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March 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily Vol XVIII ANN ASR, ,M5gHIOAN, TUESDAY, MARH 3, 190. NO. uag. PRARMICS DEFEAT SOPHOMORE MEDICS 1jan1e IU Loosely Played-Chi- 8ago Will Play Six Football Cames Next Season. In a loosely played game the pharmic basketball team defeated the soph medics =9 to 23. The play was not as interest- ing as that of the average, from the spectators' point of view, the teams having -had little or no time for prac- tice. Occasionally, howev...…

March 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THtE MICHIIGAN flAMI -r_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. Wild Colipall angn Our Spring 190/ ineut of fine EDITORS N (,s :Iifain S. Cody. Imported anid Domestic 1i/ -A White, _______________________ Intlae. II.. . .John Wambold M -sicandDrama...Roy D. Welch IN a Wmen'sI ditor. .. .Louise Van Voorhis WOOLENSI EDITORIAL STAE J. W.McCandless Elmer C. Adams Is now ready. It includes all NIGHT EDITORS the latest 'Nov.eltitesShades C II 1. ...…

March 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…TRE. MICHIGAN :DAIL'Y N\li Fi1aSSENGER BOf)XES SEE 171 ~ OW N PACE Intercollegiate Notes. WINDA(outJ twects mesxenger boxes hIave been'plcd in ilifferentlbuilinigs oti l te haits. Itch of these bogies is divided itrl s hcalis llteIa_ a FOR ino a lumeriof Secton. The upr tII al r1 Loy SUPPI Isectiont is clewigned for letters fromn 6- + h College, thevaios rofessors ouf the literary de-w ttti sClttis tlss t ii HOT ,W A TlO WE artnwn.Ivisite, oc...…

March 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC HIGAN DAILY CALENDAR. Mar. 4-Taft Republican cubh'smoke, ATSc /I r E l3aet ar. -Raugs from Rcines "A ro aqu,' by rof. Andre Reiat de Every fashionable effect, every color 3'4 uspien f er Is rsoatqe of the season. pt. di. n~fre Neauberey I o atCA PS CAPCA Sw Mar 6-'v'rsty anddaneBarbour THE NEWEST INo TOWN gynasium'. Mar. -Fresh-Soph meet. The nattiest and most apoe ah Mar. - TiheCollege Widow,' moati- ion,- faultless in finish, reasona...…

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