull program arrangements have n completed for the testimonial iner to be given Tuesday, March in the Union in'honor of Dr. Ber- rd Heller, retiring director of the al Hillel Foundation, it was an- unced yesterday by Ronald Freed- n, '39, chairman of the program nmittee. ks previously announced, Dr. Louis Mann,...…

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