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October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…Sirign ~aI~j. Room For Both .. . . .. ... Z-322 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN TUESDAY. OCT. 3. 1939 PucEFVm i American Republics Pla: Safe Zone For Navigatioi Germany Still Seeks Peac Senators Pittman And Borah Begin Neutrality Discussion By MAk BOYD WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-(AP)-A history-making Senate debate to de- termine whether this country;should lift its ban upon arms sales to bellig- erents began today with Senator Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) declaring...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…turope's War School Books Arena Shown Of Early Day In Map Exhibit Are Displayc Clements Library Display An exhibit entitled "Early Sc Shows Army Positions Books," but containing articles cluding early nineteenth cer ol 17th Century Charts samplers and a Chinese abacu now on display in the front cor 'Plus ca change, plu c'est le meme of the Main Library. chose"-the more things are changed, The samplers, cloth squares the more they. remain the s...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN sler's Scouts Report Michigan State Played Under INTRAMURAL SPORTS NC _., ,. }_ l :I IN THIS CORNER By Mel Fineberg rngs We Knew .. . he postman rang twice today and us this: sear Corner, see by the papers that you as yet e not gone to work on the world es, same of which will be played Wednesday and continuing for d ays. There is only one way in Bch I can interpret this apparent of Iinterest in what has been re- ed to as th...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young Gulliver Gulliver awoke yesterday morning feeling extremely fraught; and if you've never felt fraught, you've missed something. The immedi- ate cause was a nightmare in which Gulliver had been locked in the stacks of the Library and told to find a book which contained the word whisper unprefixed by the word sibilant. Which turned out to be hard, very hard-the leading character in each of 2,363 nove...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

… They really should have stayed home and studied. They should have prepared their next week's assignments. They should have had their eight hours sleep. They should have written that letter home telling about school and asking for money, instead of wiring for it at the last minute with none of the preferred build-up. But did they? NO! So here we are, pounding away, tliinking up trite sayings, quips of all kinds-and why? Because they went to th...…

October 03, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7LASSIFIED ADVERTISING' E MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED LDVERTISING RATES re as of February 14, 1939 er reading line (on basis of rage words to line) for one insertions. er reading line for three or asertions. num of 3 lines per inser- e low rates are on the basis payment before the ad is I. If it is inconvenient for call at our offices to make it, a messenger will be sent up your ad at a slight extra of loc. further informati...…

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