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December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom JACK FROST e~itliga Z~ait Today will be cold-very cold for early December. The high will nary reach 25; tonight's low will dip in- to the teens. Little or no snow is expected. Vol. XCI, No. 74 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 3, 1980 Ten Cents Eight Pages; §y'b x e ,., " n a kt# °g4b y' ,'Sxi xbay ,s/wXzx: > -y aX a: xarna 5 } y."X t 1 ai': .. aR f " s: s a N...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Wednesday, December 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily EPA wins high court ruling on pollution regulation WASHINGTON (AP)-Federal regulators can enforce current clean water standards for an entire industry without considering whether cost of compliance will force some companies out of business, the Supreme Court said yesterday. By a unanimous vote, the high court ruled that the Clean Water Act does not require such consideration. THE DECISI...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 3, 1980-Page 3 VACANT DWELLINGS OPEN PREY It's burglary season By KEVIN TOTTIS For many vacationing University students, the word "break" often translates into "break-in." So far, more than a dozen burglaries that occured in the campus area during Thanksgiving break have been reported to Ann Arbor police, according to Sgt. Harold Tinsey. But he said the number of thefts doesn't surprise him. "We us...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…f' OPINION Pa0e 4 Wednesday, December 3, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Will China's Gang of Four trial end the revenge cycles? Vol. XCI, No.74 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board I .. s res Go Ma tic! Ins SW( on Ev did Rel SA an( "m nou cle for to tivf pro car SAID victory encouraging TUDENTS HAVE GOOD reason ...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, December 3, 1980 Page 5 Third World stirs it up, Jimmy Cliffperseveres By MICHAEL KREMEN Third World gave a very strong and entertaining performance as the opening act for Jimmy Cliff, this past Saturday night at The Royal Oak Theater. Truth to speak, Cliff's worthwhile set seemed anti-climactic in the wake of Third World's well paced and superbly staged act. They began their show with "Setta Messagana"...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

… a Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri,& Sat Dec. 5-6 U I UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LOST-One pair of tweed pants. S. State area bet- ween the Union and Benjamin St. 668-8294. 55A 1205 Joel S. Egnater, if you can cross the water surroun- ding your Island Drive come in to the Daily and pick up your two free tickets to the State 1-2-3-4Theatres. 4' black light with fixture, posters, and mirror ...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

…SPORTS the Michigan Daily Wednesday, December 3, 1980 Page 7 Michigan whips By DAN NEWMAN Eight players scored in double figures to lead a balanced Wolverine at- tack in a 126-60 romp over Windsor (Ont.) last night in the women's basketball home opener at Crisler Arena. Guard Lori Gratowski, a starting freshman from Carollton, Michigan, led the team in scoring with 16 points and Junior Diane Hatch dished off 11 assists as the Wolverines...…

December 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 74) • Page Image 8

…y% Page 8-Wednesday, December 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily Alan Fanger Solution to Duran dilemma.. . . .. a change in purse structure? If I were a fight promoter, I might be feeling a bit leery of the profession after the gaffe that took place in the eighth round of last Tuesday's World Boxing Association welterweight championship bout in New Orleans. For the first time in the memories of most boxing fans, a fighter. appeared to quit and un-...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…Holmes keeps crown from All Page 12 Ninety-One Years of {Editorial Freedom P Sir t1 IT'S FALL Expect cloudy skies today and tonight with a high only in the mid-50s. To- night's low should dip to near freezing. Vol. XCI, No. 26 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 3, 1980 ~ Ten Cents Fourteen Pages House expels first rep since 1861 1 Crisler to beef up security By NANCY BILYEAU Security has b...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…COUNSELINGSERVICES IS NOW OFFERING THE FOLLOWING COUNSELING GROUPS: SOCIAL SKILLS: This therapy group for men and women will focus on difficulties in initiating and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Such tech- niques as relaxation, assertiveness training and communication skill building will be used. WOMEN WITH WEIGHT PROBLEMS: This group combines discussion, insight, support and some behavior modification to help women deal with weight...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 3, 1980-Page 3 a i Iran says battle tide turning in its favor BAGHDAD, Iraq (UPI) - Iran claimed yesterday the tide of battle was turning in its favor and ordered a general mobilization of civilians in vital Khuzistan province, while Iraq admit- ted its forces have gone on the defen- sive, "preserving" past gains. In Tehran, the Iranian Parliament Arab oil states express increasing con- cern that the Iran-...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…OPINION_ Page 4 Friday, October 3, 1980 The Michigan Daily Ulir Mibigan 4 3ailQ Edited and-managed by students at The University of Michigan Score: Fate 2, Wolverines 1 i Vol. XCI, No. 26 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board 'U' should drop GE O suit W HEN A CORPORATION loses a decision on some legal matter, its stockholders can be expected to support an executi...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…I. The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 3, 1980-Page'5 MAJOR CITIES STILL INTACT; NO REAL VICTORIES YET Little gained in Iran-Iraq war BASRA, Iraq (AP)-Despite a week and a half of bitter fighting in the desolate wasteland along the border with Iran, the Iraqi army has precious little to show for its effort. Although Iraq has seized hundreds of square miles of Iranian territory, it has failed to capture any major city or achieve any decisive v...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

… Make a date with advanced technology. The Aerospace Corporation will be on campus * See your A .:-.placement S The Aerospace Corporation Page 6-Friday, October 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily .P. town reborn Community rises from Kincheloe base ruins* KINROSS, Mich. (AP)-Kincheloe Air Force Base looked as if it had been hit by nerve gas. Barracks were silent. Cavernous hangars stood empty. Pen- cils and half-written orders littered des...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

…INTERNSHIPS ARTS / The Michigan Daily Friday, October 3, 1980 Page 7 ti 'FOR COLORED GIRLS' The real end of the rainbow WASHINGTON, D.C.-LANSING, MI. Interested in working in Washington, D.C., or Lons- ing, Michigan, during summer, 1981? Come fine out how at the University of Michigan's Public Service Intern Program Mass Meeting. Summer internships are available in legislative offices, executive offices and agencies, the judiciary, lob...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, October 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily President' smother breaks hip; . , scheduled 'U'visit doubtf a .m. AMERICUS, Ga. (AP)-Lillian Car- "Miss Lillian withstood the two-hour During the late afternoon operation, a ter, President Carter's 82-year-old operation extremely fine and now is in team of physicians including an or- mother, was reported in good condition the recovery room," Dr. John Robinson thopedist and an internist inser...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 3, 1980-Page 9 9MAJQR E/ENTS * ** presents * * * S4AP Photo' Rock superstar Iron Peterson, head of U.S. Geological Survey's Mount St. Helens project, examines pumice samples from the steaming crater of the recently-erupted volcano. v, du , s. ,. - M Prosecutor shot .to death near MIT CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI)-Three tnen apparently bent on robbery shot pnd killed an assistant district attorney early yesterda...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, October 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. , r x - JOHN WATERS rXma s 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call our busi- ness office at 764-...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 11

…a SPORTS The Michigan Daily Friday, October 3, 1980 Page 11l NOW OPEN 18 E. WASHINGTON (NEXT TO BIMBO'S) Featuring CcLIVEENTT l AdE-NOlCOVER Cocktails, English Ale 663-9757 I Rudy T. . By BOB WOJNOWSKI The numbers are impressive. He is second on Michigan's all-time scoring list with a 25.1 career average, trailing only Cazzie Russell. He was All- Ten in 1969 and 1970, and was a con- sus All-American in 1970 when he averaged 30.1.points a g...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 12

…Great Sunday Escape from Dorm Food at the ORIENT EXPRESS Daily Menu includes. Page 12-Friday, October 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily Holmes wins, TKO in 10 4' Won TonSou -.......................$ .65 egg Rolls ................... $1.10 Fried Rice .........................." $1.10 Teriyaki Beef ....................... $1.g79 Tempura Pork (sweatandsour).........$1.30 Szechuan Beef ...................... $2.75 Teriyaki Chicken (wth fred e.........…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 3, 1 980--Page Memory of ex-Cal quarterback lives on ST TE STREET RE By RON POLLACK The 1975 season saw Joe Roth complete 55.8 percent of his passes and twice as many touchdowns as intercep- tions, while leading California to a tie for first place in the old Pac '8 con- ference with UCLA. The future looked "right for Roth. However, an unexpec- ted turn of events took place that peither Roth nor the Calif...…

October 03, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 26) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, October 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily ittention Grad. Students Candidates needed for Rackham Student Government Fall Elections October 21 and 22 HARRIERS TO R UN IN NO TRE DAME INVI TA TIONA L Warhurst makes harriers winners Apply at RSG or call 763-5271 Deadline: October 10 2006 Rackham M-F 8:30-12:00 By JOHN KERR Eight years ago, Ron Warhurst was employed by the Institute for Social Research in Ann Arbor, as what he calle...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 3, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Ex-attorney general in .k fran despite U.S. gov't objections From UPI and AP TEHRAN, Iran - Defying a U.S. travel ban, former attorney general Ramsey Clark and'Nobel Prize-winning biologist George Wald flew into Tehran with eight other Americans yesterday to try to talk with Iranian officials about the release of 53 American hostages. The Am...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday. June 3, 1980-The Michigan Dqily Ex-attorney general flies to Tehran; ignores ban (Continued from Page 1) ning from a 15-year exile and leading his revolutionaries to power. The document, on three pages, was marked "top secret," with instructions to "deliver during duty hours." Huyser wrote of various efforts the military could take to restore order in the coun- try, hut then said, "If that fails then my guidance to them is we ...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 3 Local Scenemmol- Regents briefed on replacement plan options for 'U' Hospital By MITCH STUART The University Board of Regents, in a special meeting Sunday, received a briefing on the three "block plans" for the $200 million-plus University Hospital replacement program. University administration officials did not ask the Regents to approve any of the basic plans at that time, but may ask them to...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…Paqe 4-Tuesday, June 3. 1980-The Michigan Daily Ocean graveyards for 4 nuclear waste disposal of c d) l nit t diffn in SANDIEO-Ltte i knwnO sanai, poiu an u uson SAN DIEGO-Littis knon Br through water action,earth crust V. . ,*..>. of the deep ocean bottom or its By David Helvarg geology and delivery systems at heUirsy f Mihianrole in maintaining the sea's a tC hsecologicalb web of life, Strange, are not located where they were and securit...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 5 Regents hear new hospital plans (Continued from Page 1) and drive costs higher, they said. The architects pointed out if separate buildings are constructed as in plan C, different building codes can be followed, depending on the eventual use for each building. That would provide for lower costs, they Said, than if one building were built and the toughest codes were followed. One final problem th...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily WILL SEEK REDUCED SENTENCE 4 Diggs WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Mich.), lost at the Supreme Court yesterday on a final ef- fort to avoid a three-year prison sen- tence for mail fraud and taking payroll kickbacks. The Detroit Democrat, Congress' senior black member, said he will not try to delay the imposition of the sen- tence, but will ask the trial judge to reduce the time he must...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1 AP Photo A GROUP OF CUBAN refugees rush to the main gate of the Fort Chaffee, to a nearby highway, but were chased back to the gate by police. Ark., relocation center Monday as rioting breaks out. Many refugees made it Troops ordered to refugee site From APandUPI FORT CHAFFEE, Ark. - A con- tingent of 1,400 Army troops was or- dered to this seething Cuban refugee relocation center yesterday, as Presiden...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…Page 8' Tuesday, June 3,1980-The Michigan Doily {. .... , r.. .. .nx"... :.: ::Ch,"at...4...4rt q ..r..r.... 4 :.... ......... .,. ,. .:..... .. ... .r .{ ... .... rr. r4e. x.. ....:.,. .. .. , .?t":; ": ,:x}:">:,"}:: ,;::.,",;x:::," :" 1 £ ...G}. .. , .}., . ..k . ,..x.,x.....: ......... ...... o...... r.... u .....: .... ... x, ,.. ,. # 4 .... } .:t , 4 x4.:,>;{..;:.: ::::}tsr ..:. xr..., r....,.5 " w"}x..v ":rv: K"::~:::."x:".Sv .... ." r ....…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 9 Kennedy campaigns despite sure Carter Dem. convention win From UPI and AP Although President Carter is certain to lock up the Democratic presidential nomination in today's final primaries of 1980, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), barnstormed across the country on election eve as if the race were wide open. , Carter remained at the White House, assured of picking up the delegates he needs today to ...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily MILITARY TO DRAFT NEW CONSTITUTION S. Korean congress thwarted .0 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - In yet another apparent setback for democracy, South Korea's military- dominated government said yesterday that the popularly elected National Assembly will not help write the nation's new constitution. The government also announced the appointment of two military leaders - Maj. Gen. Ro Tae-woo, command...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 11

…Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 11 POPE JOHN PAUL ll greets children from different countries in Paris Monday. The pope was there to address a meeting of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. South rre finerie rocked bybomb blasts Pope calls work of scientists dangerous to man PARIS (AP)-Pope John Paul II, ending a busy four-day visit to France, said yesterday that experiments to modify genes are as...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 I'I314AP SFORI RENT- SIAMESE CAT-10 year old family pet. Reward. SINGLE ROOMS available for men and women 7606861. 49A603 w/gym, swimming pool, racquetball courts, weight FOUND-Blue, ten-speed Schwinn Continental al room and sauna privileges. For further info, contact Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. If you can identify it Ann Arbor Y at663-0536, 350OS. Fifth Ave. 74C607 with serial number/bill...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 13 P Daily Classifieds (Continued from Page 12) WANTED TO RENT FALL-MALE Ph.D. student, age 27, looking for apartment, apartment mate, for Sept. Prefer Medical Campus, need parking. Call Walt, 764- 3167 (day), 995-3885 (night). 75L1605 HELP WANTED I TEMPORARY JOBS IN AUGUST & SEPTEMBER Your student bookstore is now accepting applica- tions for Fall Book Rush. Full time work. $3.59/ hour. Apply now...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily Carter- to ask for approval of gas rationing WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter will ask Congress this week or next to approve an emergency gasoline rationing system that would unavoidably shortchange millions of Americans if it takes effect, an ad- ministration official acknowledged yesterday. Deputy, Administrator Douglas Robinson of the Department of Energy said the plan, calling for massive is...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Dily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 15 Sports SUNDAY IS SUNNY Blue to flin start; dunsCal (continued from Page 16) less expressed accurately the post- game feeling. "It's a shame both teams couldn't have won. Cal played super, we just got a couple more key hits," said Mid- daugh. There was added incentive for both ' teams to prevail in the early afternoon game, as the loser would have to fight for their tournament life just 45 minute...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily se eSports Michigan trails Arizona By JON WELLS Specialto TheDaily CHOKE CITY, Neb.-The Michigan baseball team, losers to Miami (Fla.), 3-2, yesterday, trailed Arizona 7-0 in the seventh inning last night at the College World Series here. Since two defeats means elimination from the tournament, a Wolverine loss would bring the team home to Ann Ar- bor. The Wildcats jumped on freshman righthand...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…TAIWAN See editorial page Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom tkiilg DREARY See Today for details Vol. XC, No. 145 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 3, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Pirime rate hits new high: 20 per cent From AP and UPI NEW YORK-The spiraling cost of business borrowing reached unprecedented heights yesterday as many banks pushed their prime lending rates to 2Q per cent. Chemical Bank, the country's sixth- largest, led the m...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…The University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Third Distinguished Senior Faculty Lecture Series Professor Emeritus Gerald Else in a three-part series, will discuss The Humanities, Past, Present, and Future Page 2-Thursday, April3, 1980-The Michigan Daily Senate panel says no Saturday mail March31,1980 April 2,1980 April 4, 1980, The Humanities That Were The Humanities That Are The Humanities That May Be WASHINGTON...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…° -y~*i'r ~ ) * The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 3, 1980-Page 3 st in ivolvem enit By LISSA OLIVER and MITCH STUART Third in a five-part series Members of the Student Alliance for Better Representation (SABRE) say they are independent thinkers. But they also say they will remain a cohesive group, even after the Michigan Student Assembly elections have come and gone. SABRE presidential candidate Jerry Kowalski ad- dressed the problem of ...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, April 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily t1jigegl rYears 'o f Editorial F'reedloml Magic of the Haight is gone i* Vol. XC, No. 145 News Phone: 764-0552 1, Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I Taiwan 1a) T HE EYESof the world's human rights activists have been on the country of Taiwan for the last few weeks, as dozens of political opponents of the island's government have been brought to trial. To Am...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…The Michian Daily-Thursday, April 3, 1980-Page 5 Pro-pot lobbyist calls or marijuana law By MAUREEN FLEMING maximum fine of $100. it right that they be treated Lapeer County woman, recently THE CIVIL OFFENSE status would State le i slation wOuid criminals." ted of possession of .22 grams of mean a suspected offender would be -ONF BILL RE. NTLYn assed le A L ,4ofvic as !al- arijuana, could be sentenced to one year in jail and levied a $1000...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…J f ;i :54 < : .::" ; . 1, ;. 4. e ::.9 is x N"f . fFr yxfl "y {,,." / y . ^} '; ivf ''' n. Y.v Y 4 k }vA i>vj v " ' , , ''7 ," y. { k Jr,{ q fly X' t Th . J x >. W:R : fis s } fd ?{v' frfy..:fa . .''v$'r; 'S , t ) 'JG <fJ+:.}SyJ3 S+l 'Y ;}Yh:.y fe. fk:' .L. +{yf r +y s"# a o f sy3 <:ni Jty', : 4 : { :. ac3. h , [ 'k G y { F y l # } , any, 4u F:, {: :#% "r:"' a{ ". W,.Xpy{ r : +'+ 2' k< L*srn r4 '{yi!? ' yv. : t +s. s' } , x A 8 Convenient Lo...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 3, 1980-Page 7 CHAPIN BENEFIT Just mild about Harry: audience excess, performing recess By PHIL DESCHAINE 'Harry Chapin made his Ann Ar- bor quasi-solo debut Tuesday night. But, unfortunately, with the sup- port of his full band, after a full day of music and politics, his voice lacked the total color and endurance needed to make it constantly in- teresting. While the presence of his brother Tom helped som...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 8

… If you find your name and address in today's MichiganTaily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS' to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. STT Z.FK~ WPM- INSM I / 5SWINNERS EVERY DAY 96 w _ r Pink Flamingos The Kids Are an exercise in poor taste Airight The Who no not The Rolling Stones His haNgus are Hilarious * "Ginde S"he r" Harold/Maude 2.^ --- UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1 70 2 5...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 3, 1980-Page 9 Chap in By FRED FIEBER Much of the world is hungry, and Harry *hapin doesn't want anyone to forget it. Chapin appeared in concert Tuesday night at Michigan Theater as a guest of the Committee Concerned with World Hunger. But hunger isn't the singer-activist's only concern. "Our basic problem is that people are no longer serious about our society. We have the tragedies of neglected old people, ...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday, April 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily The AnnArbor Film Ceeperive Presents at Aud. A: $1.50 THURSDAY. APRIL 3 TRUFFAUT FEST F Such a Gorgeous Kid Like Me (Francois Truffaut, 1973) 8:00 AUD. A A young sociology professor studying female criminality in the case of Bernadette Lafont, imprisoned for taking revenge on her lover, gets too close to his "text." The more material he finds, the more "liberated" his object of stud becomes a...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 11

… r Astros soar t BY MARTHA CRALL The 1980 National League West race will probably be a two-part affair: the battle for first and the battle for last. The Houston Astros, Cincinnat? Reds d Los Angeles Dodgers will be Wading the pack, while the Atlanta Braves, San Diego ,/Padres and San Francisco Giants tussle for the cellar spot. The Astros, who finished in second place last year, one and a half games behind the Reds with an~ 89-73 slate, se...…

April 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 145) • Page Image 12

…Announcin Highland's Easter - 0 f. " Aud io Sale. It'Isn't O aster,.An It Isn't AtMid ight.' I . ' -1 * '. C. " :.- -- ----; . . .--. . . . y''"S .yi: . t'..' -y ' ....d... .: . a . i i ' aYi ". :"::r~*. . . . tt. t at"- t: \. .4"i 1t 1 '""" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J' .... : ' F r d a " OlyrAri}4h . 1 2N ono i di gt FridEverythAp ing4t5%, to 40%n o fM dift Ev-r-t-ig-5% to 0%-'-t-f -- - --, -1 Our Everyday Low Prices! ...…

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