June 03, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 179) • Page Image 1
…the . o . a . VOL. VI. No. 179. ANN ARBOR,, MICHIGAN, WEDi'iTIĀ± SDAY. JUNE 3. 1t596. Fouls PAGES-3 CENTS. SIN"r =Mgl== E= 111 UNIVERSITY RFVIEWFI) lgs by till others. Apparenly the FINALS IN FIRST CLASS. WeMustMove_ thleitic -sirititis rising, tani te (are -______ Wei us Xv lettt t ilittitee. if it be1 not gtosittg. - The store we now ocupy has i Our Life and Methods Presented is asstriumtiore tin abtit foriati.Wlh Sabury Wins From IDanf...…