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April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…Classical success How A2 draws the biggest names The B-side A call for fraternal transparency The Greek system's PR problem Opinion, Page 4A 1I4efid ian'3ailj I N4).1 I) .(,I 4 N .AIk AI11) 11) I IION /nii MiVUI iviIuiIndiI Thursday, April 3, 2008 FEDERAL RESEARCH GRANTS RACE'S HAND IN POLITICS Colemi'ian pushes for funding on Capitol Hill U president says research dollars lead to innovation needed to help struggling ec...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…40 2A - Thursday, April 3, 2008 A simple yet rare procedure The procedure to fire a University faculty member is long and confus- ing. There are, in no particular order, investigations, hearings, long letters and reviews by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, depending on the specifics of the case. But every case has one thing in common: the president of the Uni- versity must make the final recom- mendation to the Universit...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS BUCHAREST, Romania NATO rejects Bush's pleas for Ukraine, Georgia President Bush suffered a pain- ful diplomatic setback Wednesday when NATO allies rebuffed his passionate pleas to put former So- viet republics Ukraine and Georgia on the path toward membership in the Western military alliance. The decision, to be made final on Thursday, was sure to be cheered by ...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…4A -Thursday, April 3, 2008 74bC ffiidiipan 4ia4,,1 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations representsolely the views of their author...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, A pril 3, 2008 - 5A CENTRAL MICHIGAN 7, MICHIGAN 3 Unnspired play doo ms Poor pitching, lack of timely hitting lead to defeat By CHRIS MESZAROS Daily Sports Writer MOUNT PLEASANT - With the bases loaded and one out in the top of the seventh inning, the Michigan baseball team had a great opportunity to erase a four- run deficit. Fittingly, senior slugger Nate Recknagel grounded into a double p...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 6

…6A- Thursday, April 3, 2008 the michigan daily pafrking 025 PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE. 665-8825. PARKING SPOT AVAIL. on central campus. 734-741-9300. f ont 060 1 - I! GREAT APARTMENTS & HOUSES FOR 08-09!! A combination of quality and prices you can't Beat! We have Hses. & Apts. all over A2. w/ something to fit every need. Studios, 1 bdrms., 2 bdrms., 3 bdrms., and houses still available. PICK UP OUR LISTINGS TODAY at Campus Management 337 E. H...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - the michigan daily Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 7A ATTN: MED & GRAD STUDENTS: 800 Fuler Apartmentsl (734) 769-75201 1 & 2 bdrm. Apts. near State St. w.800fllercom BECAUSE YOU, MICHIGAN Daily readers, voted us as #1 for Real Es- tate in 2008, we have deals to thank you: 337 Third - Recently remodeled kitchen and driveway parking steps from Downtown and Campus (4 bed- room) 407 E. Kingsl...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 8

…8A - Thursday, April 3, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 8A - Thursday, April 3, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom .0 Get directions to a career. Introducing EY Insight, a new careers website experience where it's easier than ever to find your way to opportunities for real growth and success. Meet real EY people and get a first hand look into their lives at EY 360"; explore your real career possibilities with Picture ...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 9

…sl e The Michigan Daily I I Thursday, April 03,2008 The Daily Arts guide to the best upcoming events - it's everywhere you should be this weekend and why. NJ I N J ./ I\ L..L-.I I Brad Mehldau comes to Michigan Theater. Combining jazz and rock influences, Mehldau brings his unique style to the Michigan Theatre tomorrow. Expect many different influences in his performance when he takes the stage at 8 p.m. Tickets are $18 - ...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 10

…2B - Thursday, April 3, 2008 The Michigan Daily - REDUCTIVE REASONING Picking one and one apart. The Daily Arts guide to upcoming events Today You Can Never Tell 7:30 p.m. At the Arthur Miller Theatre $9 with student ID Tomorrow The Hobbit 2: The Lord of the Rings 7 pm At the Walgreen Drama Center (Studio 1) Free Saturday 3.22.08 Ann Arbor "Dance for Mother Earth" Pow Wow 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Crisler Arena $10 with student...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Iclick th i's I1 click that ho knows what Frank O'Hara, the ubiquitous New York poet from the'50s, would think of the Internet and blogs and media columns. That our Information Age switches manmade places for electronic ones would probably distress him. One of his more famous quotes reads, "I ANDREW can't even SARGUS enjoy a KLEIN blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy, or a record store or...…

April 03, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 127) • Page Image 12

…0 4B - Thursday, April 3, 2008 The Michigan Daily - FILM From Page 3B shooting "Bilal's Stand" consisted of 15- hour workdays where the filmmakers didn't even have accessto the footage they'd shot. "It was a very sort of grass-roots, bare- bones experience," Sharrief said. "There's a normal level of drama on a film shoot. We probably upped the ante like two-fold, three-fold because we were young people, inexperienced peopl...…

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