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April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…I 000, Ar ANOft t r tl IIE4 RICKENB CDIV No . 136 EIGHT P:AGEl9 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, V23 EIGHT PAGES PRICE , . 1 !_ a. LES Plays Delight Aj By Robert Barlrio Last evening the Ypsilanti 11'iayersl presented three of their plays in their_ current repertory at the Mimes thea- ter, and will repeat the progran to- night. The first number was Mime'1bs smooth, slight whimsy, "The Camber- ly Triangle", presented wit...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…. .. ------------------ YARD PRIiE News FromTheOther Colleges 1MUI AN Outof16 vteU9SxICTTOANDq A9PU ,RC NTEST wionhi-Geho terms 1,erself thle treshmen at the university a few M U IA N U'" "'~~ proinen stiet> prsedl tha f;reshman's p)reference forH ,rappers among th(coftmennl Crti ied the adw'0 1 soe rit-v letter to a P'hi Beta Kappa , ie~~ ecn eia 1: y." lt wastalso discovered that the Mn.Cees eodRetl ty of the University students. She alleg...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…'LY AA i..W.,.w,. .... .... .. .,. .. . _. ,.._... . ,...........,..,. . _ I (____________ initiation of new members at 7:15 Tf I Aniouce Engagemet on aster Day o'lc1oih3i hUlh u om, fjbV UU~ L Announcement wags made at the Phi JISE dITID TE-F hil.AlmmesaeUg eir hoe"h od o Delta Chi house Sunday of the engage-; Re em erPIN s edt e present. The meeting leto~ Willard Parker, '23, of New-° e e k }floiginitiation wii be informal, eir hoe"liiv...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…TI-IL MICHIGAN DAILY SPAI~ER OF THE OF I~ICRI(kA~N owning- eicept Monday year b~ th. Board in ablicatiqas. a Conference Editorial &usoclated Presa is exclusively en. ~ the use for republication of all wpatch~u crcdite4 to it or not other- edited In this paper arid the local iblished therein. ~4 at th~ po~toffice at Ann Arbor, ~ as second class matter. rtItiOl3 by ear 'er or mail, $, i: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. reet. s: Zditorial, 2...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIG AN DAILY hiil 'ii brAoIb n HDo You .Know i IfIN M RDRD it ij;inwccS:iry to ;gr, duate fo April 2..-- (By A.11.) --,n'ir te fGn>iv rty to become a mnember of 3Failde, nominated by bind 'timc Alum-1ni as socintion : to become bishop of Zion,:x N..n^n O.Il hi: ea'ssw imming ludes the Patriarchate of Oc- sad c rcc~ived ?l c t err's ndia and the chaplain-geii- 'i atviisothe' University of the Spanish army, was ilealtIhserv:,,Q? ad yeste...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…TI . , __......_r......._.._._.. . ... .. ...._._.,._. _ -- - - . ._.. _.,...p. .. .._ . __ _ .mow '"'. ..a.°"" " - --"--WQ*MWOAWW-- W . K BWl63.e iimwF. 4 a .* a:Hy+u x r '1 . ~ a !yy " s 73 k* fi r q fi . V "4 'v > , - ~Y, c: L 1 "' J _,.. tc q r P f 5 . ,y £ T 9-, MEFRO SC USTRIPNA eatker Brings Firt it n ed off the second string delivery men of Real WlaSbail to in the closing innings. Wolverines New Men Sh ow Well I...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 7

…. ~ ~~~~~subtlety of hsis wit. Aways at the be-:1Qt~[1t9 E ~it[1tt+ilfl f111111111 fatltlt1111 Low d n P ais s ~ ile lY gnn'n of aMilne play, I am conscious- _ a f Sr JmesBarr%. But the sent- nieint so characteristic of the work of- P'rof. Roy . Cwden of the rhat- for the morning-room . 0de catches Sir James, is not to beg found in Mr.1 oric dlepart ant"who isrfamailiar with] the spirit Of the place and is conviI'cd Milne's approach. His wit i...…

April 03, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 136) • Page Image 8

…NN DAIIAk L Y -OFFICIAL BULLETIN' n in th~e Bulletin is constructive notice to all members t ratty. Copy received until 3:24 D. mi. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) TUESDAY, APRIL 3.1".;number 1311 Engineering and Archltectire: entary examinationis for the removal of conditions will be Le spring vacation, on the dlays given. in the schedule which is we bulletin boards of the Engineering Building. The proper e securyed from the Secretary's mfice bef...…

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