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March 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Datly ANN ARBORNt CitI tt'iiC Ri)\Y - , Ni \R I 1;, gob.( t L VI No. 107. S 10 O ORES SHOULD WIN ANNUAL MEET liShot=Putter Coe Will Not Compete- tham Picked to Win Shot Four Relay Races "tonight. "h sca resh Ii-isph me1et551occrs ita1a1111 111011 iol tic class 11attl1 (tina iffsrenit 1011m1his beeniirag- th pst forts-ihtithouirs. te- ,s if thi s siptuoiii es wilh v 1 liiier i-yime lin lkitii iin o fiwitti laii ar utomieitoli di...…

April 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Mil.chigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MWII I(;AN ~)V R1 , lOC. i %L. XVI. No- 1 33. MICHIGAN HAS CHANCE FOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP Keene Fitzpatrick Discusses the Indoor Track Season-Urges Men Not to Get Overconfident. The i indoor tacik seasont Just closed was very encou raging and taking the resul ts as 'a lasis for'a'gtintent, I tinktl Mi ichigathtiis teartitti litta'e a teami the twesternit champ~t titsit.Fveet'sitter oile defeattl1ast June inl...…

May 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily JToL. XVI. MICHIGAN IS SHUT OUT BY OBERLIN Varsity Gets Beautiful Trimming 3=0 -Errors Lose Game Despite Mar= tin's Good Pitching. 'th asitt didttl Clook notch like iiiptnpossvesteday. After- gtving a lt-iit beatintg lto two of the best col- thaleed lutgersott tie lotcti aggre- -u-sti were helpless before iin Oberlin tit iwhsetontiy qualifict iont ts a ither seemiedlto hi his aitlity to ptt iding ott teipart of histesiamn n...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The M a a JToy. XVI. AN AR-BOR, MATi iIGA , iA\Y, \xi 3y. 3 )0(o . Ni). I77. M %ROONS DEFEAT VAR- STY IN TEN-INNING GAME Michigan Loses ExtraInning Fight With Chicago--Errors Responsi- ble For the Defeat. torthle secondtti ime 1his vye iCi h- ip cashed yeterday a trnoon ,i Fe l feld with Stag'. '-- V iartoccnit ml lie ltst cntest litigo -te '' ont i ol s"T iei n et enth111 111 imii Walertadilarliii wii reit 111110ciiion th l abant forthe...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…w n r r r x- -<0 s;IV Y rI~1 . J . - ^ --o C - ~TI 77~ O J 1 4. "- H ; 'r. -. 4 r - - ' "' .- , l ' .-- ,, ~ I J _ ; _' ' i . r :! J _ t" C: e-p 1: ,, f. .f - ; _ . ' f J f ,. / -' ' -- J r- "! '! "'; r' r- r- '; 1. f , J. J: f. ,l: 7 .f I-I'T (f) - _ _ t110: ,- C '/ i 4 .. 1v eiq. l :f J" 1= "1: - J, 1. - o A 17~ fETuS-'^J r =' _' _ - " I f I. _ V !ma h (jr r" . i CF, 'f: "I- , J" . n t - r T: r-* V c^ !^h _ ~ W a ,T 'C...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… II tt 0Q 0c : - L _,, : y ti Y y }} y Y t + V n r -- .,,,' l rr - U C. p H0 - = O a -4 C G L~ w E> f .S -r f. (\ - 4 f . . l l f 44 f { l .. _ ._.. - i .. f ._, _ - _ L .. ,. , r _, a ..., r I: -zZ f rrf. WA - _f ;% - x _ - .. - c .,,; _ = .. -_ W . Ocl) 7 'f .l. .'i f . f r , . _ ! 'I: 7Z: - - - - r . " r r r ,r I - J. t\ ::r .. t . L C7t W _ _ f .. r :r Y r T . v .l '°... ..:i _. _ r r r '" r ., :- .. "' ..- !A ^' . -77...…

November 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

… I zr -0t - HtX, S. .:. .. - 0- -5L - - - _f - ---- j-_- - - Z7 - z: v .; ;f 'l. ,._. 'f: .-. v y:. ... .- fr .r " S-. is ""' '_-" h r r ^L _ r r " :.. ~ ., J .... J ,__, '_ V J, .. ...i . f' 04 I .r 1 .- f ... ! ? a' . a.. r .-. -. r J .l . .. ._ L «--r t .. J ',. l - ... v J _ F ,1 Y' } . . ' } t i . f +- _ ._ >. ^ f '. -- ..F r - _ -t, f ..- ,,. - f f f _ . rr - _ ., ^' / -- l J "'" 111) "!' 1. .. .... .. :- _ . - - - >. - , y _ .f...…

November 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… 0~I 77 ~ U7 0~a a4 % s. :- ' n 5 ; t T -. J - .. T - t .- r J v Y ar r M r, Y .T r 3t v v t w r U VC , r zi I~_ _ i " i : V - 77, t r f: .-a wf . l .-. , "' '= " _ .. r of :r: :. '_" . - + . J. _ -. _1 J'. .J 3... '!, ". .., v f br. .r r + tr, r r, …

December 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…UNION BANQUET NUMBER. The Michigan Daily A\ f ).NARO ,MIC llI\\I \l A \. M B; 1 )1 l, %"Of,. XVII. 1 4 AlliRA. THE MICHIGAN UNION PLAYS ACTIVE PART! NiN~-i-NII N)DI11NNER3kCOMMITTEE 77 . t~r c ti rnll~(, 11,wckPROM ISES BI 0i BANQUET In All Student Activities- -Annual'" Banquet Is aMeans of Promoting, t-ll -clijccir-nil College Spirit. flit i<till tti t, lUt t, rt I it, allw, l;. .1ll t 11 ill lu i.>rlltlll p "'c im'tl I, 1111:Itlt < t-...…

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