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April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 1


April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSM - I ~ i. ... . 914P Aur410att Baly OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday wring the unversit year by the Board in :ontrol of Student Publications. EMBE R OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- itches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- shed herein. ...…

April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…TIE MICHIGAN DAIL Y ...r _..,. .w... . « .......... _ , J f It _ ; . --. "-''' ._- -. - _ _ - -__ - - R"W"Zwom SCHEIDLER BEATS PA RKS IN PRACTICE GAE 4-0 RELAY MEN TO REMAIN HERE DURING VACTIONi COACH LUNDGREN PICKS EVEN TEAMS' FROM SQUAI TWO I TO UNDERGO STRENUOUS WORK PREPARING FOR MEETS This soft condition of the track makes the going considerably harder and cuts down the time to some ex- tent, whereas the cinder path is usu-...…

April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, A. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, A wH ITNEY TUES., April 8 David Helasco Presents David Warfiheld In The Auctioneer Seats by Mail-Prices: Lower Floor $2.50 Balcony $1.0 , $1.50, $2.00 NOT MANY THIRIFT STAMPS SOLD SINCE FIRST OF YEAR Of late, people seem to be losing the important virtue of thrift, as is shown by the decrease in the sale ofn thrift stamps since January 1. The backsliding along this line has been ...…

April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILPA . . . _ ... .w.... Suits,4 Coats and Gowns for Teachers' wear Located as we are in the City that is the Center of things educa- tional we are better fitted than the ordinary Ready-to-Wear store to supply the teachers' needs. We know her needs, we realize the de- mands she makes upon her wearables. We know she must have materials that will stand her hard wear, styles that are suitable for her profession, prices withi...…

April 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WOMEN TO PRESENT ATHLETIC CONTEST The Annual Gymnasium demonstra- ;ion given by the freshmen and sopho- nore women for the Schoolmasters' convention will take place at 4 o'clock 'hursday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. The 'demonstration willbe in the form of a contest between the two lasses, and points will be awarded or the different events; forrthe march- ng, 15 points, for the floor exercises, 5 points, and 10 point...…

May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 1


May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY ie MhditigaD oUd OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'ublished every morning except Monday ing the university year by the Board in trol of Student Publications. ,MBER OF TF ASSOCIATED PRESS he Associated Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- ches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- Led herein. ntered at the postoflice ...…

May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _,-1 1i 1 \ _.-- The wise selection of clothes means looking for highest quality in workmanship, fabrics & style. CIII FALLS VI CTIM pat1ewl Varsity football practice will be held from 1:30 to-2:30 o'clock aturday afternoon on Ferry field. IAll-Fresh baseball practice will Maroon Players Unable to Connect be held at9:30 o'clock Satur- With Park's Hurling in Time dymrig to Save Contest KNODE REGISTERS 2 HITS AND...…

May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1919. CITY BASEBALL TEAMS TO COMPETE LOCAL HONORS No local amateur baseball teams, Michigan Roaders and the Ann Ar- city nine, are going to stage a man game at West Park, Sun- afternoon at 3 o'clock. e proceeds of the ticket sales are to be given to the Ann Arbor boys who have been overseas. Tickets are on sale at Cushing's drug store and the committee reports more than 500 sales. The Daily is a campus i...…

May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILr News From The Other Colleges AT THE THEATERS I I I Washington- Plans for removing* the dandelion from the campus have been worked out in an unique way at Washington univergity, St. Louis. Every year, on a certain day at 1 MAJES TIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Srws Sunday LAST TIMES TODAY JOHN BARRYMORE -- in- "The Test of Honor" s Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M Sat-3-Viola Dan...…

May 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mme M r Y I s Y YIY I Y N IIMI . r «.aaw k / GRADUATES I Serge Suit at $45.00 Ask to See Style No. 1n1 We are graduates Fine Tailoring. in the Art of Our piploma earned in the School of long experience entitles us to be your tailor. For the next week we offer an excel- lent value in Blue Serge at $45.00 with extra trousers at $15.00. A fine shade of blue and a true one. Our flannel and serge trousers you wilt like....…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…-iJE WEATHER PROMABLY SHOWERS TO0DAY I 4hr .4jjtr 000, :43 at t ASSOCIATE PRESS DAY AND IGHT V SERVICE i _ IYI 1%J, '1'7K .- _ _ - _ .. ._ IN . t0. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, -TUESDAY, JUNE 1. 1919. 2310 TINIM Mini rb vnvn - PRICE THREE :& r nk VU DAY FLIGHT Of ARMY AIRMEN LL BE MADE BY AIR ICE IN FEW' DAYS rJazzbo "Heralds Friday's Concert "Jazhbo' of the Midnight Sons' Quartet has made his appearance in the window of a4 State street ...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHICAN DAILY AL NEWSPAPER AT THEF VERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Moday university year by the Board. in Student Pubhcations. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oated Press isexclusivelyenst for republication of all news dis- dited to it or not otherwise credited ,per and also the local news pub- an. at the postoffice at 'Ann Arbor, as second class matter. ions by carrier or mail, $3.5e' Ann Arbor Press Building. Business, 96o ; Lditorial...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wA -.ftp om s 1 1 1 MMR ~5 ..._. T - -- -- - - - - x = ---- - ° . _- ___ __ .__ i a : . . 0. 9. . DATE OHANSED1 TO BE PLAYEDTUO LUNDGREN'S MEN READY FOR BUCKEYES AFTER ILLINOIS -VICTORY Michigan comnpletely 'outclassed the Illinois nine Saturday at Campaign, when they overwhelmed the would be conference champions by a 7-0 score. Playing all around the Illinois team, the Wolverines hit Arrowsmith for nine clean ...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE ;MICHIGANIDAILY war w ...r.r.Mr.. .., I <4 1G ELS ..momm.. . T e . . .__.... "' rrr.ry+ r """" . "',.... I111 i - - 7-1 - - N4 -IMP 8 ' 1 the' Weathe r Man by wearing one of our UL S Palm Beach or Kool Kioth Suits 1-4 -J WADHAMS AND COU. STATE ST. STORE4 This VICTORY LOAN BO0NDS $4.00 per week will purchase a $100.00 Bond $2.00 per week will purchase a $50.00 Bond We will be very glad to oarry thern for you Fa...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…Th.MICHICAN. DAILN e r Will son is - J1 ffiLLL21 I - - 16 OTH ARRIVE IN LArfi FOR PRESERVATION aising, Mich, June 2.-The battle a and standards of the 119th Field .llery regiment of the 32nd divi- , made up almost entirely of bigan men and one 'of the organi- ons which acquired considerable e on the western front n France, e been received in Lansing and to be preserved. Col. Walter G. :ers,quartermaster general of Mich- a, has received the...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU APS GOING UO TODAY omedy cluau meets in Univer- all. ichigan-Ohio State - aseball at Ferry field. ommerce club meets in room .conomics building for initia- nd banquet. eeting of interfratrnity stew- in Union. Landolin club rehearsal %it Lane [eeting of senior class preal- and faculty marshals in room igineering building to get pro- s and information concerning abling and ijarching on Com- ement day. ay City men meet in L...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…1 . VY W l- I ILJ CONTINUED FAIR I~oIAy I V g Uinlurrnr AT YOUR E THREE I A E, 1, E VOL. X. No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1919 PRICE THREE HEIFETZ, FARRAR5 HOFMAN, ON 1918 CONCERT LIST Talamon To Give Lecture On Friday Closing of the University for the Fourth of July celebration will not in- terfere with the address by Prof. Rene Talamon, late of the French army, on ENROLLMENT NOW TOTALS 1,887;' FURTHER REGISTRATION E...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE s __ - oinerine )FFICIAL. STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons [ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matter Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.oo Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street Phones: Business-96o; Editorial-2414 ours: Managing Editor-r :oo to 2:0o o'clock daily except Saturday; Business Manager...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…I NE c Second 13rainstorm rine Prize-Fight Fiend two pugilists strictly speaking, but I'd hate to lose so much every day, I mean the dough I could have won in that four handed penny ante game which I missed 'cause the ed made me see those two in Toledo. It used to be all right in Toledo before- the middle of May, but now I'd just as soon be in the Sahara. I (F. G. I.) ain't it funny what a peculiar bunch human gang is. You hear the pl...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…1 1. 1 ' L~j ..'J.V L 1\ 1 IN tucators In Convention 7th Problems of Teaching e - Following is the f extracts from ad- d before the National lation, now in conven- :ee.) will follow'as a matter of course. Who can question that the colleges, en- couraged by what has already been ac- complished, will measure up to their enlarged opportunity'?" rar has opened up a larger education," said A. A. Pot- of engineering, State Agri- college, Manhat...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…V L A% 1 1 1 L M, V4 a ,.- - w W UF MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-Ali Shows Sunday J -.x ly 3-4-5 "A.uction& of Souxs" Sun-Mon-Tues- -7-8 - Charlie Cha nin in "Sunny Side.'" Elsie Ferguson in "The Marriagerce. Wed -Thrs -U- ine rederick in "Paid in Ril." "The Foolish Age," Seniiett Comedy. I A R Show' at 30;oo 7:00 8:30 Theatre 9' M MrV "~ Rs ., 23Th, M Thi-Fri --3-1--Alie Brady in "Phe ln destru1ctible WIfe;"'Christiecomedn°.y, "A Rustic Rom...…

July 03, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…THE WOLVERINE, Annual July Sale is an opportunity for Young Men attending Summer School to Save Considerable Money at this - BTEIN- BLO CLOTHING :LOTHING SALE MICHAELS-STERN CLOTH ING In this sale are included only garments that are correct instyle, made from finest of pure wool fabrics and the tailoring the highest quality. At our regular prices, the garments were a bargain and were offered for less money than others rere asking for ...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…III A -I ,, r . ,i r= : t tn t Al FA DAY AND N101 SERVIC] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. PRICE _ t,. L_ S EDGE I1 VIC. Hurl Icago; ce Loses 7 8 9-R.H.E. 2 0 0- 2 9 1 0 0 x- 4 4 2 ciated Press) 2.-The Cincinnati heir grasp on the today by defeating e Sox 4 to 2. ' They >r'e games to win the 'eloped in the eries a habit of rth. There is at it, for in this e fourth's means RooIn Campaign 'rings Results Alread...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…tti LC try-stan cess or who only call themselves innocent s, he need not worry. NEWSPAPEROF ITHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHfIGAN Iery Inorjningexcept'Monday during The Univer- Bloard in Control of Student Publications. BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. the' postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second by carrier ...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…line with the ball under his arm and hastening around behind the goal posts with it. Weadock, who got in toward the- latter part of the' play, also annexed a touchdown, making a total of four counters for the Var- sity. OTHEItS ven wh. rk for1 ,yn into; in a f of Mit Too Early for Predictions Cress was sent in to take Duke' ich Dunne's position on the extreme left the for a while and Jqhnson was shift- ac- ed to center when Culver needed a ...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…I)I VIII -I P, i Representatives of Michigan were given an opportunity to show their superiority in competition at the Chin- ese Students' conference of the middle west section held at Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1 to 10. Of the 130 delegates at the conference, 13 represented Mich- igan and the latter were able to cap- ture first honors in track, oratory, and singing. The track championship was won by the Maize and Blue delagation, F. C. Liu, Tsa...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…hat his company will now be able to end their men over on leave of ab- ence to secure this training, which ill render them available for intel- gent transportation service with the 'a c k a r d p e o p le in m u c h le s s tim e th a n w u d b o s b e o h r i e h s i le spirit of the whole course-co-op- ration with highway men and others iterested outside of the University ,s weU as the undergraduate and raduate student ,body, to provide ained...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…WHAT'S GOING ON i I er ANNOUNCEMENT / / Friday 11:00-'20 Laws hold class meeting in room G Law building. 2:00-'22 Laws hold class meeting in room C Law 'buildng. 4:00-'21 Laws hold class meeting in room 'E LaW building. 4:34-Cheer leader try-outs at UIuon. See C. E. Bottin. 7 :1I5-Alpha Nu Debating society meets in its rooms at University hall': S:00-Reception and dance for Epis- copalian students in Harris hall. Admittance by invitation...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…itr : t tl 4/. -t DAY .. , . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1919. PR k w, ) . , i11 IbM/M lP PI ! w r rrr . e . OF AT FURS LIFE MEMBERSHIP 1 f .. f robbed at 2171 store 'of ty streetl )00 and fired upon by the Detroit police norning but escaped without the e learning whether the shot took o Ann Arbor patrolmen in a po- ar pursued the thieves in a Hud- uper-six to Dearborn, where the rs succeeded in losine their. ...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…THE MICH GAN DAILY THE MICH ~AN DAILY ,s all help to distract the student aiver. or mailed to The Daily office. ye no consideration. No man- :writer incloses postage. ly endorse the sentiments . x- .... Managing Editor or xox6 ..Business Manager, or zg38 .....Asst. Managing Editor ... City Editor Sports Fditor Women's 'Editor' .....Telegraph 1Editor We wotild suggest to the students themselves that they wali)k lightly in this room, that...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

… g out s me yea: PTAIN GOETZ, THE ONLY WOL- verine player to be mentioned by Walter Eckersall in his All-Confer- ence selections. Gus was picked for a tackle job on the Windy City critic's second eleven. EXPLAINS KIUICSE .I , , the Editor, The Michigan Daily: at In reply to the '12 alumnus and your hs article on the front page of this morning's Daily concerning the Kipke for brothers, I wish to state that the rea- om- son for the two sta...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…pe Other Colleges' s appeared at the University of Illinois s and is on sale. t Cornell at about udents in ork. The izes are s, though six prizes ratory or arded for n under- Oklahoma-Oklahoma Masons- are making plans to build two new dor- m mitories at the University of Okla'- homa. A men's dormitory costing, $10,000 will be' erected on property 1 adjoining the campus. A woman'sl building will be located about half al block from the campus,...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…The Screen .AL tile's I THE WHITNEY THE MAJESTIC Ven- and Lunches N'unnally 's Candy Maynard St. r, I. MAJESTIC TODAY AND TOMORROW KATHERINE McDONALD1 in The THUNDERBOLT__ ARC uAb1)E Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theat-e. 2ob-M Mjz?,q Res.; vF6-MA LAST I IMES TOD~AY D. W. GRIFFI'rH'S "Broken Blossoms" and Out- ing-Chester Scenic. Thu.-Fri-.Sat-4-5-6-June Cap- erie in' "A Damsel in Dis- trcss", and Comedy. Popularizing Shakesp...…

December 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

… I WHAT'S GOING ON Send Your Mail Order In Now For Tickets For I s campus activ- I The S. WILSON RECOGNIZES GHT OF LABORS TO STRIKE (Continued from Page One) h, was transmitted' to the capital essenger, the President express- egret that his health would not it his delivery of it in person. )emocrats generally praised it as g forth a practical program of n, while on the, Republican' side were many complaints that it i definiteness and o...…

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