March 29, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 124) • Page Image 5
…I 9 F ORthe stu den-i± pif. -the urbVNSot rivals all for rftpcci work. 17 black degre .: an 3 copying. Amfferican Leia Pencil Co. ; 2zo Fifth Pve, NewYork ' - :...., n... i _-. ry_1 d L_ __._ _ J. Lt ] .kt .... y ._. ,. - - Ik i ~pDDS~ H~[ WL IF. jiWidstoe Elected to High Church Post E~gS WIL GgDrJohn Andreas Widsto, Presi- Irn'-uun ri-urn ,~,dent of th~e University of Utah, educa- iI.EiiHI. ~I.HI~L~ HII.I- rauthoi' and scientistNwas elec...…