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July 03, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

… DORIS FLEESON See Page 2 I Cv, r Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaiiiip 4 4 4 WARMER, SHOWERS VOL. LXH, No. 178 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 FOUR PAGES Lattimore Faces PerjuryCharge WASHINGTON - (/P) - A Senate subcommittee accused Owen Lattimore yesterday of intentionally serving Communist purposes and of lying to the committee on at least five points. The group recommended perjury action against Lattimore and. against ...…

July 03, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…/ TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 I __________________________________ U ___________________________________________________ U *A A, DORIS FLEESON: Al Set For A Glorious 4th Stevenson Draft MATTER OFFACT By JOSEPH and'STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-For the first time, all the pressures upon Gov. Adlai Steven- son of Illinois coincide. Those who want him to run and those who don't say that' he must announce a final decision ...…

July 03, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThREE Shantz Stops Senators on Four H . ts i*) 4.) Sawyer's Dismissal Result Of Unexpected Prosperity By WHITNEY MARTIN NEW YORK -(A) -We have been pondering the ousting of Ed- die Sawyer as manager of the Phillies and have settled on the idea that he was a victim of un- expected prosperity. * That is, instead of it being a case of too little and too late, his troubles trace to the...…

July 03, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…: AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 : . Cast of 'Twelfth Night' Relaxes, Rehearses Behind the Sce ones a s E 6 9 6 " * * Es (*. th m to M $ 8 M r n 11 In 1- I- ie vs ie Df in id I Single admission tickets for he Speech Department plays nay be obtained from 10 a.m. o 8 p.m. daily at the Lydia 4endelssohn box office for 1.20, 90 cents and 60 cents. Season tickets may still be urchased this week for $5.75, 4.50, and ...…

July 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…1' FOREIGN SERVICE DILEMMA See Page 2 L ri Latest IDeadline in the State :43 a t I FAIRAN LESS HUMID .A ti VOL. LXIII, No. 9S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1953 FOUR PAGES i -.- I Officials Join To Defend K-F Unions Charge of Labor Abuses Denied Gov. G. Mennen Williams, city officials and businessmen yester. day joined union leaders in a bit. ter denunciation of a report thai the Pentagon and Air Force would shun the Det...…

July 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…11 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY fTIDAY, 3ULY 3, 1953 UU -mm"W Foreign Service Dilemma PERHAPS THE most important point brought out by the lecture of Joseph Ballantine on American foreign policy was the fact that the United States has consis- tently lacked a well trained, professional for- eign service capable of dealing in a mature way with our newly acquired foreign com- mitments. Ballantine didn't mention it, but he im- plied that at t...…

July 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…I FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TTMET I PAGE TIIUEK I. Gromek Handcuffs Former [ CLASSIFIEDS] Cleveland Yanks Halt Loss Skein; Dodgers Blank Phils,8-0 Team-Mates, 4-=2 " FIVE-HITTER: Chemistry A Topples Economics Nine, 10-0 By The Associated Press DETROIT-Detroit Tiger Steve Gromek tamed his former Cleve- land Indian teammates with seven hits yesterday as he beat them 4-2. The loss dropped the Indians six games behi...…

July 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY r IDAY, JULY 3, 193 SHORTS OF DISTINCTION: Actor-Playwright Does Research Here By GAYLE GREENE Though he says his only claim to distinction is a pair of Bermu- da shorts which attract shocked stares from local inhabitants, Don Symington, Spec., is unique among Summer Session students. He is a playwright who supports himself by acting, whose previous university education consists of several weeks at Princeton...…

July 03, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…'COMMUINIST UPRISINGS ir I rr (See Page 2) Latest Deadline in the State D ait CLOUDY, COOL . LXVHI, No. 6S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1956 FOUR PAGES I' Steel Strike Idles Railroad Workers i I 1', ,_ __ ' hr Federal Mediator Arranges Meetings To Clarify Issues Government Action Removes All Hope Of Bargaining Sessions Before Holidays PITTSBURGH ()-Railroads and other carriers, feeling the pinch of the nationwide ...…

July 03, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "I Said, 'YOU TOO CAN SHARE THE BETTER LIFE! "' 'When Optnions Are F re Truth WW l Pevair Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, J...…

July 03, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, JULY S, 1956 '1 HE MIC111(iAN DAILY PAGE THREE TUESDAY, JULY 3,1956 'rilE MICUIGAN DAILY PAGE TIIRE TO AID PARKING PROBLEM: 1 Carport Addition Under Construction i ,', By MARY ANN THOMAS Ann Arbor will soon have 178 more parking spaces available for public use. That is the capacity of the addition now being constructed on the Maynard Street city carport. At its present size, the carport provides room for 422 vehicles, but ...…

July 03, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…I THE !1l1t:MG DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1956 'filE MICUIGAN IPAILI ~Lk~SDAI, JULX 3, i~I5 Re diegs Edge Braves, 2- 1, To Tale First Place Gene from the 4' {SIFDELINES by Dick Cramer Pennant Predictions THE JULY FOURTH MILESTONE is just a day away and the usual mid-season conjectures on the ultimate outcome of the baseball pennant races are being heard everywhere. New York's Yankees will hold first place in the American League afte...…

July 03, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…LECTURE THEME FOR SCHOOL YEAR set Pagre 2 t-Sr ita Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom :4Ia it# " e0 WARMISH VOL. LXVII, No. 7S ANN ARBOR, MiCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1957 FOUR PAGES 'Red China Will U.S. Proposes To Ban H ests; Keep Ban': Dulles H-Bomb Pledge Would Be Honored Even if Mainlanders Do Not Sign WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yesterday he would expect Red China to abide by any East-Wes...…

July 03, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

… a Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "WIMen Oiions Anret Truth ww Prevag"~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stag writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESbAY, JULY 3, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Semester L...…

July 03, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1957 EXCHANGING IDEAS Lasting Works Shown at Library By ERNEST ZAPLITNY THE +I HIGA DAILY PAGEhT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A display entitled "The Bridge of Books" now at the General Li- brary is helping to debunk Rud- yard Kipling's adage about the East and West never meeting. To be featured through the month of July in the library's main lobby are books, old and new, from the timeless East amid samp- les of Western lit...…

July 03, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…T'8E MI GAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JULY 3, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JVLY 3. 1957 Redlegs Move Into First; White Sox, Yankees Win Card Rookie Stops Braves As Cincinnati Downs Cubs U.S. GALS PREVAIL: American Trio Makes Wimbledon Semi-Finals I 'I By The Associated Press ST. LOUIS - Von McDaniel, 18-yr.-old bonus rookie, pitched six innings of perfect no-hit ball last night and then lost his magic, but the St. Louis Cardinals went on...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…GOVERNMENT IGNORES CHALLENGES OF FOURTH See Page 3 Yl r e *fr qau 4OF ,AL &- 1, A Air\ 0 m m ijwwtt !3 FAIR, COOLER Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXVIII, No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIX - ------------ Ike's Foreign Aid Bill Cut by House Group Ignores President's Warning Trims Fund Grant by $872 Million WASHINGTON (A') -The House handed President Dwight D. Eisenhower a stinging setb...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE 7111CHIGAN DAILY ___________ ackham Research Grants Announced -Photo Courtesy University News Service All CHOO! !-These people are working to end the sneezing which affects 7,500,000 American hay fever sufferers annually. The poor soul in the center sits downwind, handkerchief in hand, waiting to feel the effects of pollen from the ragweed plot in the foreground. The other two men are investi- gating the problem. 'U' Ragweed May Lessen S...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E'f" T yTAT FATr n1 v 1D1A v u TErPlfDT Df cYtlJVnl yr lIE r1 c'l ci li J1tW I1 USSR To Start Highway Construction By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign News Analyst The vast Soviet Union is at long last becoming-slightly-highway y conscious. By American standards the Rus- sian road system lags a half-cen- tury behind the times. But the Kremlin has announced plans to construct by 1960 the beginnings of a paved ro...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…a f I I Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH." Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. IURSDAY, JULY 3, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE V...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…TH ICHRIGAN DAILY1E zissies To Meet in Wimbledon Final;' MacKay-Rope Win Doubles Match San Francisca Defeats Chicago, 5-2;v Bunnling. Pitches Detroit To Victor-, 5-0 were eliminated in the second round of the doubles. The Italian pair, Nicola Pie- trangeli and Orlando Sirola, over- turned Cranston and Green 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, 10-8. Gibson Wins Doubles In the women's doubles Miss Gibson and Maria Bueno of Bra- zil strolled into the semifinals wi...…

July 03, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…IHE MICHIGAN DAILY Ilackinac Bridge: Long a Dream, Now a R~ THUTRSDAY, JUY 3,. IM . . j m~II3V 4 s"".F. - .- ' ,. , OLD AND NEW-The Straits of Mackinac ferry, the Vacationland, is shown last year making one of its final trips between St. Ignace and Mackinaw City. It passe close to the Mackinae Bridge in order to give passengers a better look at the world's longest suspension bridge. The deluxe auto ferry made a similar "last Irip" Nove...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… Soviets Foster Cultural Study DITOR'S NOTE: Following is the third in a series of five articles by ity President Harlan Hatcher on his recent trip to the Soviet Union I of a delegation which studied higher education. This series of ar- rignally appeared in The Detroit News. The original articles by nt Hatcher are 'reprinted here in full.) By HARLAN HATCHER vious educational missions to, the USSR have pointed out ost complete identity of the a...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FiRI agical Symposium duled Next Week Soviets (Continued from Page 1) Encourage Cultural Studies y STEPHANIE ROUMELL the University of Bucharest med e tenth annual Summer Bio- ical school, will discuss "Fun al Symposium, "Cell Struc- tional Changes in the Organiza and Function," will be pre- tion of the Animal Cell," Tuesd ed Monday through Wednes- at 4 p.m. and a panel discussi of next week by the biologi- will be hel...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…TIRE MICHIGAN DAILY P) AEI THE MICHIGAN DAILY p LU IIHE&Dr Regents Approve University Faculty Appointmer f1 FOR RENT OM large apartment to share with eperson. One block from campus. a month. Call after 5 P.M., NO 393. -C24 GE ROOM with private bath forj or two persons. One block from mpus. 808 Oakland, NO 2-2858.' C23 MS FOR RENT for girls. % block m campus. 1218 Washtenaw. NO 942 for arrangements. C12 RECREATION ROOM overlooking ron Ri...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… '. "Maybe We Didn't Wrap It Right" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERsITY OF MICHIGAN When Opinions Are Freo UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. IDAY, JULY 3, 1959 NIG...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY "'Hard Victorious at Wimbledon, Enters Fin FA GE . WIMBLEDON, England (R) -- Happy-go-lucky Darlene Hard smashed and volleyed her way yesterday into the women's finals of the Wimbledon Tennis Cham- pionships where she will try to keep intact a 21-year unbroken string of American victories. In the title round Saturday, the bouncy one-time waitress from Montebello, Calif., will play 19- year-old Maria Bueno of Brazil, who th...…

July 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AL All-Star Selections Announced Yesterday, TIGERS DEFEAT SHAW: Maxwell's Slam Beats White Sox, 9-7 : BOSTON (IP) -- The American League will field virtually an en- tirely right handed hitting team against the National League All- Stars in Pittsburgh next Tuesday. And the team, completed yes- terday by Yankee Manager Casey Stengel, also will include an ap- parently fading veteran who still is one of baseball's most feare...…

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