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December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER FAIP AND WARMER TODAY d *frr VOL. XXXITI. No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 122 -----w--------5- _:._. CAMPUS FAVORS BEAAINFRTHEATER LOSSES J-HOP TICKETS LIMITED TO+650' Six hundred and fifty tickets will be sold for the 1924 Junior Hop, ac- ' cording to the agreemnt of the Hop committee made at its last meeting. Applications for tickets will be made I on special forms which will be -given I -l 9 ,1U UM out ...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…EY OFFICERS GIVEN 1-20 YEARS C )UNCIL'PASSES SMOKE ORDINANCE noke nuisances will be. eliminat- CRS CAME' G'REATEST GRQUP OF PLAYERSj EVER ASSEMBLED PLAYS AT COLU BU'Sa Columbus, O., Dec. 2.-"Brick" Muller, the University of California's All-Anmerican end, blocked a kick,, scooped up the ball, and ran 40 yards for a touchdown scoring a six to nothing victory for the West over the, East in an all-star football game played here today.I The tw...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

… Women Debate Ohio State I UIomen Tryouts for the Junior Girs' play will be held at 4 o'clock Monday and Tuesday afternoons in Sarah Caswell;t Senior society will meet at 7:15: "clock Monday evening at Betsy Bar- .our Dean Jean Hamilton will be at >. h~ome to University women from 4 to. r -6o'clock on Tuesday, Dec. 5. Due to illness the dean has not been able to be at home to the women of the Uni- versity earlier in the year. She ...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…_______THE MICHIGAN DALY wide, and bloody score, and beat the cIN AND OUT" finest girls' school of ti~e nmddie west, With the opening performance to- morrow night at the Whitney theater Northwes rn,. Well, we heat .',AC. of this year's opera, "In and Out,:' semc li Mimes of the Michigan Union will pre- Etae lg sent their seventeenth production to The shovel will soon have to throw the public. the sand at the, trucks. The blades i t osatyicesn...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…ME MICI DAILY tH I AL :,.,. .. ... .....r,.---' .,.....^.....- ,.... . STARTING TODAY r 1w loqq CC)NS 'I I ;i 1 v, fi l .ij14 FunThi 11 Ads /1 i 1, s._ ,, ITS STAGE SUCCESS ECLIPSED BY SCREEN SPLENDOR. '~ItlU f S EV E hAL Million Have Laughed and Cried Over This ~i~iU JilLove C'Vale of Little flig Toy, "199 Per (Cnt A terican! I1Ill IIGirl" Who Proves To B~e Not of Chinese Blood After 11111 ~Al1, But An Anmerican Girl Wil...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…rm...n...rru.^ v M ;. ,, 4 .:.+r' ZX" :. W- 00 1NH RC QA EADY TO OPEN, ;TICE FO BIGTEN INDOOR YEAR011 GRIFIH ECLARES BIG STADIA, ASSET TD GAME'] - IGTEN HEA1) DENIES FOOTBALL umber of Stars Give Farrell Big= as one of the star weight men of the I E PRQFESSIONALIZED Chance; Burke, Hubbard, Lan - Big Ten and can be counted upon fou BYSANDS dowsk iIsbell Strong ; points in both the shot and hammer. Hubbard will ably take care of the ...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…c may3 IOIVA Oct. 13-Purdue at Iowa. Oct. 20-Illinois at Iowa. Oct. 27-Iowa at- Ohio. Nov. 3-Michigan at Iowa. NOir* 10-Open. Nov. 17-Iowa. at Minnesota. Nov.24-Iowa at Northwestern. PU1RDIUt Oct. 13-Purdue at Iowa. Oct. 20-Open. Oct. 27=~-Purdue at Chicago. Nov. 3-Purdue at Notre Dame. Nov. 10-Ohio at Purdue. Nov. 17-Northwestern ;atPurdue. Nov. 24-Purdue at Indiana. CHI1CAGO0 Oct. 13-Open. Oct. 20-Northwestern at Chiago. Oct. .27-Purdue at ...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

…THE THCHIGAN DAILY y _. _ ,n,._._,,,..,,;, T'S GOING ON r NOTICE-Copy for this column shout i be submitted by 5:30 o'clock w the day before publieatlon. SUNDAYj 9:80-Congregational men's class, Con- =gregational church. 12:00-Open Forum, Congregational church. Mayor Lewis will speak on! "Ann Arbor, Present and Future." 1:00-Prof. W. R. Humphreys gives the first of a series of talks to the! class for college women in the Con- gregational ...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 9

…Section Two Ar 4w t Aq an jIatj Section Two VOL. XXXIII. No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS CANAIANWHEA9T EXPO RTMANIFESTS SHIPMENT OF GRAIN TO UNITED STATES DISPLAYS DEGREASE PRICE OF COMMODITY DISCLOSES LOWERING Slatistics Given Reveal New Facts Pointing to U. S. Prosperity FIRE MAK1ES 1200 PEOPLE HOMELESS Newbern, N. C., Dec. 2.-Approxi- mately 1200 persons, most of them ne-j groes, were made h...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDY SERCES IN ANN ABRCHURONES~ 90BOR 1G cHES (Continued from Page Nine.) Charles Webb will begin at 5 o'clock. Mr. Webb has chosen for his topic,~ "Rhythm in Religion". There will be a Student's supper in Harris hall atI 6 o'clock. Communion service will be observed this morning in the First Methodist church. "The Cross in Today's Life" is the subject of Dr. Stalker's Commu- nion address. Bible classes will meet at no...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 11

… _v V R , THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECE iriR 3, 1922 EIGHT F THE PLAYERS CLUB (Continued from Page Four) gram of last year, and the first pro- gram of this year did not occur until the Wednesday after thereview ap- peared. owx, Mr. Bartron,, as there THROUGH THE OPERA GLASSES T I 'A SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 .. L N. be given a copy of the constitution, !had been no productions since the re- a_...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 12

… , . . lb V! _V . ,; ;. .. ,; PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECMBER 3, 1922 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mary Grd A' Modern Midas An Appreciation of Lithe, Moon-Blonde* Wonderful Mary' (Mar: Ewin) Ish^l never lose my vision of that dis- her body. Her every dramatic ge - Mary Garden, one o.. the worl turbing, restless figure of silver and ture is a poem in line, unfaltering in greatest singers is coming...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 13

…TH E M ICHIGAN DAILY. '4 V *: ,9 t-= SUNDAY,. DECEMEaR 3,1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER- 1922 ~'W4. ~I of his defunct soul, at the clown of a pretty legitimate extension of An- the universe who uses his only hope ato e France's "adventure of a soul of escape :his ..intellect,. not for_ at- among masterpieces." Interpretation, taining to superiority, but for chasing; classif- lation, catalysis,pedagogy; and moon-beams: in dr...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 14

… .. e W- j: THE MCHIGN T3IL1 PAGCE TFOUR. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 192 -- - a LL ~HE MICHIGAN DAILY Our Student Publications' in the DtanatI Section, where the same group of readers influenced by the criticisms may haveth.-bnefits of a different viewpint. It would seem that a critic ought to Back to Methuselah (Robert Bartron) iterviews and stories reeking with 'most popular of them all....…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 15

….. { _ ..... ....,. . .. .. ...,.,....:x.. s. ,nF..r.xv 1 ryti ra rn cvmrt, ar e"r r. rxrs auxin rEVrar w' University of Ml II 10 HE[LP LEASUE Wllie Heid tn Brbour 4Gynnasiu~n All-ay Fiday and Saturday ALL WOMEN CONTRIBUTE TO 1AJE AFFAIR A SUCCESS Probably the most sinificant dem- on strati on of the spirit and ethusi-. asm with which the University women ) are working -for the League fund will be seen on Friday and Saturday, Dec.t 8 and 9,...…

December 03, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 60) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, Di *"Th ates LERTH 'cw theatrical season. Since Miss1 Ain*. N C m ua "Grandma's Boy,". Harold Lloyd's Fredericks appearance in "Innocent" i AILnewest and most ambitios comedy, in 1914, Mr. Woods has been trying to a Continued from Page Nine.) opens a week's engagement here Sun- persuade the star to abandon her bril-h Publication in the Bulletn constructive notice to members of the pet of the screen world by his mar...…

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