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October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…w n r r r x- -<0 s;IV Y rI~1 . J . - ^ --o C - ~TI 77~ O J 1 4. "- H ; 'r. -. 4 r - - ' "' .- , l ' .-- ,, ~ I J _ ; _' ' i . r :! J _ t" C: e-p 1: ,, f. .f - ; _ . ' f J f ,. / -' ' -- J r- "! '! "'; r' r- r- '; 1. f , J. J: f. ,l: 7 .f I-I'T (f) - _ _ t110: ,- C '/ i 4 .. 1v eiq. l :f J" 1= "1: - J, 1. - o A 17~ fETuS-'^J r =' _' _ - " I f I. _ V !ma h (jr r" . i CF, 'f: "I- , J" . n t - r T: r-* V c^ !^h _ ~ W a ,T 'C...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… II tt 0Q 0c : - L _,, : y ti Y y }} y Y t + V n r -- .,,,' l rr - U C. p H0 - = O a -4 C G L~ w E> f .S -r f. (\ - 4 f . . l l f 44 f { l .. _ ._.. - i .. f ._, _ - _ L .. ,. , r _, a ..., r I: -zZ f rrf. WA - _f ;% - x _ - .. - c .,,; _ = .. -_ W . Ocl) 7 'f .l. .'i f . f r , . _ ! 'I: 7Z: - - - - r . " r r r ,r I - J. t\ ::r .. t . L C7t W _ _ f .. r :r Y r T . v .l '°... ..:i _. _ r r r '" r ., :- .. "' ..- !A ^' . -77...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…- t#L btIClItCAR bAtLV [falilTailoring Wsho tmakes001ur lotrs Father a p rtinent and3 pointed question to be sure, ht our oh- ject int askinv it i to interet you in our Superior Sort of Tailoring. If you are not already a patron of ours, wI wI uld like the pleas ore of making yor all Sit. as a test of our1'ability to it and please yo. There's Nothing Beyond Us in Garment Making. raurnew 'Woolen. are a hofee seletion fronlt the est of Foreign ...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…TH4Z MICHIGAN DAILY Fall IaiIoring Who Iroakeo tour tlotli"'.' Rhather a pertinent and pointed question, to 1,,.e-tO, hut out'oh- t) in akinte it is to itt-;.you in} our'Supe-ior Sort of Tiitring- If you avreriot al ri-ad t a patr'on (if our %, u'We like the pleas- ore of inaking youtr fall suit. as a teet of oor ali ill to it and lea ceyou. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (Garment Making. Ourt'n011WoWolens are a ehoice 'teletctioti front...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…TH11 MICITGAN DAILY I IL Sami Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can D~eliver the Goods SAM DVRCHFIELD & CON 106 EAST HURON STREET COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs in the Latest Designs Mack (Q Co. THlt FARMESRS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND I URPON STRI3eTS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Doe a venral Ia SIng isiasand1 lay 3 pe'o Irtrst n T~inicand Savings ...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- i r ..' :.' ' 1 ' ' . iy.: .Ip' ; r L_ 1 + / 1_ 2y( {- _ 1 - Sys L Fashionable Clothes No effort has beeni spared bN the makers, anid novii)lableIt tailoring skill left onenlisteil, to make 4MADE: AINEW.5YORK GI'rx Y ' Ctnothestthat KEEP P45 tatn' the best that can lbe produced. Yon can see that in the smartness of the styles, the beauty of the w'orkmausliip and the excellence of the material.- and if you try on tie g...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Coar, Main and Washington The Largest Assortmtent of Students' Room Eulruishings. Lamps Waste Baskets lFish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery 11irrors Razors Kanives Scissors Leather (oods Banners Pillows Soaps Jewelry Playing Cards Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarnm Clocks HOAG'S R.AH! R A1H! RAH! ro a b 4chgee Pho to Ne.S)wligtn Ihrtly n100~ t rrtotii, Tlo o aVarsity I' t,r111y Bannetei tooit st. A 10 ...…

October 03, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Car. Main and Washington The Ltarge'st Assortmuent of Students'Room IFoui'ltiigs. La mps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures tlooks Stationery 11irrors Razors Knives Scissors leather (foods Banners Pillows Soaps Jewelry Playing Cards Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price 00 Alarm Clocks H iOAG'Sz KAH! RAI AH! ora Icigan Ptoi et r1ll5 g<i 11on e ervAle) (tot (A ttint r it. A. 1Ali"t I rt.- bt ulty ltA, r ttCi, i 001i i...…

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