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April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…I THE DAILY FOR BALA4NCE: OF THE YEAR MAILED 74LOCAL The Michigan Daily I SUBSCRIBE I 1NOW N1AILED 75c LOC Vol. XXV, 148. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1915. PRICE FIVE CE HOLD MICHIGAN TO Kalamazoo Normal Plays Varsity in 10 Inning Tie Contest in Which Sisler Stars in Box WOLVERINES GARNER ONLY TWO SAFETIES OFF KOOB'S DELIVERY Ferguson Replaces Sisler in Sixth and Pitehes Air-Tight Ball Kalamazoo .held Michigan to a score- le...…

April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…TtE MICHIGAN DAILY You'll be admired and oft' times envied in one of our swell form fitting suits. Suits of fully shrun- ken pure woolen cloth. There's a dash and class to our tailoring that sets off your figure to the best advantage. And another thing, the suit will hold its shape and wear well. Have you ordered your flannel trousers? *1 N P4 L4(l. c O S Just Received a Shipment of -SOLED CANVAS OXFORDS just the thing for this kind of ...…

April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…TRV MICHIG,'AN DAILY i I1 0 0 I if Present the 11 Greatest Galaxy of Thespian Stars 11 ever appearing on the .Michigan Campus! A Or Ii A Partial List of the Funinakers includes I Nutting SMeade Aide n Doyle Wismer Hart. Kerr Scanlon Donaldson McClure McMahon _0' and Twenty Chorus Men of The Glee Club 11 TOMORROW NIGHT 8 P. Ift Air P20 I All Tickets Twenty-Five Cents U1 …

April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…THE' MICHIGAN DAILY --_ - " nL ]RIES in Science very "H WORK zoological in the Un lab- author- designing ries and .e of the is to be .er of the his de- in its e and his associates rk in charge have h every zoological in this country and r countries so that design and accom- be planned for the ent. Not only are Lmulated experience it they themselves m their own exper- any new and here- lities in the way of oratories and room n will be us...…

April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHJGAN L-AILY LOCATION 4- EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT INTEND TO BUY Suits, Overcoats id Furnishings In all the latest and up-to-date styles. ; ,> . l. A } i I have a line of SHIRTS, JECK WEAR that cor..- s all of the nobby ideas Our prices are reasonable for selsonable goods. Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra. charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHAR MACY 524 S. Sta ti str...…

April 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY /Your xein here has prov l, we hope, that you can put your trust in us, believe, in us, have conifi- dence in our 100 per cent. SATISFACTION GUARANTIE, 1 1915 Kodak Catalogs, showing the new models, received this morning One to you for the asking NEW MOD)ELS NOW ON' SALE Make Your Kodak Autographic with a Now Auto Back { To those who have Panama hats wich are of any value at all, the fol- lowing article, copied from "...…

May 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY OIL BALANCE OF THE YEAR AILED 75c LOCAL, The Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE N OW -MAILED 755 LO vn XT- I nA trt ~-TN t Ol. .XXV,\o. 174. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1915. PRICE FIVE PRII FV, Tl AEHO CLUB'SPLANE RUI'NED INFIH Accident Nearly Results Fatally foi F. E. Loudy, on Eve of Regatta Exhibition of Plane cROWD l)Ol SPECTATORS SEE PLIN E INTO BARTON PON]) Student Aeronaut Attributes iMisha p to Tricky 'Gist of ...…

May 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…TiE MICHIGA~N DAILY SEE FOR YOURSELF if 'our garments do not bear. out our contention that wedare originators and money savers. We purchase cloth in large quantities and have the work done under our own personal supervision. Our cutters follow your measurements to a fraction of an inch and with a fitting the result is a perfect suit for you! Cl C' ,g ,! tEAOltru, «^STt :,E ,STREET '' EN I ORS Order your pI1 A D Plate and 100 Cards, $1...…

May 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…vTHE MICHIGAN i.ILK it" ' Visit the Daylight Stor w HATS I biggest line in the City .00 to $6.00 WE HAVE A LINE OF GENIUNE M BEACH SUITS in all the latest Patterns ,i Make your Kodak Autographic Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHARMAACY 324 S. stw to Street COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Sport Coats, White Serge ...…

May 29, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…..-_.--- - - --- - - -._- a -__-___..._._._. -- ----- 1' e . y F ; p ' t ; ;. I Prices start at from 30% to 5001 off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. 1Every one plainly miarked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. IS HERE I Get your Straw or Panama Hat at the Factory Hat Store. Everything the very latestl~n Straws, Panamas, and L~eghorns. We can also mare them up to order and trim'them jus...…

June 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL TIMESA WEE 750SUMMER NEWSPAPER TIMES A WEEK, 75c T H E11111 I Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1915. No. 3. LECIODE DOCDAM BARTLNIE CLOSES FERRY 1 en dsiir'in experienee~a *'OPENS COOSEOF * ® ' ; oratial journalism are urged * FIELUVUMMER RESORT t tryout for The Wolverine * staff. Those who ined to Eork * ION LCTURE *aen the editorial side should get * "Phii" Bartelme's big sport farm, I mere...…

June 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE.,..., _________- THDE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre Thte titasf FCetas Is y ruiCesn Players. Tie official student newspaper for the University of Miciigan summer ]tre 2, ues-;hze Dan i "iob." session. Published by the students on Used to tie new faes yet? Jaes~ se.Ilm stsis"isc" Tucday, Thurday and Saturday af- -__ Junte 3-Wednesdasy--Al Sar Cast i ternoons. Twenty-five issues. Many cone to summer school only Rebooked C.R - , yll e ...…

June 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodoks, Films and Finishing nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON ap"i".g.r.ll ."ilmsN Dif 'S,719 North University Avenue VE LOX single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) (the best paper made) Established 1905, and growing bigger every day llETOOt FACULTY SCATTER ABOUT l125 clVIi, EN.IN E1S WIDELY FOR STMiERSE VACATION ENROLL AT "CA-iP SOG lARD1US' Made to your...…

June 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE BE CAREFUL! where you eat, for these are CAFETERIA days. You "don't take chances" when you EAT AT OR EN'S You inspect everything before you buy it COME OVER TO OREN'S CAFETERIA - J- -During the summer session the Health Service will be under the su- ervision of Dr. H. H. Cummings. Hourei for both men and women will be 9:01 to 12:00 daily. Dr. Cummings will be assisted by Dr. C. P. Cour, and Dr. Elsie S. Pratt will take charg...…

July 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…PRICE 50c THE ONLY OFFICIAL JFOR THE REMAINDERI l FTE UMRI T HW (OL VR1NE NWSPA NSPPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 29i AL-SIADS OSIACE YPSJ CAME FDIDI1f; Today Fr Normal Crew Whill'Try (in Ferry Field j the New Testament as Found in tse 'Jo Avvenge Deifeatof Lasti Manuscripts and Early Tlransla- Week tions," (illustrated), Prof. H. A. - Sanders, West lecture roonm, Plsvsi- EX7PE("rI'llldWl) '1'O)BEgPRESE~l'NTr cal lahorat...…

July 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE I Orpheum Theatre Teofca tdn esae o The HoueofamussnscPlays by Famus Teofca tdntnwpprfr! Players. the University of Michigan summer I - - -_____ session. Published by the students on I '' 'gtl eahrmnasl filleee'eily Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- f y 9-3o ceo a Frda Iaheed the "Please" signs on the eans-I Claire in TIhe Wild GoeC hase ternoons. Twenty-five issues. pe e(adeadatntr vn (teenedy) Paraoe unot'lravei...…

July 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…TILE WOLVERINE [ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O Inothing for devel- in Anl Arbor is at PRN S O oping roll films if I T f U T4 TIID~i~ VELOX I you can find a jL j I 9l c, 719 iNothiU iver it uvenue I(the best paper made) I single defect (IT'wo doors from Hill AuditoriumI I~ Established 1905, and growing bigger every day.j I .N I EJ?1 1iN 1E 1TNT M i st 6, in the high school hall. It wi...…

July 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVEROINE I And a Choice Stock of RECORDS VOIAIT10KEEP WEIL[ SIOWS OEFEC1S IN JOPIC OF LEC[VDE' [1AL1 IOCEMOD Dr. 11. 1, (C'uings ReiewIs IWS .tI~~oilProtf. E. It. Snderlnid Deploes he r ad lfeits fCi ('' litnty i'l'arhs hInAmrican Ilseates .Igry Meb=,ds ENi'HASIZEi 4 ERSO4NA i hia.IEN I, PAi~S6 NLISii A W ilttTtIl)DO Dr. Hf.1. CummingsOf the Unter I his addrss on "Trial by Jut'y" sity Health Service,gae an interst-ryeterday aftern...…

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