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January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER COLDEP AND SNOW TODAY .901somdl.-- t: t xi NOW KEEP YOUR RESOLUTIONS I, VOb. XXXIII. No. 71 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS OpeCharms Cwx NAMES THREE Ohatesr aAIruIr PI YSte __ Inhabitants Of LTURE TO In Longest Tour I lvii U Ill Ufl1I1 I L1I IL! I U Greeted with tremendous enthus- was given including one afternoon UIU IULI1 LlR1UL asm at every place in which it play- performance at Grand...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…-''y i -' ._ .- " ', 'tiF TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY1' LIR Pfy 1[CHES Greelted E nl, tusia LARG CEIECIONLonges our Acquisiiton £ FVgawuirls musierh t 01 Pr naryi;prtance( (UTAPJI) II V C-OPERAQTIQ N By' the recent purchase of the li- bralry of Yt. Vignaud of bagneaux , ~ nep Pariii, the University library has now what is considered to be one of the largest and most important col- y<ru lections of~iterature relating to Amer- icanf histor...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…TH1 E MICHIGAN VDAILY p-ANCE T'mm IRSITY WI Nuil i FNI.fAl ti ries Loan To' One Anothera .WOMEN URGED TO El1EAT ITNrIN PflITIPAI flICNTS IF UIIR1LLLIIU 1 L I 1 Ln1! .i Have You*'.IiIstory and 1~se$ of lg- 1111.111 I UL! II1i,'L 111011:1IvU Challenges from various universl- tWe irainikakdsc Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 2.-Mrs. May ties and colleges for rife atches Van Wye, wife of apofsran with the women shooters of the 1uestion as th~is and ...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , , C 7 kAICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday duing the University year by the Board in Control of Stude-t Publications. Member of Western Corference Ed:torial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of allt news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news, publi...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

…1'A P r PASf ( (CRSD MRS. FSEWL ~j RFSOS(( meeting were as follows: President, Oldest radwua MIMS C AM102 BIL 1! [SI99 TAT ! ~ti h RE I avid Whte, Washington; first vice- ITe oldest living gra JOMPLETE IS PLANS1923 ILL ! S BEGLUItpN STTR USADE ~t-yTnAPPEARTONIGHT tTREE PRO FSSORS ARE l. president, Prof. William Herbert ~ifl rty Is Dr Gor ("The Cloiser"ad pTeaTte n Aair# flrAlIT l ill il .Fkwll Yapea iuhrie-tNORnDATMEEINj obbs, University of ...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…THE MiCHIGAN0 I ALYWE sDA~ 777 - ry- { x low" ow- - ~ ,,,, r AONCIE F IVEHRE n uL 11 % T h V - F I ) W IN , OV E R V A IT V 1N CO NDITIO'0N FO~R STRENUOUS GOING 21 flayers Work Here Since Dec~,26 , I'r1 pare for stiff Blg 1ea YOST, WITH ii ALL-A MERICANS, CO ULD PLA CE S TRNG C MBINA TION IN FIELD! Made Camp's Team rnn nnraiiiin nnnfinr rnaitfirr Allineladinger c Coach MAathzer sent his basketball' squad th rough a zard practic...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

…THE.1MICHIGAN DAILY I IIUUIAL I games Feb 16 'and 17, with a veteran team in its second year of Varsity standing.' The Gophers 'have gone into the ;game on a bigger scale than any lTof the other teams up to the present and s re ~receiving valuable training in scrimiinages with the St Paul A. C. six. AT. A. C. will play two gamest Here's News of jaxluary, uleara e . ... .. ... .... _ _ 4 III I VCE (Continuedl from Pfage Six) Here Fe...…

January 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 71) • Page Image 8

…GT THE MICHIGAN -DAIL DEDAA :TJAIflT AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I PLAN RESUBMISSION Pilots Locomotive OF ARMLEGSLAION Two-Score Years OfF0M ISflig -1 ication in University. amo : the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) )VER ESDAY, JANUARY :3, 1023 Number 71 To the Deans and Others Responsible for Submitting Budgets for Iude. pen dent Unit's of the University: A conferenc...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER INCREASING CLOUDINESS AND COOLER TODAY LL Sir i rnn tti SEE IOWA PLAY TONIGHT VOL. XXXIII. No. 110 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923, EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENS~ J "JiLi tirua... v. . _.. ,, _ _.. SEVERAL CHANGES Mimes Adopt Mimes Theatre has adopted new policies which will be followed in fu- T ure presentations. The changes were M D S MBL made to increase interest in their One of the change...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC HIGAN. DAILY'SA T'RDOAY1, -M AI~c l{[3>1923 I4U LU UI Two Appointed Ins~tructors_________ ___________________ LOCK ROF[ORS I Miss Constance Winchell, and R.L Dunn, both of the U niversity library staff, have been appointed instructors GIVE NHOR OFF IRES in Iaaoigadcasfcto o cataogin an'lsiicto the Summer session of 1923. , Officer: elected at the annual meet- ing_ of the Association of College ITeachers of Educaition held this wiieels...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…14E ITCHIGAN DAILY P~TI .......... Chaperones for- the dlances tonight are as follo;ws: fArmory=MVrs. M. Cake; Union-Mlr - Yates Adams. All 'women who fired at the rifle1 ranige last semester or who wish to begin the work this semester are re- quested to report either on Wednes- dlay evening or Friday afternoon in r ooml 330, engineering Building. Those who will be unable to report are ask- ed to communicate with Major Willis Shippam of ...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEB OF THE UNITVESITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning oxcept Monday during the University yeartby the Board in Centrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association,. The Associated Press is exclusively en. titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. time make it e...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A,.. - 'Pf IA r. v / \ \ '' . . 7 ,.i 1w "%, /1 /'l 4,~ p I .,., ...___. N r\7 #4 W 1 i L i i Te Sc hulz GrOcery TH OME OFPUEE e FOODS PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON National CANNED GOODS WEEK MARCH 3 -10 "The Consumers Opporfunity" Extra Standard No. Extra Standard No.. Extra Standard No. Extra Standard No.. Extra Standard No.; Extra Standard No. 2 Size Can Corn, doz........$1.45 2 Size Ca...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MCHIGA DAIL y - .." + , . .. . , ' a Sw TRIO 0O0WOLVERINE TEAMS GO INTO ACTION I r oD Ma t her's Co urt Men Meet IowdA Tonight In Final Clash Of Season ON JLI0lL A (Continued from Pa ge One) exception of Ely at center lacks the SE IFO A great battle at center is prom- fast offense that characterized its Gerat Things Expecied of Maize and ised for tonight when Burgtt and work in the early part of the year Ypsi May Enter T Blue Runn...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…(Continued from Page Six) 42 feet 4 inches. There may be oth- er good shot putters entered from outside the Conference cireles but it is likely that if Vail Orden throws thej weight as. well as he has the last week he will take first place. "Yarnie's" best throw of the year is 44 feet 2 3-4 inches. Hindes, who has made over 41 feet, has a slight chance of placing this afternoons .elay 'eam Weak ened Although Farrell did not want the repprts of...…

March 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 110) • Page Image 8

…,. -. _ _., _.-- Saturday, May 19-May Festival; Interscholastic Track Meet; Baseball 0 F F I C I A I B UFLnIlETcIiNn ont th~ilx'is schedules.?wi betakien at the meeting of the St- e B3ulletin is constructive notice to all members of _ All organizations or etening,. Mo arch ay 8. suggestionis, or who otpy received until 3::0 p. im. (11:30 a. m. Saturdai.)1 have any, objections to the schedule as outlined alcove, are requested to SATURDAY, 3-A...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…I 000, Ar ANOft t r tl IIE4 RICKENB CDIV No . 136 EIGHT P:AGEl9 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, V23 EIGHT PAGES PRICE , . 1 !_ a. LES Plays Delight Aj By Robert Barlrio Last evening the Ypsilanti 11'iayersl presented three of their plays in their_ current repertory at the Mimes thea- ter, and will repeat the progran to- night. The first number was Mime'1bs smooth, slight whimsy, "The Camber- ly Triangle", presented wit...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…. .. ------------------ YARD PRIiE News FromTheOther Colleges 1MUI AN Outof16 vteU9SxICTTOANDq A9PU ,RC NTEST wionhi-Geho terms 1,erself thle treshmen at the university a few M U IA N U'" "'~~ proinen stiet> prsedl tha f;reshman's p)reference forH ,rappers among th(coftmennl Crti ied the adw'0 1 soe rit-v letter to a P'hi Beta Kappa , ie~~ ecn eia 1: y." lt wastalso discovered that the Mn.Cees eodRetl ty of the University students. She alleg...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…'LY AA i..W.,.w,. .... .... .. .,. .. . _. ,.._... . ,...........,..,. . _ I (____________ initiation of new members at 7:15 Tf I Aniouce Engagemet on aster Day o'lc1oih3i hUlh u om, fjbV UU~ L Announcement wags made at the Phi JISE dITID TE-F hil.AlmmesaeUg eir hoe"h od o Delta Chi house Sunday of the engage-; Re em erPIN s edt e present. The meeting leto~ Willard Parker, '23, of New-° e e k }floiginitiation wii be informal, eir hoe"liiv...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…TI-IL MICHIGAN DAILY SPAI~ER OF THE OF I~ICRI(kA~N owning- eicept Monday year b~ th. Board in ablicatiqas. a Conference Editorial &usoclated Presa is exclusively en. ~ the use for republication of all wpatch~u crcdite4 to it or not other- edited In this paper arid the local iblished therein. ~4 at th~ po~toffice at Ann Arbor, ~ as second class matter. rtItiOl3 by ear 'er or mail, $, i: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. reet. s: Zditorial, 2...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIG AN DAILY hiil 'ii brAoIb n HDo You .Know i IfIN M RDRD it ij;inwccS:iry to ;gr, duate fo April 2..-- (By A.11.) --,n'ir te fGn>iv rty to become a mnember of 3Failde, nominated by bind 'timc Alum-1ni as socintion : to become bishop of Zion,:x N..n^n O.Il hi: ea'ssw imming ludes the Patriarchate of Oc- sad c rcc~ived ?l c t err's ndia and the chaplain-geii- 'i atviisothe' University of the Spanish army, was ilealtIhserv:,,Q? ad yeste...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…TI . , __......_r......._.._._.. . ... .. ...._._.,._. _ -- - - . ._.. _.,...p. .. .._ . __ _ .mow '"'. ..a.°"" " - --"--WQ*MWOAWW-- W . K BWl63.e iimwF. 4 a .* a:Hy+u x r '1 . ~ a !yy " s 73 k* fi r q fi . V "4 'v > , - ~Y, c: L 1 "' J _,.. tc q r P f 5 . ,y £ T 9-, MEFRO SC USTRIPNA eatker Brings Firt it n ed off the second string delivery men of Real WlaSbail to in the closing innings. Wolverines New Men Sh ow Well I...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 7

…. ~ ~~~~~subtlety of hsis wit. Aways at the be-:1Qt~[1t9 E ~it[1tt+ilfl f111111111 fatltlt1111 Low d n P ais s ~ ile lY gnn'n of aMilne play, I am conscious- _ a f Sr JmesBarr%. But the sent- nieint so characteristic of the work of- P'rof. Roy . Cwden of the rhat- for the morning-room . 0de catches Sir James, is not to beg found in Mr.1 oric dlepart ant"who isrfamailiar with] the spirit Of the place and is conviI'cd Milne's approach. His wit i...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 8

…NN DAIIAk L Y -OFFICIAL BULLETIN' n in th~e Bulletin is constructive notice to all members t ratty. Copy received until 3:24 D. mi. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) TUESDAY, APRIL 3.1".;number 1311 Engineering and Archltectire: entary examinationis for the removal of conditions will be Le spring vacation, on the dlays given. in the schedule which is we bulletin boards of the Engineering Building. The proper e securyed from the Secretary's mfice bef...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…ATHER LODE 1LKIE I I g lei, A -AL Ag ~ai1 C ANL :154 EIGHT PAGEI.S ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY,,MAY 3, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PR rLLY TRIto PH ELECT I ate Boots T $4, 7,N PRESIDENCY CON Iin mi nnr nniianii I f I iiniirrE Mussolini's Chiet i uOpponent Loses Powe r In Italy 16 PR 9 R MAJOR IRELND HUNDRED' Formal presentation of the Distin- guished Service medal to Al\ajor Mark L. Ireland, Rydie}. Cha pin fellow in Hl-l...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…THE MICST( N DAILY __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ M ,LI11i n 0 Y ~r 0 let 3009 INVITATIONS )FAILED TO 3 11EBEJOF STAFFi Regent Ralph Stone, '92, of Detroit,; will be tle principal speakeor at the All-puliczations banquet to 1b(1 held1 at 6: 15 o'clock next Monday night ini the assembldy room of the Uni[on. Tis is the annual banqutet t.n dered to tae students working on the various canm- v pit pblieations by the Board of Con,- trol of Student~ Publica...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAILY__ i e Of Soviet President To Aid Relief Committee IAT TJLR THEATERS i Inn" will open at noon to- he Delta Gamma house, street. Luncheon will be mn 12 to 1:30 O'clock and tea to 5:30 o'clock today, tomor- aturday. en interested in the summer 'held at Lake Geneva, Wis., dent department of the Uni- W. C. A., are invited to at-. eting to be held- from 4 to 5 this afternoon at New- Opportunity wl be given' ne for women to apply f...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .w,..,. her of years brought one step nearer .TED Sto ralization. ffI~w Severalzorganized campaigns to se- FICIAi 1EWSVAPER OF THE cure money from the alumni to com- // / 'MVERSITY OF M1ICIGAN plete the swimming pool have been dished every :Horninlg except Monday laAnche te every yarn by ee andy 1launched by the Union during the last the 'University year by the Board int SELECTION >l of Student Publications three years....…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .... . ,:, .. ,.,, ...-..e.--... . DCIE Endurance KinzgsITo Fly OF ALOMNIIS Across U. S. Without A Stop, PROFESSOR, DISCUS 1 larbit eaitls Ireland EPvedicis Irish Peace says peace will be made soon SHIPHY Dublin, May 2 (By A. P.)-Jvines PFaris, 'May 2 (By A. P.)-.-Franlcis J.' tary Roover, he added, wvill SIS AHT IT, i ILarkin, Irish labor agtator, deported Low<e of the (American) Friends of...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…THE DAILY If mm. 1 _ _ -_...- L u --- %Mllll161Iwj r-'- .. - . _ m . ,. t , r ._. , TWin Loose Game M. A. C. By 16-2 Score (Continued from Page One) The Wolverines were unable to do ything with Johnson's offerings in e first inning, but in the secondf ey j.gathered two hits, and these ipled with errors gave them three ns. Ash cane in with the first irker after drawing a pass. He' nt to second on Klein's sacrifice d came in on Pape...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGANRAILY____ ADVEW ~OTI C E 'The following B~ox Replies are at tiwo DAILEY.OFFICE: DW, Jakie, JSC, X, B3C, BA, 12, PDU, 20, 18. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum charge for 'first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per. day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to those having phones. Phone 960. DON'T FORGET Smi...…

May 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…TI I I CH-IGANA I 14.L) ,,,,, , ,.. .._..,.y... Y Y OF I ILthe lIettu is constructive noice to all members of Cagy received unil 320 P. i. (11:80 a. i. satuday,) THUR1SD~AY, 3MAY 3, I9'23 'umber 14 I Frestiman latl: Fre! hmnan Band rehearsal *ill be held in tlhe asembly blall at tine )1' ion at 7 :l - tonight. GEOR:G'E IERCEMgr flamtl-in G nliona Lecture: PheIla rliia Garland lecture, postponc.d from March 27, will be Fri- day, 'Ma...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

….ction rwoY ; ; t Baitr .Trw. III. No. 180 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 war r r . r .. r .rir+w u ~THEO GLASS S HERE Turner Predict. Labor In E The situation of politics in England, is precisely this, that presently the Labor party will triumph. Such is the opinion of Professor Turner of the European History department. But Professor Turner not content to male a statement without due proof proceed- ed to show in a co...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG &N, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 eLet'M e ining ompany Placer Mining and the Providential Gentlemen Tre is a district of limited area C. T JOHNSTON cial headquarters. Jeff Dunbar, an along the Colorado-Wyoming boun1 outlaw from several schools of crime, dary, where the highwayman, the rust- Unicrsit of Mihiga spent his week ends "shooting up" ler, the horse-thief and their relatives saloons. I was never in a saloon in...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…~THE MICHIGANDAILY _____ Ifrom PRage Nine) I 'Mrs. Rhead; "Andan- letti), Miss Struble; Vore Stately Mansions" r. and Mrs. Wheeler. nd Dr. Dewey; "Cross- Willeby), Mr. Wheeler; !Mrs. Rhead. tSea" will be the ser- Rev. L. A. Barrett at byterian Church. Young ir will begin at 5:30~ open to all y-oung peo-1 -bor. Lucile Welty will itian Endeavor Meeting k, in a discussion on ve in Jesus; What Hle St. .Andrew's Church at 8 o'clock this1 morning....…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 192 Before Dawn An Essay in Appreciation of Radicals The knight who earned their glory: LEWXIS STONEMAN fes-ly well that such victories and yesterday now ride black horse in; penetrations are impossible. Victories black harness, and their armor is blac. Een bci flatig pume are Urttdy b Godon(Trer reutlt only rout wars, and penetra- black.iEnit hcirandtheroatigpueare "~h a oe~ Lions entail both victor...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . _ _ , - . fowers of State, 'lea Of Owosso Naturalist iso, MIcOI., June 2-(By A.P.)-- ion of their beauty, the lice fl. Brown of the local high the rushing wind and biology department, an ardent brook which surrounds green forest, the sighing them and lover of wild flowers, has issued a plea for greater thoughtfulness on the part of persons who seek the woods and meadows of Michigan during the spring and summer. Miss...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JUNE , 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE "What is the first business of him "It is a popular error to itagine wt'o philosophizes? To throw away that man's misfortunes are the result self conceit. For it is impossible for of hi" imoiety and iniquity. On the a mon to begin to learn that which contrary, his wickedness is the conse- he thinks that he knows." quence of his misfortanes." -Epictetus. leopardi Spring Means Light Lunches D...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY prtstn R ages 1 ~~~~lainlyshows. Delegates from ,the1. i' S a eIItt~ao United States are elected inl the Ox-, In H a to e n a n u ti s ford American Club after heated de- - Kalamaz~oo, In H a to e mb ni sr ates between Democrats and1 Iepub- Carrick (D~etroit) fourth annal li1cans, and they have played a con- Thce L'onstclle Complany offers a .r spicuous part in the proceedings of droaatization of John imunter. Bo0th"; t}the ...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 4

…'AnQ BFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 I lk 0, THE WEST SIDE MINING COMPANY (Continued from Page One) lunch and I acquiesced rather than the Dry Gulch activities in any direct enter into an argument. The lunch or personal way. They appointed was no great acquisition as I discov- trusted agents to represent them. ered later in the day. George H. Haskins, a club man and. We reached Bagga at two o'clock an expert on clam bakes, wa...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 T e' est Side Minin any Placer Mining and the Providential Gentlemen There is a district of limited 'area C. T. JOHNSTON cial headquarters. Jeff Dunbar, an along the Colorado-Wyoming boun- outlaw from several schools of crime, dary, where the highwayman, the rust- University of Michigan spent his week ends "shooting up" ler, the horse-thief and their relatives saloons. I was never in a ...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 I HE ¢MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE |FIVE THE MIC -IIGAN DAILY PAGE FLVU I ., i 100-foot tape kept them separated and taken the contractor's horses.r while at work. We were obliged to These were never recovered. s cross the Little Snake River as we When life seemed dull and monoto- t followed the boundary line. The Uin- nois, Martin, our book-keeper, wouldv ta Indian would not wade it, so, while restore us to a normal state of...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

…PAGEI TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1923 Before Dawn An Essay in Appreciation of Radicals The knights who earned their glory LEWIS STONEMAN ectly well that such victories and yesterday now ride _black horses li E I T N M Nfcl wl htsu itre n y karestr ,o d e ack ores in penetrations are impossible. Victories back -arneas, and their armor isD it y os "resut only from war, and penetra- black. Even their floating plumes are Draing by Gord...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 6

…F CF sIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, sUNE 3, 1923 lie will go through the country in that of Mrs. Bryant for an analysis a propaganda train, carrying thou- of the men and women who brought B O 1sands of pamphlets and posters and it about, and some prophecy of what a motion picture apparatus. urging may come. From them he will get a the people to work the soil, to learnpcoe o m Russiaas wi lygto: n to read, to treat animals kindly. Sincepicture ...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 /U THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE!U "What is the first business of him "It is a poular error to inagne who philosophizes? To throw away that man s misfortunes are the result self conceit. For it is impossible for of his imnotely and iniquity. On the a man to begin to learn that which contrary, his wickedness is the conse- he thinks that he knows." quence of hisi misfortunes." -Epictetus. - Leopa r di. Edited by Sc...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 7

…>i SUNDAY, .TUNE 3, 123 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG S~V~ -w -- -- arms; but the pack was so close thatj volusme and as is usually the case with "There's thunder! Loud enough to FOLK-LORE OR I they could not be held off and to, this magazine, none of it is above thc shae FA LE Slva ie i hr usans rm.ordinary. But do not let this corn Dead men awake. SThe stry is related in' whimsical' met keep you from reading "Jobs ______________________istyle which...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 8

…APGR FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~I THE WEST SIDE MINING COMPANY (Continued from Page One) lunch and I acquiesced rather than the Dry Gulch activities in any direct enter into an argument. The lunch or personal way. They appointed was no great acquisition as I discov- trusted agents to represent them. ered later in the day. George H. Haskins, a club man and We reached Baggs at two o'clock an expert on clam bakes, was elected that night. My ci...…

June 03, 1923 • Page Image 8

…. . RIGBIT THE MICI-HOAN DAILY SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 TRIAD sday soni ceard for Is twenty-five could be considerably lengthened save "oberving political coditons in the (Contiued fnns Pae One years of faithful service. Instead, ihisthat it would grow tiresome.UntdSaendwrigabuthn erature. to these ltst actors wear empoyer abuptly edisisses hinm. "We' The syllogism, berere, must isee! fr the press tr thirty years"; and masks depicting oniy (the sa...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 9

…SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 TM -I CINDAILY 100-foot tape kept th m separated and taken the contractor's hor while at work. We were obliged to These wee never recovered. cross the Little Snake River as we When life seemed dull and mos followed the boundary,line. The Un- nous, Martsn, our book-keeper. w ta Indian would not wade it, so, while restore us to a normal state of the rest of us took off our shoes and mation by attempting suicide. Fins stocki...…

June 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 180) • Page Image 10

… f a PA E six THE MICHIGAN DAILY S UND , AYSL 9 He will go through the country in that of Mrs. Bryant for an analysis a propaganda train, carrying thou- of the men and women who brought. sands of pamphlets and posters and it about, and some prophecy of what a motion picture apparatus. urging may come. From them he will get a the eopl- to work the soil, to learn to read, to treat animals kindly. Sincei picture of Russia as it probably is: the ...…

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