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March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…THE Hu. OF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIR., TUESD)AY, ARCH 3, 1903 No. 111 'VARSITY MEET Has Some Surprises in Store-Hahn will Likely Compete-Homeops Withdraw-New Records The coming 'Varsity meet holds some big surprises in store. -The fresh- man class this year has more good athletes among its neners than any freshman class in recent years. The event, in which the nst interest cen- ters are the distance events, and the hurdles will be cl...…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…i ?+'11. _\"^ill sY I1i3's,)li 4.l \Xiaigsssi. (ssa a il11 1 551 ill Ifll ll 108 E. Wash. Sli Cxt. THE ii TIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. { lJ O F M . D A ILY tltt 'ssIr.t 'atie" i'' l 'c.t-t Ii~r 'ii isihill). '11i(is Fou iiPeni ti' 1 . ,l (LVsiIii '5 , rll 1) 1 's55F0 1 I NEW BOOKS The American Republic and Its Government; by' Jnssssss Albsert Woodbsurn Augustus Caesar; bylm Bis1. Firth. The Pride of Tellfair; bys 1 i iorslElliostt Peakes....…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICISIStAN DAILY. ti s s 1i Q AVY ~ Li S { ts>F< PALACE ANDPARSIA Thast's Ite ipiace where youS gets np-to-date iwork, With the leasitiouble to yonur- selves. Domsic finish a s-peciaity. M. F. DOWLERAyt.: l~ssv si oit ti'-i i l11 is l a siiltao1 rofo upon te originial iirs'sie, but in secur- irlist iit; isi-aitiiisiat a fair sprice. Our esta iilishesl poliyiif excluin~isg fiomns our stock everyiiiake anid nsterial if qusesti...…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVEFRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .1. -T y v I -,\- a a \ a a - . , .r.,a . .rC - -r-Y , " . -. .. -, _. r ' CSr ,t r -'r v' : '+.f . ,^C " 'rr _ . a.; ... at+;^^" ta " y a . _ 7a ~~ 8 tn . .. . _ '-"r lr .. y . .. . : - d ~ ua +r"r >+r a ' 1 L Mt Y _~ r . -" .. .L _ . : w w ." . r"': r Fd_ fl- 3 !' , .. ti1.1 Y = :: ; : v, ' .. o Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $ 3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 rUI]TAN SB0[ 60., 111 S. MfiIN...…

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