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January 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…~I8 EAR. ANN ARBOR, MIH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 1902. No. 0 JMS AMLO LEWIS. THE LECTURE SYSTEM. J!HOP CONCERT. HAMILTON WRIGHT MABIE. YoDung Brilliant Orator of Washington Has its Limitations, But is Often Su- 'Varsity Clubs Will Appear in Unixer- 'Tte Literary Critic Speaks Beforear Tonight. perior to Text-Book. sity Hall Feb. S. s. L. A. Audience. K4ALatii i Kn At'- in t ntt It 1 a 011' o Il 041'A n Oi l(.itlit iti 11 itlas 1 i'llI ll"n t o ...…

January 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS WILD 600 LEADING MERCHANT ThIL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue styles, and a v'ery fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings. in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. ONE OF OUR HOT WATER BOTTLES would prove a blessing wont its weight in gold durn, this season of COLDS & GRIPPE 75C to $ 1.50 UCAMI R"S l11 SPLs lz O ' RE WATCH FOE-...…

January 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…Tllh uc MIcA ' DA1IY-NEWS The Most Gouvio~ino Thing that sWe '2011 10dotrat would tendI to inducesou to bty + STEIN BLOCH CLOTHES+ wCould be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how + good these clothes arc Tire makers attach their label be- S neath the coam collar ot their coats, and they are so proud of + their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of ttyle. fabrics or ...…

January 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGAN DAILY -NEWS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __4 4 4 4 , 0 -'-- -- - - - -- - - - -3-- -'-- - - Saturday, ,,Jan. 25, 1902. $1987 DERBY HAT SALE $198 ;. o IS TILE ONLY WAGNER & CO. THIS DAY ONLY pRIGED DERBY WE SELL i2t-123 SOUTH fRAIN ST. -- VWWWWWWWWWW VWWWWVWWWVV VWW WVVWVV riGkw!GK IMillard rarlors and Bowfliu 707 NORTH UNIVELRSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!II TUha tmeumthe 'boa tof everytig: '3 RIICE lc+,iI bENT and ROADBEDI. WihN rlor3at...…

March 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…a - , S , r .., is {3' ; ar -- s . s ; C1F ^ } iL ' i i^ yy iy ' 1 34 , ...__ , i--_- FENCING TOURNAMENT, A Larse Craed hlrjoyed t Contest. Dr. May( Made ai Hit. L ill Ai llE E E I I I u I t i l t ' l I t 1}:' ANN' t L U -NII Cf1.. S AT CV A. XY, MANR &fll 1-1 PROGNOSIS GOOD Brueit Said; al C.: a 3 C i BASEBALL INSTRUCTORS tM Li No I37 1;:r t {ailngArc-Light. l<I 7t I 'a t 'io- 'it s ~la 'i,' '1:}} 4t"I ii1 f~i~' iti ~lt 11:t 't'ii 55a01"Ii.-t...…

March 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…AN' )~~.7i *NW' T-% 7T, T . -' _ t~ LLI Q I . r~ 4M H Z2 J 1 r CL r i11 }Base Ball Mitts :.5et leather in hev;' itC t ' . Extra a+ hel. Laced bac'l i1trup and buckle tst- : n . lor cace, Lrst 1)asej fiel eders st fron M IC SA 4 D -L #f t NESS SANAC S ~ o- II-, . C t t. j~ l' 'I r } II xchange, Note :1 lxii S ' I i t i1 1 T Ii " ti rirt r" :rtr i i :t r Ji ri":{il t" i° t rr lll irl t t)Il - irr i r int :rrr t t"r" rrr t 1r4 ' it il3 tlt tj Il...…

March 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…''L T CMOtGo qir STE;N-BLOC H _STEI N-B LOC HC LINIIWNSGUMIIJ EGYt PTIANm DEITIES bN etter Turkish Cigarettes can bemade."* C ILk p e CLOTHES . , , i ' -i+ '; i . s .}. l .s , There is None bectter Than (1ur, \\ 'ater NMotor CENTRIFUGE .12ltt' i:Y; L 4 t' .1<H':V.HiH EE RBAH ;SO H-Impor'aters&Hanfatuer CLOTHES 1.+++1 1 4-).+ iim i- i.-H ® 1 +r 1 r tb ygr 9L 1 fig ,i f l rt !i - ,i r E t 6HCK 'JtLVV f. 1 The br i x on R. S. PAUL, Whn o ByYnirl ...…

March 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…'i C LINS L ' P11 ' 4")' 4 '- " . " 7.+- , '+ +"' . .-a. To ...++ ' ,.+ w. .c ' "- -- .. ''"$ i TERr ;11 Stray, nbcrrics for)1' 1..ushe and Sundays,. IAB A CV 3-24SOST EsT H 4ii i.. . . . .+ +++44 ii++ MOMwGKI IBard rdvorsd d owM~lBQ 707 R NX PTHE HOOKING VALLEY RY.1. Vi-dAITOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Waite -1.W.LAN DIAN General Tra elin' Agynt DETRT,1 1 i LINEN PAPER 15.24). 25 and 304c a lb. AT1 SOHALLER'S 'BOOKSTORE; 15SS MAIN STREET *..Th Ta4r CALE...…

April 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

….77 F jlt? YEAR. A TO RESCUE THE OLD BELL RATHER M4N ARBOR, MS H., TUE SLDAY. API'L V 102. Noa. 148 R CARELESS PRACTICE CLASS BASE BALL HARD WOR40%UT YESTERDAY Dr. Randall is Organizing a Search Party to Rescue the Bell Stolen by the Class of 18G30 Followed Saturdays Victory Over Be- loit.--Promising New Candidate Out for Shortstop 1903 Law Looks Best Se Far-The The Finc Wsa er Brought Out the 1904 Laws Will Also Be Strong.- Some Captains Alre...…

April 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…[THE~ I(aNAEY-EV 1. Ln o C1 r 0 IO 0 2W V1 tn a) In The L, of ?l, DAILY, rI } MICHIGAN OAILY"NEWS PUB.CO. tac.) V.1"- .W yra. XV.V R. H / BUfRI-SS 1VAA(JFW #'1)ITOk a llr~ 1'. .. I l 2, 1!' 1lIl l ''', IS i i I, 1 I lI , I . _ Buying Golf Clubs c~z~c ,+ i , IC clubs t'1w1 111 2Raranteed to) l:,r ti£; at sfactorv.QOl" W ()Cd (11 i be aLe Made tiOll I1-.' tinlest hickorY' The 'Al'(! Of 1horse 1id Th1 1 t ''l3 are I I S ,tell usedI rIN IlII. ' fi...…

April 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…TIRE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS The MstGOIVIHRiIIU Ili190 j 4 ecadd a thateUzill 1 w .®nd toinduce o oba STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would 'be to itoduce ou to aman who haswort:tr iC e cannot command(1th e lnguage with which tote,!i so 11(3 Sgood these clothes a:,-. The makers attach ther abe he- nseath the coat colar of their coats, and they are s o ,do faeirseputatosf that siot the slightest defert therof stye, fabic or ta - -- is p rnmitted to enter any t...…

April 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…THE MAIIOAN DAM - N IWS NEW KODAKS A ~ CALKINr' PABRMACY 324 5.STATST riGKMiGKBtIirO Pd! ws aifiNORn 7c7 NORTH UIVEh RSITV AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RCY. I I n aan nhe etof0 nsert 0 IL E CE [IiREN T anti ROADEM'. Y s~ t lsTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDrIAN. General Traveting Agent. DETROM F MIII6A N. LINEN PAPER' 15, 20, 25 and ;;0c a !b. ___AT SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 116 S MAIN STREET FULDE ....The Tailor.... EDISON WRITING RING A msarvelo...…

May 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…IV% lc AW VA Ole,, FIRSTr YEAR. AINN ARBIOR, MIH., THIURSDJAY, MAY 29, 1902 No. 174 OFFr FOR fHICAG eiotd of AitlLzilln OFF~ ~ ~ FO HIAO lae to hiOi it, oln, fori third pilacen. N i 1 V r I l 1110 liisfa.ool Track Team Leaves Tomnorrow-A even ild like;s l throNv of 120 Forecast of Results 'nl odd Seet Ilime wvin Thle sotn 1put ouliil 'o liw 0011 by itolLlilg th, 1, , ill iloi w ih SoliillI 111111 Sno0w in for ~te illi 'Ih Iino Se I o evenl t. ...…

May 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…l di-- rU. 0w L4 0 Wi 22 in THlE A IIIGA The U, of Al. IDAILY, 1tih Yar Te'VAIOSlir NEWSU, Y:. MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. CO.( Ire-) 7 H.( . -. Sicy., W. A. tinilt MANAING EDITOI4, ill- "l Ill WX. MAXEY. 15IUINESS lIANALLFR, ED~ITOR-S, A UtSIV KJ ,NiI. I,'K.'U S.ANIii t ISi i Ii I Iii R IT 1-:ditor All-Nill, )I* III,, NVIlIverine, has heon 'ivon the Ims-ilion 411' city editor (III the ('fin nc;t III W iio, Nc\\- :. W o I- ngr:IIIII Ito Illo N, w...…

May 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…TII]MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS t*"4..44.+++4.4.444.4.4. .14 q- + I- 4... ++++++4-44444444444- 4.4.I IThe Most 6onvinGinu Thig that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES Would '.be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with whilch to tel'l you how good these clothes are. The makers attachI their 6:.e- Inratls the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation,...…

May 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 4


October 29, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…77, -,e / - ' -4 - m C1: "' i w : ii :; ; ; _ j . , ,# r . S 1 i <11 t _._._.. t f' f r-- E H T j 17- a jt j, (li I Cv i F .,j y ' .1 . ;/ 'F J F' _ .' - !'" _ .. e. z m m' m ,s; :.: .~e . ;' I , I c _ ' __ v. { _ 'f. ... _ _ ; {: J !, _ i 4 - …

October 29, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…Tril.E y Z II[ X DA.Ixt NiEwI> 1DAUYTIT, A 4.~yiasu i~hechath have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The X largest assort-' ment in zThe city isto l. 1lIII , ieAIRiIX NI X I.b ThXXcI:a ~i il -H' ti iu MXANAGIN EITIORe, EARXLE'I .IIX- N.i' BIUSINEISS i1ANAhOk<, I0,4:0 II. XX S'XI N. '0I .1 XHIII ', tiILNd:RXAl. NIXI S I I. T !lXii +f. ' ii ll S 1' t'i , t It iH H > >\ : IX N o 1 i t(' i th II 1111H i iis c- IX liii>$4.0...…

October 29, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…T[HE MIC111GAN DAILY--NEWb FU N S A. Extract from the Laws of the T HER IGHIT THINGS AND 4o -irso,firm,.coporaion or soi1 ENOUGH OF THEM :o tion t t aes or slou r otters toiel or -dispos o f or has0 in isO, her, or'its0posse'- Sitll sitlt fint tto sloi rt d~isos o, any Is oh ii I 45>s thist ore10,'ini close 4 i(_liars or rolls mtirotd, stamped or trandttollelIi "ts it the itlt-ft 111111of1the slowill)tW torts lo inen,' 1 li is o 0 Llt ix 10110...…

October 29, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICRIIAIN DAILY- NEWS A ETER MINATION SALE { We call it a [determination Sale because we are determined not to move anything that cut prices will sell. Don't think about this sale too long, we can keep it going but a short time. Alfred " Benjamin & Cos high grade customn made suits and overcoats. 4ILOVES CLEANED! Lovell's Corner Store' Cl.M 342 5. State Wit. Dv Ii I I1 I iI I ' I Hoe Spply Store.,\ b i tiI:N 'soIttlIS. Ll II I) l1 Ii.t11 ...…

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