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November 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…Ar> O ALN VOL. IX, No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUJESI D~AY, NOVEMBER 29, 1898. X IiL L A VALUABLE GIFT. TAKES IT KINDLY. F. K. Stearns Complete Collection President Harper oif the Chicago - oif Musical Instruments Given to University Congratulates Presi- TT the Universityj. dent; Angell. Hl FINE FALL SUITINGS. H .'rhe UivesCity of Michigan has riday evening President Angell Et E the isost valuable gifts in its history. President Harper o...…

November 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. uf)f . A ocel Experience. AreYou u0 ' A ePisheds Daily (Sundays excepted) duting the ILaw Depatmte alts had an expert- 'f 'o i g Aa Callege yeae, at ence0 ijtolitics which fatlls to tite lot durintg Tltanksgivitng Vacation? If s0 you'll neeid a THE NIVRSIY MCHIAN. of few politiciatis. Hie was elected THEUNVERIT OFMIHIGN. sttrvey or forth ii couty without' leetec:The IlandtetPresex teotto(lck. evenI tknoinl...…

November 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SPECIAL SALE $6.00 -1,.ais., "t.0 (0) " " 4.1 ~PATENTLEAT111 En 5tE 0". .: WEK.) Goodspeed's, 119 S. ~Min St. f+f+++++++++++++±+++++4'+*+4+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++4+#+++++*+ Students' Laundry Association Wso. TOtJGT-Wm. R. FOX, agents for TILE GRAND LAtUNDRY, of DETROIT The best high grade laundrly io the State. The only omochine domestic finish in thte Wect. Gloeefinish also giveno. ...…

November 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE. Philippige iii ir~inn rIo6 S. MAIN ST., and TV. lYE IIVIEfl 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Willijam St., CARRI ES4 UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAIILOR, Mapea siecialty of Fine Bak vs Al Workmansthip. 214 Feast Wasbington S't., nrt50Ave Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, I$Iar9ds Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. AND-...…

October 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…U~ of ~ ___ VOL. IX, No. 30. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1898. Fou Pes. T T D 'VARSITY VS. ALUMNI. four years at quarter and half and Plaler on Class Teans. N'was captain of '96's team. He was The following is a complete sched- wl ragmnsMd o h i eonzda n o h etbcsueo ls ae xetn h Game This Afternoon. in the country and is at present championship game, the (ate of TT The hardest and most interesting Michigan's coach. which will be a...…

October 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…2 THE t7NIlVERSITY OF t+ Inlander for October. f O f f ,Inander made its initial appear- teance this year witla a particularly Published Daily ( e dsy excepted) duringeg strong anumbaer. The editorialco- Collegeyacomat uent is brief and pointed, while the THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. hook reviews and exchange depart- tittacot The Inland Presse, tenning Black. mtent are cared for very ahly. This Bolle Phoest147 year a new plan is presented ia th...…

October 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILOR: 110 E.Washington St. t.............t..t....... .t...........t.....t.....t....t.++*+++....*+*+++* tt. . STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WM. VOUGHT-WM. R. FOX, AGENTS FOR THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The best high grade laundry in the State. The only machine doesetfinish in the West. Olve finish also given. All work prostly, neatly and carefully done. The Excelsior Laundry Co, OF...…

October 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. n ERITiA n ilr m6 S. MAIN ST., and W riiviA N ~We WETMORE, 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., CARRI ES IDEAL UNVRST TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand" and New, FOUNTAIN Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, MTJ4IOR, Has received a new and srvriceabie- lineatofGsdfor TROUSERING. Beat of Workmaanship. 214 East W...…

September 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…gbc N. Of 51. Wailn. VOL. IX, No. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 29, 1898. FouR PAGES. "'WILDi T H E T A I 0 0 FINE FALL SUITINGS. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I a A NEW DOME. One of Steel for Unicersity Hall. The extensive building which has been undertaken about the campus this season is now nearing its close. The chemistry addition is complete, the new Law Building will be ready for use M...…

September 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…* THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ofd p±Y M nrvous energy which will move the( Before Bying Your . ~L I4.whole system, namely increased er-A L U T O O E C A v*saedaly(seelci secepted) sdlting the thuetasm on the part ot the student Colegeyea, a body at large. With confidence inFA L S I OR U K QA THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. the ability of those in charge to oe- ced, the undergrduatewciii feel etho- See (fur s. We -gtarautee the Style, Worknua...…

September 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…'W THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 in our $3 HAT is the best duality hatters T H E F U Rfur that is brought to Aineria-and is worked only by riE ..I - -the roost skilled hat makers-Our three dollar hats are uot built to ll tog~ether only 000 season-they are made to wear a much longer period, and there is a distinguished character and rich appearance possessed by our goods as long as they last. All our fashionable styles are exclusive in s...…

September 29, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 HiNVRST FMCHGNDIY ob S M A N S . anST D N S W WWould you nave m oney ? Then buy W li m S . your Books at the CARRIES BTU DBNT& UNIVERSIITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, DUUOSTORE Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, SHEEHifl & GO$) State Jtreet. For First Year Law Students We have Cooley's Blackotone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley 'Torte, Huffeutt's Caseo on Contracts, Buordick Sales, Murdi...…

June 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 199) • Page Image 1

…t hc tl* of IMF low, r r r n r VOL. VIII. No. 199. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN SPONCES. The kind that wears well and gives satisfaction. A new line just received of all sizes and prices from five cents up. Wilder 's Pharmacy tSenior Class Day Exercises. Dar...…

June 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 199) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. eublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building, 329 S Main St. Telephone (New Sate)189. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TodMAs '00 L. BUSINESS IANAGER O. H. HAss, '00 L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAN,'98L., Athletics. E. L. GeiouEn, '11 L G. 0.HUDNsUTT, 1111 T. R. WooDROw, '98 F. EN LoNe t'18. F. D. EAMAN,'00 R. S. DANFORTH, '98 P. W. JONEs, '99. C. H. LuND, '...…

June 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 199) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Novelties in Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's, all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2.0...…

June 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 199) • Page Image 4

…THE. UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MACK & CO. Special Rates on Photos AT- Millinery The Berryman Studio Department ! s e 2nd Floor FORgis Bar airs ! (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. JOS. W. KOL L AUF Makes a specialty of Graduating and Full Dress Suits. 18 E. WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. W. J. BooTH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SossnoAs, 2d Vice-pros. JOHN C. WALZ, Asst. Cashier. Sta...…

April 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 156. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRtDAY, APRIL i9 1898 PwcE-3 CENTS. At Wild's, Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... Suitings, . Trouserings, Top-Coasts. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN ' ;I TO-NIGHT'S DEBATE. All Arrangements Made- Sketches of Our Debaters. Nearly all the details for the annual Chicago-Michigan debate which takes place tonight in University hall have been completed. Prof. Tru...…

April 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…TRE UNIVEMITYLOF MICHIOAN DAILY, * A4~t ~ih+i Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrE:s Tires. building, 39 S. Malo St Telephone (New State) e89. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, '00L. BUSINESS RANAER o. H. BANs,'00 L. EDITORS H, B. SKILMAN, '98 L., Athletc. E. ..Gmoosls, '3 L . B, Wooow, '53 F. ENGELHARD,9'3. F. D. EAMAs, '00 0.D. HUDNUrT, '00 ,. S. DANFOrTH, '98 P. W. JoNEs, '99. C. H. LUND...…

April 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. See Our Swell Display of Summer Neckwear For Quality, Correct Styles, and Square Prices-We are the "Onliest." AN EXCLUSIVE LINE OF WASHABLE NECKWEAR, Madras, Cheviot, Ginghams, in Combination Stoczs, Ascots, Strings and 4-in-hands. Alfred Benjiman's, Fancy Vests, Crash and Cloths-swell patterns. We can fit you in any style of gloves. Our $1.50 Gloves are especially strong. Ask for "No. 30." Every pair guarante...…

April 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE UIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN DAILY. , ~ * -- f LA REST SHOWING NEWEST FANCIES In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- ments, Etc , selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets sold are trimmed. Do you want to see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring Millinery? Visit this depart- ment, 2d floor, this week., MAC ore Having Your Photo's Taken PECTTfEt.IORK ..AT... Trryman tdio (Successor to Gibs...…

March 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…lpc O SDAY, MARCH 29, 1898. PRcE--3 CENTP. VOL. VIII. No. 129. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUE At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top,-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN SEC'Y ALGER REPLIES. almost none with whom he was a quainted as students. He was a char- The General Sends -'a Tele ra ter member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity and as a student was actively to th...…

March 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY of volume 1 he gives a sketch of the 3eforeo&H 7= gYour document, and on page 262 a reproduc- tion of Font's map of his route. John Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Russell Bartlett in hia Narrative of the Callege year, at the United States and Mexican Boun- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. dory Commission, i850-1353," :: h B e r IOcu~: Timnes building, 329 S. Main St. largely from this journal. He stat h ...…

March 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHfIGAN DA1L*. Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits ------INw .,....tadies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Waists.....F, Never has the advent of spring brought to our dosr such elegant UL TRA F'SIiIONAB E aL:.dies rx - Wearing Apparel. suchl EXQUISITE EXCLUSIVENESS as we are u owc showiug in our cloak toom. Every garment his that thorough TAILORED STYLISIINESS, that air of GRlAIFUL DEBNR o~aSO 7 t munco dcosircd by effective...…

March 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…W. J. BoomePres. W. AROasD,ist Vice-pros J. V. SnEnnAN, 2cd Vice-Pres. Joun C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. .nE UIMV ERSJTY OF MIC EIGAN DAILY. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. SCHOOL OF DANCING. The Store Private y A. Token MR. OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. JOS* W.eOL~ 11N E. WASHINGTON ST. UP .STAlRS. of HO DRINKERS OF C( S pring! , Deaii & Co.'s leinded Coffee ist i in asting coffee, and prod ueps t ; .t t , ,k y ru . :;. f :: ' 3. 3.. , ± ,5:: ~ :e .eY ......…

January 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII, No. 87. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTP. WILE Has received a full line oi for Fall and Winte Suits, Trousers, and Overc 10. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Al legrett"i's Chocolate* Fresh ever; Only in pa( 60c a pound Lowlley's prefer. PALMERS' 'PHARM PPSA FOR THE NEXT WE Feet received afcresh supply ef '!llems and Werners Chocolates. la the city. Lunches ats all heurs. R'. B. J0bLL"Ya 808 Souehs State Sl nhot ...…

January 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…2 ~THE UNVEtITY1_OF MICHIGAN DAILY ~j, ~ ~ j1~ to live. The Monroe doctrine hs l~f to i tt~l ,been reognize by England in the Before 3 ai~ o 55.1-__ ae of Venezuela, where England ohb- Published Daily (Sundays ecepted during fltted her claim to arbitration. If the Ph t ' Ta e INSPECT THE WORK thdleeer t award fails mdclitation is to be resot- Flo oS T k n..AT. - THE UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN.Ma ed to again before war, and ths theT h of Orriont: T...…

January 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…3 THE UNIVERSITY 01? 5MICIGAN DAILY. r Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THNE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed.- All kinds of Styles Sweaters " ink all the Combinations of Shirts ... Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Warn- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply smohgren odo -Linen Bosom 450c. The Underwearsoot gamnvido best shirt in the market to-i any scratching; ma...…

January 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…THE UNMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store W. W. Wetmore, .....O G.ain St., an 342 S. State St. )UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, Department !I $2.70 The adjoi ning outs represent 2 of our tny styles of LADIES' WE3LT SLOES That we are offering this week at 2.70 These shoes are all of this season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $2.70 IIAS ...…

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